Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-18 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:56 AM 9/17/00 -0700, nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>Question:  What, if any, crime has been committed?
>That depends on the wording of the local laws, and NOT on anyone's
>religious beliefs, particularly those of somebody else, not involved, and
>living in another legal juristiction.

Your answer is a very close approximation of "Duh-uh?"

Name one jurisdiction in the United States of America  -- ONE --  where it
is legal
for a medical doctor on his sole discretion to stick a needle into an in
utero fetus and kill it?

Name one jurisdiction where "the wording of local laws" affirmatively
permit this action.

>Crime is a legal matter, not a religious one.

Yeah.  So what?  You didn't answer the question.

"What, if any, crime has been committed?"

I'll make it REAL simple for you:

A. A crime has been committed.  The nature of the crime is: .

B. No crime has been committed;  medical doctors can spear and mutilate
in utero fetuses whenever they damn well please.


Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-18 Thread J Taylor

-Original Message-
From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2000 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>In legal terms you become a person when you are bornbut legally you
>define anything

And in religious terms you can define anything. The definition of a fetus
as a person is a religious definition. Not all people share, or can be
realistically expected to share, that religion or any single religion. It
is not going to happen. Period. End of story. Trying to force other people
to practice your religion, whatever it is, inevitably leads to conflict.

As for negative attitudes about whites in South Africa, you brought it on
yourselves. I have no sympathy.


There are 2 famous Psychology experiments that come to mind

The first is where 5 people are told to judge the lenghth of the number of
lines. the one line is clearly shorter than the others but the first 4
people giving the lenghths are plants and say that the shortest lie is the
The majority of subjects complied to the opinion of the majority...Today the
TV and those who contol it do the same.

The second is the case where an actor is hired to apperar as if he is
receibving an electric  shock. A subject is told that the person (actor ) is
hired to test their reaction to pain . The xperimenter tells the subject to
start giving electric shocks. It was guessed that less than .1% of people
would give a lethal shock. In practice about 75% did under the
compulsion(verbal only) of the experimenter.

The utilitarian mind set easily falls into the handing over the definition
of utility not even to themselves but to the media.

Finished and Klaar


Just one fact- the level of people being murdered now is 2-3x that being
murderred under the old Government.">
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-17 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Question:  What, if any, crime has been committed?

That depends on the wording of the local laws, and NOT on anyone's
religious beliefs, particularly those of somebody else, not involved, and
living in another legal juristiction.

Crime is a legal matter, not a religious one.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-17 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 08:17 AM 9/14/00 -0700, nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",
>Not until it's born.

Ms. Single Thirdworlder checks into the county welfare hospital eight
months pregnant.

Dr. Population Control prepares her for "delivery".

He sticks a needle into a tissue mass he finds inside the woman's uterus,
and then withdraws a "non-viable" (i.e. dead) fetus.

He displays it to Ms. Thirdworlder:  "Lucky you!  I found this thing growing
inside of you, and it was feeding on nutrients from your body.  We know
that it wasn't a "person"
because it wasn't "born".  I went ahead and removed it from you because it
it was
"medically indicated".

"And, by the way, we're all better off because there's one less mouth to
feed, and
we have helped save "the environment".

Question:  What, if any, crime has been committed?

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-16 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>In legal terms you become a person when you are bornbut legally you
>define anything

And in religious terms you can define anything. The definition of a fetus
as a person is a religious definition. Not all people share, or can be
realistically expected to share, that religion or any single religion. It
is not going to happen. Period. End of story. Trying to force other people
to practice your religion, whatever it is, inevitably leads to conflict.

As for negative attitudes about whites in South Africa, you brought it on
yourselves. I have no sympathy. It is interesting to note, however,  that
not all whites in SA are ill thought of. Many whites fought apartheid. For
this they are accepted by society as a whole and respected for their
courage (except, of course, for the ones who never lived to see apartheid
fall because they were brutally murdered by the apartheid regime).

This is not to say there is not a lot wrong with the ANC. There is, and
not just with the leadership.   As far as I'm concerned, the whole concept
of party rule, any party rule, is bogus. But to expect the social
distortions of  centuries of colonialism to disappear over night is
totally unrealistic. It's going to take generations to undo the damage.
Stop whining and help.">
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-16 Thread J Taylor

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",

Not until it's born.

In legal terms you become a person when you are bornbut legally you can
define anything . Blacks in america were considerred a part personso in
a way is the unborn child.

(I sometimes imagine a pessimistic situation in SA where the ANC decides
that I am not a person- a full person being defined as someone who is a
designated person(ie blackyou cant use the euphinism minority here
because the whites are a minority) Together with another party ...say the
PAC who went around saying one settler one bullet(ie dont waste your
bullets) pass this and hey presto I can be aborted.)

I delibrately used these words however not for legal definition but to
humanise the unborn child ,

The point I make again is that definitions have very little to do with it.
Rather the world view of utilitarianism has become the dominant one.

