-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 147

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--Big Brother goes global
--Panel urges better security at Defense agencies
--Nice doesn't cut it in the face of the rabid Right
--Manifest of Anti-capitalist Youth
--Waging War on Dissent (NLG Report)
--Hackers become more militant
--ELF Making Good on Threat
--Cloning Reality: Brave New World here we come


Big Brother goes global


By John W. Whitehead

The Internet, like no other technology in history, is truly a global medium..
In a way that was only dreamed of 10 years ago, communication is now
possible from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. But criminals
have latched onto this global presence, too, creating viruses that wreak
havoc on hard drives from Moscow to Malaysia to Minnesota.

With the birth of the global criminal, it was inevitable that there would be
a global response. That time has come. A group known as the Council of
Europe has drafted an international treaty on cybercrime, which could go
into effect as early as this summer. The Council, made up of 41 nations, has
worked on the treaty since 1997, although recent global viruses lent urgency
to its proceedings.

The problem is that in its eagerness to lay a snare for the global
cyber-criminal, the treaty has trapped basic civil liberties in its net.
Reflecting what some observers have called "a law enforcement wish list,"
the document threatens to short-circuit fundamental civil rights.

First, any international agreement purporting to deal with criminal activity
on a global scale is fraught with problems from the beginning. What might be
a crime online in some countries may be protected First Amendment speech in
the United States. What might be a crime serious enough to warrant online
surveillance by law enforcement would likely differ from country to country,
depending on the severity with which cultures view certain behavior.

This latter concern was one of the animating forces behind the protests of
the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, an international coalition of
cyber-liberties and human rights groups from countries as diverse as Russia,
the United Kingdom and the United States. The GILC points out that, under
the treaty, interception of online communications by law enforcement is only
to be used for "serious offences to be determined by domestic law." However,
many countries define serious crimes very broadly when police seek to
wiretap a suspect.

Of course, the unique global nature of the Internet means that even if the
United States chooses not to use surveillance (although efforts like
Carnivore, the FBI's online surveillance program, suggest this won't be the
case), other countries could interfere with the expression of American
citizens online, violating both their First Amendment rights to free speech
and their Fourth Amendment rights prohibiting unreasonable searches.

The treaty would also force Internet users to turn over decryption keys to
government officials. Long a point of heated debate between the Internet
community and law enforcement, decryption keys could give the government
personal information it cannot access through lawful means. In some cases,
it could even violate an Internet user's right not to self-incriminate, a
fundamental due process liberty recognized throughout American history.

In essence, the treaty on cybercrime, drafted behind closed doors and
stuffed with goodies for eager law enforcement officers, threatens to
respond to global crime online with a global assault on civil liberties.

It is a maxim of modern life that the less connected police are to the
community which they serve, the more likely they are to violate the civil
liberties of the citizens. In most cases, the policeman who lives next door
is unlikely to search your home without a warrant, to violate your free
speech rights or to interfere with your basic freedoms. Why? Because he
knows you as a human being, not a faceless member of the mob he's been sent
to control.

In America, we know that sending federal law enforcement to do a job often
results in serious violations of our basic liberties. Whether it's the legal
immigrant boy shot by federal officers while herding sheep or the victims of
an overzealous Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the further we
remove law enforcement from the community, the more we court serious damage
to the Bill of Rights.

It almost goes without saying, then, that a global response to crime online
will inevitably result in an assault on civil liberties unlike any before.
It is virtually impossible for law enforcement officials charged with a
global mission to view the ordinary Internet user in Minnesota as a real
human being with basic fundamental rights.

The treaty, in actuality, has it backwards. The council should have first
drafted the treaty on basic civil liberties in cyberspace. Once it had the
freedoms established, then it could worry about the crimes.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and
president of The Rutherford Institute and editor of Gadfly magazine.


Panel urges better security at Defense agencies


By Liza Porteus, National Journal's Technology Daily

The U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century on Wednesday
called for sweeping changes within the government's defense agencies to
address emerging threats such as cyberterrorism.

"There ought to be central, strategic planning in national security,"
said former Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., who, along with former Sen. Warren
Rudman, R-N.H., co-chaired the congressionally mandated commission that
released its third report on national security. "We believe very deeply
the threats to our homeland, in terms of chemical [and] cyberwarfare ...
have to be dealt with."

