-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

25 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-09
Monday Brief

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The Foundation
Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
The Gipper
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
Re: The Left
Political Futures
For the Record
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"Security against foreign danger is one of the primitive objects of
civil society. It is an avowed and essential object for the American
Union." --Federalist No. 41


"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however
long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no
survival." --Winston Churchill


"All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep
the demands of his covenant. For the sake of your name, O Lord,
forgive my iniquity, though it is great.  Who, then, is the man that
fears the Lord?  He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.  He
will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit
the land. The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his
covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will
release my feet from the snare." (Psalms 25:10-15)  ++  "After six
days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James,
and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was
transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes
became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them
Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, 'Lord, it
is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters
-- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.' While he was still
speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud
said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen
to him!' When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the
ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. 'Get up,' he said.
'Don't be afraid.' When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus."
(Matthew 17:1-9)


"For centuries, theologians and philosophers understood that
conscience is the anvil of virtue and character. They took it for
granted that God places his moral law in the heart, or conscience, of
every person. Yet they were not naive. Individuals can know what is
right, yet deliberately embrace what is evil. And when wickedness is
chosen often enough, the moral senses become dulled, hardened,
rendered useless." --Joseph Laconte


"The Lindh family was extreme. And yet, the pattern is familiar
enough. Eager to provide their son with 'choices' and to be
'supportive,' the Lindhs never so much as raised an objection when
their 16-year-old dropped out of school, converted to Islam and
announced a desire to live in Yemen. Mrs. Lindh wondered about Islamic
views of women, but not apparently enough to deny her son's request
for the wherewithal to travel to Yemen and thence to Afghanistan. On
what grounds could the Lindhs have objected? Could they have argued
that Christianity had a superior spiritual message? That would be
ethnocentrism. Could they object that Arab nations are notoriously
anti-American? They weren't wild about America themselves. Could they
maintain that parents have authority over minor children because they
are parents? Not the Lindhs. Their highest value was 'choice.' John
Walker Lindh clearly went further than his parents were comfortable
with. In an e-mail to his mother, he recently scoffed, 'What has
America ever done for anybody?' The Lindhs were probably dismayed that
John fought with the Taliban and trained with al Qaeda. But they
should not be surprised. He simply went too far in the direction they
pointed him." --Mona Charen


"The campaign reform bill may have been 'sweeping,' as the media told
us, but one of the things being swept away was the right of
independent groups to take to the airwaves with ads lobbying for their
causes around election time. ...Reformers did, in fact, dismiss the
threat to free speech as a trivial annoyance or a myth. This oblivious
attitude owes a lot to the disregard for free expression that now
marks our culture. The truth is that free speech no longer has a
strong core constituency in America. What passes for a core
constituency is now mostly on the right. The left, which once fiercely
fought for free speech, essentially abandoned that role when it
decided that 'historically underrepresented groups' needed to be
shielded from harmful speech, or else they would never feel
comfortable enough to rise in society. This emphasis on comfort,
sensitivity and the awful danger of words arose on the campuses and
spread into the general culture. It hardened into the doctrines of
'hostile environment' and 'hate speech,' both of which now justify
violations of free speech that would have sent liberals of the 1950s
or 1960s into shock." --John Leo


"...[T]here can be no truly moral choice unless that choice is made in
freedom; similarly, there can be no really firmly grounded and
consistent defense of freedom unless that defense is rooted in moral
principle. In concentrating on the ends of choice, the conservative,
by neglecting the conditions of choice, loses that very morality of
conduct with which he is so concerned. And the libertarian, by
concentrating only on the means, or conditions, of choice and ignoring
the ends, throws away an essential moral defense of his own position."
--Murray N. Rothbard


"We are not a warlike people. Quite the opposite.  We always seek to
live in peace.  We resort to force infrequently and with great
reluctance, and only after we have determined that it is absolutely
necessary.  We are awed by the forces of destruction loose in the
world in the nuclear era, but neither can we be naïve or foolish. Four
times in my lifetime America has gone to war, bleeding the lives of
its young men into the sands of beachheads, the fields of Europe, and
the jungles and rice paddies of Asia. We know only too well that war
comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are
weak.  It is then that tyrants are tempted." --Ronald Reagan


"[G]ive only two cheers for capitalism. It does deal in efficiency,
but not in justice. In a micro world -- the world of real people --
there is no justice. Most Enron insiders have not been punished by the
market. They sold early, possibly corruptly with guilty knowledge, and
walked away with millions, while those to whom they gave phony
information and fraudulent accounting are left shirtless. Two cheers,
then, for politics and the law: for the publicity-hungry congressmen
who perform the salutary, if ghoulish, function of hanging out to dry
for public humiliation capitalism's newest devotees of the Fifth
Amendment; and for the prosecutors who will likely try to put some of
the malefactors behind bars. These are useful functions, and they go
beyond justice to deterrence. They will make future (and current)
executives think twice about pulling an Enron. Nonetheless, when it
comes to macro regulation, the politicians, for all their huffing and
puffing, will be just following the market -- at considerable delay.
Legislation will merely codify the message that the market has already
pronounced and brutally enforced: Act like Enron, and you're in big
trouble." --Charles Krauthammer