That means that the all those who believe it in effect say that "I want to
maximise my utility (long term pleasure) by destroyng the fetus/ unborn
child. Maximising the societies utility, nor that of the fetus/child is not
my responsibility"

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

nessie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",
> Not until it's born.

That's a cultural determination. Not a legal, or scientific one. One can
argue that after 24 weeks when the development of the lungs is finished,
that fetus is capable of survival with technological help. Society could
decide that it is a person at this time.

Prior to 24 weeks, the little peeper is nothing more than a mass of
functioning cells under continuous development. There is no way to make
the claim that this is a person, since it does not have lungs and organs.

Only those who are superstitionally challenged claim that this is a "person"
because to them a cell mass + soul ( a mythological concoction ) = a person.

Personally though I agree that a fetus which survives birth is a person.

The Jews don't consider a newborn a " person " until it has survived for
8 days out of the womb. On the 8th day, it gets to join the tribe by
circumcision. If it's a boy.

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person",

Not until it's born.">
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-14 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 06:09 PM 9/9/00 -0400, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>It's not a lie and it IS much more honest than the anti-choicers calling
>themselves "pro-life" when the lion's share of them are pro-death penalty.
>Most people I know are indeed "pro-choice" as am I, and the main point here
>is that we wouldn't presume to be so bold as to tell another person what she
>ought to do regarding her's HER body and HER choice and most
>thinking Americans respect that.

The abortnik position is fundamentally absurd.  It delegates to individuals the
privilege of deciding whether OTHER persons may live or die.

If the "mother" wants an unborn child to live, then it's a "person", and any
other person who harms the "unborn child" can be prosecuted.

If the "mother" does NOT want an unborn child to live, then it's a "tissue

We're only a philosophical inch away from the next update to the abortnik
theology which will say that the "mother" has the "right" to post partum

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I originally sent this in tolook at the use of language not abortion

Calling a fetus a person is a disingenuous use of language.You can call an
egg a chicken but that don't make it cluck.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-13 Thread J Taylor

>Firstly this is a disussion group and nothing is being forced
>secondly your response is repeating the political formula's without thought
>Thirdly/..testing for peoplehood if I suggest that all people who commit
>abortions should have the responsibility of disposing of the non thing that
>has just died, what would most peoples reaction be?
>Also if the unborn baby is part of the mother only why is every cell
>different from the mother.
>And if  an normal person went to have 3kg of healthy tissue removed a
>hospital would treat them as crazy( you want your heart removed because you
>dont want it to beat?
Also secular religions have not clean hands the secular grouping and
some of its offspring will have murder and certainty of purpose to its
cause. So murder of babies and old men are acceptable now, because that is
the present morality.

>The level of argument does not lie here however it lies in fundamental
>philosphies of utilitarianism versus communitarianism / contractualism.
>Utilitarians want the maximum benefit to existing productive individuals.
>That is why they can also easily talk about infanticide(peter singer) and

>The people who control the conspiracy favour this approach because it make
>people easier to manipulate via the media. (a strong group identity is
easier to manipulate from the inside but the one worlders are the perpetual
>PS I originally sent this in tolook at the use of language not abortion
>-Original Message-
>From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sunday, September 10, 2000 1:05 AM
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language
>This is bogus logic, based on the a priori assumption that a fetus is a
>person. That a fetus is a person is not a fact, but a religious doctrine.
>As such it aplies only to the practitioners of those religions of which it
>is a tenet. Stop trying to cram your religion down the rest of our
>throats.  Hasn't 1500 years of religious warfare been enough? When are you
>going to learn? Attempting to force your religion on others leads to
>violent resistance. Is that what you want?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-11 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>If the residents of Texas vote against the legalization of abortion, and
>I live in Texas and want an abortion, I would simply go to Oklahoma or
>Arizona or any other state
>where abortion has been voted in.

Only if you could afford it. That makes it a class priveledge. Do we
really want a society where certain medical procedures are class
priveleges and the government decides which ones they are?  That's exactly
what you are proposing here.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-10 Thread Jean Staffen

I am pro-life AND pro-choice.  I believe that abortion is murder and that it is wrong. 
 But I
believe that others should not be forced by law to abide by my beliefs. The 
controversy surrounding
abortion results from there actually being TWO issues here.  The first is the issue of 
abortion and
the second is the issue of state mandate. No government should have the right to make 
decisions for an individual. So long as there is not a law requiring abortion (as in 
China), it
should remain a legal choice for each individual.

Actually, this is a State's Rights issue. Each sovereign state should have a process 
for voting on
the laws in their state.  If the residents of Texas vote against the legalization of 
abortion, and
I live in Texas and want an abortion, I would simply go to Oklahoma or Arizona or any 
other state
where abortion has been voted in.  We in Texas voted on the lottery and other states 
have voted on
issues like prostitution and the legalization of medical marijuana ... this issue 
belongs to the
people who live in that state.

To paraphrase an old truth:  I disagree with your decision to have an abortion, but I 
will fight
like hell for your right to have it.