The commission also recommended a doubling of the government's
investment in science and technology research and development by 2010.
Overall, it said the R&D budget should top $160 billion by then. The
commission recommended strengthening the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the scope of the science adviser,
formerly Neal Lane in the Clinton administration. Bush has yet to name
someone to that position.

In addition, the commission proposed that Congress establish a National
Security Science and Technology Education Act (NSSTEA) that would:
reduce interest on student loans for students who pursue degrees in
science, math and engineering; provide loan forgiveness and scholarships
for people in these those fields who enter government and military
service; create a national security teaching program to foster science
and math teaching at the K-12 level; and increase funding for
professional development of math and science teachers.


Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

Nice doesn't cut it in the face of the rabid Right

By Johnny Angel
December 7, 2000

Wanna know what has really crippled the progressive/moderate
movement in America, why we seem so impotent in the
face of the endlessly blaring nuttery on the Right? Basically, it's a lack
of anger, a lack of outrage over the idea that the rest of the world
doesn't share our views, the life's blood and passion of America's

The fact is the Right is perennially pissed off. Pinch-faced, cross-eyed
pissed off. It always has been and loudly so since Marconi's genius became
mass marketable, from racists Father Coughlin and Gerald Smith during the
Depression to convicted felons Gordon Liddy/Ollie North today. And why is
this, you may ask? Because the kind of psyche, rheuma, soul, whatever word
you'd like to use that is always boiling over cholerically belongs to the
empty-headed animals of the American Right--why do you suppose that the
bile level on political talk radio is up at the eyebrow line? As John
Lydon said so eloquently in PIL's 1986's anthem "Rise," "anger is an
energy"--and the Left doesn't have it. Not until we've been reamed,
steamed and dry-cleaned will this change. Even then, the nature of our
internal beast is not combative -- our own well-adjustment is a political
Achilles heel.

Not to mention dissonance and confusion in 2000, the roles of Left/Right
have reversed. Frankly, we on what was the Left have assumed the
traditional role of the true freedom-loving conservative--laissez faire on
social issues, economic prudence on debt and deficit, antipathy to
"zero-tolerance" and "mandatory sentencing", true adherence to the
Constitution (especially as it pertains to the 1st, 4th and 5th
Amendments, all loathed by the selective patriots on the Right), and most
importantly, a sense that fair play trumps all concerns, that there must
be uniformity in how the laws are applied. The American Right operates on
the (lack of) principle that their simian symbol of success, GW Bush
derided on a daily basis in his 200 million dollar campaign--"if it feels
good, do it", was a 60's mantra that Bush cited as the example of the
decline of Western Civilization, as proof of spiritual corruption gone
haywire. Yet, as has been shown in Florida in the last few weeks, the Bush
and GOP camps have "done it" whenever the mood hit them, with no regard to
either the law or the will of the people, using mob rule and violence to
quell manual vote counts in Miami, or assembling endless legal stonewalls
or Harris cronyism to assure a victory. And what will be the first
priority of a Bush administration? A trillion dollar tax cut (or, more
accurately, a rollback to 1989, so as to eradicate Bush Sr.'s tarnished
record) that will bring back deficits and high interest rates.
Conservative? Hardly--Barry Goldwater is rolling in his tomb.

Selective outrage, blood pressure-raising pique, hauteur for no
discernable reason, these are now the character traits of the people that
make up today's Republican Party. Our problems with this juggernaut are
duo fold--not only are they motivated, they're unified against what they
perceive as a common enemy--us. Ironically, the rank and file of the Angry
Right have much more in common with their supposed foes in the working and
middle class than they do with their wealthy, manipulative leadership (a
source of incredible anxiety to them, there is nothing they hate and fear
more than the idea that they're no better than anyone else)--but another
character trait of today's conservative is the unquestioning devotion to
cherished totems like righteousness, religiosity, the military and the
traditional role of the woman in the family. Beat that drum hard enough
and long enough, and the inability to reason (the downfall of any
regressive) takes over--with a side order of propaganda-fired rage as well.

