[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism -repost

1999-07-05 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi,
The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism -repost

 I thought anti-semites weren't allowed on this list.

 On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, John Lee wrote:

  Kris, you are a master propagandist, as are most jews.
  John Lee

Nazi propagandists and holocaust deniers aren't welcome here.

Personal attacks and name-calling of participants isn't tolerated -
when moderators observe such, offenders are warned in private mail.

Plain old anti-Semitism may be tacky, tasteless, evidence of mental
pathology, vile, and just boringly stupid, but it's not forbidden.

What IS forbidden is conduct that leads to flame-wars.  Participants
here will NOT stoop to the level of throwing epithets at each other,
labeling each other.  Every participant here is an honest, educated,
moral person, no matter what they may write.  #8-)  Attack the ideas,
the expression, NOT the person.  That's the rule.  If the voices in
your head tell you to attack or label a CTRL participant, do so in
private email or on Usenet, not here.

  Ric Carter, co-moderator

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism -repost

1999-07-04 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

I thought anti-semites weren't allowed on this list.

On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, John Lee wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Kris, you are a master propagandist, as are most jews.
 John Lee

 - Original Message -
 From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, July 03, 1999 12:00 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth,
 and Neo-Nazism -repost

  -Caveat Lector-
  An excerpt from:
  Hitler's Priestess - Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism
  Nicholas Goodricke-Clarke©1998
  New York University Press
  ISBN 0-8147-3110-4
  Another fine one from, Mr. Goodricke-Clarke.  A sample.
  "Discovered Alive in India: Hitler's Guru!"
  The young German sat on the threadbare sofa listening to the words of the
  woman before him. Through windows opening onto a balcony, shafts of
  dust-flecked sunlight shone into the darkened space of her humble,
  furnished room. Outside the strange, heady tumult of India resounded in
  full glare of the midday heat. All around he could hear the street sounds
  raucous, bustling squalor of this back alley in Delhi. Occasionally, her
  narrative was interrupted by the songs of the exotic birds she kept in her
  room and the young man was distracted by the sudden darting movement of
  many cats, her inseparable companions, that lay at her feet or dozed out
  the balcony in the warm air.
  His attention fixed on the worn and crinkled face of the old woman as she
  carefully chose her words to tell the story of her life. She was dressed
  the fashion of Indian women, wearing a loose white sari and a thin cotton
  shift over her shoulders. Soft gray hair framed her high forehead and was
  gathered behind her ears. While her brow was barely lined, her cheeks,
  and neck blurred in a mass of furrows and wrinkles. Her lips were thin,
  her mouth looked twisted, pointing downward at the right side. But it was
  eyes that held him. Her eyes burned with a strange luminous quality, the
  light of inner vision and missionary zeal. But he also noticed that the
  eye stared with a pained expression, while the right appeared tired and
  liquid, and he remembered with a start that she was now almost blind with
  The old woman's name was Savitri Devi and the young man had traveled all
  way from Frankfurt to find her in this small bare room in old India and to
  hear in her own words the story of her sacred mission for Hitler and
  This elderly and infirm prophetess of Aryan revival, a philosopher of
  Hitler's cosmic purpose and Nazi pilgrim in the ruins of the German Reich
  the end of the Second World War, had lived for years in poverty and
  in Calcutta and Delhi. Now in November :1978, at the end of a long life
  devoted to the Aryan cause, she had found a new publisher. In late 1982
  Zundel, the founder-proprietor of the neo-Nazi Samisdat Publishers in
  Toronto, publicized the availability of a set of five two-hour cassettes
  live interviews with Savitri Devi and a brandnew edition of her
  classic The Lightning and the Sun (1958). The notice was mailed worldwide
  card flyers and it is worth quoting in its breathless entirety:
  THE HITLER CULT REVEALED. Discovered alive in India: Hitler's guru!
  For serious students of the occult: You can now purchase the complete
  set of tape cassette recorded, live interviews with Hitler guru Savitri
  at her home in India. Hear in her own words the narration of a prophetic
  pilgrimage along the edge of the cosmic abyss. Watch the clouds of evil
  scatter under the lightning of Cosmic Justice and the sun of Cosmic
  Read her shocking and most recently published manuscript, "The Lightning
  the Sun," which exposes the tangled roots of Nazism for all to see.
  through her the secret Nazi pyramid connection with Pharaoh Akhnaton and
  ancient cult of the sun. Learn the real significance of Genghis Khan's
  role in history, his incredible significance in the present. Discover the
  hidden springs of Hitler's manic will to power, his mystical bond with the
  dark forces of time and destiny. Pursue the outlines of evil in its
  cosmic context.
  Decipher now the encoded workings of the Nazi mind. Perceive how Hitler
  the workings of the universe through: Human sacrifice. Vegetarianism.
  Aryanism. The cyclic view of history. The children of violence. The will
  survive and to conquer. The seat of truth. Gods on earth. Kalki, the
  Were ancient sanskrit laws of the universe compiled in the Bhagavad Gita
  secret source of Nazi strength? The amazing answers to these riddles are
  at hand. Read them in "The Lightning and the Sun," Hitler guru Savitri

