Re: [CTRL] A reputable GOP would sink Cellucci

2001-03-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/12/2001 6:12:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  reputable GOP  

An oxymoron.  Prudy

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[CTRL] A reputable GOP would sink Cellucci

2001-03-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A reputable GOP would sink Cellucci
by Don Feder
Monday, March 12, 2001

In 1999, Senate Republicans refused to ratify President Clinton's interim
appointment of James Hormel as U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg. Will they apply
the same standard to GOP Gov. Paul Cellucci, nominated by President Bush to
be ambassador to Canada?

Republicans rejected Hormel for his support of the Sisters of Perpetual
Indulgence (a gay group that mocks Catholic ritual), among other outre
behavior. But when it comes to pushing the gay agenda, no governor has gone
as far as Cellucci.

Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts Parents Rights Coalition, has
joined Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, the Catholic Action League
of Massachusetts and other conservative groups in opposing the Cellucci

Camenker sent every member of the United States Senate an audiotape of a
state-supported conference where children as young as 14 were instructed in
the joys of same-sex sex, in all of its glorious variations.

The educational orgy took place at Tufts University on March 25, 2000.
Sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, it was partly
funded by the state.

Employees of the Massachusetts departments of Education and Public Health
took part in a particularly edifying session (``What They Didn't Tell You
About Queer Sex and Sexuality in Health Class''), where teens were encouraged
to describe what appendages could go in which orifices in language that would
make a pornographic Web site blush.

When word of this leaked out (one of Camenker's allies taped the
proceedings), the commonwealth disavowed it and the errant employees were
given the heave-ho. But what did the Cellucci administration think it was
funding - a spelling bee?

The Tufts conference is far from an isolated outrage. Like his predecessor
Gov. William Weld, Cellucci is a fan of ``sexual diversity'' in the public

In 1993, then-Lt. Gov. Cellucci was one of two featured speakers at a State
House rally for a proposed Gay and Lesbian Student Rights Act. In 1995, he
presented activists with a proclamation designating May ``Gay/Straight
Student Pride Month in Massachusetts.''

When he became governor, Cellucci raised annual state funding for gay and
lesbian student groups from $250,000 to $1.5 million. No other state earmarks
public funds for homosexual activism. Filtered through other agencies, much
of that money ends up with the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian
Youth, which engages in advocacy and activism in the guise of fighting
homophobia in the public schools.

The commission funds Gay/ Straight Alliances at local high schools with
grants of $2,000 to $5,000. The alliances in turn sponsor events like the
seventh annual Transgender, Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day at Newton
North High School last December.

Pink triangles decorated the school. Students were bombarded with literature
on ``transgenderism.'' Whole classes were marched off to assemblies where
homosexuality was touted by activists. One speaker, an ex-priest, even
invited teens to visit his gay club.

Little wonder that Cellucci's twisted definition of tolerance would lead the
state police to revise their rules on sex at public rest stops, to settle a
suit brought by the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders.

According to a Feb. 15 General Order from the Department of State Police
(``Sexual Activity In Public Places''), troopers were no longer to arrest
those getting it on at rest stops, unless the consenting adult ``reasonably
should know that there is a substantial risk that his or her sexual conduct
will be observed by a casual passerby.'' In the bushes - OK. In the open -

Cellucci has ordered the policy revoked. Would he even care if his nomination
wasn't pending before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by
Jesse Helms?

After the Tufts conference, Cellucci refused to meet with pro-family leaders
who wanted to voice their concern. He also cold-shouldered former Ambassador
Alan Keyes, who came to Boston last summer to protest the conference.

An aide to the governor (who was formerly head of the gay Log Cabin
Republicans) explained that a meeting with critics of his policy would be
pointless because of Cellucci's commitment to ``making the schools safe for
all teens - including gay and lesbian teens.'' That's right. If kids aren't
exposed to lectures on transgenderism and shown films like ``The Celluloid
Closet,'' gay-bashing will be rampant in Massachusetts schools.

Arrogance isn't a diplomatic skill, and Paul Cellucci's values are not those
of George W. Bush. Surely the president can find a better representative of
our nation and his administration in Ottawa.

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