-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: American Friends of the BNP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2001 8:44 PM
Subject: AFBNP Update 02/12/2001 #3

>To: Multiple recipients of the AFBNP Mailing List
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>The American Friends of the BNP E-mail Update provides news and
>information to British National Party Supporters in America and around
>the world.
>To subscribe to the AFBNP-Update, send an email with "Subscribe AFBNP"
>in the subject line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>1). Our next event in Florida will be our Red, White and Blue dinner
>meeting in Port St. Lucie, on the treasure coast (about one hour north
>of West Palm Beach). If you wish to attend, please call either our
>national office (703) 820 3844 or our Florida office (561) 878 5567, for
>full details and directions to the venue. This is going to be a great
>event and you should make every effort to attend. Let your friends and
>family know, and bring them along too, everybody will be made most
>Please arrive anytime after 1pm. There will be complimentary drinks,
>literature and merchandise tables to look over, where you can buy a
>whole host of patriotic items, including books, magazines, CDs, Videos,
>T-shirts, flags, badges and much much more.
>The Dinner will start around 3pm. We are having the great British fish
>and chips, with Clam Chowder starter and ice cream for desert. There
>will also be a good selection of British beers (yes cold!)
>The Meeting will start around 5pm. We have a great line up of British
>and American speakers, including American Friends of the BNP chairman
>Mark Cotterill: The Rev. John Alder of the European-American Episcopal
>Church: A guest BNP speaker who is flying in all the way from England:
>Plus a number of local American Nationalists.
>The closing ceremony will start around 7pm. This is in memory of British
>and British-American martyrs, who died for the Nationalist cause.
>A free raffle will be held afterwards, with lots of great prizes,
>donated by the meeting sponsors.
>An informal social will end the proceedings at which members and
>supporters can socialize, meet the guest speakers and have a few more
>drinks until late in the evening.
>Hotel accommodation is within a couple of blocks of the meeting venue,
>for those of you who wish to stay over that night. Call our Florida
>office and they will book you a room.
>Even if you cannot attend this time, please let us know if you would
>like to be kept informed of future events in Florida and we will keep
>you on our mailing list for the next one. You can also help by sending
>us a donation towards the high costs of organizing this event. Every
>dollar counts, however large or small.
>So mark your calendar and come and have a great day, meeting other
>patriots on Sunday February 18.
>STOP PRESS: We will also be holding an outdoor demonstration in support
>of the Confederate Flag in the Port St.Lucie area on the morning of
>Saturday 17. If you live locally or will be in the area on Saturday
>please come along and lend us your support. Call (561) 878 5567 for full
>details on Friday.
>2). There will be a house meeting for DC area members only, on Thursday
>22 February, starting at 7.30pm in Falls Church. Please call (703) 820
>3844 if you can attend. There will be a guest BNP speaker from England.
>3). Our next full meeting in Arlington, Virginia will be in early March.
>Full details will be given in the next up date. Or check out our website
>at  www.americabnp.net  you can also e-mail us at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>4). The new Freedom Party did not get off to a very good start. Their
>first meeting in their stronghold(?) of Tipton, in the West Midlands a
>couple of weekends ago, attracted a grand total of 35 Freedomers,
>including a couple of BNP members who went along to size up their
>strength (or lack of it). The whole affair was a farce as any gathering
>which includes the talented Bowden, Butler, Newland, Webster and the
>Edwards would be. Before the meeting ended, a number of their Birmingham
>people walked out (they have since rejoined the BNP). We will keep you
>posted in future Updates on their progress.
>The following is an interesting summery of the Freedom Party by BNP
>Chairman Nick Griffin.
>Projection  thats the psychological term for when someone accuses
>someone else of doing something wrong because its they kind of thing
>they have  done or want to do themselves. On the big historical scale,
>the way various Zionists always scream about other people having Master
>Race theories is a classic example. On the petty scale, we now have an
>example much closer to home. Most of you will know how Mr. & Mrs.
