-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 186

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--U.S. in 1990s: Land of the unequal, home of the poor
--Protesters, police prepare for ADB meeting
--Field Guide to the FTAA Protest in Quebec City
--Secret Service breaks up CD piracy venture
--A Message to White America: "It's Time We Woke Up"
--U.S. Continues to Dominate World Military Expenditures
--Lawyers: Inaugural Protesters Abused
--Hackers hit Sandia


U.S. in 1990s: Land of the unequal, home of the poor

By Peter Cook
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
March 12, 2001

BRUSSELS -- Foreign critics of the United States are starting to  question
just exactly what the world was supposed to admire in the  once-
unassailable, now-fragile, U.S. economy.   As ever, the genesis of such
thinking is Europe -- which, outside  Britain, has never really been a fan.

When the United States  possessed the world's first self-styled
recession-proof economy, the  Germans, French and others stayed mute. Now
that it is the home of  haunted stock markets and craven consumers,
Europe's economists are  delving into the record books to discover what a
decade of New  Economy triumphalism has meant in real terms. Their first
answer: Not  very much.

Yes, the United States acquired a lead in advanced technologies that others
will have to copy. But catching up on invented technology is a  process
that is often easier and more rewarding because it generates  fewer
mistakes.   Beyond that, if you look at the past 10 years of economic
progress in  the three areas that advance living standards most -- growth
in  output, gains in productivity and job creation -- there has
actually  been little to choose between the United States, Japan and

There is some irony in this. When the 1990s opened, a humbled
United  States was worried that it was losing out on managerial and
marketing  supremacy to the Japanese, and on long-term investment to
the  Germans. A brash presidential candidate, Bill Clinton, exploited
both  these alleged faults to get elected. Since then, and certainly
since  U.S. consumers started out on history's biggest spending binge, we
have not heard much about foreign economies. Instead, the story has  been
the amazing performance of the United States.

Study the numbers closely, however, and no gap has opened up. Figures put
out by Eurostat and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development) show the U.S. economy did better than  the rest after 1992.
But that discounts an earlier U.S. slowdown  while counting several years
of near-stagnation in Germany and Japan.  Go back 10 years instead and both
German and U.S. growth are the  same, at an average annual 2.5 per cent,
while Japan is not far  behind at 2 per cent.   This is a surprising figure
because the increase in the U.S.  population (and therefore in the
economy's potential to grow) was  much greater over the period.

In terms of growth per capita, Germany outgrew the United States --  though
this was a reflection of a political event, German  unification, which
overnight endowed former east Germans with the  blessings of living in a
German-mark economy. Anyway, if Americans  think they got richer faster in
terms of GDP (gross domestic product)  in the past decade, they haven't.
Both the Germans and the French did  better.

The same is true of productivity. Yes, the Americans remained ahead during
the 1990s. But, contrary to the view that their technology  revolution has
greatly enhanced productivity, the U.S. lead over  others has not widened
at all. True, U.S. productivity gains in  services may be understated. But
even that does not explain why, in  1990-99, multi-factor productivity rose
an average of 1.4 per cent in  Germany, 1.6 in Japan and just 1 per cent in
the United States.

The one clear advantage Americans have enjoyed is in job creation.  Their
unemployment rate stands at an unbeatable 4.2 per cent,  compared with 9.3
per cent in Germany. So, if the 1990s boom was a  success, it was chiefly
for reducing the jobless rate painlessly and  without any rebound in
inflation. But the critical thing to look at  is not a long, stable
economic expansion but at just who, beyond  dot-com millionaires,
benefited.   A study done by three U.S. economists, Timothy Smeeding,
Lee  Rainwater and Gary Burtless, and reported on by
BusinessWeek  magazine, looks at levels of pay inequality and absolute
poverty. On  both counts, it has not been a good decade for the United

Using an after-tax income measure of poverty that includes cash
and  near-cash welfare payments, they found the United States
ranked  seventh out of 10 rich nations in the mid-1990s (below Canada,
Sweden  and Germany, and above only Britain and Australia). Using a second
measure that defines poverty in terms of having an income that is 40 per
cent below the median income, they found only  one country in the 10 had a
double-digit poverty rate (at 10.7 per  cent in 1997) -- the United States.


