"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

Those interested in breakthrough health information and/or in helping us fund 50 
organizers to restore honest elections and rescue America --- please go to 
http://newlife.electriclife.net and look at the information, or to go to the NAFT 
section at the top of the networkamerica.org home page and read the February 11, 2001 
NAFT e-wire. After reading that NAFT e-wire you can also hear a 10 minute phone 
message at 918-222-8544 that would fill in more of the picture.

February 12, 2001 NA (Network America) ewire

“The Plan” for 2004

In a brief overview, our mission at votefraud.org and networkamerica.org
for the next four years is to:

1) find and recruit 80 or more Congressional candidates dispersed
throughout the US Media Markets to get on the ballot for 2002 and 2004.
The purpose here is to run radio ads through talk radio -- exposing the
psycho warfare against the American being waged by the Big TV Networks,
and to expose the easily rigged computerized elections protected by
these TV Networks, and attract 300,000 dispersed sincere, patriotic,
concerned Americans who want to be trained to become active in their
neighborhood precinct. The Ken Lowndes Radio Ad campaign set the model
for this, and I believe it is all but certain that the Ken Lowndes Radio
Ads – trumpted over the Midwest throught WLW and other stations, --
triggered the Big 5 TV Networks to “go to confession” on national TV
about Voter New Service and their phony Election Night on air
competition – after 25 years of cover-up and suppression. IMAGINE WHAT
RADIO ADS! This strategy would attract the hundreds of thousands of
people who want to do something – but don’t know what to do, thanks to
the treacherous and “false opposition” leadership of the Republican
Party, Christian Coalition, National Right to Life, the NRA, and other
groups which take millions of dollars to betray their supporters and
lead them back around behind the Republican Party wing of the New World

2) Once the individuals are attracted through this Radio Ad campaign and
the internet, we need to TRAIN 300,000 concerned, patriotic Americans
regarding how to be active in their neighborhood precinct. Then, we can
show all these sincere individuals how, working together, we can rescue
America by overthrowing the New World Order leadership in both major
parties, and/or establish a Third Party that will become the dominate
political force in America. This “step 2” would also involve restoring
honest, verifiable elections again -- as honest citizens replaced New
World Order toadies and hacks at the local and county level. This can
all be done by using the existing Precinct system – a system which few
know about, and even fewer understand how to use.

With the internet, email, telephone, audio tapes, and video tapes – a
truly good organization for TRUE FREEDOM can be brought together in a
few months to a year -- once the groundwork is laid. And this coalition
of regional groups can WIN --- IF it is following TRULY SINCERE
LEADERSHIP – instead of FALSE OPPOSITION LEADERS. (Hint: truly sincere
leadership will seek to empower local and regional groups so that they
can operate INDEPENDENTLY of any national leadership. This will mean
some disagreements and dissension, but the emerging New World Order
agenda is so evil, that, as they get closer to their goals, there will
be certain constitutional and moral goals that all good people will
naturally be working together for. --- DO YOU SEE THE VISION?

Now, our first and foremost concern is to launch the funding mechanism
for 50 or more full time organizers so that this organizational vision
can be accomplished. Yes, the internet is a tremendous and indispensable
tool for the “Peasants with Pitchforks” – but the internet and volunteer
help is NOT enough. Right now 240 bills have been introduced in state
legislatures to steal America FOREVER through more efficient, easily
rigged computerized elections. So far ZERO bills have been introduced to
restore honest elections, paper ballot, hand counted, by neighborhood
citizens. Although several legislators are working towards introducing
such a bill in several states -- even these good legislators need help,
support, education, etc. etc.

Along those lines, I mention here a subject we will cover at more length
at some point. While many approaches are possible, there is a proven
program which can fund organizers in every state. Even every
Congressional District, with very few people participating.

This program works because of the breakthrough scientific developments
of scientist David Elliott and his “electric life” nutritional products.
David brings us “The Strangest Nutritional Secret.” What is that? The
secret is that we must eat food with the proper electrical information
if we hope to be healthy.

We urge any interested in health issues in this toxic age, and/or in
funding full time organizers so we can rescue America – to go to
http://newlife.electriclife.net and check this information out. (That’s
http colon //newlife dot electriclife dot net, in case the web address
was garbled.)

You can also go to networkamerica.org, the NAFT (Network America Funding
Team) section at the top of the home page, and then read the February
11, 2001 NAFT message entitled: “The Strangest Nutritional Secret.” You
can also dial 918-222-8544 and hear a ten minute message from company
President James Van Patten.

Now, these breakthrough electrical nutrition products are expensive. But
they work.