>Edwards of Wombourne (not actually Tipton, as Mr. Edwards falsely claims
>in order to be able to stand there, but thats another story) spent
>months last year accusing me and several colleagues of all kinds of
>dodgy financial dealing and stealing 7,000 Pounds from the BNP. They
>could not, of course, produce any evidence for their claims, because
>they were all made up in pursuit of their plot with Mike Newland and the
>Tory Bloomsbury Forum to discredit the partys elected leadership and so
>provide the reason for instituting rule by committee (their committee,
>of course). Plan b) was, if that failed, to launch a new party. Well, it
>failed, so on January 9th Mr. & Mrs. E sent out a four page circular
>stating why they have decided to join the Bloomsbury Forums new Freedom
>Party. The plump, effete, bow-tie wearing Tory who is to lead this
>little band is one Jonathan Bowden, formerly leader of the absurdly
>named and short-lived Revolutionary Conservative Caucus. So whats this
>got to do with projection? Well, Mr. Edwards and a flunky have been up
>to some serious bank hanky panky. First, he tried to get the bank where
>the Black Country BNP account is held to remove his co-signatory Simon
>Darby from his position on the account, to leave Honest Steve as sole
>signatory. And now, much more serious, it has just emerged that he and a
>dupe, Neil Phillips, arranged to have another bank, the one holding the
>BNP West Midland regional account - containing nearly 3,000 Pounds
>transfer 2,800 Pounds of that BNP money to an account controlled by
>Phillips. Again, without informing Simon Darby who was co-signatory on
>the West Midlands account. Of course, the bank is also to blame for
>allowing this transfer to be done without the authorization of both the
>signatories, but the theft was the work of Neil Phillips, urged on by
>Honest Steve. Once the situation was pointed out to the bank, it only
>took a few minutes for them to agree that the money will be back in the
>West Midlands BNP account by Monday morning. The Manager also said that,
>as 86 Pounds of it has already been spent on something (hope they've
>have got the receipts), the thieves will have to cough this sum up or
>face prosecution by the bank's own legal department. Not a good start
>for a new party hoping to cultivate an image of financial probity and
>respect for the law. Coming on top of Decent Steves official police
>caution under the anti-stalking laws for making threatening and obscene
>telephone calls, it suggests the image-makers are going to have their
>work cut out. For that matter, what do they expect the opposition to
>make of their choice of the name Freedom Party? As in extremist Joerg
>Haider Freiheit Partei Austrian like Hitler praised Hitlers employment
>policy and the Waffen SS blah blah, smear, smear.  Might not bother
>hardened extremists like us, but Mr. Bowden wont see his Tories for dust
>once it starts. Which will leave just him, Honest Steve and Madeline
>None-too-bright, and Mike Newland. I hope they enjoy each others
>company. They deserve it.
>5). We now have both Celtic Cross and BNP pins back in stock. These are
>only $5.00 each including postage. We also have Celtic Cross, Union
>Jack, Ulster, St. Patricks, St. Andrews and St. George Cross Flags.
>These are selling for $25.00 each, including postage. We have now found
>somebody who sells Irish Harp flags, if we can work out a deal with them
>we will also be able to sell these soon. Checks and Money Orders should
>be made payable to the American Friends of the BNP and mailed to PO Box
>1746, Falls Church, VA 22041-1746.
>6). We now mailed out Heritage and Destiny number six and all members
>and supporters should have got their copies by now. It is another great
>issue, with the lead story being George Bush and Conservative
>Correctness, written by Brian Copp, one of our Texas members. It is
>dated January/February 2001, as from this issue it is going by-monthly.
>We will be needing more articles now, so get writing as we are now
>working on the March/April issue. If you are not on our snail-mail list,
>and would like a copy of Heritage and Destiny number six, please send
>$5.00 to PO Box 1746, Falls Church, VA 22041-1746, and we will send you
>a copy.
>7). The January issues of Voice of Freedom and Identity have also been
>mailed out now to all our paid up members. We will have the February
>issues by the end of the month and these will be mailed out the first
>week of March. If you would like us to send you sample copies of both
>these great BNP publications, please send $10.00 to our Falls Church
>8). The BNP are holding a rally in London, England on Saturday 24
>February. A member of the American Friends of the BNP will be addressing
>the meeting. This will be the first meeting at which an AF-BNP member
>has been a platform speaker. We will give you a report in the next
>Update. There will be a number of great speakers including BNP Chairman
>Nick Griffin.
>9). Many thanks to the good people who donated the Car, Computer and
>Photocopier, these will be of great help to us. We are still short of
>many of the things we need to function as an effective political
>organization in America.  If anyone has any of the following items that
>they could donate to the American Friends of the BNP, please e-mail me
>at [EMAIL PROTECTED] straight away and we can arrange collection or
>mailing arrangements.
>a) a new or second hand computer, with or without a printer and scanner.
>A laptop would be fine.
>b) a small town house or a two bedroom apartment that we could use for a
>national headquarters. (Anywhere in the greater Washington DC area would
>be fine, but we will look at anything in other parts of the country.)
>c) a photocopier (color or black and white).
>d) a second hand car or truck (must be in good working order).
>10). Only with the sustained help of our friends and supporters can the
>American Friends of the BNP carry on its vital work of promoting the
>British National Party in America. If you agree that the work we are
>doing is both worthwhile and important, please support us with your
>generous donation. Checks or money orders should be made payable to  -
>the American Friends of the BNP, and sent to, PO Box 1746, Falls Church,
>VA 22041-1746.
>11). Lastly check out the massively revamped BNP main website at
>www.bnp.org.uk, which is now regularly attracting more than a thousand
>hits every single day! This is becoming an ever-increasing source of top
>quality new recruits. Also check out the AF-BNP website at
>All articles are private e-mail and protected under section 17 of the US
>copyright code.  These articles are used under the fair usage clause of
>the US Constitution.

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