Thursday, March 15, 2001

Protesters, police prepare for ADB meeting


Some say they are going too far

By Nelson Daranciang
Honolulu Star-Bulletin

Groups planning peaceful demonstrations during the Asian Development Bank
meeting in May say Honolulu police are going too far to prevent violent
Police are questioning people on the street and even stopped a motorist who
had a "Shut Down ADB" bumper sticker on his car, said Carolyn Hatfield of
ADBwatch, a local network of organizations and individuals concerned with
the ADB's free-trade goals and Third World developmental projects.
"It's creating a real bad climate," she said.
The May 7-11 meeting at the Hawaii Convention Center is expected to attract
attendees and, according to ADBwatch, between 5,000 and 7,000 protesters
opposed to the
ADB's policies
Assistant Police Chief Boisse Correa, who is in charge of HPD's security
plan for the meeting, said he did not know of any circumstances of police
approaching people on the street about the meeting. In fact, he said,
officers were instructed not to approach anyone.
Still, to monitor protest groups entering the state, police will be
checking airline manifests.  Neither police nor the airlines would comment
on when those checks would start or if they have already started.
Local and federal law enforcement officers also are surfing the Internet to
find out which national and international groups plan to protest in
Honolulu and are checking with Hawaii-based organizations on whether they
will be partnering with any of those groups.
At a Honolulu City Council meeting last month, Correa said he hopes for
peaceful demonstrations from protesters, but still has to plan for the
"worst-case scenario."
Correa also has asked the council for $750,000 to purchase anti-riot and
other security gear and says officers have been undergoing civil
disobedience training since last summer. The police measures are designed
to prevent a replay of the violence by both police and protesters during
1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle which caused $3 million in
Sydney Hayakawa, the state's security plan coordinator for the ADB meeting,
said, "We're learning from the experiences on the mainland. (The
protesters) come out with new techniques.  They train, we train."
"It'll come down to who is more proactive," said Hayakawa, the State
Department of Public Safety's deputy director for Law Enforcement.
ADBwatch said it is conducting its own training to prevent another WTO
fiasco. Police are trying to identify groups opposed to the ADB so law
enforcement hopefully can reach agreements with them for peaceful protests,
Correa said.
He attended the 1999 WTO meeting and witnessed some of the tactics some
groups used to protest the talks.
In Seattle, security zones police set up collapsed because protesters
violated their agreements, said Capt. Ron Griffin of the King County
Sheriff Department. Demonstrators chained themselves to cars, poles and
buildings to block the flow of traffic to and from the meeting and to try
to divert police from other protesters, Griffin said.
When police tried to remove the chains, they were confronted by lawyers and
video cameras, he said.
Griffin recommends police form teams to remove obstructions as quickly as
possible and have a fallback position beyond which no protests or
demonstrations would be allowed.
Meanwhile, ADBwatch has invited the attorney who trained the Seattle
protesters to train legal observers here.
ADBwatch is coordinating educational forums and demonstrations for local
groups like the indigenous rights organization KAHEA and outside groups
like International Forum on Globalization. It is securing the permits for a
march from the convention center to a rally at Kapiolani Park on May 9.
The permit application is for a crowd of between 5,000 and 7,000 but at
this time no one is sure just how many people are going to take part.
Robert Fishman, executive director of the Hawaii Tourism Authority, said if
the world sees that Hawaii can allow for peaceful protest and successfully
host the ADB, the islands can become a hub for similar international events.
See also:
Many feel protests will be peaceful
Council drops arrest measure


Field Guide to the FTAA Protest in Quebec City

The Field Guide to the FTAA Protest in Quebec City (see Index below) is now
online: <http://www.soaw-ne.org/FTAAGuide.html>

