-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 141

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--Divide and conquer (Hells Angels)
--GM Criticism Growing Worldwide
--[freeradical] MILITANTS & MODERATES
--Israeli commandos training with US Marines
--Mad Cow Disease Called International Threat
--Invisible eco-warrior `elves' of ELF wage stealth campaign
--Caught in the Cold (Davos)
--When Do Demonstrators Become--Terrorists?


Saturday, January 27, 2001

Divide and conquer



'The Hells Angels? What are they fearing? They hide in plain sight.' -
Ontario cop


Like an army, the Hells Angels made a pincer move through Ontario to try to
surround its rival the Bandidos.
In a bloodless manouevre, the Hells swallowed up four biker gangs in late
December to contain the former members of the Rock Machine, who had become
probationary members of the Bandidos.
Police say the military-like moves are all about the Hells Angels securing
its underworld market share in the province.
At the same time, bike gang leaders really hope the "business move" doesn't
become an act of war.
Biker warfarelike that in Quebec which to date has killed 156 people since
1994 -- is bad for business. Too much public outcry and police attention
interferes with biker interests in drugs, extortion, strippers, prostitutes
and other operations.
"We don't want to start a war in Ontario like we did in Quebec," said a
former Rock Machine member turned Bandido. "We are still working for peace.
We don't want the shto happen again. It's not fun for anybody."
Sgt. Guy Ouellette, the Surete du Quebec's expert on bike gangs, agrees
that gang leaders are trying to avoid largescale bloodshed in Ontario. He
noted the Hells spearheading the move into Ontario weren't involved in the
Quebec war.
"The guys who are making the expansion want the peace. They want to make
big bucks," he said.
However, Ouelette said it's unreasonable to expect just friendly rivalry
with the Bandidos "because it's major league.
"They are pissed because they lost the monopoly of the country and having
another international organization ... trying to choke them," he said.
"If the Bandidos can keep their heads out of the water, they will survive
and they will become stronger after that, because those who will not be
happy with the way the Hells Angels do business will go on the Bandidos side."
The Hells have a history of killing, he said. "If they want to take over
your territory, they won't hesitate to kill you.
"The Hells Angels don't care. They are self-sufficient. The worst thing in
Ontario is that they opened 168 different franchises the same day."
Ontario's biker brotherhood underwent an abrupt change last month, with
former enemies becoming friends, and friends becoming adversaries.
The process had started last summer with the rapid expansion of the
Quebec-based Rock Machine into Ontario. Then, the Bandidos and Hells Angels
roared into the province.
For decades, Ontario's bikers had operated in relative peace.
The Hells Angels peddled in Franco-Ontario communities, particularly in the
north. The Vagabonds, Para-Dice Riders, Outlaws, Red Devils, Last Chance,
Lobos, Satan's Choice and Loners were based primarily in southern Ontario.
Then, last year, the Rock Machine opened three Ontario chapters within
three months, Eastern, Toronto and Western, bolstering its numbers with
defecting Outlaws.
Younger Outlaws embraced the upstart Quebec-based gang, which was then
warring with the Hells Angels. But Outlaws national president Mario Parente
was incensed at the Rock Machine for raiding his membership.
Last month, the brotherhood of bikers changed again when the Bandidos
swallowed the Rock Machine. The new Bandidos were hit Dec. 7 as Quebec
City's Integrated Regional Task Force nabbed 15, including chapter boss
Fred Faucher, Marcel Demers, and Simon Bedard, a Quebec chapter founder and
thought to be its drug supplier.
The Hells Angels, in turn, assimilated four Ontario gangs.
The changes ushered in new relationships. Everywhere in the world, the
Bandidos and Outlaws are allied, but in Ontario that alliance would become
strained, while the global animosity between the Hells and Outlaws would be
tempered here.
The Hells' Ontario network will get even larger, police believe, with more
than 40 Red Devils in Hamilton, Canada's first outlaw biker gang, expected
to don the Death's Head.
Toronto's Vagabonds are also viewed as future members, despite internal
strife, which saw the removal of long-time president Peter (Crow) Lordon
and four other members. Sources said Lordon and the others held secret
talks with the Hells Angels to arrange a patchover, but other members balked.
A police source said the Hells' also approached the Loners in Woodbridge
and Chatham. Another source said the gang is in disarray, trying to decide
which side to take.
However, a Loners' member refuted the sources. "Nobody gave us any
ultimatums. Nobody gave us anything," he said. "We're not going
anywhere.  We're just going to be who we are. We're not going to take
anybody's side.
We don't want to take anybody's side."
Det. Staff-Sgt. Don Bell, of the Provincial Special Squad, said the PSS is
taking a wait-and-see stance with the re-making of the province's bikers.
However, Bell said, authorities do have major concerns.
The Ontario clubs now have access to worldwide organizations, with Hells'
North American chapters linked to South America, Africa, Australia and
Europe"with access to larger amount of drugs, more resources and things of
that nature."
The Bandidos' network ties North America, Europe and Australia. They are
allied also to a biker gang in Thailand.
The bikers' new alliances have also upset the balance of power of
traditional organized crime.
"In the past," one cop said, holding his hands in front of him, "the
Italians were up here and the bikers there.
"The tables have turned in the last 10 years, either the Angels are above
or even," he said, realigning his hands. "The other (groups) are secret.
The H.A.s? What are they fearing? They hide in plain sight."
Heavily-fortified walls surround a compound and building at the quiet
corner of rues Provost and du Prince in Sorel, Que., about 70 km northeast
of Montreal.
It houses the Hells Angels' mother chapter, the centre of the gang's
eastern bloc, which stretches from the Ontario-Manitoba border to the
Atlantic Ocean.
It's from this chapter and another in Quebec City that the Hells waged
their bloody drug war against the Rock Machine.
Since July 14, 1994, bikers and their associates killed 156 people,
including six innocent victims. One was Daniel Desrochers, 11, who was hit
in the head by metal fragments when a Jeep was blasted with a Hells' bomb
in 1995.
The war left another 173 wounded, including Journal de Montreal reporter
Michel Auger. He was shot six times on Sept. 13, 2000.
