Re: [CTRL] [corp-focus] Marc Rich's Hidden History as a Union-Buster

2001-02-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now if Clinton did not know - well it is alleged Rich's ExWife, probably
a divorce of convenience so they cannot touch his monoey - why did she
pay 100 visits to White House presuming this is true - but the records
have all be subpoened..

Do you believe Clinton does not know anything?  Is he really so stupid -
or did this poor innocent walk into another trap here - he did not know
back in the 80 period that the blood he sold of prisoners who had AIDS
and HIV he did without knowledge - this blood went all over the world
and nobody seems to give a damn?

You think he did not know what happened at Waco - what did he say "The
Davidians murdered themselves".now this loop hole lawyer used the
term "murdered" - like Vince Foster murdered himself?

As for Linda Tripp - who the hell would hire someone like that - at
least Clinton deserved some loyalty - it seemed to me the ones who
discovered what a liar and fraud he was, left because they found it
difficult to lie - the great awakening?

So Clinton wants to play the ladies man- well according to his medical
reports, I would think twice about any type of an affair with this
man...he is getting old before his timeas is his lovely wife.

Well maybe someone will kidnap him for he is wanted as a war criminal,
along with Albrightthink anybody would bail him out if he would be
held a hostage?

This man not only sold what few principles he had, but he sold out his
country - so he wanted the spotlight.

Let him have it for the Spotlight is on you Bill not see
too many people now wanting to share it with him..">
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[CTRL] [corp-focus] Marc Rich's Hidden History as a Union-Buster

2001-02-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> Marc Rich's Hidden History as a Union-Buster
> By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
> Longtime fugitive from justice Marc Rich has become the most
> notorious
> recipient of a presidential pardon since Richard Nixon. President
> Clinton
> issued a pardon for the commodities trader in the final hours of his
> tenure
> in office.
> What is now widely known about Rich has cast a dark cloud over what
> Clinton hoped would be a glorious exit from the presidency. Charged
> with
> income tax fraud and conspiracy, Rich fled to Switzerland, from which
> he
> could not be extradited. Living in the lap of luxury, he continued
> his
> wheeling and dealing in international commodities markets, including
> through trades with apartheid South Africa. He invested heavily in
> seeking
> a pardon, courting the Israeli government (dethroned Israel President
> Ehud
> Barak personally lobbied Clinton for Rich's pardon), hiring
> top-ranking
> officials from Democratic and Republican administrations to represent
> him,
> and relying on his ex-wife to lavish money on Democrats during the
> Clinton
> years.
> What is not widely known, at least outside of West Virginia and
> certain
> labor circles, is that Rich played a central role in one of the
> highest
> profile union-busting efforts the United States has seen in recent
> decades.
> In the early 1990s, Marc Rich was the power-behind-the-scenes at the
> Ravenswood Aluminum Corporation (RAC) facility in Ravenswood, West
> Virginia,
> site of one of the most embittered U.S. labor-management disputes of
> recent
> decades.
> The Ravenswood conflict has been chronicled by Tom Juravich and Kate
> Bronfenbrenner in their inspiring account, Ravenswood: The
> Steelworkers'
> Victory and the Revival of American Labor (Ithaca, New York:
> ILR/Cornell
> University Press, 1999).
> In 1990, in a premeditated effort to break the union, RAC locked out
> its
> 1,700 workers, members of the United Steelworkers of America, and
> hired
> permanent replacements.
> As the contract deadline neared, RAC installed surveillance cameras,
> new
> security systems and a chainlink fence around the perimeter of the
> facility.
> The night of the lockout, the company brought in a goon squad
> security force
> equipped with riot gear, clubs, tear gas and video cameras used to
> constantly monitor the workers' pickets. The goons introduced a
> climate of
> fear and made violence on the picket lines, and in the town, an
> ever-present
> fear.
> Caught unprepared, the Steelworkers' local was able to keep all but a
> handful of workers from crossing the picket line and union solidarity
> was
> strong and militant, but RAC was ready to wait the workers out.
> As the lockout progressed, the Steelworkers' international union
> became
> engaged, and eventually launched a corporate campaign to complement
> the
> local's efforts. That corporate campaign took them to Marc Rich.
> The Ravenswood plant, which had been owned by Kaiser Aluminum for
> four
> decades, passed into the ownership of RAC in 1988. The union
> discovered
> that, behind a convoluted corporate ownership smokescreen, stood one
> man
> with a controlling interest in RAC: Marc Rich.
> It is unlikely that Rich initially knew what RAC was up to when the
> lockout began -- RAC was just a piece in his global corporate puzzle.
> But
> about four months into the conflict, the union had made the Rich
> connection and was calling on him to end the lockout.
> "From that point on, Rich was culpable for what went on and the
> suffering
> the Ravenswood workers went through," says Bronfenbrenner.
> For 20 long months, the workers lived on minimal strike benefits, six
> months
> worth of unemployment benefits and donated food and supplies. Being
> out of
> work for so long, even from a lockout where union solidarity remains
> high,
> takes an emotional toll to match the financial one. It is no
> exaggeration
> when Bronfenbrenner speaks of the suffering of the workers and their
> families.
> As the Steelworkers tracked Rich to Switzerland and began applying
> pressure
> on his business operations in Europe, the corporate campaign moved to
> a new
> plane and the union discovered how extensive was Rich's reach.
> Soon they found themselves negotiating with Leonard Garment, White
> House
> Counsel under Richard Nixon, and William Bradford Reynolds, the
> number two
> at the Reagan Justice Department. Both Garment and Reynolds worked
> for Rich
> -- who would later show that he was right to trust in high-priced,
> politically connected legal help when Jack Quinn, former Clinton
> White House
> Counsel, would do the crucial work to win Rich his pardon.
> As the Steelworkers' campaign got closer to Rich's significant
> financial
> interests, union representatives received numerous death threats.
> When left-leaning Michael Manley was elected president of Jamaica in
> 1989,
> the Steelworkers were hopeful he would