Re: [CTRL] A Chalice of Trembling?

2002-12-02 Thread John Miller
Title: Re: [CTRL] This is disgusting
-Caveat Lector-

The Number Cruncher 
bites back.
A Chalice of 
Trembling  Trembling around or in Jerusalem?
As I most definitely 
do not know when Christ will return but the Bible does say things will get 
pretty nasty after one generation from the re-establishment of the State of 
Israel which took place in 1948, so nasty things are thus on the horizon. 

So will another attack will made on Jerusalem, with Israel hitting back 
very hard indeed so causing those around to tremble, to become a first, a 
special Chalice of Trembling around Jerusalem, and not the Great Cup of 
Trembling at Armageddon? Or will Jerusalem herself become a Chalice of 
OK, so we dont know 
when such will happen, but we could soon see military happenings that could mean 
a war, as was the case with Hitler who told the world what he intended to do by 
his provocative use of the annual Nuremberg Rallies. Hitler was not into Peace 
but War, and he was very successful as a killing machine, with some 50 million 
people dead in World War Two. 
So now its 
guesstimation time wise, when something may happen, that is will it happen on 
February 1st 2003? Will it be a day or a Chalice of 
Now the Metropolitan Museum has displayed the 
splendid silver Antioch Chalice, part of the so-called Antioch Treasure, a group 
of liturgical objects found outside the city of Antioch in 1910.
The interior of the Antioch Chalice was thought 
to be the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. It was displayed at the 
Chicago World's Fair in 1933, where it was billed as the Holy Grail. 
Many people have heard of the Holy Grail legend. The story is that anyone 
who finds the cup that Jesus used during the Last Supper, (24 hours before the 
Passover meal), and whosoever drinks from that cup, receives eternal life. 

Another related heresy is the legend that Mary 
Magdalene was made pregnant by Jesus and fled the Holy Land to live in what is 
now southern France. And King Merovee claimed descent from Jesus and Mary 
Magdalene and his descendants are known as Merovingians. The Merovingians were 
usurped by another line of kings by the murder of King Dagobert. Authors 
Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail and it is an 
interesting observation about the term Holy Grail, saying that In Latin royal 
blood is sang real. This phrase, if slurred, becomes san graal or Holy Grail. 
They feel that the search for the Holy Grail is an error and that the search 
should be for the royal bloodline.
So the 
Holy Grail, the so called Chalice of the Last Supper was discovered at the in 
Antioch, a city so important to the early Christians that it was recognized with 
Rome and Alexandria, as one of the great cities of the Church. 

The Chalice of 
Antioch, the double cup was, or it is, on display in the Metropolitan Museum of 
Art, New York City and said to have been 
made in the first half of the 6th century; and so early Byzantine. It is silver and 
7.5 x 5.875 inches in (19 x 15 cm), and the inner cup has a volume of some 5 
pints at 173.4 cubic inches. 
This rather 
beautiful silver drinking cup, carved from a single piece of silver and enclosed 
by a unique outer chalice exquisitely carved with symbolic grape vines, among 
which are twelve seated figures thought by many to represent Christ and eleven 
of His apostles. So the inner cup holds five pints of liquid, and is evidently 
an ancient relic of great sanctity, and although not the Chalice at the Last 
Supper, it could have the measurements for such a Chalice. In that 10 cups, each 
about half a pint, so a Chalice that has a volume for 173.4 cubic inches, 
whereas the standard Jewish Omer was 208.080 cubic inches and contained 12 cups, 
not 10 cups. 
And the 
mistake was that the plain silver interior bowl was identified as the Holy 
Grail, the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper. But is the volume of the 
Chalice making a statement? And saying we know there were 13 men gathered at 
the Last Supper, but a Chalice containing 10 cups was enough. Thus an Omer 
Chalice for 12 persons was seemingly not used if we run with the implications of 
this would to be Holy Grail legend. 
So to a 
most significant year, that is 1441BC when some 2,800,000 Israelites left Egypt, 
in the Ancient Egyptian year 2,800. 
And so 
using the date of 6pm April 6th 1441BC and 1,470 years before the 
Last Supper on April 6th AD30, and 21 hours before the death of 
Christ and 24 hours before the start of the Passover meal, that is the 
1,470th Passover meal since the very first Passover meal in 1441BC. 

OK, OK, 
and now to four sets of years.
Counting from 6pm April 6th 1441BC to 5am August 
3rd AD70 when the Temple of Yahweh is burning, and by now some 
600,000 Jews have died defending their Holy City from the Roman army, is 
1,877.7804 years, the death of Jerusalem and Israel. 
counting from 6pm April 6th 1441BC to the midnight hour on May 

Re: [CTRL] A Chalice of Trembling?