Quebec police are still looking for 13 others presumed dead.
Only a dozen of 110 Hells took on the defiant Rock Machine in Quebec, using
its network of puppet gangs to do the killing.
"Being a biker here is for real. Being a biker in Ontario is for fun, for
joy, for ride, for party," says the Surete's Ouellette.
The Quebec war ended last Oct. 8 at an Italian restaurant in downtown
Montreal's trendy bar district. In only 45 minutes at the Bleu Marin, rival
bikers agreed to end six years of warfare.
Pictures were taken showing a smiling Hells Angel Nomad boss Maurice (Mom)
Boucher trying his best to hug Rock Machine founder Paul (Sasquatch)
Porter, who got his nickname because of his height and huge girth.
The Rock Machine agreed not to deal for a year with the Texas-based
Bandidos, the world's second-largest bike club behind the Angels. The
Angels wanted the Rock Machine to consider trading their colours for Hells
Angels' patches.
About a month later, on Nov. 27, the deal was broken. The Rock Machine
voted to become probationary Bandidos. The move split the gang, with 12
Rock Machine members defecting later to the Angels, including "Sasquatch,"
who was twice the target of Hells' hitmen.
On Dec. 1, the Rock Machine became probationary Bandidos at a Vaughan
party, joining existing chapters in Toronto, Eastern Ontario, Western
Ontario, Montreal and Quebec City.
On Dec. 29, the Hells Angels moved. They took in 168 Ontario bikers from
the Lobos, Last Chance, Para-Dice Riders, Satan's Choice and four Rock
Machine members and 11 prospects.
The Hells established chapters in West Toronto, East Toronto, Toronto,
Woodbridge, Kitchener, Sudbury, Oshawa, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Lanark
County, Keswick and Simcoe County. The Hells also have an 11-member
prospect chapter in Niagara.
Ouellette said the Hells Angels gave Ontario's biker gangs a choice to join
them, "without having a choice."
He believes none were allowed to remain neutral, and any new bike group in
Ontario, whether motorcycle afficionados or one-percenters, will need Hells
Angels' approval to exist.
"Six days after the Bandidos patched over their five chapters, (the Hells)
met with these guys in Toronto and made them an offer: 'You're going to
take one side or the other. You're with us or against us'," said Ouellette.
For bikers in the smaller gangs, who weren't good enough in the past for
the larger Ontario gangs, they got instant respect and equality. "It's a
huge change for these guys," he said.
Ouellette says the Hells want complete control of a market.
"If you're not pleased in the past with the way the Hells Angels do
business, you have to shut your mouth or die," he said, but the Bandidos
give drug dealers a choice.
"It's exactly why the Hells Angels were in a rush," he said.
"What they did in Ontario, is the first time ... where they patch four
groups at the same time, making them brothers all at the same time," he
said. "You're not choosing your family. If they (Bandidos) can survive
that, they will be okay.
"Maybe in six months it will be different." Ouellette said, then added:
"Not maybe. It will be different."
Authorities fear the changes came sooner than expected.
A prominent member of the Rock Machine, Real (Tin Tin) Dupont, on parole
for a conviction after a 1996 RCMP counterfeit money sting in Candiac,
Que., was murdered outside an arena north of Dorval airport Jan. 18.
Ouellette suspects the killing is "probably Hells Angels-related and we
will see the war started again."
On Jan. 11, former Rock Machine members Roger Berthiaume, 26, was killed,
and Robert Beland, 30, was wounded in Montreal. Both had flipped to the
Rockers chapter tied with Angels Quebec Nomads, which was behind the
Ontario expansion.
For now, the Hells Angels are treading carefully in Ontario. Niagara
Staff-Sgt. Reg Smith believes the Hells want to slide quietly into Ontario
"and they may be telling other gangs there's enough to go around for
"That may be true for some (time), but I think eventually it'll go back to
'I want it all'," said Smith. "Right now, what I see, is the Hells Angels
have done is a band-aid solution to answer to what the Bandidos have done."
The Hells' prospect chapter of 11 members in Niagara is expected to become
the gang's most efficient.
"They will lift themselves up and be better trained" than the others who
patched, added a police source. Some of the prospects were running their
own cocaine network in small-town Ontario and have "deep local political
"It's a lucrative area," he said. "If they can control it, they will have
the string that controls the province."
The prospect chapter's sponsor is Walter Stadnick, a veteran biker based in
Hamilton and a former president of the Quebec Nomads. Police know little
about Stadnick, except that he wields influence within the biker world.
"They're prospects because they're not one-percenter bikers," Smith
said.  "The other chapters are all full chapters and they already have that
biker mentality.
"But these guys, they have to train basically from ground zero right up, so
when they do reach full status then maybe they will be the true Hells Angel
in the province," he said.
"They may change their tactics and it may be harder (to convict them), and
that's what we have to realize."
Niagara has long been Outlaws territory, with its mother chapter in
St.  Catharines. The Outlaws, historically the enemy of the Hells, had a
monopoly between Niagara and Hamilton.
But, in the last three years, Smith said there's been an influx of other
Ontario gang members into the area.
In September 1999, police nabbed seven area Para-Dice Riders associates and
a member in 'Project Winner,' named after former club president John
(Winner) Neil. Police seized guns and $65,000 in drugs, and bought 454
kilos of explosives.
Two years ago, relationships changed in the region when Quebec Angels
arrived in Niagara Falls on a summer tour.
"Two people known in the area who were always thought of as Outlaws
supporters, they showed up, hugs and kisses with the Angels, visited with
them, partied with them," said Smith.
"That was the biggest shocker for us. It wasn't long after that they and
their associates flipped their allegiances to the Hells Angels and, in
particular, Stadnick," he said. "I think the other side of that story is
that they were showing the Outlaws that they ... can come in when they want."
While there's a tenuous truce between the Outlaws and the Hells, with the
Hells patronizing known Outlaw businesses, sources note they've taken out
some insurance by making two brothers Hells prospects. A third brother
remains tied to the Outlaws.
Smith said there's been "so many bizarre changes in the last while, who's
to say now that maybe the Outlaws and Angels (won't) live in harmony and
become a force?"