"President Bush is reportedly about to commit a cynical and
opportunistic act unworthy of his young presidency: signing a disaster
of a campaign-finance-reform bill. The bill, as it seems likely to
emerge from Congress, is perfect veto bait for Bush: 1) He thinks it
is unconstitutional; 2) it violates the principles for reform that he
defended during his campaign and enunciated during last year's
legislative debate; and 3) it will discourage exactly the sort of
engaged citizenry that Bush devotes so much rhetoric to promoting. But
Bush seems ready to ignore all of this and instead heed his own narrow
political and financial interests, in a capitulation that will require
double-backing on his commitments. ...Conservatives were forewarned
that, for instance, Bush's education policy might not be much to their
liking. He had promised as much for two years. His support for an
over-regulatory campaign-finance reform would be something different,
not just a disappointment, but a betrayal." --National Review


"Free speech does not guarantee anyone the right to be heard but it
does guarantee the right of the speaker to speak and not be silenced.
For some, free speech means standing on a street corner and shouting
that the president (or a member of Congress) is a fool or a crook. For
others, it means buying TV and radio time in support of, or in
opposition to, an incumbent or challenger. The answer to the problems
that have arisen in political campaigns is not less speech, but more.
All contributions to candidates and parties should be immediately
disclosed and published on Web pages. That would enhance
accountability and the public good. The airlines do this with frequent
flier miles, which are posted on the same day passengers fly. There
may be other ways to right the wrongs of campaign financing, such as
term limits, but violating the Constitution is not one of them. This
bill protects incumbents and deprives voters of their constitutional
rights." --Cal Thomas


Excerpts from Al Gore's recent speech to the Council on Foreign

"[T]here is another Axis of Evil in the world: poverty and ignorance;
disease and environmental disorder; corruption and political
oppression. We may well put down terror in its present manifestations.
But if we do not attend to the larger fundamentals as well, then the
ground is fertile and has been seeded for the next generation of those
born to hate us, who will hold these things up before the world's poor
and dispossessed, and say that all these things are in our image, and
rekindle the war we are now hoping to snuff out."

"'Draining the swamp' of terrorism ... drying it up at its source must
also mean draining the aquifer of anger that underlies terrorism....
Anger at perceived historical injustices involving a mass-memory
throughout the Islamic world of past glory and more recent centuries
of decline and oppression at the hands of the West."

"What is 'evil' anyway? I do not pretend to have the answer to such a

"It is time to accept that massive environmental disorder including
global warming is literally a threat to international peace and

"The administration in which I served looked at the challenges we
faced in the world and said we wished to tackle these 'With others, if
possible; alone, if we must.' This administration sometimes seems
inclined to stand that on its head, so that the message is: 'With
others, if we must; by ourselves, if possible'."

"One of the truly bad things about our politics is that it incites
each administration to attack every last thing its predecessor has
done, and to either tear down what was left or rename it so that its
parentage can be forgotten. We did some of that -- but we also kept a
lot of what we inherited from the first Bush administration and we
protected it and built upon it."

"I hope that the present administration chooses to invest in
reconstructing a sense of what bipartisanship in the defense of the
country is all about: even after the planes land and the guns stop

"I don't pretend to any received wisdom but I learned a lot from my
experience in the Clinton-Gore administration: lessons I think are
worth remembering and incorporating into the normal practice of our

"Above all, I learned that our engagement with others on behalf of
common values is something that must be of profound intent, and of
long duration. It isn't enough to destroy what is evil, and then seek
to leave by the nearest door."


"If we practice diplomacy and military action creatively and
forcefully, in the future we can be far less visible and active in the
Middle East than we are now. The key is to make our current enemies
into friends and in some sense our present 'friends' into enemies.
Should Hussein leave Iraq -- a secular and wealthy state -- and the
people craft some sort of moderate government, there would be three
immediate and beneficial effects. We would end U.S. belligerent action
in the skies over the Gulf; Iraq would serve as a model and catalyst
for Iranian reform next door; and we could exit Saudi Arabia and put
the Gulf sheikdoms on notice that what transpired in Baghdad can and
should happen to them. Our goal eventually is to help establish
regional moderate governments that reject both autocracy and
fundamentalism, and thereby do not serve as sanctuaries for those who
kill Americans." --Victor Davis Hanson


"Is campaign spending too high? No. In 2000, all campaigns --
including state and local elections and ballot referendums -- cost
about $3.9 billion.... This is less than four one-hundredths of 1
percent of our national income. It's less than Americans spend
annually on flowers ($6.6 billion in 1997)." -- Robert J. Samuelson

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments link to:

"McCain McCrap: John McCain is blabbering again about the abuses of
money in politics and the need for campaign finance reform. The only
one of the Keating Five still in Congress and the leading recipient of
donations from Global Crossing, he should know whereof he speaks!"

"From #02-08: 'Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.' --Theodore
Roosevelt. Unfortunately, today's lunatic fringe goes by the name

"The Federalist is on the mark. The problem that needs fixing is not
campaign money; it's not people who give it; it's the politicians who
take it!"

"The NEA, owing to its present and persistent disconnect with reality
-- (#02-07 Digest ref. NEA's gender disorientation) and a multitude of
other follies that have exactly nothing to do with education --
continues to be, without a doubt, the greatest single impediment to
education in this country."


"Consider the luge, which one reporter characterized as the act of
rocketing down a sheet of ice at 90 miles an hour on a cafeteria tray.
That looks dangerous even to those of us who live in NASCAR territory,
where seat belts and roll bars are standard issue. Whatever else
people might say about them, these lugists have stones -- perhaps
between their ears, but that's better than nothing. This goes double
when they go down the hill head-first, an act fondly known as 'the
skeleton.' ...At the Olympic Village a patriot affixed Osama's baleful
image at a strategic location in the Dead Goat Saloon's men's
bathroom. From all accounts, his presence has inspired peerless
marksmanship. Perhaps the summer gamesters could add this activity to
their repertoire." --Dave Shiflett

This Week's Leftoons:

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