2002-12-02 Thread David Sutherland
Title: Re: [CTRL] This is disgusting
-Caveat Lector-

It'sheart-warming that we have a 
resident numerologist to complement the resident psychic and astrologer (or 
has 'Saba' left the building and vanished into the cyber-crystal-ball 
ether!?),who can delve into the future in order to predict the past 
for us. 

It's also nice, due to the aid of these 
supernaturally endowed beings,the rest of us plebeians can sit back and 
relax and enjoy life a little moresince we have been delivered from at 
least one major chore, beingthat burdensomeimperativeto 
engageour brain and produce rational 

The writer states, "As I most definitely do not know when Christ will 
return but the Bible does say things will get pretty nasty after one generation 
from the re-establishment of the State of Israel which took place in 1948, so 
nasty things are thus on the horizon."I admit I'm not a 
biblical scholar, but having read the book over a number of years, and having 
applied the modern technology of an electronic search engine to the biblical 
text, for the life of me i cannot locate a passage which resembles anything 
close to this claim and can only assume it's more likely on par with some Ouija 
Board style "revelation" only known to the writer.

Furthermore, we 
read,"Now the 
Metropolitan Museum has displayed the splendid silver Antioch Chalice, part of 
the so-called Antioch Treasure, a group of liturgical objects found outside the 
city of Antioch in 1910. The 
interior of the Antioch Chalice was thought to be the cup Jesus drank from at 
the Last Supper. It was displayed at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933, where it 
was billed as the Holy Grail."

Now given the 
fact that the tale of the Nazarene andhis fisherman disciplesis 
arguably one with shades of the proletarian ideal, i.e.Jesus the tradesman 
carpenter hanging out with a bunch of smelly fish mongers, and the revolutionary 
Jesus having himself rid the Temple of the money lenders, you could be excused 
for thinking it oddand a bit rich for someone to imagine Jesus and his 
comrades having asacramental booze-up using a plummy "SPLENDID 
SILVER" chalice. Smacks more of a high-brow snobby 
Britritualistic pomprather than your local carpenter and fish monger 
having a private farewell ale. 

Over the 
centuries there have been innumerable attempts to remodel the ever pliable 
Jesus to a particular subjective religious, political or mercantile bent so 
it's not that unreasonable for some to consider himas a potential 
improvement on the current crop, as a British aristocrat or a Royal. He is after 
all, already titled lord and king!

As to the numbers and dates farrago in the 
article, sadly, in order to reach the correct dates the writer has neglected the 
use of the following required formulae. 

Namely, the speed of light, Pi, E=MC2, the 
combined length of Moses big toes, how long it takes to deep-fry a Mars Bar and 
ofmonumental importance, my own birth date as many religionists 
andesoteric cultists have named me the "antichrist," and hence I believe 
this is the supra-significantmissing-link to be able to formulate any 
accurate prediction concerning these cataclysmic prophetic forebodings. For as 
they stand now, minus the aforesaid ultra necessary formulae, these 
numerological prognosticationsamount to little more than a 
fallaciouspile of gibberish - if even that!


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 12:01 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] A Chalice of 
  -Caveat Lector- 

  The Number Cruncher 
  bites back.
  “A Chalice of 
  Trembling” – Trembling around or in Jerusalem?
  As I most 
  definitely do not know when Christ will return but the Bible does say things 
  will get pretty nasty after one generation from the re-establishment of the 
  State of Israel which took place in 1948, so nasty things are thus on the 
  So will another 
  attack will made on Jerusalem, with Israel hitting back very hard indeed so 
  causing those around to tremble, to become a first, a special ‘Chalice of 
  Trembling’ around Jerusalem, and not the Great Cup of Trembling at Armageddon? 
  Or will Jerusalem herself become a ‘Chalice of 
  OK, so we don’t 
  know when such will happen, but we could soon see military happenings that 
  could mean a war, as was the case with Hitler who told the world what he 
  intended to do by his provocative use of the annual Nuremberg Rallies. Hitler 
  was not into Peace but War, and he was very successful as a killing machine, 
  with some 50 million people dead in World War Two. 
  So now its 
  guesstimation time wise, when something may happen, that is will it happen on 
  February 1st 2003? Will it be a day or a ‘Chalice of 
  Now the Metropolitan Museum has displayed the 
  splendid sil