GM criticism growing worldwide



There are signs that opposition to genetically-modified (GM) foods is
growing in different parts of the world.
Three large British food retailers have announced moves to ensure that food
supplies come from animals fed GM-free diets.
The BBC's Barnaby Mason reports that retailer Tesco says it is not against
GM products but was responding to consumer demand.
A similar stand has been announced by Marks and Spencer and the US owned
Aster chain.
In southern Brazil 1,000 poor farmers took direct action against
genetically modified crops, joined by activists attending the world social
forum held to protest against the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
They invaded a Monsanto research centre and pulled up GM maize and soy beans.


          FREE RADICAL: chronicle of the new unrest
                       by L.A. KAUFFMAN

MILITANTS & MODERATES . . . . . . . . . . . . Issue #15

Two images from the Washington, D.C. counter-
inauguration protests capture, for me, the promise of
this moment in time.

The first is the TV footage of George W. Bush's motorcade
accelerating, with Secret Service agents jogging to keep
up, as it approached the largest concentration of
protesters along Pennsylvania Avenue. No matter how
much the corporate media underestimated our numbers
or marginalized our message, the inaugural demonstrations
achieved a major goal: They marred Bush's coronation
and unnerved those who made it happen. The
commander-in-thief sped past the angry crowd at
Freedom Plaza out of fear, no small thing for a protest
to accomplish.

The second image was nowhere to be found on television
or in corporate news accounts; you had to be there or
read about it on Indymedia. Right about the time when
Bush was taking the oath of office, the police had boxed
in hundreds of protesters on 14th Street between
K and L Streets - most, though not all, members of the
anarchist Black Bloc. Some people managed to push
their way out, but mass arrests were looking likely.

Then, as if in a dream, thousands of demonstrators
from the reform-oriented Voter March and the National
Organization for Women came down 14th Street,
smack into the police line. Initially, the police surrounded
some of them as well, but they were feistier than the
cops anticipated. Ultimately the police bowed to the
force of numbers and backed off, letting the trapped
protesters go free. There's a street-action technique
used by some radicals called "unarrest," where folks
acting in concert literally snatch their comrades from
the arms of the police. In this powerful and unlikely
inauguration drama, the most moderate participants
in the day's demonstrations ended up mass-unarresting
the most militant.

These incidents point to larger truths about the upsurge
of pro-democracy and anti-capitalist protest taking place
in the United States and around the globe. Those in power
are truly alarmed by these movements' rising strength - but
the key challenge now is for radicals and reformers to find
ways to work together.

What better sign of the jittery state of the global ruling
class than the recent decision to hold this year's
World Trade Organization meeting in the Persian Gulf
emirate of Qatar, an absolute monarchy where protests
are illegal? (Even the U.S. State Department notes,
with bland understatement, that "restrictions on the
freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association,
religion" are "problems.") No other country was willing
to host the WTO, because protesters have successfully
made it a global pariah: The security risks for the
sponsoring nation are too great, the publicity too bad,
the expense too high.

Time and again over the fourteen months since the WTO
was shut down in Seattle, the authorities have taken
extreme measures to prevent or limit protest, only to
see demonstrators prevail through a mix of stubbornness,
fearlessness, and anger.

It happened in Prague last September, during the
meetings of the International Monetary Fund and
World Bank. There, despite heavy fortifications,
demonstrators not only besieged the conference
center but actually managed to break into it, leading
officials to suspend the talks a day early.

It happened this past weekend at the World Economic
Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where demonstrators
defied a total ban on protests and faced off against
police armed with tear gas, rubber bullets, and water

And it happened at the Bush inauguration, where -
in another almost totally unreported episode - the
Black Bloc, using a cart pilfered from a construction
site, flattened one of the government's vaunted security
checkpoints, allowing hundreds of protesters to breeze
through. Meanwhile, a few blocks away in Freedom
Plaza, other demonstrators matter-of-factly took over
bleachers that had been reserved for GOP-friendly
ticket holders.

