-Caveat Lector-

excerpts from http://www.iccom.com/usrwww/jlquan/consldra.doc


JAMES QUAN  November 1996
Portland, Oregon

The most significant evidence for recovered memories consists of:

Linda Meyer Williams, Ph.D. of the Family Violence Research Laboratory at the
University of New Hampshire conducted a follow-up study 17 years later on 129
women hospitalized as children for sexual abuse and found that 38 percent did
not recall the experiences documented in their hospital records 17 years
earlier.  (Williams, 1993).  Dr. Pope contends that these results resemble
other non-disclosure findings from both a similar prior survey conducted by
Femina & colleagues (1990) and in Federal Government investigations in the
60's and 70's, in which people elect not to tell about various life events of
which they were in fact conscious.  Thus he holds that all 38 percent of
these women did know of their abuse, but elected not to disclose this
incident which had prompted a hospital admission 17 years earlier.

However, in Williams' experiment, significant time was taken to establish
only the highest rapport with each woman before interviewing, to counter this
very contention, yet it is not clear whether Femina, et al took the same time
and care to develop such a rapport with their sample who did admit their
knowledge of the initially non-disclosed abuse during a second "clarification
interview" when they were confronted with their documented histories.
Further, and discordant with Pope's position, is that out of a subsample of
the 23 women who received the highest credibility rating by the interviewer,
and with documented medical evidence of genital injury, Williams found 52
percent did not report the abuse. It seems that those in the highest
credibility group would have disclosed more often rather than less often if
non-disclosure accounted for all 38 percent.

Finally, and to counter Pope's statement that "a 38 percent non-disclosure
rate for an embarrassing event that had occurred 17 years earlier is
consistent with what one would predict," Dr. Williams points out that of the
women who elected not to tell, 68 percent told the interviewer about other
sexual assaults.  Yet it is not clear how many in Femina's study disclosed
other sexual assaults, as did in Williams' participants.

Judith Herman, M.D. conducted a study of 53 women in group therapy (groups
are often cited as a source of false memories), all of whom recovered amnesic
memories of abuse, found 74% were able to find corroboration from family
members, pornographic photos, or diaries.  (Herman & Schatzow, 1987).
Further, Herman notes that denial signifies little.  Research with known
pedophiles has illustrated that they often exhibit a cognitive distortion;
they often deny the offense until corroboration is presented at which time,
if they admit it, will then often minimize or rationalize their behavior
(Horn, 1993).

n David Calof (1993) answers the key objections of proponents of the False
Memory movement and explains in his article that therapist-induced suggestion
is by far the exception to recovered memory.  1) In his article, Calof tells
the initially unbelievable stories of two of his over 400 clients during his
20 years as a clinician who have recovered memories of sexual abuse and were
able to corroborate them apart from the denying, but eventually confessing
offenders  (Calof, 1993). 2) Calof describes his initial skepticism -- 6
years of disbelieving his first SRA client's memories.  He later corroborated
the case by two others, one an eye-witness and the other a victim of the same
perpetrators 15 years later in the same small town (Calof, 1994).

Perhaps most significant on the topic of false memory is that the very title
"False Memory Syndrome" was coined by the co-founder of the FMS Foundation,
Dr. Ralph Underwager, a psychologist and director of the Institute for
Psychological Therapies in Northfield, MN.  In addition to resigning from his
position in the Foundation for his indifference and/or approval of
"adult-child sexual relations" in an interview printed in the winter 1993
issue of Paidika, a pro-pedophilia Dutch Journal, eight states have
investigated him for his performance as a professional expert witness.

Via his "expertise," he was instrumental in the acquittal of, among others,
an Australian daycare in which approximately 20 children were allegedly
abused.  In this case, he successfully barred the testimonies of the 4 to 8
year old child victims due to their "inability to form an opinion of right
and wrong."  He also disqualified blatant medical evidence from the trial,
which included such injuries as anal tearing.  When he was later interviewed
by the Australian equivalent of 60 Minutes, he denied having made the
statements they quoted him as making.  The interviewer then presented the
court transcripts, at which time Dr. Underwager ended the interview and said
to the interviewer, "Sir, you are the most despicable human being I have ever
met!"  Further, he has required that his clients sign a contract to pay all
legal fees if he is sued for lying on the stand  (Calof, 1994).

Skeptical professionals and journalists elaborate on various combinations of
the above explanations, and in many cases have misrepresented the survivor
population and ignored significant corroboration to support their objective
of debunking all SRA.  In the process, they avoid the definitive contexts of
the victims and others personally involved, yet presenting such explanatory
backgrounds is counterproductive to their purposes of discrediting all

Skeptics tend toward several methods for achieving this end:  a search is
made for incidents to exaggerate into ad hominem labels of persons, assigned
such that informants' and therapists' entire personhoods are confined to a
particular negative incident, devoid of any personal context ("psychotic
break and alcoholism" used by both Nathan and Lotto to fully discredit Judy
Johnson, the McMartin whistleblower; see footnote under Corroborative
Evidence for context).  Secondly, corroborative evidence is minimized or
severely mischaracterized, if sought at all.  Writers have insufficient
involvement with those on the victim's side to make an accurate "diagnosis"
of FMS, and have little-to-no relevant background with any known offenders to
qualify them as discerning their innocence.

The Alternate Explanations offered for the "Satanic Panic" have yet to
provide either adequate explanation for the profound similarities in reports
and symptoms of survivors, rather these articles consistently mischaracterize
the survivors and the findings.  The skeptical literature is at best
selective and unfortunately many times misleading.

Finally, very few want to believe SRA occurs, but given all this information,
it is quite reasonable to conclude that some reports of SRA are authentic,
and the consistent accounts accompanied by consistent symptoms do reflect a
sadistic reality of a self-perpetuating addiction to power through sexualized
evil, in which there is a confirmed code of secrecy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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