1) Disclaimer
2) Introduction
3) The Police Operation
4) The Activist Operation
5) Languages in Quebec City
6) Housing
7) Maps
8) Getting to Quebec City
9) Driving in the Province of Quebec
10) Food
11) Border Crossing
12) Border Actions
13) Teach-ins on FTAA
14) E-mail Lists
15) Direct Actions
16) Events
17) Legal Information
18) Weather
19) Dealing with Journalists
20) Independent Media Center
21) Health Issues
22) Exchange Rates
23) Taxes
24) Other Practical Information
25) Electronic Mail
26) Tourist Information


Secret Service breaks up CD piracy venture

by Greg Farrell
March 15, 2001

NEW YORK -- The Secret Service has broken up one of the biggest
U.S. manufacturing operations of bootleg CDs ever uncovered.

The Treasury Department agency, best known for nabbing counterfeiters
and protecting the president, shut down a factory here that had
the capacity to produce 3 million high-quality pirate CDs a year,
complete with counterfeit labels and shrink-wrapped CD "jewel
box" cases.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) estimates
that the bootleg CDs would have cost record labels $ 47 million
in annual sales.

The crackdown began when Secret Service agents descended on a
garage in Queens on March 8 that was rigged up as a pirate's paradise.
The agents found 90 CD burners, 16 cases of counterfeit CDs, a
shrink-wrap machine, blank CDs and CD jewel boxes.

In a later raid in Manhattan, agents recovered more than 17,000
counterfeit CDs ready for sale on the street. In record stores,
the real CDs sell for about $ 15 or more each.

A partial list of the CDs shows that the bootleggers' taste ran
toward urban and Latino music, with a sprinkling of pop. Included:
Tito Puente, Jay-Z, Julio Iglesias, Santana, Jennifer Lopez and
The Beatles.

The RIAA described the business as a "massive counterfeit music

Says Bruce Townsend, who heads the Secret Service's financial
crimes division: "Any time you're talking about a $ 50 million
loss to an industry, that's significant."

Two men, Richard Certuche and Patrice Benon, have been arrested
so far. Although Townsend said he could not comment, it is believed
that the investigation is continuing to identify other associates
involved in the operation.

The case grew out of a tip from the RIAA to the New York Electronic
Crimes Task Force, a 200-member group that consists of several
levels of law enforcement as well as private industry groups and
representatives of academia.

Because of its expertise in comparable counterfeit activity, the
Secret Service coordinated the task force's efforts to shut down
the music production facility.

"(The operation) is an interesting blend of the Secret Service's
historic expertise in forged documents merged with our current
expertise in computer technology," Townsend says.

"The Secret Service regularly investigates high-technology and
computer crimes. It's now part of our investigative mission.

"When new agents finish training, they get a gun, a badge and
a laptop computer."


A Message to White America: "It's Time We Woke Up"

By Heather Gray

Producer "Just Peace"
WRFG-Atlanta 89.3 FM

I am of European descent and, while I prefer to be called European American,
given the American practice of classifying people by their race, I need to
state unequivocally that I am "white". And it is of this "whiteness", it's
repercussions and responsibilities that I write.

All of my adult life I have been a political activist. For more than 30 years
I have participated in virtually all the major movements for justice in this
country encompassing civil rights, anti-war, anti-apartheid, anti-nuclear,
anti-corporate, anti-death penalty, on and on. Throughout this vast
experience invariably racism and class oppression raise their ugly heads. For
me, however, the most compelling and disturbing of these is racism and its
companion white supremacy. The brilliant and profound scholar W.E.B Dubois
warned us that the issue of race would define the 20th century which indeed
it has. And because America has been so lax in adequately addressing this
disease of racism and all it's augmented problems, race will likely define
the 21st century as well.