The angriest people at the inauguration protests,
though, were the moderates, not the militants. The
experience of seeing the Bush family and its cronies
disenfranchise black voters and steal the presidency
most infuriated people who have some degree of
faith in electoral politics, not the jaded cynics who
are quick to say that "voting doesn't change anything,"
or, more anarchistically, "no matter who you vote for,
government wins."

A substantial number of these Democrats and
independents were demonstrating for the first time -
but odds are quite good it won't be their last. The
checkpoint system and aggressive policing opened
many eyes and clearly radicalized some participants.

One woman from the Voter March posted a powerful
account of coming up against the police line at
14th and L and briefly being trapped inside. "I was so
scared I didn't know what to do. I was looking at the
various police, trying to find a face that might be
approachable - there were none!" she wrote. But then
a man next to her convinced a cop to let a few people
out, and she quickly slipped through the hole in the line.

"This has shaken me like nothing else," she confessed.
"I'm a middle class, getting to be middle-aged female
American - first time ever demonstrating - there to
participate with my legal, constitutionally guaranteed
right to free speech (so I thought until that day). In the
face of a threat to this right, what did I do - I walked
away. I'm so sorry and so ashamed. I'll NEVER walk a
way again."

There is extraordinary political promise in the broad-
based outrage at the theft of this election, anger that is
not going away despite the corporate media's rush to
make nicey-nice and treat the Bush regime as a
legitimate presidency. The utter spinelessness of the
Democratic Party - from its decision not to mobilize
large-scale protests in Florida to demand a full vote
count to its acquiescence in Bush's far-right cabinet
choices - further ensures that at least some of this
anger will fuel sweeping critiques of the sorry state
of American democracy.

The great irony of the 14th Street showdown is that
just the night before, some members of the Black Bloc
had been dismissing as wimpy reformists the very folks
who ended up saving them from mass arrest on J20.
In a dark basement well away from other activist
gathering spots, about a hundred anarchists held a
surreptitious meeting to coordinate their inaugural
activities. The discussion turned to a common critique
of previous blocs, the sense that the fuck-shit-up crowd
tends to use other protesters for cover, including
protesters that passionately disagree with their tactics -
meaning, for example, that folks committed to nonviolent
action get exposed to greater police violence as a result
of Black Bloc opportunism. Some folks agreed that was
a mistake and a problem; others brushed off the
criticism, saying it was perfectly legitimate to "hide
among a bunch of reformists."

When the Black Bloc got surrounded on 14th Street,
probably the last place they thought they'd get help from
was such a bunch. (Exclaimed one anarchist, "I never
thought I'd be happy to see people with Gore-Lieberman
signs!") It would be going too far to say the Black Bloc
was humbled by the experience, but in the wake of J20,
you could clearly discern a new respect for these
unexpected allies.

"This is a big thank you to whoever came to support
the Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc," wrote one
anarchist on Indymedia. "After being trapped at one
point by cops and having to push our way out, only
to have people trapped again, I'm glad there was
some soli-fucking-darity. That's what it's all about.
We will stand by you when you need us, and I'm glad
to see it's vice versa."

Some folks from Reclaim the Streets in New York
came to the inaugural protests dressed in tinpot-
dictator attire. Sporting gold epaulettes and mirrored
aviator glasses, they dubbed themselves Students for
an Undemocratic Society (www.freespeech.org/suds_unite).

"We are the children of the political, military, and
business elites of America," read their manifesto.
"We have worked for years to undermine democracy
worldwide, and seek to celebrate the fact that - with
the installation of Cheney and Bush - even the pretense
of American democracy has at last been cast aside.
We march in support of the property-owning, white
heterosexual male who rules by violence."

SUDS started the day early at the U.S. Supreme Court,
where GOP boosters had been promising to stage a
fierce "Patriots' March." Only about fifty patriots bothered
to show up, however. SUDS, wearing their silly costumes
and carrying signs that said "OBEY," outnumbered them
by a factor of two-to-one.

The right-wingers launched into a chant: "Get a job!
Get a job!"

SUDS joined in: "Get a job! Get a job!"

The right-wingers tried something new: "Welcome
President Bush! Welcome President Bush!"

SUDS echoed them: "Welcome President Bush!
Welcome President Bush!"

The right-wingers tried again, this time with a mouthful
of a chant: "Meanspirited, condescending, arrogant liberals!"

SUDS, of course, was quick to mimic.

This went on for a while, through chants of "USA!" and
that "Hey hey, goodbye" song. But SUDS must have
spoiled the conservatives' fun, because before long,
they slunk away.

Throughout inauguration day, there were many occasions
like this, where demonstrators outnumbered Republicans
and made them noticeably uncomfortable. It was all quite
satisfying, until you remembered that, while we made
Bush & Co. nervous, they got state power. It's going to be
a long four years.

          is a column on the current upsurge in activism,
          written by L.A. Kauffman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
              It appears on average every few weeks.

