Marc Rich aka Marc Reich - even Ehud Barak tried to get this guy off the
hook and called the president many times along with other
Israelies....why is this man so important to Ehud maybe smuggling
diamonds or involved in other areas - perhaps a little Russian Mafia
sale of Ecstasy -

But nobody wonders about Clinton and the remark that he would be making
$8 million dollars a year in investment - now who in their right mind
would hire Clinton who all along has been laying groundwork for this
"investment" and theft of natural resources?

Is his a job that perhaps little Richie Rich aka Marc Rich aka Marc
Reich who dies to come to America a country which he renounced and what
was it - he agreed to pay $25 million in order to do so a mere pittance
of what is due to the American taxpayers - this animal wants to return
to America?

Could it be that little Richie Rich through his agent wife made this
offer to Clinto - $8 million dollars a year job for Clinton?

Hell he wasn't worth what we paid him but then it looks like he tried to
steal away a goodly portion of our national resources while
President....Sadaam Hussein is a man of integrity compared to Clinton
and I hope George Bush takes a good look around.

After all the Brits stole Kuwait from Iraq which was okay because these
were our friends?   And the USA supports their friends, like Israel?
Remember the USS Libertay and if that is someone's idea of friendship -
and look at this Marc Rich who stole from USA billions of dollars and
who plays games with Mossad - and you call these bastards, these
parasites friends?   KEEP IN MIND all the time Clinton was engaged in
sex talks and sodomy with Monica Lewinsky, an obvious prostitute for the
Mossad, the Mossad was listing into all calls from her going to the Oval
Office and thee bastards, these butchers of chidren are friends?

Why didn't the USA put a price on Marc Rich's head as they did Osama bin
Laden and why was his floosie overdone wife permitted entry to the white
house at her convenience as though she belonged to a Golden Key Club?

If there is a key club, not doubt the keys are made of brass - as Luckey
Luciano once said "whores is whores"......slight grammatical error but
he made his point.

Oh how I long for the return of John Gotti - so think about this man
sitting in a prison cell - his 14 year old son murdered without a doubt
in his mind, for he knows who plays this kind of a games and who loved
to butcher the children, but a brutal BATF, FBI and our beloved lesbian
Attorney General as of late Janet Reno who made guest appearance on
Saturday Night Live.

So Gotti was sent to prison - based on testimony of a man who on the
witness stand to show how honest and sincere he was, admitted to
murdering 19 people........this man had immunity and ws set free and
John Gotti went to prison after having been aquitted 3 times of no wrong
doing by a court - and then he was denied use of his attorney - and he
was sent away for life?   Now they are after his son?

This is how the Jewish Mafia eliminates their competition perhaps - but
John Gotti was loved by his people and oh how I long for the old Italian
Mob to go get those bastards.....and start with the guy who set up
Gotti......aftr giving him a fair trial, of course -

If there is a God in Heaven - Gotti will be freed and Rich and Clinton

Richie Rich aka Marc Rich aka Marc Reich is obviously Jewish Mafia and
one of the biggest crooks to hit this county since the others named in
the item attached hereto.     Does Rich have anything to do with the
billions of dollars the Israelies now hold in form of diamonds?
Remember thIs FBI spy just paid in part in diamondns?

This has been all tax free money for the Rich garbage while Palestinians
are being murdered daily - their land stolen from them by neo nazis
working with Hitler?  By their fruits we shall know them all.   They
have made Amrica land of Sodomists and den of vipers.

When people realize how he has personally hurt so many Americans
personally and when the realize what this association is between his
wife an the President - the idea now is to put the sex back in the
routine, probably sodomy and all, to lead people away from the truth and
the truth is you cannoo hurt these people with charges of sodomy you can
only hurt them by taking back that which is yours to take - the billoins
of dollars stolen from theAmerican Public and this includes Rich's
attempt to destroy the Steelworkers Union.

Do you or does anybody want garbage like this manipulating the lives of
Americans some who died in a WWII to protect these bastards and you
wonder how an Adolph Hitler came into power?


