-Caveat Lector-

Brothers and Sisters,
Highly recommend you know how to ride a bicycle.

Welcome to Inside China Today's travel section. Here we have provided basic
information about getting around in China and things to see and do in a few
of China's major cities.

Traveling between Chinese cities can be done by air, train or bus. The Civil
Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) acts as a national travel agent with
booking offices scattered around major cities. China has many domestic
airlines and the same rules about flying apply as anywhere. Lonely Planet's
China travel guide says not to purchase airline tickets in China because as
a foreigner you will pay two and a half times as much according to a CAAC

Buses are slow but cheap and provide a good chance to view some of the
Chinese countryside you may not otherwise see. Take government-run buses
instead of private ones whenever you can because government drivers can be
imprisoned for causing an accident and this may ensure a safer ride.

There are an estimated 52,000 km (32,000 miles) of train tracks in China,
most built since 1949, so you can probably get wherever you are going by
rail. Trains are crowded and foreigners will pay three times as much as
Chinese nationals.

It is also possible to travel in China by bicycle, the way the Chinese do.
Most travel agents and hotels will have bicycles for rent and bike-for-rent
shops are in every city. While cycling around the countryside beware of
riding into closed areas – areas that are strictly forbidden for foreigners
without a permit.

Visitors to China may also consider taking an organized tour of a particular
city, area or even traveling to China as part of a group tour.


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