        Back issues can be found at www.free-radical.org

                           This issue is archived at


                          ABOUT THE AUTHOR
L.A. Kauffman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is perhaps the
first person in U.S. history to be arrested for allegedly
committing a crime by fax machine. (The Manhattan
D.A. declined to prosecute.) She is currently writing
of U.S. activism since 1970. A longtime radical journalist
and organizer, she is active in a number of New York City
direct action campaigns. Her work has appeared in the
Village Voice, The Nation, The Progressive, Spin,
Mother Jones, Salon.com, and numerous other publications.


Israeli commandos training with US Marines



Israeli special forces commandos have been training with US Marines in
urban warfare techniques in an exercise on capturing Palestinian areas, the
Hebrew weekly Kol Ha'Ir reported in its latest edition.
The "anti-terrorist" exercise was carried out in conjunction with US Marine
snipers serving with the Mediterranean-based Sixth Fleet, the weekly said.
Kol Ha'Ir quoted an Israeli military source as saying that the Israeli army
trains regularly with US military units, to learn new combat techniques and
test new weapons and equipment.
Israeli troops have been battling a Palestinian uprising in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip for the past four months.  (AFP)


Mad Cow Disease Called International Threat


ROME, Italy, January 29, 2001 (ENS) - The United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization is warning countries around the world - not just
those in Western Europe - about the risk of mad cow disease.  The
Organization recommends adoption of surveillance and monitoring systems to
detect the disease in cattle herds, meat industries and animal feed
Mad cow disease is officially known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE). This disease has been linked to a fatal brain disease in humans
called new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD).
British cattle at feeding time (Photo by Ian Britton, courtesy Freefoto.com)
An epidemic of BSE in cattle herds in the United Kingdom has been followed
by between 10 to 15 cases of nvCJD occurring each year.
Little is known about the actual mechanism for transmission of the disease,
but the currently held belief is that the disease agent jumps to humans who
eat infected meat products.
Alarm about the disease's potential has been largely confined to Western
Europe up to now, but the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has
issued its warning to all nations.
All countries which have imported cattle or meat and bone meal from any
Western European countries, particularly the United Kingdom, during and
since the 1980s, can be considered at risk, the FAO wrote in a release on
"There is an increasingly grave situation developing in the European Union,
with BSE being identified in cattle in several member states of the EU
which have, until recently, been regarded as free from the disease," the
FAO said. "Confirmed and suspected cases of nvCJD are occurring in people
outside the UK, in various member states. More research needs to be
conducted into the nature of the agent and its modes of transmission. Much
remains unknown about the disease and the infective agent. There is
currently no method of diagnosis at early stages of infection and no cure
for the disease, neither in animals nor in humans."
The FAO said it supports the European Union's actions to control the
disease, including the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of
animals.  Feeding meat and bone meal to cattle, sheep and goats has been
banned in the European Union since July 1994, and last November, the EU
proposed extending the ban to chicken and hogs.
Other animals may also be able spread forms of BSE, the FAO warned, and
should not be fed meat and bone meal (Photo courtesy U.S. Agricultural
Research Service)
"There is an urgent need to refine the risk assessment and to extend it to
other countries and regions," the FAO wrote.  "Countries at risk should
implement effective surveillance for BSE in cattle and controls on the
animal feed and meat industries. At present, this means: laboratory testing
of samples from slaughtered cattle, and correct disposal of fallen stock
and improved processing of offals and byproducts."
Within countries, FAO recommended applying the so called Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Point system (HACCP) which aims at identifying
potential problems and taking corrective measures throughout the food
chain. Some of the issues include the production of animal feed, the raw
materials used, cross contamination in the feed mill, labeling of
manufactured feeds, the feed transport system, as well as monitoring
imported live animals, slaughtering methods, the rendering industry and the
disposal of waste materials.
"Strict controls have been implemented in the United Kingdom and are now
being implemented in the rest of the EU," FAO said. "Countries outside the
EU should adopt appropriate measures to protect their herds and to ensure
the safety of meat and meat products.  Legislation to control the industry
and its effective implementation is required, including capacity building
and the training of operatives and government officials."
FAO advised countries to adopt a precautionary approach. As an immediate
measure, countries which have imported animals and meat and bone meal from
BSE infected trading partners should consider a precautionary ban on the
feeding of meat and bone meal to cattle, sheep and goats, or, to reduce the
risk of infection even further, to all animals.
Attention should be paid to slaughtering procedures and to the processing
and use of offal and byproduct parts, FAO said. The rendering industry
should be scrutinized and appropriate procedures adopted everywhere, the
organization wrote.
Since 1994, the European Union has banned the feeding of meat and bone meal
to cattle, sheep and goats (Photo by Larry Rana, courtesy U.S.  Department
of Agriculture)
The FAO, together with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the
Organisation Internationale
des Epizooties (OIE), will hold an expert consultation in the near future
to draw up advice for countries, particularly developing countries, to
protect their people from nvCJD, their livestock from BSE, and their
industries from trade restrictions and their repercussions.
The FAO and WHO are now finalizing work on a 'Code of Practice for Good
Animal Feeding' to ensure that animal products do not create risks to
More details about BSE and nvSJD are available at:

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/cjd/cjd.htm and


More information about feed safety practices is available at:



Invisible eco-warrior `elves' of ELF wage stealth campaign


They work by night, with stealth, burning construction
sites, dumping sand in bulldozers' gasoline tanks, freeing
mink from cages and wild horses from corrals, all -- as one
of their manifestoes puts it -- ``to inflict economic
sabotage on Earth-rapers.''