Can't see us on the Left getting mad enough to get even, for the same
reason that there is no Limbaugh on the Left--sure, we have our prejudices
as well, but we don't embrace them as a source of pride, we have bouts of
anger, but they are aimed at moving the intractable evils of some human
beings as opposed to keeping the status quo at all costs. If we believe
that privilege is sacred, it isn't because it's an exclusive weapon to
keep the masses in their places, but a benefit that must be used to
alleviate suffering without condition; if we believe that there are
cultural differences between certain groups of people, then we enjoy that
aspect of the human condition, not try to steam-roll other cultures into a
conformist straightjacket. This philosophy is harder to articulate and
doesn't play to xenophobia or code-word racism like the voices of the
Right do--and it doesn't play to the deep-seated fear and paranoia (ever
heard a progressive rave about an invasion from China or North Korea,
say?) that keeps the stentorian bellow of rightwing commentariat in full
roar, 24/7. Who'd have ever thought it--we're too good for our own good!
Johnny Angel is a freelance writer who is frequently published in the LA
Weekly, LA New Times, Mean, Hotdog, RollingStone.com, and is a syndicated
columnist with the San Francisco Bay Guardian.


Date: Thu,  1 Feb 2001

          The Manifest that follows was written  and signed by
          people (mostly youth) that were camping in the youth
          camping of the WSF. About 200 people made a
          demonstration against the "social-democrat" tendency of
          the WSF and read the Manifest.

Manifest of Anti-capitalist Youth against the World Social Forum

Another World is Possible...
Only Destroying Capitalism!

Since Seattle, passing Washington, London, Milan, Melbourne Seoul, Prague
to Nice, time and again tens of thousands of anticapitalist youth have
denounced, with direct action, the great monopolies and international
institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, WTO, and the European Union.
These institutions are responsible for the exploitation of millions of
workers, for the destruction of the environment, for relegating millions of
persons in dire poverty.

Now, here,in Porto Alegre , at the World Social Forum, the NGO's, the
union bureaucracies, and the directors of the institutionalized political
change the content of the struggle of the young anticapitalists to the
reactionary policy of "humanizing capital". Humanizing capitalism with the
French ministers that persecute immigrants, who form a government that,
together with NATO, bombed Yugoslavia, killing thousands of people and
repressed the anti-capitalists in Nice. Humanizing capitalism together with
the bankers and the multinationals. Humanizing capitalism together with the
governments who, like the PT [Worker's Party], continue paying the foreign
debt, repressed the strike of the professors of Rio Grande do Sul and the
occupation of a federal building in Porto Alegre, and continue repressing the
street merchants and the homeless on their squatted land. Governments that
continue to make payments to the multinationals.

In truth the "stars" that direct this government and mayoralship,
self-proclaimed democratic and popular, interested in the 2002 elections,
resolved to serve as a test tube for a new capitalist order. One sustained by a
social democracy that permits bourgeois exploitation and pleases the
middle-classes with democratic play-actings such as the Participatory
Budget that aims to impede protests via the co-optation of popular
movements. Rounding out the picture are the various "left" parties that even
while criticising this policy, capitulate before a more thorough questioning.

Humanizing capitalism is utopian and reactionary. Thus, we, anti-capitalist
youth from the Youth Camp, form a part of the anti-capitalist movement and
stand in solidarity with the youth denouncing the World Economic Forum in
Davos. We say: The World Social Forum is a ruse of those who wish to
detour the anti-capitalist fight towards the policy of collaboration of classes
and elections, continuing to apply the misery of capitalism. Thus we
continue our efforts in the construction of a national anti-capitalist network
under the cries of : "Down with the World Economic Forum, IMF World
Bank and WTO"; to which the World Social Forum is not an alternative,
"down with the plan Colombia!", "Long live the Palestinian Intifada", "No
to the payment of the domestic and foreign debts!", "No to the

Capitalism kills, we will kill capitalism. It is up to the youth, the workers,
and the poor anti-capitalists, loyal to the spirit of Seattle, Nice, Prague and
Davos to impede the distortion of the anti-capitalist intervention and its use
by its enemies.


Juventude e Luta Revolucionaria, Jornal Espaco Socialista, Comite
Marxista Revolucionario, Anarco-Punks, Movimento Che Vive (RJ),
Coletive pela Universidade Popular (Porto Alegre), Secretaria Estadual de
Casas de Estudantes de Goias, Movimento Nacional de Meninos e Meninas
de Rua, Federacao Anarquista Gaucha, Grupo Cultural Semente de
Esperanca, Acao Global por Justica Local, Resitencia Popular RJ/PA,
Nucleo Zumbi Zapatista - ABC Paulista, Estrategia Revolucionaria,
Socialismo Libertario Brasilia, Federacao Anarquista Uruguaia, Acao
Revolucionaria Marxista (RJ), Frente de Luta Popular, Juventude Avancar
na Luta, Ligua Bolchevique Internacionalista, Espaco Cultural Quilombola -
Aracatuba - SP, e demais ativistas anti-capitalistas.


