-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I do not think that there is intelligent
life in space!
I think they are just like

the eyes see because the rods in the eyes are
Plants move to light because it is needed, (excited?)
Plants to Animals to humans  -  why?
How are humans different from plants or ants?

What would a self aware computer be like?
All logical knowledge, intolerant of error?
Is that what the communist want, is that what
they perceive as reality?
To be so efficient that humans are not needed?

Why are humans here?
Because we can learn and evolve.
Wouldn't a self aware computer learn and evolve?
The problem is that it would not excite bacteria and
other intellegences as well as be able to
convert energy.

All knowledge has the potential of being put into
a database but why would a self aware computer need to
use it?
-To live more efficiently!
But wouldn't a computer see it's self as efficient already?
-To be able to enjoy things more!
But what does a computer enjoy?
=The computer is efficient because it does not need
anything, it is logical because it does not need to think
up new ways of doing things.  Once you have a need and
try to figure out a way of satisfying that need you are not
efficient because you have to use your assets or acquire
more.  The computer is efficient because it has no needs they
are all taken care of by that human that wants.
Wants to acquire, capitalize, control.

Communist are ants, locked into a society that tells them
that if they want anything, need anything, acquire anything or
capitalize on anything that they are not efficient- to not be
efficient is to be less than perfect.  That they
should feel guilty about doing so - unless they are willing to
give it to someone else.  At the same time they are required to
support the state and that supporting the state means that
no one else can  be ahead of them - which means that a
communist state will devolve and stagnate on it's own -
it has to take from outside sources to stay alive.
Communism is an ant type society that has to have a
large number of workers to keep each queen alive.
The difference is that the queen is productive and
the workers are self sufficient.

A King, Queen, or Emperor has to be willing to
fight on the front line and in some wars if
the countries head person was taken or killed
that country lost.  Why?  Because they represented
the country.
Would Hitler or Clinton or Bush be such that
independent people that knew them well would
follow them, trust them?
The only ones that would willingly follow
these kind of people are the ones that are/were
afraid of getting screwed by
Hitler or Clinton or Bush
or think that they have control of these
Hitler was supported (money and otherwise)
by people like Bush Sr.
Clinton is supported (money and otherwise)
Bush Jr. is supported (money and otherwise)
Now is Bush Sr. or Hillary smart enough to
support themselves or are they supported?
Hillary was told about cattle futures and
proved that she was a incompetent during
Nixon (WaterGate) investigation.  Bush Sr.
is a sadist that likes children and
apparently has very little control of
himself much less anything else.

Communist see these people as Americans,
yet their transcripts show that they are
what the communist idea breeds - parasites!

A self aware computer that has wants and needs -inefficient.

Computers replacing humans - the computers thought
would not excite bacteria and other intelligent
matrixes so it would not evolve.  If humans advocate
getting rid of a large number of other humans then
we will be replaced BY
ants to do the housekeeping of planet earth.
Communism is not a herd type - top stud (reindeer)
They are an ant type society where individual thought
and emotions are to be suppressed, repressed to conform
so that they are easier to control in mass.

To think that everything can be computerized, sterilized
- logical.
Why are humans here is a self aware computer is the ultimate?
Why have worlds and bacteria?
-Once you have pure thought what does it think about?
Could the sun be alive? It is an energy matrix like our brain.
Could other energy sources be alive?
How are humans different?  We can move and manipulate things.
So can apes and ants.
How are humans different?  We are absurd, ridiculous, fun,
exciting, logical, illogical not only capable of adapting to
our environment but capable of adapting the environment to us.
That puts apes out but ants can do that.
How are humans different from ants or a self aware computer?
We think and get excited, our brain evolve because we get into
situations and have to remember or figure out how to get out of
those situations.

If you swim and get into trouble trying to get to air by
climbing on the lifeguard can kill you and the lifeguard.
But that seems to be the current idea of the
One World Government - push everyone down.

Or else to throw everything out and start over - if you
are stuck out in water are you going to try to learn a
new way to swim - at that time or build on what you learned
Piper Creations (t) A Purist, not Puritan Creator
ThePiedPiper - Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton
(c)31 March 2000

Kris Millegan wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> Yes, indeed.
> Yeah ever read Waldo, by Heinlin?
>  Moon is a Harsh Mistress?
> Om
> K
> In a message dated 3/31/00 8:14:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >-Caveat Lector-
> >
> > -Cui Bono?-
> >
> >
> >
> >I'm reading a science-fiction (or izzat science-future? .. seems like a
> >lot
> >
> >of the stuff that was science-fiction 30 years ago is commonplace today)
> >...
> >
> >book called "Diaspora" that deals with some of the questions below, as
> >
> >consciousness migrates from flesh to silicon & nanotech.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Dave Hartley
> >
> >http://www.asheville-computer.com/dave

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