They wreak their damage, and release their boastful
communiques, in the name of the Earth Liberation Front, and
-- playing on the abbreviation ELF -- liken themselves to
``the mischievous elves of lore.''

But what is this Front and who are these elves?

Remarkably, after eight years of activity -- including a
rash of fires last month in Mount Sinai on Long Island, N.Y.
-- nobody knows.

The FBI, federal prosecutors, state and local police
departments, even more-peaceful environmentalists have been
looking, but their search has not resulted in a single
indictment, arrest, or even a suspect from two dozen acts of
sabotage over the years, causing nearly $40 million in

``We are practically invisible,'' a 1997 ELF communique
read. ``We have no command structure, no spokesperson, no
office, just many small groups working separately, seeking
vulnerable targets and practicing our craft.'' It tells all
readers, ``Find your family! And let's dance as we make ruin
of the corporate money system.''

Craig Rosebraugh, 27, an animal-rights activist in Portland,
Ore., who has served as the group's publicist for the past
four years, has said he receives word from ELF members when
they take credit for some deed. But even he says, ``I never
disclose from where or how they come in, because I don't

Last year, the U.S. attorney's office in Oregon confiscated
Rosebraugh's computers and documents, and called him to
testify before a grand jury, but still came up empty-handed.

``There is no hierarchy, no physical group that they can
see,'' Rosebraugh said last year in an interview with Bear
Deluxe magazine in Portland. ``You might have a cell
operating, or 57 cells operating, where no one knows each

Until recently, these cells confined their activities to a
few states in the West and Midwest. Two years ago, someone
claiming affiliation with the ELF committed an action in
Boston, but it was so out of character -- a purely symbolic
smearing of red paint on the Mexican Consulate, to protest
Mexico's treatment of peasants -- that the pranksters
probably got the names of their liberation fronts mixed up.

Still, in the past couple of months, the elves have come
east. On the night of Dec. 30, they broke into four houses
that were being built as part of a huge development on a
former pumpkin farm on eastern Long Island, and set them on
fire -- in protest of suburban sprawl.

They left behind a note: ``If you build it, we will burn

The fire followed similar but lesser acts of destruction in
Long Island housing projects on Dec. 1, 9 and 19.

Lennard Axinn, a partner in Island Estates of Mt. Sinai, the
development company building the houses set ablaze most
recently, said the tools were fairly primitive -- bottles
filled with gasoline, a sponge placed on top of the bottles,
candles placed on top of the sponge, causing an explosion
when the candles burned down.

The cost to repair will be about $60,000, Axinn estimates.
This is small stuff in the ELF canon.

Their biggest coup took place in October 1998 when they set
fire to a ski facility in Colorado, causing $12 million in
damage. The motive was to protect what a communique called
``the last, best lynx habitat in the state'' from a ``greedy
corporation'' that insisted on ``putting profits ahead of
Colorado's wildlife.''

As with all the acts so far, nobody was physically injured.

Other big acts have included burning down a U.S. Forest
Service station in Oregon (damage: $5.3 million), a U.S.
Agriculture Department animal damage control building in
Washington state ($2 million), a meatpacking plant in Oregon
($1 million), and an office at Michigan State University
involved in genetic-food research ($400,000).

Just this month, the group took credit for a Jan. 2 fire in
a lumber company's offices in Oregon, causing $400,000 in

The ELF was formed in 1992 in Brighton, England, as a
splinter group from Earth First!, after the leaders of that
militant environmental organization decided to abandon
criminal tactics.

The following year, ELF issued a joint communique of
solidarity with the Animal Liberation Front, a group that
takes equally militant actions to oppose business and
scientific research that involves capturing or killing

The main difference between ELF and ALF, Rosebraugh once
said, ``is their names. . . . The main goal is the same --
trying to strike through economic sabotage.''

ELF manifestoes have cited as inspiration the Luddites, who
sabotaged factory machinery in 19th-century England.

The primary source of ELF's tactics, however, is a 1975
novel by Edward Abbey, called ``The Monkey Wrench Gang.''
Abbey, who died in 1989 at age 62, was a self-described
``desert anarchist'' who often quoted Walt Whitman's dictum,
``Resist much, obey little,'' and deeply resented what he
called the ``Californicating'' of the Southwest border

``The Monkey Wrench Gang'' was a raucous tale about a motley
crew of eco-warriors who burn down billboards, snip
barbed-wire fences, pour syrup into gasoline tanks, and
ultimately plot to blow up a giant bridge and power dam.

Many environmentalists deplore the ELF. A consortium of
groups in Wisconsin posted an open letter on the Internet,
calling ELF actions ``cowardly'' and warning them, ``Stay
out of Wisconsin.''

Richard Amper, head of the Long Island Pine Barren Society,
called ELF's recent arson in his territory ``wrongheaded''
and ``meaningless.''

The houses ELF set on fire are part of a development of 49
single-family houses, each selling for $350,000 to $450,000,
spread out on a half-abandoned pumpkin farm.

In one sense, Amper said, the ELF critique of such
developments has a point. However, he noted, ``Everybody
knows it. You don't have to make Long Islanders aware of the

In fact, Long Island over the past decade has spent $300
million -- more than all but five of the states -- to
preserve open space from the developers' bulldozers, he

Robert Wieboldt, head of the Long Island Builders Institute,
said the police think the culprits are local. ``That's the
way this group works -- local people acting locally,'' he

However, even Amper has said he has ``not a clue'' of who
they might be, and so the myth of the ``invisible elves''
rages on.