Racism in America is of epidemic proportions and whoever denies this must be
a fool or blind. It surrounds is in our economic strata,  in our prison
system, in our schools, in our political infrastructures, in our foreign
policy, in our health system, in our housing, in our banking to name only a
few! It is not a problem only in white conservative circles where most
activists would expect it to be lodged, but in the so-called liberal and
progressive circles as well. All will attempt to state otherwise.
Conservatives might claim some of their best friends are Black. Liberals
might state that they are working for changes of some policies which will
"make life better for Blacks". Progressives in various organizations might
say that they are working under the leadership of Blacks so they must be
doing something right. None of this is ever enough and it is literally and
figuratively "white wash". It is true that historically there have always
been whites who have taken a stand against racism but the numbers have been
far too limited given the enormity of the problem. This has frustrated me to
the point that a few years ago I wrote a lengthy poem entitled "Being White
and Angry" in which I delineated what some have described as an epistle of
"white" ancestral and present day immoral, disgraceful and tragic exploits
from slavery to the Gulf War.

The dreadful realities of racism and white supremacy have always teetered on
the walls of decay because the foundation is built on lies and deception. No
one has gained from racism despite claims to the contrary. If anything, we as
whites have diminished our souls through racist practices and any economic
gains are tainted - I refer to such gains as blood money.

We as whites will rarely claim responsibility for our creation of racism and
white supremacy (they are ours after all) in spite of the fact that we demand
recognition for virtually all other inventions - when it suits us and when we
can benefit from it we'll claim it! It has been said that often the most
important things in life are not discussed or written about and whites are
definitely selective on not speaking out on the above issues. Could this
suggest the importance of the issue to whites? I think so because it requires
us to look deep into our souls and admit we are and always have been wrong
about our entrenched present and past racism. This is seemingly an impossible
task for most whites. Most of us have a shell that's almost impenetrable.
While everyone else rails against us whites for our racist attitudes and
policies we are largely and despicably silent on the issue. Why are we like
this? Do many of us who are white want to maintain the present racist system?
Yes, beyond doubt! While rarely are we now wearing sheets over our heads, we
are instead sitting in board rooms where we implement racist policies.  But
in today's climate it is not appropriate to state without reserve that we are
racist. Instead everyone skirts around the issue. This false impression by
other whites drives me nuts. Are some of us nervous about reactions from
other whites if we take up the call against racism? For some, this is likely
true. Are we ignorant of racism? No, but nevertheless it seems the majority
of whites claim ignorance. Are we apathetic? Yes. Do some of us feel guilt?
Probably. Would we prefer to pass the buck? Always. Strangely, we prefer to
blame those who are the victims of our prevailing racism as if they were
architects of their own victimization and not us. The insanity and hypocrisy
of this is mind boggling.

Throughout the years, whenever I've attended panels or conferences on racism
organized by whites, invariably Blacks will be invited to participate. This
is important because we as whites always need to be educated about the
devastating impact of our actions and attitudes. But where, I've always
asked, are the masses of whites who need to take up the mantle with other
whites on this issue. Why are we, in vast numbers, not also on those panels
and in the streets demanding change. Indeed, it is this lack of attention to
racism on the part of whites with other whites that, in my opinion, has
always been the missing equation in addressing the morass of the tragic
effects of racism and white supremacy. The problem of racism rests with those
of us who are white - we are the racists, we are the architects of this
dreadful disease, we are the supremacists, and, guided by our Black sisters
and brothers, we need to begin being accountable, speaking out and taking
action. We need to plant the seed and let it grow deliberately and
exponentially....individual to individual, community to community, city to
city, nation to nation.

A few weeks ago while having dinner with a Black friend the discussion veered
toward an update of racism in America. Citing the diminishing of affirmative
action programs across the country and other telling signs, he said "I think
white America is getting tired of everything being blamed on racism." I said
"So what! White America needs to be badgered every minute of every day about
our racist attitudes and actions."In fact, I still rankle over the "angry
white male" contention in the early 90's stating that because of policies to
reverse the preeminent white access to virtually all privileges in this
country at the expense of everyone else, they felt they were being
discriminated against. The gall of white males expressing anger over anything
after hundreds of years of ancestral privilege astounds me...leaves me
breathless. To be perfectly frank, I remain an "angry white female"
expressing indignation at "angry white males" for this insult.

