-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: targetsmonthly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:44 AM

> http://www.slobodan-milosevic.org/
> Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, October 2004 [Terrorism -
> Staff report]
> Saudis and Iranians Work Together Through a Bosnian Terrorist Group
> to Support the Conflict in Chechnya
> INFORMATION OBTAINED BY Defense & Foreign Affairs from a secret
> Wahabbi terrorist organization based in Bosnia shows how the Saudi
> and Iranian governments are working together to support combat
> operations against the Russian Government in Chechnya, and are
> building a base of future operations in Turkish-occupied Northern
> Cyprus. Moreover, during 2004 the organization they support has
> expanded dramatically in terms of operations and funding, and has
> opened a string of new offices and facilities around Bosnia and into
> Southern Serbia's Raska (Sandzhak) Muslim area.
> The organization, Kvadrat (Quadrant), a nominally Sunni Wahabbi
> order, whose members practice "Islam from the roots," was founded in
> Sarajevo in 1995 and uses as its cadres children orphaned during the
> Bosnia-Herzegovina civil war, indoctrinating and training them in the
> Wahabbist ideology and in terrorist and guerilla warfare tactics.
> Kvadrat sends its trained personnel through the "green transversal"-
> the Islamist and narco-trafficking safe-haven line - from Bosnia and,
> through Turkey and Georgia, to Chechnya, where they join al-Qaida-
> supported Chechen Islamist terrorist and guerilla operations against
> the Russian Government and the local population.
> Significantly, the Iranian Government has denied that it supports the
> Chechen Islamist separatists, a public stance which has enabled Iran
> to trade with Russia, and, particularly, to acquire Russian advanced
> military systems. Faced with virtual isolation from sources of supply
> of main weapons systems - it can still obtain some missile and rocket
> systems from the People's Republic of China (PRC) and North Korea
> (DPRK) - and essential political isolation, the clerical Iranian
> leadership publicly abandoned the Chechen cause, which they had
> ignited following the end of the Cold War, and proclaimed support for
> the Russian Government position on Chechnya.
> In fact, support for the Chechen Islamists has continued to flow
> unabated from Afghanistan, through Iran and (with bribery)
> Azerbaijan, into Chechnya.
> However, the now-clear involvement of Iranian VEVAK (Ministry of
> Intelligence and Security [MOIS] Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniat-e
> Keshvar) intelligence officers in training the youth of Kvadrat,
> supported by Saudi Government funding and officials, shows how both
> the Iranian clerics and Saudi Arabia have been working together on
> the common Islamist mission, despite Iranian claims of friendship
> with Russia, and despite Saudi Government claims that it is combating
> Islamist terrorism and, in particular, al-Qaida. Bosnian sources told
> Defense & Foreign Affairs that Kvadrat was, to all intents, an al-
> Qaida-linked organization, given that its members use the al-
> Qaida "pipeline" and fight with al-Qaida forces in Chechnya.
> Sources close to Kvadrat indicate that the group's members frequently
> engage in verbal fights with other Muslim religious leaders and are
> highly critical of other Islamic leaders for not going down the right
> path. One source noted: "The young Kvadrat members have been
> brainwashed for a decade; since they were little children in most
> cases. They have been taught to believe that only their zealous
> approach to Islam is correct; they are fanatical."
> Kvadrat now operates mainly in the triangle area between Zenica,
> Tuzla and Sarajevo, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pezo Adnan is believed
> still to be the operational leader of the group, although he "takes
> his orders" from a leader in Vienna, Austria. Adnan lives in Zenica.
> and his bodyguard and driver is a known mujahedin, referred to by his
> nom de guerre, "A?it," who came to Bosnia through Zagreb in 1993. "A?
> it" was a member of the el-Mujahid terrorist unit in Bosnia from
> October 20, 1993. El-Mujahid, during Operation Hurricane 95 in 1995,
> operated as part of the structure of the Bosnian Muslim Army and, as
> a unit, participated in major war crimes - including beheadings and
> mass murders of prisoners - against Serb civilians and military
> personnel in Ozren and Vozuca.[Rasim Deli?, wartime commander of the
> Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina (RBiH) Army, essentially the Bosnian
> Muslim force, ordered the formation of the el-Mujahid unit, made up
> of foreign citizens, on August 13, 1993, in the area of
> responsibility of the RBiH Army Third Corps. The order was based on a
> decision by the RBiH Presidency, led by Alija Izetbegovi?, which
> confirms that the BiH leadership was behind the formation of el-
> Mujahid. "A?it" was one of the foreign recruits who came into the
> organization at the beginning; his national origin is not known at
> this time.]