Caught in the Cold

By Stefan Theil

The Daily Davos

Sunday, January 28, 2001; 12:57 PM

The demos were thwarted in Davos - but not in Zurich.

There was no joking with the Swiss authorities today. A week
of the most intense security crackdown Switzerland has seen
in decades, if ever, culminated Saturday afternoon. That was
when various anti-capitalist, anti-globalizing organizations
had announced via the Internet that they'd arrive in Davos
to "wipe out" the WEF. Inspired by the violent
demonstrations that temporarily shut down the World Trade
Organization summit in Seattle in late 1999, they and their
comrades around the globe have regularly tried to disrupt
global gatherings such as the Forum or the meetings of the
IMF/World Bank. To these critics, these elite get-togethers
are closed-door, capitalist conspiracies.

They were right about the closed-door part. The Swiss
authorities set up every imaginable obstacle to keep the
activists out of Davos. Immigration officials weeded
suspected troublemakers out at the borders, kept them from
boarding trains and buses to Davos, set up roadblocks, and
on Saturday shut down public transport altogether. The two
hundred or so who were ingenious enough to make it through
-- some of them had been hanging out in Davos since before
the crackdown -- found themselves in an armed camp posing as
a ski resort. There were police cordons every 200 meters or
so along the Promenade, more police in riot gear stood ready
while Swiss Army helicopters patrolled the sky. Some of the
protesters sang "We shall overcome," others screamed, "I
hate capitalism." Interestingly, the protesters were joined
by a few of the locals this year -- some said they were fed
up with all the inconvenience, others were perturbed by what
they felt to be police-state methods.

About two minutes after the anti-capitalists made it to the
first cordon near the Parsenn funicular, the police water
cannon opened fire. Drenched, the crowd didn't linger long.
(As far as we could smell, the cops did not deploy the
special water cannon they were said to have loaded with
dilute cow manure.) But while a forced peace may have
reigned inside Davos's ring of steel, it wasn't possible to
close down all the possible outlets for anger elsewhere.
Hundreds of protesters who got stopped at Landquart started
attacking police  with sticks; for a while they blocked all
traffic on the Autobahn to Zurich before being dispersed
with tear gas and rubber pellets. In Zurich itself, famous
for the sort of violent anarchist groups that would never
have made it past the checkpoints to Davos, a militant mob
burned cars and broke windows. In Geneva, another group was
intent on trashing the WEF's business headquarters; when
they couldn't get in, they sprayed anti-WTO slogans onto the
building instead. As of this writing, the protests were
still going on.

Back in Davos, behind all the barbed wire and water cannon,
the IMF's deputy chief Stanley Fischer was expounding on the
global downturn, while the finance ministers of Germany and
France were discussing the future of the world's financial
markets. Safely hidden in the Congress Center, whose
subterranean caverns aptly double as the town's shelter for
times of war, they went on their business unperturbed.

If the Forum was safe again this year, though, it's not for
a shortage of critics. As the Daily Davos has reported, some
of them are now working inside the Forum, as representatives
for non-governmental organizations trying to find solutions
to problems that free-wheeling markets alone can't handle -
like disease, poverty and climate change. But there are many
more organizing around the globe. "Our resistance is as
global as your oppression," one of the banners carried by
the demonstrators said. At a counter-summit to Davos taking
place in Porto Alegre in Brazil, first-world socialists
yesterday joined with local farmers in heading off to uproot
a Monsanto-owned field of genetically modified crops. (See
following story.)

In the end, more opposition made it into the armed camp than
its defenders realized. A couple of Internet whiz kids have
installed a laser unit in Davos Platz that beams 15-meter
tall messages onto the hillside to the east of Davos.
They've invited anyone to send their message to the Forum
via cellphone SMS messaging (the number is +41 78 640 6000)
or the Internet (http://www.hellomrpresident.com ). The
message rolls across the mountain in bright green letters a
few minutes later. "Workers of the world, unite" was one of
the more harmless ones that made it into Davos on Friday.
Their laser is under some highly placed protection - it's
set up in the bedroom of the flat belonging to the minister
of St. Johann, the church in Davos Platz. Sometimes the
opposition seems to be everywhere except the streets.


When Do Demonstrators Become--Terrorists?

by Ross Regnart

The Anti--Terrorist Act of 1996 appears aimed at public dissent: The ACT
contains language which can charge law--abiding citizens of being agents or
affording support to terrorist organizations: Broadly written--intent to
commit terrorist acts is defined: (Appeared To Be Intended Toward Violence
or Activities Which Could Intimidate or Coerce a Civilian Population; or To
Influence the Policy of a Government). (18USC Sec. 2331): Any picket line
or demonstration, alleged by police to have blocked or obstructed public
access, could qualify as "Terrorist Activities" to intimidate or coerce a
civilian population: Terrorist charges make it possible for police to
forfeit attending demonstrators' homes used for meetings and the vehicles
they used for transportation to the event.