Upon reflection, I realized that my friend's comment was but an ancient
response from Blacks who try to appease whites to prevent repercussions - a
tragic defensive legacy of America's racist paternalistic society. Upon
further reflection, however, I realized that whites react similarly with
other whites. Invariably whites will attempt to make other whites feel
comfortable with their racism or will be deplorably apathetic. We as whites
need to stop this nonsense.

It is my hope that in the 21st century, America's white community will
finally come to its senses. Bill Clinton thankfully began this dialogue with
his Commission on Race. But this was just a start and we know not to expect
anything of integrity along this line from the Bush administration. But in
communities throughout the country we white Americans can take a stand now,
this very minute, and always should have been acting on or own and with other
whites and Blacks. We can first educate ourselves about racism and address
our own racist attitudes which should start with the basic premise that if
you are white and born in America you are a racist. Don't think otherwise
because it will not be true. We can learn from Blacks and other whites how to
get beyond our racist background, how to be watchful of our own actions and
attitudes and change them. Secondly, never let other whites get away with
their racist attitudes and actions. Stop them immediately. Don't excuse them
or attempt to make them feel comfortable. Thirdly, study the history of white
and Black resistance to racism and injustice. This is not something you will
learn in public schools, which would  view white resistance, in particular,
as traitorous to the racist American system. After all, it is traitoress to
the system as well it should be. Fourthly, and most importantly, seek advice
from Blacks on what we as whites should do to adequately and aggressively
address racist problems in our communities, in the nation, in the world.
Don't ever think for one minute that we as whites have the answers because we

Finally, after centuries of "white" deceit, be mindful that pathetically we
as whites still want to control everything and usually think we know
everything. We need to recognize that we should never pursue any struggle
against racism or for justice alone - or any other struggle for that matter.
With whites leading the way we have experienced untold disasters for centur
ies. Forbid we should revisit such devastating consequences and pain.
Actually this is rather a non-issue. Our deceit and lies are now out there
for everyone to see, we could never get away with leading the way even if we
tried. Let's admit our ignorance and false vacuous, hopeless pride. It's time
we started to learn and do something worthwhile. We are centuries too late,
but now is as good a time as any to start!
Note: For 10 years Ms. Gray has produced this Atlanta radio program
addressing local, regional, national and international issues on racism and
justice. The opinions expressed in the article do not necessarily reflect
those of Radio Free Geogia Foundation Incorporated, it's staff or


                      The Center for Defense Information
                         The Weekly Defense Monitor

               1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW * Washington, DC 20036
                (202)332-0600 * Fax (202)462-4559 * www.cdi.org
VOLUME 5, ISSUE #11                                       March 15, 2001

U.S. Continues to Dominate World Military Expenditures

by Christopher Hellman, Senior Analyst, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bush Administration's recently released Fiscal Year 2002 budget
blueprint includes a $324.8 billion request for the Pentagon. This is
$14.2 billion more than this year, or 4.6 percent above current levels.

As the world's lone super power, it is not surprising that the United
States spends more on its military than any other nation. What is
surprising is just how large the U.S. share of world military spending
actually is, and the fact that while defense budgets are shrinking
worldwide, U.S. military spending continues to grow.

Consider the following. Russia, which has the second largest military
budget in the world, will spend roughly one-sixth what the United States
will, assuming its economy can afford it. China, which has the third
largest military budget, recently announced that it would increase its
military spending by almost eighteen percent. Yet the United States spends
seven times what China spends.

A word here about China's military budget, which has seen modest increases
over the past several years. Last year, due to a slowing economy, it
appeared that these increases might be plateauing, although some analysts
warned that major increases might occur. Then, two weeks ago, citing
"drastic" changes in the world military situation, China announced plans
to raise defense spending by 17.7 percent this year, to roughly
$17 billion.

