-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Chechnya — Reiteration of Tragedy
Col. Stanislav Lunev
November 2, 1999

There is yet another new and dangerous development in "democratic" Russia. In
the aftermath of recent events in Dagestan, RF (Russian Federation) troops
have once more invaded the Republic of Chechnya in the Northern Caucasus,
where RF warplanes are daily bombing the small breakaway republic as part of
a plan to turn it into a "sanitized" zone, as the expression goes.
Hiding behind popular slogans about fighting "international terrorism," RF
authorities have determined to destroy Chechnya's government and
infrastructure including its cities and towns. The number of fatalities in
the civilian population already counts in the thousands, and the number of
refugees is estimated at hundreds of thousands.

RF leaders refuse to recognize the Chechen government as legitimate and
recognize in its place the newly organized Chechen State Council, formed in
1996 by Russian authorities and consisting of a pro-Russian Chechen
parliament. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has stated, Russia will
only acknowledge as legitimate this little-known group of Chechen
parliamentarians currently exiled in Moscow.

Taking advantage of an opening in Chechen defenses, the Russian military
ordered troops into Chechnya — and in such great numbers that it violated the
Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) agreement. This is just one of the many
examples of Moscow's contempt for treaties and other international agreements
when its own interests are concerned. Few in the West seem willing to learn
from past lessons.

Using the political climate created by events in Chechnya, the RF National
Security Council, in early October, began to reconsider its "Main Concept"
doctrine. According to the Main Concept doctrine, the Russian military will
reserve the right to use nuclear weapons whenever conventional weapons prove
ineffective. The RF government is also requesting parliament to increase the
military budget to 1.5 of its present size.

In reality, the conflict in the Northern Caucasus constitutes a full-scale
war. Many experts predict it will be especially barbaric as well as very
damaging to the RF itself. They are expecting the same counterproductive
outcome as the 1995-96 war with Chechnya. This isn't because of the lack of
training or skill in guerrilla warfare by the RF Army but because of the lack
of popular support for renewed devastation in a region that still hasn't
recovered from the previous war.

The real "justification," the hidden agenda behind this action, is to keep
Yeltsin and his "Family" of thugs in power. Otherwise, after the coming
election, they may find themselves behind bars. The Family will try to
forestall the elections by declaring a state of emergency in order to keep
themselves in the Kremlin. They know that the populace is deathly sick of
them and of their drunken, half-crazed leader, Boris Yeltsin.

Last month Konstantin Borovoi, the State Duma deputy, claimed that a Russian
military- intelligence officer had given him advance warning of the impending
wave of terrorist bombings in Russian cities. Borovoi speculated that the
Russian authorities might themselves have been responsible since they had an
interest in provoking further instability in Chechnya.

On September 29, Russian TV (Channel ORT) quoted an unidentified Russian
politician — possibly the well-known governor of Krasnojarsk Oblast, General
Lebed — as strongly suspecting that the bombings in Russian cities are
connected with events in Dagestan and were organized by high- ranking Russian
officials. This politician likewise concludes that these leaders are trying
to stay in power by creating mass fear in order to have an excuse to suspend

RF Prime Minister Vladimir Putin immediately countered these allegations by
denying they were made by General Lebed and called them "total delirium." But
Putin is a pawn in the Family's game of musical chairs with the Russian prime
ministry. He is being used to serve Family interests and may be unaware of
the real plans and intentions of the Kremlin bosses.

What other reason is there to explain why Alesandr Voloshin met well-known
terrorist Shamil Basayev in France exactly one month before the terrorist
attacks in Dagestan? After all, Basayev has been officially outlawed as an
"international terrorist" and is wanted also by Interpol. The Russian press
(Segodnya) reported that Voloshin, a Berzovsky protégé, had met in secret
with Chechen rebel leader Basayev just prior to the Muslim uprising in

Mr. Berzovsky, who is financial advisor to Yeltsin's Family and guardian of
its enormous wealth, presented a "little gift" of $2 million in cash to
Shamil Basayev, who later confessed receipt of the gift before the Islamic
Shariat Court. Another Russian newspaper (Sovershenno Secretno, #9, '99)
reported that the Russian agency for the Protection of Government
Communications (FAPSY) recently detected cell-phone conversations between
Shamil Basayev and Berezovsky, who had also given a computer center to
renowned Chechen terrorist Raduev. Even the Chechen field commanders
acknowledge that they have very "warm" relations with Mr. Berezovsky.

In a time when the Russian economy is in ruins and the whole country is
suffering multiple crises, the last thing the country needs is this new war
in Chechnya. But the Kremlin is using it to divert public attention from
domestic problems to a mythical enemy in the Caucasus, and may well succeed
as the war progresses.

If Russian troops in Chechnya are victorious, the Family may try to increase
Putin's popularity — he has promised immunity to the Family from prosecution
— and thereby strengthen the Family's chances of holding its grip on the

Of course, this is only one of the many scenarios to preserve the power of
the present regime. Kremlin leaders have not yet decided which of the
scenarios they will choose and are, therefore, keeping them all in readiness.
And in the struggle to stay in power they do not care about sacrificing
innocent civilians, who are paying the price of Family stratagems with their

Contrary to Western opinion, the wars in the Trans-Caucasus, both past and
present, have been anti-colonial wars against Russia. Russia has ruled this
area since the 18th century. No matter how corrupt and irrational the current
Russian regime is, almost all political parties in Russia are reluctantly
supporting the war in the Caucasus for this misguided reason.

But this situation is not something unusual for Russia. Just as was formerly
the case with all the Great Powers, relinquishing territorial possessions is
not considered an acceptable option, even when military action is unwise.
However, compared to the present situation, the stalemate in Russian-Chechen
relations, achieved by General Lebed in 1995, would still be infinitely
preferable for all concerned. The gang in Moscow, nevertheless, has decided
to wage a ruthless war with total disregard for life, even of its own people.
Not even Milosevich moved against the Kosovars with such disdain for human
life. But, at least in the case of Chechnya, there is little chance that Mr.
Clinton will send in his NATO bombers as well.

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