Concern: Police agencies may selectively charge a person or organization
with either a low level offense, or terrorist offense, for the same illegal
act: Example: A fist fight between union demonstrators and persons crossing
a picket line, can be upgraded by police to charge union members with
(Terrorist Activity). The 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act, broadly redefined
"Terrorist Acts as involving any violent act or acts dangerous to human
life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any
state." The violent or physical act need not cause bodily harm:

The Act can be used by police to target any group of persons that would
dare demonstrate for or against any issue.



The 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act has wide reaching forfeiture provisions. The
Act utilizes the broad term (supporting organizations that transcend
boundaries). Any organization or group that advocates support for a cause
or organization within a U.S. jurisdiction, or across a state line, or in
another country, is considered by U.S. Government to be (transcending
boundaries). Consequently, any environmental group or organization is
vulnerable to being charged with supporting (terrorist activity) should any
member of an organization they supported--be charged by the U.S. or other
government, with having (intimidated or coerced a civilian population; or
influenced the policy of a government). Please see USC18 2991, including
additional provisions.

U.S. Government can now seize the assets of innocent organizations and/or
members alleged to have supported an organization, group, or person(s)
committing a terrorist activity. Excessive government property forfeiture
provisions are tied to the 1996 Anti-Terrorist act: U.S. Government can
forfeit SOURCE ASSETS that supported terrorist activity. So if a person for
example uses income from their business or bank account to support an
organization or persons the U.S. Government later alleges committed or
supported terrorist acts, the U.S. Government may seize the contributor's
business or bank account as a SOURCE ASSET. Keep in mind, intimidation may
qualify as a terrorist act. So if the press or government has criminalized
an organization, the presence of the organization's members at a
demonstration or other event may be enough for a police agency to allege
the member's or their organization (intimidated a civilian population; or
influenced the policy of a government) under 18USC 2991 International
Terrorist Activities.

Government may now use the 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act to selectively eradicate
any group or person which is believed to be objectionable.

CONCERN: Police can charge lawful citizens who attend demonstrations and
other public events with affording support to demonstrators whose
activities may constitute Terrorist Activities under USC18 2991. Innocent
attending demonstrators run the risk of being charged as terrorists, then
having to prove that their presence at a demonstration did not involve
supporting the illegal activities of the alleged terrorist demonstrators.

CATCH 22: Lawful demonstrators may be convicted simply because they did not
think to leave an event where some demonstrators were committing illegal
acts. Broad provisions of the 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act may eventually
scare-off citizens from attending lawful demonstrations and/or contributing
money to progressive causes.

CONCERN: A corrupt government and/or its paid operatives, may too easily
cause the arrest of innocent demonstrators and/or cause government
forfeiture of their assets. Note: Conviction of an activist or organization
is NOT necessary for government to forfeit an owner's property. U.S.
Government may civil forfeit a citizen's assets using only a (Preponderance
of Evidence) by showing an owner's property was involved in a felony that
would make it subject to forfeiture.

200 felonies can now cause government forfeiture of property:

Republican Congressman Henry Hyde got passed in Congress (The Civil Asset
Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000) HR 1658. The statue of limitations, the time
period police have to civilly forfeit property, begins five years from the
time police claim to have learned an asset was made subject to forfeiture.
Concern: Police can claim that anytime in the future.

CONCERN: Corporate security and private intelligence companies now work so
closely with U.S. police agencies, they appear to merge. Private security
corporations by working closely with U.S. police agencies are in a position
to influence local and federal police as to which political/environmental
opponents should be arrested, or have their assets forfeited. Note: Neither
charged defendants, nor anyone else, can use the Freedom of Information Act
to penetrate corporate information

banks to learn if a corporation illegally obtained or provided information
to a police agency. Increasingly, corporate informants work both sides of
the street when they get paid for providing police the same information
about, e.g., a political or environmental group. It is a dangerous trend in
the United States when police agencies merge with corporate security
forces, become perhaps an illegal enterprise, to violate a person's
Constitutional and civil rights.

Secret Witnesses, Secret Jurors, Secret Testimony, Hidden Evidence: Once
U.S. Government or police charge a person or organization under 18USC 2991,
(International Terrorist Activity) the U.S. Government may use secret
witnesses, secret jurors, secret testimony, and other hidden evidence to
convict a defendant and/or forfeit their assets. All this secrecy can be
invoked by U.S. Government to protect alleged national security, an ongoing
investigation, undisclosed witnesses and jurors. The same police agencies
involved in the investigation may get to share in the citizen's assets
after they are forfeited by the government. This is especially dangerous
since police routinely purchase testimony.

Persons charged under the 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act may have difficulty
defending themselves even against the death penalty when they may not be
allowed to know the secret evidence against them, or cross examine
government's secret witnesses. Such Star Chamber Courts do not serve the
interests of a free society.

Had the 1996 Anti-Terrorist Act been in effect during the days of
COINTELPRO, 1960 through the 1980's, many foundations and citizens to avoid
risks such as being charged as terrorists or losing their assets to
forfeiture, would have given contributions only to organizations that the
U.S. Government approved of, not to progressive organizations or persons
who would dare question or confront government policies or attempt to
legally stop corporate polluters.

GOVERNMENT COINTELPRO RED SQUADS appear to be back. This time the squads
have in their arsenal the 1996 Ant--Terrorist Act and new property
forfeiture laws which they may use to eradicate their political,
environmental and human rights opponents.

Note: The history of COINTELPRO may be quickly obtained on the Internet.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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