Jean Staffen
William Shannon wrote:

> In a message dated 9/9/00 12:13:37 PM Central Daylight Time,
> << nobody admits to being
>  "pro-abortion"; they are "pro-choice." This is an obvious lie.  >>
> It's not a lie and it IS much more honest than the anti-choicers calling
> themselves "pro-life" when the lion's share of them are pro-death penalty.
> Most people I know are indeed "pro-choice" as am I, and the main point here
> is that we wouldn't presume to be so bold as to tell another person what she
> ought to do regarding her's HER body and HER choice and most
> thinking Americans respect that.
> Bill.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-09 Thread nessie

This is bogus logic, based on the a priori assumption that a fetus is a
person. That a fetus is a person is not a fact, but a religious doctrine.
As such it aplies only to the practitioners of those religions of which it
is a tenet. Stop trying to cram your religion down the rest of our
throats.  Hasn't 1500 years of religious warfare been enough? When are you
going to learn? Attempting to force your religion on others leads to
violent resistance. Is that what you want?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-09 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 9/9/00 12:13:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

<< nobody admits to being
 "pro-abortion"; they are "pro-choice." This is an obvious lie.  >>

It's not a lie and it IS much more honest than the anti-choicers calling
themselves "pro-life" when the lion's share of them are pro-death penalty.
Most people I know are indeed "pro-choice" as am I, and the main point here
is that we wouldn't presume to be so bold as to tell another person what she
ought to do regarding her's HER body and HER choice and most
thinking Americans respect that.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-09 Thread J Taylor

Abortion and the English Language

by Joseph Sobran

In his famous essay "Politics and the English Language," George Orwell
analyzed the corrupting influence of dishonest politics on the way we speak
and think. There is no better example than the effect abortion has had on
our language.

Though abortion -- including the killing of viable infants at the verge of
birth -- is now a sacrament of the Democratic Party, nobody admits to being
"pro-abortion"; they are "pro-choice." This is an obvious lie. The right to
choose anything presupposes the right to live. The child, fetus, embryo, or
whatever you want to call the entity growing within its mother's womb has no
"choice" about being killed. It will never have a choice about anything.

The pro-abortion side is pro-abortion in the same way that advocates of
slavery were pro-slavery. "Oh," they protest, "but we don't insist that
everyone get an abortion; we only want people" -- that is, mothers -- "to
have a choice!" Then nobody was pro-slavery either, since nobody insisted
that every white man own a slave; they were "pro-choice." They wanted each
white man to be "free" to decide whether to buy slaves; or they wanted every
state to decide whether to permit slavery. Of course they overlooked the
obvious fact that the slaves themselves had no choice; in their minds this
was irrelevant.

The bad conscience of the pro-aborters shows in their studious avoidance of
the word kill to describe what abortion is. Why be coy about it? We don't
mind speaking of "killing" when we kill lower life forms. Lawn products kill
weeds; mouthwashes kill germs; insecticides kill bugs; mousetraps kill mice.
If the human fetus is an insignificant little thing, why shrink from saying
an abortion kills it? But the pro-abortion side prefers the evasive
euphemism that abortion "terminates a pregnancy."

As Orwell noted, dishonest people instinctively prefer the abstract to the
concrete. Abstract language avoids creating unpleasant mental images that
might cause horror and shame; concrete language may remind us of what we are
really doing. This is why military jargon dehumanizes the targets of bombs
and artillery: so that soldiers and pilots won't vividly imagine the men,
women, and children they are killing. Part of the job of military leadership
is to anesthetize the consciences of fighting men. And political leaders
(who usually start the wars in the first place) do their part by describing
the bombing of cities as "defending freedom."

In the modern world people are trained to avoid looking directly at the
effects of violence they commit or sanction. If possible, the killing is
delegated to specialists, who themselves are increasingly remote from their
victims -- as in recent U.S. bombings of Iraq and Yugoslavia, where American
casualties were nearly zero. Most of us don't mind if our military kills
people on the other side of the world; we feel no pain, even vicariously. We
may even buy the official explanation that our bombs are "preventing another
Holocaust." It may seem otherwise to the Iraqis and Slavs on whose homes
those bombs are falling.

But just as the news media refrain from showing us what those bombs actually
do, they never show us what an abortion looks like. They even refuse to
carry ads by abortion opponents, on grounds that pictures of slaughtered
fetuses are in "bad taste." They certainly are in bad taste; all atrocities
are. But the media are willing to show some atrocities, as in the killing
fields of Rwanda a few years ago. Since we're forever debating abortion, why
not let us see one? Why the blackout?

The answer, of course, is that the news media themselves are pro-abortion.
They adopt the dishonest language of the pro-abortion side: pro-choice,
fetus, terminate, and -- my favorite -- abortion provider (to make the
abortionist sound like a humanitarian).

A few years ago NBC produced a sympathetic movie about a woman seeking an
abortion -- Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" of Roe v. Wade. But when Mrs. McCorvey
later changed her mind and became an active opponent of abortion, did NBC do
a sequel? Unimaginable.

We have to keep our guard up at all times against political language,
especially in seemingly bland journalism, that is subtly infected with
propagandistic purposes.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.