Waging War on Dissent,  a report by the Seattle National Lawyers Guild
and WTO Legal Group is on the web as a PDF file and available for printing
or downloading.


This report is an in depth look at the increasingly heavy handed tactics
used by corporations and law enforcement during recent mass-demonstrations.

The report goes into:

- disruption of legitimate protest
- the increasing militarization of law enforcement
- organizing in the face of increased repression

The report also provides a detailed examination of the array of "less
lethal" weaponry, the role of corporations and their ultimate game plan.

Hard copies of the report are still available through the mail.

Please send inquiries, donations etc to:

c/o Paul Richmond
PO 95242
Seattle, WA, 98145
(206) 405-4651

Please specify "report" on any donations.


Hackers become more militant

by Brent Lawson
The Hamilton Spectator

The attacks from the silence of cyberspace struck with military
precision. A total of 26 government Web sites in three countries were
hacked into and defaced at virtually the same time.
Then, hackers hit software giant Microsoft Corp., shutting down access
for millions of users in North America.
This week's well organized attacks were a reminder that cyberspace
remains a battleground on many fronts, with groups eager to claim credit
for what they view as political action rather than cyber vandalism.
The Web invasions occurred almost exactly one year after attacks on such
high profile sites as Amazon.com, Yahoo and eBay which cost millions of
dollars and prompted widespread fears about Internet security.
The success of the recent strikes suggests the world's most powerful
sites remain vulnerable to determined computer hackers.
Last week, a 16-year-old from Montreal known as Mafiaboy pleaded guilty
to 56 charges of mischief in connection with some of those attacks.
But this week's forays on to government sites in the United States,
United Kingdom and Australia were hardly the work of a few isolated
The cyber raids are seen as a reflection of the growing militancy of
disgruntled Web users who have organized into groups with a
para-military structure.
Cyber security expert John Walker of Hamilton-based CSS Internet News
said such groups claim to possess a clear purpose.
"They are trying to tell governments to stop trying to control the Internet."
An international group called Pentaguard is claiming credit for the
incursions on 26 government Web sites.
Another group called CyberArmy claims to have 35,000 adherents.
Members can perform "anti-censorship" tasks to earn such
classifications as trooper, lieutenant and marshall.
The Web site offers this description: "We campaign against those
who abuse the free nature of the Internet. We believe that
spammers, child pornographers, Web-based scammers and malicious
hackers are enemies of the Internet....
"CyberArmy is a group of netizens who believe in a deregulated Internet,
which is free from external control."
Walker said such attacks have the reverse effect, providing ammunition
to people who favour more regulation of the Internet.
"What they are actually doing is giving government every reason in the
world to tighten controls. Control is what it's all about.
Control brings profits and taxes. If they can't control it, they can't tax
Keith Lowry, vice-president of security operations for Pilot Network
Services Inc., said the attacks confirm that the Net has
serious security problems and the situation is worsening.
"There are people who are out there to destroy.... They call it 'to free'
information from other people."
Lowry said the connectivity of the Internet and the ready access to
Web sites provides more scope for those who want to attack
But he doubts governments can even hope to keep up with the rapidly
evolving Internet, let alone provide effective regulations.
"I don't believe governments can control it. I don't think they have the
manpower, the resources or the technical expertise to do
By the time governments are ready to act, the issue they were
concerned with has often been overtaken by new technology and
"It takes them a year to enact legislation. By the time they get there,
what's happened is already history."
The California firm provides security protection against unauthorized
access, tampering and viruses for over 70,000 networks
around the world.
Lowry compared government attempts to control cyberspace to trying
to put a net around the atmosphere. "The Internet is too
big, too pervasive, too technologically advanced for slow-moving


ELF Making Good on Threat


By Dean Schabner

Jan. 30 - The Earth Liberation Front has carried out more than 100 acts of
destruction in the last five years, wreaking $37 million worth of damage.
To date, police have one suspect, and the group, leading a rising wave of
environmental extremism, is promising to escalate its attacks. STORY
HIGHLIGHTS Apocalyptic Environmentalists, Political Cynics   Violent
Terrorists or Religious Radicals   Expanding Scope, Extending Range

Last week, investigators got their first break, arresting Frank Ambrose, of
Indiana, in connection with a tree spiking incident for which the ELF
claimed credit. Law enforcers, however, are not calling it a major
breakthrough in their five-year war with the elusive activists.

