-Caveat Lector-

House To Subpoena Library Records

By Jesse J. Holland
Associated Press Writer
Friday, Feb. 9, 2001; 6:31 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON ­­ A congressional committee investigating President
Clinton's 11th-hour pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich
decided Friday to subpoena records from Clinton's presidential
library fund after being told Rich's ex-wife gave it an "enormous
sum," committee sources said.

In one of his last acts as president, Clinton pardoned Rich, who
has lived in Switzerland since just before he was indicted in the
United States in 1983 on charges of tax evasion, fraud and
participation in illegal oil deals with Iran.

The House Government Reform Committee, which is investigating the
pardon, was told Wednesday by Denise Rich's lawyer that she had
given the Clinton Presidential Library Fund an "enormous sum" of
money. Ms. Rich declined to appear before the committee,
asserting her right under the Fifth Amendment not to testify
against herself.

The committee will seek to subpoena the Clinton library bank
records and Ms. Rich's bank records and is contacting the Justice
Department to try to give Ms. Rich immunity to she can be forced
to testify in front of the panel, two committee sources said

A spokeswoman for Ms. Rich in New York City declined to comment.

"We want to know how much is 'enormous,'" committee chairman Dan
Burton, R-Ind., said at the Thursday hearing. "That's something
we need to find out and how that plays in the overall scheme of

Republicans also have noted that Ms. Rich was a major contributor
to the Democratic Party and to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate
campaign. The White House, the Justice Department and Rich's
lawyers all have said that nothing illegal was done.

Clinton has insisted that Rich deserved the pardon. "Once the
facts are out there, people will understand what I did and why,
even if they may not agree with it," he said Tuesday.

Rich and his lawyers, which included former White House Counsel
Jack Quinn, flooded the White House with calls and letters
supporting the pardon in Clinton's last days as president,
documents show.

It may be March before the House committee holds another hearing
on the Rich pardon, officials said.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold its first hearing on
Clinton's pardons next Wednesday. However, Sen. Arlen Specter,
R-Pa., who called for that hearing, will not focus on Clinton's
pardon of Rich but rather on what might be done to limit the
president's pardon power in the future.

Specter is trying to build support for a constitutional amendment
that would give Congress the power to overturn a presidential
pardon. The president's power to pardon is absolute under the
Constitution and not subject to appeal.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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