It is widely accepted that China's official defense budget significantly
underestimates actual military spending - some analysts estimate by
60 percent or more - and that actual military spending is roughly
$45 billion. In this context, the announced eighteen percent increase is
actually a six percent increase. Further, given that in 1998 the Chinese
government ordered the Peoples' Liberation Army to halt its commercial
activities - a major source of the military's funding - the projected
increase likely only shifts the source of funding to the central
government and does not actually represent a significant spending

Some facts about U.S. military spending:

World military spending, which was $1.2 trillion in 1985, stood at
$809 billion in 1999. During that period, the U.S. share of global
military spending continued to increase, going from 30% in 1985 to 36% in

The U.S. military budget is more than twenty-two times as large as the
combined spending of the seven countries traditionally identified by the
Pentagon as our most likely adversaries - Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North
Korea, Sudan and Syria - which together spend just over $14 billion

The United States and its close allies - the NATO nations, South Korea,
and Japan - spend more than the rest of the world combined. Together they
spend thirty-seven times more than the seven rogue states.

The seven rogue nations, along with Russia and China, together spend
$116 billion, less than one-half the U.S. military budget.

The United States alone spends more than the combined spending of next
twelve nations.


Friday, March 16, 2001

Lawyers: Inaugural Protesters Abused


WASHINGTON (AP) _ Civil rights lawyers say local and federal law
enforcement agencies violated the rights of Inauguration Day demonstrators.
Lawyers from the Partnership for Civil Justice and the National Lawyers
Guild charged that members of the private Presidential Inaugural Committee,
which coordinated the festivities, improperly took control of a security
checkpoint to delay protesters from approaching Freedom Plaza, where they
had a permit to rally.
The lawyers also said local and federal police detained hundreds of people
before they reached the parade route and used "agents provocateurs" to
disrupt protests.
The allegations were added Thursday to a federal lawsuit that was
originally filed before the Jan. 20 inauguration.
A police spokesman referred inquiries to the office of the District of
Columbia's corporation counsel, which declined to comment because lawyers
there had not seen the amended complaint. A representative of the inaugural
committee said the group was unaware of the lawsuit. A spokesman for the
U.S. attorney's office, which is defending federal agencies in the case,
said there would be no comment until lawyers reviewed the complaint.
The complaint says the police corralled peaceful demonstrators who had not
violated any laws and were not charged. They were allowed to proceed after
about an hour, lawyers said.
"Agents provocateurs" were seen by witnesses and captured on demonstrators'
video cameras operating near the Navy Memorial, the lawyers said. One
allegedly punched a protester and more than one allegedly fired pepper
spray at close range in the faces of peaceful demonstrators.


Hackers hit Sandia


By Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough
March 16, 2001

The U.S. intelligence community is conducting a damage assessment of a
major hacker incident involving Sandia National Laboratory in New
Mexico. "It's big," said an official familiar with the incident. Few
details could be learned, however.

According to U.S. intelligence officials, hackers suspected of having
links to a foreign government successfully broke into Sandia's
computer system and were able to access sensitive classified
information. The incident took place in the past several weeks.

The suspected governments, according to the officials, include Russia,
China, Iraq or North Korea all nations thought to have well-developed
information-warfare capabilities.

"It's an ongoing effort to figure the origin of these kinds of
attacks," said another intelligence official.

Sandia is one of three Energy Department laboratories that are major
targets of foreign intelligence services, according to intelligence
reports. Sandia is operated for the department by Lockheed Martin Co.
and builds all non-nuclear components for nuclear weapons, including
high explosives used to trigger nuclear blasts. It also works on
developing nuclear monitoring and has an international center that has
numerous foreign visitors.

In 1999, all classified computers at Sandia and two other Energy
Department laboratories were shut down for a security review aimed at
improving cyber-security.

Spokesmen for Sandia, the CIA and Energy Department declined to
comment on the incident, citing policies of not discussing
intelligence matters.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
"The world is my country, all mankind my brethren,
and to do good is my religion."
        -Thomas Paine
" . . . it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds . . . "
        -Samuel Adams
"You may never know what results come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no results."
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