> "A?it" has been known, from surveillance, to be in permanent contact
> with Abu el-Mali, one of the el-Mujahid leaders, often referred to as
> the "emir," a title usually given only to core Islamist leaders, such
> as Hasan Cengic.
> Kvadrat has since 2001 been training orphan boys on Jablanickom Lake
> in the small village of Podi, in Bosnia. The main trainer for
> indoctrination is ?engi? Faruku from Sarajevo, but VEVAK officers
> conduct the training in terrorism and guerilla warfare. Indeed, one
> of the main activities of the organization in 2004, together with
> Iranian VEVAK instructors, has been to provide military support and
> Islamic fighters from Bosnia for operations in Chechnya. Zulum Almir,
> a Kvadrat member, was killed in Chechnya. Some members of Kvadrat
> were arrested in Turkey, en route to Chechnya; one such example was
> Bijedi? Kenan, who was arrested in Turkey in 2001.
> Kvadrat gets funding from the seemingly-innocent High Saudi Committee
> for Children Without Parental Care (VSK) based in the King Fahd
> Cultural Center, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and led by Sheikh Nasser al-
> Saeed (whose deputy is Abdul-Rahman al-Rashed, supported by Khalid al-
> Aqueli, who also has a Bosnian passport). VSK's offices in Bosnia
> have, in the past, been raided by NATO Stabilization Force (SFOR)
> personnel over issues related to the support of terrorism. VSK cars
> are often identified at Kvadrat establishments, particularly at the
> facility at Jablanickom Lake (but also near other Kvadrat training
> facilities), and VSK officials and offices have repeatedly hosted
> known radical Islamists. VSK employee Saber Lahmer was, in fact,
> arrested by Bosnian Federal authorities for connections to terrorism.
> Kvadrat also receives support from Al-Haramain charities - the Al-
> Haramain & Al-Masjed A1-Aqsa Charity Foundation - a Riyadh, Saudi
> Arabia-based organization which was declared on September 9, 2004, by
> the US Treasury Department to be a terrorist-related organization.
> (1) Significantly, Al-Haramain was specifically linked by the US
> Government to the support of terrorist operations in Chechnya, as
> well as al-Qaida operations against the two US embassies bombed in
> Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam in 1998.
> Kvadrat officials have also been in close touch with Sheikh Imad, who
> was arrested by local authorities in Bosnia for links to al-Qaida.
> Significantly, however, the main control or direction of Kvadrat
> comes from Vienna, Austria: businessman Mohammed Por?a, a Bosnian
> Muslim, appears to be providing strategic guidance and orders to
> Kvadrat. Por?a apparently also has links with other Islamist
> organizations in Austria and Germany, and is also involved in
> fundraising for Kvadrat. Clearly, following its formation in 1995,
> Kvadrat has had a number of financing sources, including fundraising
> in the international Muslim community. This has been conducted in
> part through Al-Haramain, but also through other channels open to Mr
> Por?a.Kvadrat in 2004 has been opening offices around Bosnia and in
> the southern Serbian region of Raska, which is adjacent to Bosnia's
> Gorazde Corridor, which links the Muslim area of Bosnia with Serbia.
> Kvadrat's involvement in extending its offices down into the Raska
> area indicates that it may now be officially linked into funding from
> narco-trafficking, the logistical lines for which, in Europe, include
> movement of narcotics from the East (ie: Afghanistan through Iran,
> Azerbaijan into Russia, or through Iran and Turkey) eventually into
> Albania and then through Kosovo and Raska areas of Serbia, into
> Bosnia and thence into Western Europe.
> The main activist radicals in Kvadrat were identified by Defense &
> Foreign Affairs sources as: Softi? Samir, Susa Samir, Kolsi? Nisvet,
> and Dzafi? Emir (born 1975; considered President of Kvadrat in Visoko
> city).
> Defense & Foreign Affairs sources said that some Kvadrat fighters
> have been moving to Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus after Chechen
> actions. Essentially, the sources report, Kvadrat has used Northern
> Cyprus as a safe-haven for some of its more active fighters, allowing
> them a discreet place to blend back into civil society before
> returning to Bosnia. However, it was understood that Kvadrat was also
> building a base in Northern Cyprus, to proselytize the Muslim
> community there with a view to longer-term domination of Cypriot
> society.