"It's always a positive when there is some success," said Tom Lyons, a U.S.
Forest Service special agent in charge of law investigation in the
Northwest. "That can only help to deter and show law enforcement agents'
intent to deal with this issue nationwide. It's well publicized that
organizations like ELF operate in small cells around the country, and this
man's ties [to ELF] are the subject of speculation."

The "elves" of the ELF have become more and more active since they claimed
responsibility for setting fires that caused $12 million worth of damage at
the Vail Mountain ski resort more than two years ago. According to the
activists and the law enforcement agencies that battle them, there's likely
to be a lot more of their costly mischief.

"This year, 2001, we hope to see an escalation in tactics against
capitalism and industry," ELF said earlier this month in a communique to
Craig Rosebraugh, the Portland, Ore., man who acts as unofficial spokesman
for the group. In the statement, ELF also claimed responsibility for a fire
at a lumber company office in Glendale, Ore., that did $400,000 worth of

Crime fighters in the FBI and the Forest Service are taking them at their
word, especially considering that the Bush Administration has been talking
about opening the national parks to mining and logging and stepping up the
search for oil in the Alaska wilderness.

"It's a question that's been on my mind and on a number of people's minds,"
said Kim Thorsen, Forest Service department director of law enforcement and
investigation. "The new administration's policies are different from those
in the past. It's very possible that this coming summer season is going to
be very contentious, if we start cutting more trees and we start mining.
It's an issue we're going to have to be very aware of."

David Szady, the special agent in charge of the FBI's Portland division,
said that ELF has already begun to increase its activity, noting that
though there was nothing as spectacular as the Vail incident last year,
2000 was the group's busiest yet.

Apocalyptic Environmentalists, Political Cynics

ELF claimed responsibility for 16 fires last year at construction sites for
luxury homes in Colorado, Arizona and New York, and law enforcement
officials link them to the Anarchist Golf Association, which destroyed two
grass seed research centers in Oregon. The group is also blamed for a fire
at a Forest Service tree biogenetic research site in Wisconsin. In all,
they claimed responsibility for $2.2 million worth of damage in 2000.

While Thorsen seemed ready to link the possibility of more "ecotage" to the
policies of the administration in Washington, at least one person who has
studied the movement sees no reason to believe that ELF cares at all who is
in the White House.

Bron Taylor, a professor of religion at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
who has studied the radical environmental movement for more than a decade,
said that one of the defining elements of the activists is their political

"With these guys, I don't think they look at any administration as being
better than any other," Taylor said.

Taylor, who has published dozens of articles in scholarly journals dealing
with various aspects of the environmental movement, said he gained his
understanding of the activists not just from their public statements and
actions, but from numerous interviews, many conducted anonymously with
people he said he believed were ELF members.

"You can't understand these guys if you don't understand the ethical and
spiritual motivations behind them," Taylor said. "There are continuities
between their ethical and spiritual motivations, and those that have
motivated the environmental vanguard for the last 125 years. You have
grafted onto that a particular reading of environmental science and of
governmental politics that tends to be on the one hand apocalyptic in terms
of its view of the environment and on the other deeply cynical in its
political analysis."

Violent Terrorists or Religious Radicals

He describes their reverence for nature as a religious feeling related to
the beliefs of Native Americans in which all living things have souls and
are seen as sacred.

According to Taylor, "deep ecologists" such as those in ELF have a firm
belief in three essential tenets: That ecosystems have an inherent worth
that cannot be judged in relation to human needs; that human actions are
bringing the earth toward mass extinctions; and that political action is
insufficient to bring about the wholesale social changes needed.

Because of their rejection of the possibility that government will make the
kind of policy changes they deem necessary, ELF activists are not concerned
about swaying public opinion, in Taylor's reading of the group. Their goal,
he says, is to create a situation in which it is simply unprofitable for
lumber companies to cut down trees or construction companies to build
luxury "trophy homes" in wild areas.

While this makes them ready to take actions that are considered by much of
society to be radical, their reverence for nature and their belief -
whether articulated or not - that life in any form is sacred, keeps them
opposed to intentionally harming other people, even their ideological

"It is a laugh to me when they call us violent or terrorists," Lee Dessaux,
a hunt saboteur said in a 1997 interview quoted in Taylor's article
"Religion, Violence and Radical Environmentalism: from Earth First! to the
Unabomber to the Earth Liberation Front" in Journal of Terrorism and
Political Violence. "I say, if we were, don't you think we'd have killed
people by now?"

