-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


 A matter of freedom


© 1999 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

The Republican congressional majority is playing with fire in agreeing to
meet with President Clinton in budget negotiations. They would be better
advised to submit the remainder of their budget bills to him separately and
without compromise.
My feelings will not be hurt if my advice turns out to be wrong, but I have
ample history upon which to base it.

Clinton double-crossed Congress by reneging on budget deals negotiated in
closed-door meetings in 1995 and then successfully shifted the blame to the
Republicans for shutting down the government. As a political and governmental
force, they have been emasculated ever since.

They are just now beginning to recapture their collective manhood, so it is
no time to forfeit it again.

Compromise negotiations are dangerous for Republicans for political and
substantive reasons.

Politically, Clinton has much less to lose than Republicans either way: by
compromising or a government shutdown. Congressional Democrats have
demonstrated their willingness to march in lockstep with him, irrespective of
the issues and the shame they've brought upon themselves. His Democratic
voting constituencies are also impossible to alienate -- because they have
nowhere else to go.

The plight of the GOP is much more precarious. They have earned the distrust
of their voters by abandoning their principles in past dealings with Clinton.
The era of big-forgiveness is over.

Republicans, unlike Clinton, will be held accountable by their constituencies
for failure to adhere to spending caps. But they will not absolve themselves
merely by balancing the budget, if in doing so they capitulate to Clinton's
socialistic spending priorities.

Let's be clear about something. In the words of Thomas Kahn, the Democratic
staff director of the House Budget Committee, "It's a mistake to
underestimate the significance of the fundamental philosophical differences
between the parties."

It is true that both sides have agreed in principle "not to dip into the
Social Security surplus to pay for any programs." All that means is that they
have agreed not to engage in deficit spending.

Plus, Clinton still wants to raise taxes, although it appears that his
insatiable appetite for additional tobacco tax revenues is attracting little
support, even among congressional Democrats. But if we assume, for purposes
of discussion, that both deficit spending and additional taxes are off the
table, we are left with one major area of disagreement: spending priorities.

Clinton is adamant that the federal government control how education money is
to be spent: for school building improvements, to hire more teachers and
reduce class sizes. Republicans insist that this federal education money
should be returned to the states in block grants to be spent as each state
sees fit.

Similarly, the president wants to use federal monies to hire more community
police officers.

The bone of contention is not about how the money should be spent but who
should decide how the monies are allocated.

Republicans are not, per se, against new school buildings or more teachers
(though certain research, incidentally, suggests class size has not been a
major factor in academic performance). But they are philosophically opposed
to the federal government telling local communities how to spend education
money that never should have been taxed out of the local communities in the
first place.

The federal government has no business, either as a matter of constitutional
law or sound judgment, telling states and cities how they should spend their
money, whether in education or law enforcement.

If Clinton and Congress reach an impasse on these issues, the Republicans
must explain to the people that principles even greater than education and
law enforcement are at stake: the doctrines of federalism and popular

This is a matter of freedom, pure and simple. It is indispensable to the
preservation of our liberties that we remain a government of the people, by
the people and for the people.

It is fine if Clinton and his statist buddies sincerely believe we should
hire more teachers and police officers. But they should be required to take
their case to the states and communities and convince them.

The conservative base of the Republican Party has been begging GOP leaders to
draw a line in the sand on these fundamental issues of freedom. Please let
them hear and respond.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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