> The Steering Committee of Kvadrat, has, since 1999, included:
> Mezit Nermin ("Nerko"), from Sarajevo;
> Seknic Sendad, from Mostar;
> Sinanovic. Kermal, from Sarajevo;
> Tahic. Berin, from Sarajevo;
> Alic Galib, from Sarajevo;
> Motoruga Elvir from Sarajevo;
> Hodzic. Emir, from Sarajevo;
> Cukic. Sabahudin, from Sarajevo;
> Cengic. Faruk, from Sarajevo;
> Hasanovic. Aliya, from Sarajevo;
> Ahmetovic. Amir, from Kaknja;
> Nuhanovid. Sanel, from Biha.
> Ortas Emire, from the Pale suburb of Sarajevo.
> But in 2004 it was noted that membership of Kvadrat was dramatically
> enlarged, and the Steering Committee was also enlarged by additional
> members:
> [surnames first]
> Cardakovic Seco, Dedovic Edin, Gusic Elmedin ("Medo"), Skrijelj
> Admir.
> What is significant is that the Office of the High Representative
> (OHR), the internationally-appointed governor of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
> has continued to maintain that terrorist organizations, or terrorist
> support organizations, did not exist in Bosnia. The OHR, former
> British politician Paddy Ashdown, a former British Intelligence (M16)
> official, has, instead, focused on supporting Islamist agendas in
> Bosnia and has - by attempting to only pursue alleged war criminals
> from the Serbian side of the Bosnian civil war - actively facilitated
> the activities of such organizations as Kvadrat.
> Footnote: Al Haramain
> 1. On September 9, 2004, the US Treasury Department issued a
> statement (JS-1895), entitled US-Based Branch of Al Haramain
> Foundation Linked to Terror; Treasury Designates US Branch, Director.
> That statement noted:
> The Treasury Department announced today the designation [as a
> terrorist-linked organization] of the US branch of the Saudi Arabia-
> based Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHF), along with one of its
> directors, Suliman Al-Buthe [an Egyptian by birth]. In addition, the
> AHF branch located in the Union of the Comoros was also designated
> today.
> "We continue to use all relevant powers of the US Government to
> pursue and identify the channels of terrorist financing, such as
> corrupted charities, at home and abroad. Al-Haramain has been used
> around the world to underwrite terror, therefore we have taken this
> action to excommunicate these two branches and Suliman Al-Buthe from
> the worldwide financial community," said Stuart Levey, Treasury's
> Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
> The assets of the US AHF branch, which is headquartered in Oregon,
> were blocked pending investigation on February 19, 2004. On the
> previous day, a Federal search warrant was executed against all
> property purchased on behalf of the US AHF branch. The investigation
> involved agents from the Internal Revenue Service - Criminal
> Investigations (IRS-CI), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
> and the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs
> Enforcement (ICE).
> The US-based branch of AHF was formally established in 1997.
> Documents naming Al-Buthe as the organization's attorney and
> providing him with broad legal authority were signed by Aqeel Abdul
> Aziz Al-Aqil, the former director of AHF. Aqil has been designated by
> the US and the UN 1267 Sanctions Committee because of AHF's support
> for al-Qaida while under his oversight.
> The investigation shows direct links between the US branch and Osama
> bin Laden. In addition, the affidavit alleges the US branch of AHF
> criminally violated tax laws and engaged in other money laundering
> offenses. . [I]ndividuals associated with the branch tried to conceal
> the movement of funds intended for Chechnya by omitting them from tax
> returns and mischaracterizing their use, which they claimed was for
> the purchase of a prayer house in Springfield, Missouri.
> Other information available to the US shows that funds that were
> donated to AHF with the intention of supporting Chechen refugees were
> diverted to support mujahedin, as well as Chechen leaders affiliated
> with al-Qaida.
> AHF has operations throughout the Union of the Comoros, and
> information shows that two associates of AHF Comoros are linked to al-
> Qaida. According to the transcript from US v. Bin Laden, the Union of
> the Comoros was used as a staging area and exfiltration route for the
> perpetrators of the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and
> Tanzania. The AHF branches in Kenya and Tanzania have been previously
> designated for providing financial and other operational support to
> these terrorist attacks.