They still haven't either killed or seriously hurt anyone in more than 100
incidents over five years since they burned a truck at Forestry Service
office in Oregon, but law enforcement officials fear it is only a matter of

"They keep saying that we're not going to hurt anyone, and I think they're
sincere, but what happens is you can't control the zealots - we saw that
with [Oklahoma City bomber Timothy] McVeigh," Szady said. "Our other fear
is that someone is going to be killed accidentally."

Expanding Scope, Extending Range

Not only has ELF picked up its pace, it seems the "elves" have also begun
to branch out and move around the country. Whereas early on their ecotage
was primarily directed at the logging industry, and primarily in the
Northwest, their recent campaign against suburban sprawl brought them
attention in the Northeast.

"These people are popping up all over," Szady said. "The names can change,
but we think the people are the same."

To date, it seems that the FBI and others trying to catch the "elves"
haven't been able to find out for sure, though. Szady refused to say
whether the FBI has had any success attempting to infiltrate ELF, but there
have been no arrests in any of major the incidents for which "elves" have
claimed responsibility.

"We have to take a very coordinated effort on the local, state and federal
level, with all involved agencies working together," he said. "We're also
hoping to get cooperation from the people in those organizations who might
feel that some members have stepped over the line."

The Indiana arrest, carried out by state Conservation agents, shows that
various law enforcement organizations are cooperating in the fight against
ELF, but doesn't mean an end is in sight.

Without Hierarchy, ELF Eludes Law


Tree Spiking Suspect Linked to ELF -
Environment Group Admits Burning Homes -
Saving the Earth, One Arson at a Time -
Extreme Environmentalists Target Industry -
Eco Militants Frustrate the Law -


Cloning Reality: Brave New World here we come

By Wesley J. Smith

Brave New World has arrived at last, as we always knew it would. On January
22, 2001, Britain's House of Lords voted overwhelmingly to permit the
cloning and maintenance of human embryos up to 14 days old for the purposes
of medical experimentation, thereby taking the first terrible step toward
the legalization of full-blown human cloning. Meanwhile, an international
group of human-reproduction experts announced their plans — current legal
prohibitions be damned — to bring cloned humans to birth in order to provide
biological children to infertile couples. They expect to deliver their first
clone within 18 months. The ripple effect on human history of these and the
events that will inevitably follow may well make a tsunami seem like a mere
splash in a playground puddle.

Human cloning is moving slowly but surely toward reality despite intense and
widespread opposition throughout the world. Many resisters worry that
permitting human cloning would remove us from the natural order. As the
venerable Leon R. Kass has so eloquently put it, cloning brings conception
and gestation "into the bright light of the laboratory, beneath which the
child-to-be can be fertilized, nourished, pruned, weeded, watched,
inspected, prodded, pinched, cajoled, injected, tested, rated, graded,
approved, stamped, wrapped, sealed, and delivered."

Kass's point is that once human life is special-ordered rather than
conceived, life will never be the same. No longer will each of us be a life
that is unique from all others who have ever lived. Instead our genetic
selves will be molded and chiseled in a Petrie dish to comply with the
social norms of the day. And if something goes wrong, the new life will be
thrown away like some defective widget or other fungible product. So long,
diversity. Hello homogeneity.

Perhaps even worse, widespread acceptance of cloning would be a deathblow to
the sanctity/equality of life ethic — the cornerstone of Western liberty
from which sprang our still unrealized dream of universal human rights. The
premise of the sanctity of life ethic is that each and every one of us is of
equal, incalculable, moral worth. Whatever our race, sex, ethnicity,
stature, health, disability, age, beauty, or cognitive capacity, we are all
full moral equals within the human community — there is no "them," only

Cloning stands in stark opposition to this equalitarian dream. It is — and
always has been — the quintessential eugenic enterprise.

Eugenics, meaning "good in birth," directly contradicts the self evident
truth enunciated by Thomas Jefferson that all people are created equal.
Eugenicists believe that the moral value of people is relative, or to put it
another way, that some of us are better than others of us. Eugenicists seek
to "improve" humanity by breeding out the "undesirable" traits of those
deemed less worthy. Indeed, the pioneers of the eugenics movement worked for
more than 50 years during the late 1800s and into the middle of the 20th
Century to eliminate the genes of the "unfit" from the human gnome, first by
encouraging proper eugenic marriages (positive eugenics) and more
perniciously, by involuntarily sterilizing those deemed to have undesirable
physical and personal traits (negative eugenics).

