-Caveat Lector-

TA DAH!!!!!

A Media Lord has spoken!!

ABC Thinks The UN Should Have a Voice In Setting US Policy

ABC’s World News Tonight on Sunday and Monday night ignored a Sunday, June
27 front page New York Times story about how contrary to Clinton
administration assertions they learned of Chinese espionage in 1995, not
1996. But Monday night ABC jumped on a story about guns played on the front
page of the Monday Washington Post, even getting soundbites from the very
same liberal activists quoted in the Post story.

Under the heading of "Targeting Guns: Exporters to the U.S.," the June 28
Washington Post headline declared: "Selling in a Land of Opportunity:
Foreign Firms Find a Big Market." Post reporter Sharon Walsh began:

"As increasingly restrictive gun laws are enacted in major industrial
countries, gun-makers around the globe are flocking to the biggest and least
regulated gun market in the world -- the United States."

Citing a United Nations study on how 29 nations have tightened gun laws in
the past five years, Walsh used Tom Diaz of the Violence Policy Center and
Wendy Cukier of the Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, as her

Now check out how ABC picked up the Post story without any credit. World
News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings asserted:

"The United Nations tells us that 29 countries have now tightened the rules
on gun ownership so considerably that it is more difficult for the gun
manufacturers to sell their product. Now none of those countries has a
Second Amendment so that makes the United States an important market. Guns,
like any other product, end up where they are welcomed."

ABC News reporter/Washington Post reader Lisa Stark explained, as the Post
did, how half of the guns sold in the U.S. come from companies owned
overseas. After a soundbite from Diaz she noted how Smith & Wesson is owned
by a British firm but their guns cannot be sold there and British "laws are
so strict, the British Olympic shooting team, which uses guns like these,
had to practice in France."

Other foreign gun-makers she cited matched a chart in the Post: Glock of
Austria, Browning of Belgium, Beretta of Italy and Taurus of Brazil. Wendy
Cukier suggested that like other "dangerous commodities," such as cigarettes
and leaded gasoline, producers must shift sales to where there is less
regulation. Stark did allow a gun store owner to point out: "Just like the
camera you’re using here, it’s made in another country. We’re in a world
market today and there’s free enterprise."

Stark then ruefully concluded: "And so far in this political season Congress
sees no reason to change that, leaving gun makers and sellers a lucrative
and legal U.S. market."

--The Media Research Center's CyberAlert, June 29, 1999

For a selection of recent Outrages du Jour click here.

"What is it that gentlemen wish?
What would they have?
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as
to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it Almighty god!
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR

                                        --- Patrick Henry-March 1775


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