[CTRL] A Plan for the UN's Gun Burning Party (fwd)

2001-05-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
(Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message)

May 29, 2001

ALERT: A Plan for the UN's Gun Burning Party

Dear JPFO Members and Supporters,

Several people asked us what they could do to show their disgust
with the UN's gun prohibition agenda.  Some folks suggested
demonstrations should be organized.

Here's an easy way to protest the UN's plans -- and a great
excuse to visit the range:

1. Get some of JPFO's shooting targets that show the UN flag,
see http://www.jpfo.org/target-un.htm

2. Shoot holes in them.  (That's the fun part!)

3. Mail them to American politicians and opinion makers with
the  message Here is what I think about the UN and its plan
to disarm Americans with global 'gun control'.  (Or whatever
message you'd like).

Option:  If you don't want to send a bullet-riddled target,
then set it afire and burn part of it ... they'll get the

Why use the JPFO UN Flag Target?  Because our target is *more*
than just a flag -- it lists (along the bottom) the rights that
we Americans lose under UN domination. The politician or media
figure who gets this target -- shot full of holes -- will
understand exactly why we oppose UN gun control and UN
infringement of our liberty.  The message gets through loud
and clear!

We think this kind of protest could have much more effect on
influential people than would small demonstrations ... and if
the demonstrations were to take place and get at all violent,
the media would call them examples of how dangerous gun
owners are.  Rather than expecting fair treatment of the
issue by the media, we think directly -- and unforgettably --
delivering our messages to key people can make them totally
aware of our views.

Firearms owners aren't violent people as rule ... but we are
serious and steadfast ... and we are not going to lie down while
the UN rolls in to register us and then disarm us.  That's what
a well-blasted UN flag shooting target says.

You can order the UN flag shooting targets on-line or by
telephone (800) 869-1884.

* Also: use the booklet entitled The United Nations is
Destroying your Freedoms to document what we've been saying --
that the UN endangers not only our right to keep and bear arms,
but nearly all of the rights we Americans enjoy.

To the people you send the UN flag target, you could include
the booklet -- that's an inexpensive but powerful combination
of education and protest -- multiplying the power of our voices.

You can order the UN flag shooting targets  the UN booklet at
the website or by phone. Click on:


Or Call: (800) 869-1884


 50 UN Target posters $15.95 post paid, Plus 2 free copies of
Gran'pa Jack #5 (a $6 value!)
100 UN Target posters $23.95 post paid, plus 6 free copies of
Gran'pa Jack #5 (an $18 value!)
200 UN Target posters $34.25 post paid, plus 12 free copies of
Gran'pa Jack #5 (a $36 value!)

11 x 17 blue and black ink on white paper. Lists 20 different
Constitutional rights you'd loose if the UN has its way.

The Liberty Crew

NEW! Life Membership: $500 or $41.67/month for 12 months.
Call for details: 1-800-869-1884, or www.jpfo.org/member.htm

Are you buying books, CDs, or videos? Help JPFO earn a commission
on your purchases, Click through to Amazon.com via the JPFO web
site at: http://www.jpfo.org/bookstore.htm

Now you can save money on your long-distance calls, make money
and help JPFO! Get long-distance service for as low as 4 cents-
a-minute, discounted phone cards - and make money selling these
services, too!

Through May 31st, you can sign up under JPFO to become a
WorldxChange discount long-distance agent for FREE (normally
$99) - and you can also get a FREE WorldxChange web site just
like JPFO's (normally $59.)

Don't wait! - Just click on


and then click on the Income Opportunity section at the top.
You can sign up on line - it's secure.  Once you're a WxC agent,
you can sign other agents under you - this benefits you and
helps JPFO raise needed funds to further its fight to destroy
gun control!

Do this TODAY, and then tell your friends about it so they can
sign up for FREE and get a FREE web site, too.

See our special on the Photon Micro-Light II Personal
Flashlight: http://www.jpfo.org/store.htm

NEW! Gun clubs can become JPFO affiliates for only $40 annual
dues. Affiliate with both JPFO and CCOPS at the same time:
only $59.95! Call for details. 1-800-869-1884

Re: [CTRL] A Plan for the UN's Gun Burning Party (fwd)

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Think this is a very bad idea.for it is illegal to shoot off a
weapon within most city limits?

First the UN is without authority to abolish guns in the USAno way.

And when people keep in mind that banana boat countries most of whom
hate the USA have us outvoted - well, what do you think.

The USA and Israel it is said stick together; two against how many?
USA just kicked off one committee and we should work on getting US
kicked out of UN and then we give them the boot.

We have ONE vote and the communists and fascists if you can tell the
difference between them now, for they always were birds of a fether,
have us out-numbered.

You have the EU now assembling with their own army.

Out Constitution DEMANDS we provide for he defense of this country -
common sense DEMANDS we provide for the defense of this country - the
President is supposed to follow through and so is every elected member
of this Senate and Congress,  to provide for the common defense.

And, if the US Government ignores the Constitution we can vote them out;
however, there are forces at work in this country who will DEMAND our
constitutional rights be protected.

Maybe time to fly the Don't Tread On Me (to which I always added You
SOB) and raise it over every home in America as a friendly warning that
We the People incorporated this corporation called the United States of
America, and We the People can disorganize it anytime we get the votes
and we are on the way.

The UN does NOT supersede our Constitution and that is the problem for
you see they have found their way THEY THINK to get around it by simply
ignoring it.

A few hundred thousand lawsuits filed against them would suffice would
it not until they get the message ..

Until that time take great pleasure in this - there are many charging
around the world that USA leaders have been guilty of war crimes..is
the day coming when a guy like Clinton could be hauled before a War
Crimes Court under International Control - oh no, they do not want this,
do they.too many skeletons buried in their past.

So if anyoney has reason to fear the UN, it would be the US Politicians
and believe me, there are members in the UN who would love the chance to
take some of these men and women, to a World Court.

Would hate to see that day coming where a USA President would be drug in
a Court like the 7 Men of Spandau were - and imprisoned for their
murders,  and their war crimes from
Waco to Ruby Ridge, to poisoned blood for Canada, for bombing the

USA is only as strong as their military and defense system - and this
country was born at the business end of a gun,  and will die if need be
the same way.

But shooting holes in flags?   Aren't these people trying to overthrow
our government and by force if need be when the UN wants troopos and
guns and would take away our right to bear arms in defense of our
country and Constitution?

So the UN kicks USA off of a Committee?   Wonderful, Wonderful.now
lets kick them the hell out of the USA - legally, not by a show of
intimidation but by using our rights guaranteed under our constitution -
and anyone who says this is impossible to do, well maybe this paper is
not worth fighting for at all?


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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