>From the funding standpoint -- the key target group would be executives
and professionals in the baby boom years and older --- roughly 40 to 90
– with nagging health problems or serious health problems. If anything
can help them to restore proper electrical balance in their bodies,
these David Elliott products can. The company is so confident they give
a 60 day money back guarantee – after one uses the products as directed,
and consistently, for 60 days – they can claim a full refund if they
decide the products didn’t help them so much that they simply must

People of all ages will benefit because of the need for North Americans
to detoxify everyday. BUT, as stated, -- for most of us the cost would
cause careful analysis of which product to start with (Electric C in
most cases) and how to afford them month after month, -- although
Electric Life does provide a possible way to do that which does not
involve meetings or nagging activities.

Established track records show that as few as 200 professionals and
businessmen, who are under so much stress and who so much appreciate the
better health and energy they achieve with these David Elliot products –
only 200 in any given state will generate appx $10,000 a month. $10,000
a month in that area can fund a full time organizer, and the necessary
phone, mailing, and travel expenses needed to realize the organizational
vision outlined here.

This type of money flow, while seemingly “impossible” at this minute to
many of us --  is PEANUTS in the overall, as we are fighting billions
and billions of dollars in actual dollars and publicity expended against
us by the New World Order banksters and their minions.

Despite a certain resistance that exists among some in the patriotic
movement to fund full timer organizers (an attitude with dumfounds me),
this writer knows that we are pointing everyone in the right direction
to “think big” and to point the way to one or many fully funded
organizers in each area. Our ideas would create a loose coalition of
self-sustaining local and regional organizations which hopefully would
work together nationally on some key issues. The forces of evil are
working feverishly towards their goals as if their lives depended on it.
How about us?

Best wishes to all --

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

All Network America messages are archived at the votefraud.org website. These archived 
messages can be found by going to "news", then "news by month", then choose from the 
titles in each month.

Many of our best e-wires can be found at votefraud.org by going to "The Full Story 
behind the Radio Ads" section on the home page. These e-wires give you a better 
overview of what's happening in America then you would get by spending 4 years in 
political science classes at Harvard or Yale, or another other college. Save yourself 
time -- read those important e-wires.

To Subscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and two major 
papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful change impossible 
at the ballot box, --  via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship, and Opinion Poll Fraud, and 
the flood of illegal aliens who are becoming registered voters . . .

President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." 
President John F Kennedy

Go to www.votefraud.org to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which aired in the 
month before the 2000 election over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at 
night)and several other midwest stations -- exposing the easily rigged computerized 
elections which "elect" public officials in the USA, and also exposed the coordinated 
news and censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the 
radio stations MUST air these ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've 
never heard anyting like it on TV or Radio.

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of favored 
Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion 
Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls done by joint effort of the Big 
TV Networks on Election Day through Voter News Service, and easily rigged computerized 
vote counting on election day -- which make the polls and exit polls come true. (On 
election day, the people are barred from touching or counting their ballots, the 
election officials are barred from knowing what is in the software program that 
instructs the computers how to count the votes.)

You can go to www.votefraud.org -- and punch in your email near the topica logo -- to 
subscribe to this e-wire list.

www.votefraud.org for a report about the recent Citizens for a Fair Vote Count 
Convention which took place Aug 25-27, 2000 and Action Steps. The Citizens for a Fair 
Vote Count Convention was a great success in launching the beginning of a nationwide 
network to restore honest elections. See special report at updated and improved 
website. Go to: www.votefraud.org

go to votefraud.org to read archived messages from this Network America e-wire in the 
"news" section under "news by month"

Read "Best of" Archives at www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" 
section accessed in left hand column of home page.

(RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest 
Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.rense.com in the archives, 
April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest; there is also an hour 
interview on the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election in the www.rense.org 
archives for the night of December 6, 2000.)

To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asthma? Sinus? Prone to colds? Sore Neck? Back goes out and needs adjustment? You may 
find help in "Electric C" "VIta Matrix" and other products formulated by scientist 
David Elliott -- Go to: http//newlife.electriclife.net -- for a new view of health and 

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we do not accept "Election results" until paper ballots with citizen 
checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 

To read all our archived messages for the Network America e-wire list since January 
10, 2000 -- go to votefraud.org, red hot news, and then, under the current month -- 
you will find all the past archived months. When you click on a month, you can see the 
titles of each ewire in that month, and you can choose from those. All messages are 
also archived at www.topica.com in the Network America section.

We have another list for those who wish to help fund 50 or more organizers around the 
US to rescue America, or fund their own work. This list is the Network America Funding 
Team list (NAFT) and you can subscribe to it by emailing to 

To Subscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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