Take a look at our social network diagram that displays connections
among the 100 names that appear most frequently in the books described
below. You may also get a name index and availability information for
any of these books.
Scandals / Wall Street
Bruck, Connie. The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham
and the Rise of the Junk Bond Raiders. New York: Penguin Books, 1989.
399 pages.
This book, originally published in 1988 by Simon and Schuster, was the
first to blow the whistle on Michael Milken. Connie Bruck, a staff
writer for the New York Times, worked on it for two and a half years,
and interviewed almost 300 people. Fred Joseph, CEO at Drexel, agreed to
cooperate with Bruck in February, 1986 -- a time when the business press
universally admired Drexel for their ability to turn junk into gold.
Drexel felt unassailable, and for months Bruck kept scribbling while
they kept bragging. Then in November, 1986, Ivan Boesky pleaded guilty
to insider trading and Drexel circled their wagons. Milken offered Bruck
$250,000 not to publish the book, while Milken's attorney Arthur Liman
(remember Iran-contra?) obtained a copy of the manuscript despite Simon
and Schuster's security precautions, and planned an all-out
counterattack with the help of Linda Robinson and her PR firm.
Bruck says that when she started this book, her sympathies were more
with Milken than with the corporate establishment that Milken was
attacking. It was her willingness to be driven by the evidence that
caused Jason McManus, Time Inc.'s editor in chief, to regard this book
as "the finest piece of business investigative journalism since the
turn-of-the-century muckrakers, Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair."
Copetas, A. Craig. Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-Billion-Dollar Scam.
New York: Harper & Row (Perennial Library), 1986. 224 pages.
Marc Rich started as a "metal man," a specialized form of commodity
trading that deals in mineral resources. Of the eighty natural metals in
the earth, forty are of industrial importance, and are bought and sold
on the open market by traders. Innocent investors speculate on price
fluctuations, while the metal men -- known for their wheeling and
dealing -- might bribe foreign officials, start market rumors, or play
tricks on other traders. Marc Rich did all of the above and more, and
made $10 billion in the process. He started in 1954 at Philipp Brothers
Trading, and by the 1970s was making huge profits for them by venturing
into the spot oil market. At the end of 1973 he and Pincus (Pinky) Green
left to form their own empire. They hired away some of Philipp Brothers'
more aggressive traders -- the young high- rollers who thrived on
cocaine and casual sex in the fast lane. Operating from New York,
London, and Switzerland, Rich was in a league where one country is
played off against another, with shadowy deals washed through Panamanian
shell companies and dripped into off-shore banks. In the early 1980s,
the U.S. went after Rich for tax evasion and oil-pricing scams. But as
of 1994, he was living comfortably in Zug, Switzerland, where he is so
important to the local economy that the Swiss legal system still refuses
to extradite him.
Stein, Benjamin J. A License to Steal: The Untold Story of Michael
Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1992. 221 pages.
Benjamin J. Stein's coverage of Michael Milken and Drexel was the first
to reveal the extent of the junk bond problem. By the time this book was
published, Milken was nearly out of jail -- his expensive lawyers had
already convinced the judge to lessen his sentence from ten years to two
years. Stein began noticing Milken and Drexel in the mid-1980s, received
a death threat from a Drexel hotshot in 1988, and was trashed a few
years later in a book by Jesse Kornbluth -- a biography arranged by
Milken's publicist Ken Lerer that claimed Milken wasn't really
interested in money.
Stein is a lawyer, an economist who knows finance, a good writer, and
someone who has a social ethic that goes beyond private profiteering. He
might be the only such person in America who can get an occasional book
published. He compares Milkenism to organized crime in its "use of
underworld tactics of the con and the shakedown, the swindle and the
heist, in the world of finance on a national and international scale."
If the gruff, cagey Mafia hoods who testified at the Kefauver hearings
in 1950 had been slick enough to work in "legitimate" business instead
of street-corner gambling and loan-sharking, how much more money would
they have been able to make? "Now we know," writes Stein. (page 187)
Stewart, James B. Den of Thieves. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. 494
In the early 1960s, students at UC Berkeley spent their summers
registering black voters in the south; in 1964 they started the Free
Speech Movement and in 1969 it was People's Park. But in 1986 Berkeley
seniors voted to invite Ivan Boesky to speak at their commencement.
Boesky, who had never been to college, looked up from his text and said,
"Greed is all right, by the way. I want you to know that. I think that
greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself."
The students broke into spontaneous applause.
Boesky, at the time worth $130 million, was convicted of insider
trading. He helped finger Michael Milken, who was worth $700 million
when he was released from prison after serving two years of a ten-year
sentence. Meanwhile the 1986 class is having trouble finding jobs, and
when it comes time for them to invest in their children's education, a
good portion of their income will still be paying for the S & L deficit
-- which was partially caused by Milken's junk-bond trading. It all
Den of Thieves is basically a biography of Boesky, Milken, Dennis
Levine, and Martin Siegel -- all convicted for Wall Street crimes.
Author James Stewart, an editor at the Wall Street Journal, makes Oliver
Stone look like he was guilty of understatement in his movie "Wall
Street."   Are these men all Zionists or just the Jews who say they are
jews and are not.

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