> Since March 2002, the United States and Saudi Arabia have jointly
> designated eleven branches of AHF based on evidence of financial,
> material and/or logistical support to the al-Qaida network and
> affiliated organizations. These branches, Afghanistan, Albania,
> Bangladesh, Bosnia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, the Netherlands,
> Pakistan, Somalia, and Tanzania, along with the former director of
> AHF, Aqeel Abdul Aziz Al-Aqil, are named on the UN's 1267 Committee's
> consolidated list of terrorists associated with al-Qaida, Osama bin
> Laden and the Taliban and are subject to international sanctions.
> In June of 2004, the Saudi Government announced that it was
> dissolving AHF and other Saudi charities and committees operating
> abroad and folding their assets into a newly created entity, the
> Saudi National Commission for Relief and Charity Work Abroad.
> According to the Saudi Embassy, the Commission, a non-governmental
> body, will take over all aspects of private overseas aid operations
> and assume responsibility for the distribution of private charitable
> donations from Saudi Arabia.
> The US State Dept. on June 2, 2004, noted:
> The United States is designating today, June 2 [2004], five branches
> of the Al-Haramain Foundation as well as the organization's former
> leader, Aqeel Abdul Aziz Al-Aqil, as terrorist financers, based on
> evidence of their links to al-Qaida. These designations are part of
> our ongoing effort to cut off terrorist funding and to ensure that
> charitable funds are not diverted to individuals or organizations
> involved in terrorism. The United States and Saudi Arabia will also
> be submitting the names of the branches to the UN 1267 Sanctions
> Committee for inclusion on the committee's list. Once the names are
> included on the list, all UN member states will be obliged to freeze
> their assets and implement other sanctions.
> Efforts to deprive terrorists of the funds they need to operate and
> recruit can only be effective with strong international cooperation.
> Today's actions, undertaken jointly with the Government of Saudi
> Arabia, are an example of the important steps we must continue to
> take if we are to be successful in our efforts. We have previously
> submitted for UN designation six branches of Al-Haramain with Saudi
> Arabia (Bosnia, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Kenya and Tanzania), as
> well as Vazir, the successor to the Bosnian branch:
> Designation of Bosnian and Somali branches on March 11, 2002;
> Designation of Vazir, alias/successor to the Bosnia Al-Haramain
> office on December 22, 2003;
> Designation of Indonesian, Pakistani, Tanzanian and Kenyan branches
> on January 22, 2004.
> The US and Saudi Arabia last year [2003] formed a Joint Task Force on
> Terrorism Finance to identify and act against terrorist financing. .
> Saudi Arabia has undertaken additional meaningful steps to combat
> terrorist financing: Saudi banks are implementing strict "know your
> customer" rules and the Saudis have taken steps to prevent the misuse
> of charities. Saudi Arabia's creation of a Charity Commission that
> will assume oversight responsibility for Saudi-based charities marks
> a clear step toward increasing transparency and accountability in a
> sector that has unfortunately been exploited by terrorists to the
> detriment of both well-intentioned donors and needy recipients.
> The US website FrontPage Magazine on September 16, 2003, noted: "In
> September 2002, Indonesian al-Qaida informant Omar al-Faruq told the
> CIA that Al-Haramain was used to remit funds to him from bin Laden.
> Al Haramain's website used to have a direct link to qoqaz.net, which
> is a website that is part of the al-Qaida propaganda network. The
> website is owned by Azzam Publications, bin Laden's propaganda
> vehicle, and operated from Houston Texas. Al-Haramain is also
> involved with the Al Baraka banking empire, which was also named in
> the 9/11 lawsuit. Al-Baraka finances the activities of bin Laden and
> al-Qaida. In his Senate testimony in July 2003, terrorism expert
> Steve Emerson said that although initially Saudi Arabia denied
> allegations that Al-Haramain were involved in terrorist activities,
> in June (2003) they stated that Al-Haramain was not acting according
> to its charter and announced that all foreign offices were to be
> closed. Emerson did remark that the Ashland [Oregon] office was still
> in operation. Al-Haramain has another location in the United States.
> According to the 9/11 complaint, Al-Haramain owns a building in
> Springfield, Missouri that is home of the Islamic Center of
> Springfield, which is a mosque."
> In June 2004, after Saudi Arabia officially dissolved Al-Haramain,
> the organization said that its works, henceforth, would only be
> inside Saudi Arabia.
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