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism -repost

1999-07-03 Thread John Lee

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris, you are a master propagandist, as are most jews.
John Lee

- Original Message -
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 1999 12:00 AM
Subject: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth,
and Neo-Nazism -repost

 -Caveat Lector-

 An excerpt from:
 Hitler's Priestess - Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism
 Nicholas Goodricke-Clarke©1998
 New York University Press
 ISBN 0-8147-3110-4
 Another fine one from, Mr. Goodricke-Clarke.  A sample.


 "Discovered Alive in India: Hitler's Guru!"

 The young German sat on the threadbare sofa listening to the words of the
 woman before him. Through windows opening onto a balcony, shafts of
 dust-flecked sunlight shone into the darkened space of her humble,
 furnished room. Outside the strange, heady tumult of India resounded in
 full glare of the midday heat. All around he could hear the street sounds
 raucous, bustling squalor of this back alley in Delhi. Occasionally, her
 narrative was interrupted by the songs of the exotic birds she kept in her
 room and the young man was distracted by the sudden darting movement of
 many cats, her inseparable companions, that lay at her feet or dozed out
 the balcony in the warm air.

 His attention fixed on the worn and crinkled face of the old woman as she
 carefully chose her words to tell the story of her life. She was dressed
 the fashion of Indian women, wearing a loose white sari and a thin cotton
 shift over her shoulders. Soft gray hair framed her high forehead and was
 gathered behind her ears. While her brow was barely lined, her cheeks,
 and neck blurred in a mass of furrows and wrinkles. Her lips were thin,
 her mouth looked twisted, pointing downward at the right side. But it was
 eyes that held him. Her eyes burned with a strange luminous quality, the
 light of inner vision and missionary zeal. But he also noticed that the
 eye stared with a pained expression, while the right appeared tired and
 liquid, and he remembered with a start that she was now almost blind with

 The old woman's name was Savitri Devi and the young man had traveled all
 way from Frankfurt to find her in this small bare room in old India and to
 hear in her own words the story of her sacred mission for Hitler and
 This elderly and infirm prophetess of Aryan revival, a philosopher of
 Hitler's cosmic purpose and Nazi pilgrim in the ruins of the German Reich
 the end of the Second World War, had lived for years in poverty and
 in Calcutta and Delhi. Now in November :1978, at the end of a long life
 devoted to the Aryan cause, she had found a new publisher. In late 1982
 Zundel, the founder-proprietor of the neo-Nazi Samisdat Publishers in
 Toronto, publicized the availability of a set of five two-hour cassettes
 live interviews with Savitri Devi and a brandnew edition of her
 classic The Lightning and the Sun (1958). The notice was mailed worldwide
 card flyers and it is worth quoting in its breathless entirety:

 THE HITLER CULT REVEALED. Discovered alive in India: Hitler's guru!
 For serious students of the occult: You can now purchase the complete
 set of tape cassette recorded, live interviews with Hitler guru Savitri
 at her home in India. Hear in her own words the narration of a prophetic
 pilgrimage along the edge of the cosmic abyss. Watch the clouds of evil
 scatter under the lightning of Cosmic Justice and the sun of Cosmic

 Read her shocking and most recently published manuscript, "The Lightning
 the Sun," which exposes the tangled roots of Nazism for all to see.
 through her the secret Nazi pyramid connection with Pharaoh Akhnaton and
 ancient cult of the sun. Learn the real significance of Genghis Khan's
 role in history, his incredible significance in the present. Discover the
 hidden springs of Hitler's manic will to power, his mystical bond with the
 dark forces of time and destiny. Pursue the outlines of evil in its
 cosmic context.

 Decipher now the encoded workings of the Nazi mind. Perceive how Hitler
 the workings of the universe through: Human sacrifice. Vegetarianism.
 Aryanism. The cyclic view of history. The children of violence. The will
 survive and to conquer. The seat of truth. Gods on earth. Kalki, the

 Were ancient sanskrit laws of the universe compiled in the Bhagavad Gita
 secret source of Nazi strength? The amazing answers to these riddles are
 at hand. Read them in "The Lightning and the Sun," Hitler guru Savitri
 huge, illustrated 448 page illumination of occult Nazi wisdom and

 The Samisdat publicity was a resounding finale to a long and eventful
 begun early in the century in the beautiful, old walled city of Lyons.

 When I first