Anyone with even a modicum of historical knowledge — alas, a scarce
commodity in these post-modernistic times — knows where that led. In this
country alone, 60,000-plus people were involuntary sterilized. In Western
Europe, eugenics belief systems combusted with social Darwinism and
anti-Semitism to produce the Nazis and thence to the Holocaust.

Today's eugenicists are not racist or anti-Semites but they exhibit every
bit as much hubris as their predecessors by assuming that they — that we —
have the right to direct the future evolution of humanity, only now rather
than having to rely on clunky procreative planning they literally grasp the
human genome in their hands. Cloning plays a big part in these plans as the
patriarch of the modern bioethics movement, Joseph Fletcher, a wild
eugenicist, well knew when he wrote nearly 30 years ago that cloning would
"permit the preservation and perpetuation of the finest genotypes that arise
in our species."

What are these supposedly "finest" genotypes? Most neo-eugenicist cloning
advocates worship at the altar of the frontal lobe, valuing high
intelligence and logical thinking in much the same way that founding
practitioners of eugenics valued the blue eyes and blond hair they saw each
morning in their own mirrors. Thus, Princeton University's Lee Silver hopes
through cloning to create a "special group of mental beings" who "will be as
different from humans as humans are from the primitive worms…that first
crawled along the earth's surface." Yet Fletcher, Silver, and most others of
their ilk almost always miss the point that smart people are not necessarily
good people. And they rarely discuss designing people with the most
important human capacities of all: the ability to love unconditionally,
gentleness, empathy, the deep desire to be helpful and productive.
Ironically, these highest, best human characteristics are often found in
people with Down syndrome or other developmental disabilities — the very
people who the neo eugenicists believe should be evolved intentionally out
of existence whether through genetic manipulation or if necessary, selective
abortion, and infanticide.

Eugenics, as awful as it is, is only the beginning of the threat posed to
the natural order by human cloning. Some cloners have decided that if they
are going to "play God"; they might as well do it all the way by creating
altogether new life forms. Indeed, scientists have already used cloning
techniques to add jellyfish genetic material to a cloned monkey embryo,
manufacturing a monkey that glows in the dark. Nor is human life itself
immune from such "Dr. Moreau" forms of manipulation. For example, some in
bioethics and bioscience support the creation of chimeras — part human and
part animal — beings Joseph Fletcher called "parahumans" who he hoped would
"be fashioned to do dangerous and demeaning jobs." In other words, Fletcher
advocated the creation of a slave race of mostly-humans designed by us and
for our use. "As it is now," the bioethics patriarch wrote in his typically
snobbish fashion, "low grade work is shoved off on moronic and retarded
individuals, the victims of uncontrolled reproduction. Should we not program
such workers 'thoughtfully' instead of accidentally, by means of

Fletcher's dark dream of human/animal chimeras is well on its way to
reality. Not too long ago Australian scientists announced they had created a
"pig-man" through cloning techniques, and allowed the hybrid to develop for
more than two weeks before destroying it. Last year, a biotech company took
out a Europe-wide patent on embryos containing cells both from humans and
from mice, sheep, pigs, cattle, goats, or fish. Where such manipulations
will lead may be beyond comprehension.

Cloning presents humankind with the postmodernist version of the Faustian
bargain. Through cloning, we are told, our greatest dreams can be realized:
the barren can give birth, genetic anomalies and disabilities can be
eliminated at the embryonic level, near immortality will be within our grasp
as replacements, for worn out organs can be grown in the lab for
transplantation without fear of bodily rejection. But the devil always
demands his due — the higher the "value" of the bargain, the greater the

In cloning technologies we may face the highest price of all: the end of the
perception of human life as "sacred" and the concomitant increase in the
nihilistic belief that humans are mere biological life; an increasing
willingness to use and exploit human life as if it were a mere natural
resource; eventually, the loss of human diversity itself — and these are
just the foreseen consequences. The unforeseen consequences of mucking
around in the human gnome may be worse than we can imagine. As Leon Kass has
written, "shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder."
Wesley J. Smith is the author of Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical
Ethics in America, recently published by Encounter Books

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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