-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

February 3, 2004

by Joe Sobran

     "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is
king." I've always loved that ancient saying, whose
author seems to be unknown.

     But in the age of democracy, it needs to be adapted:
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man loses every
election." Not quite as snappy, maybe, but it meets the

     By now every blind American has heard that arms
inspector David Kay has exploded the Bush
administration's justification for preemptive war on, and
regime change in, Iraq: the dogmatic accusation that Iraq
had "weapons of mass destruction." One-eyed Americans
doubted it all along.

     Of course the U.S. Government and its chief allies
have those weapons, which is why they aren't called by
their right name: weapons of mass murder. And it's a bit
odd for the one government that has actually dropped
nuclear weapons on cities to claim exclusive moral
authority to decide who else is worthy to possess them.

     But never mind all that. The Bush administration and
its supportive cadres of neoconservative war nerds
insisted that there was no doubt whatever that Saddam
Hussein had such weapons and was prepared to use them;
Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair said they could be
deployed within 45 minutes. It was urgent to act. "The
risks of inaction are greater than the risks of action,"
said Vice President Dick Cheney, action meaning war.

     Well, there appeared to be virtually no risk for the
administration; a quick U.S. military victory was a
foregone conclusion. Who knew that after the war, a U.S.
arms inspector would find that Saddam Hussein was telling
the truth, while George W. Bush was lying?

     Lying? Well, Bush's apologists are now trying to
pass it off as an innocent error. He was "misled" by the
Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence
services, and he made the only decision he could have
made in the circumstances. Bush himself still insists
that the war was justified.

     Pardon me, but when you pretend to have a certainty
you don't have about so serious a matter as war, you are
lying. Bush left no room for doubt. He didn't say,
"According to our best intelligence, Iraq has weapons of
mass murder and is prepared to use them on us. Of course
we can't be absolutely sure, but we can't afford to take
chances." He made the unqualified assertion that there
was no alternative to war.

     Millions of people around the world, without
privileged knowledge of that "best intelligence,"
disputed this. They didn't believe that Saddam Hussein
had those weapons or would be lunatic enough to use them.
And they mistrusted Bush and Blair.

     So are these great war leaders apologizing for an
unnecessary and aggressive war, the kind that once sent
German and Japanese dignitaries to the gallows? At this
point we must make a fine distinction: the Nuremberg
principles were never meant to be applied to the victors.

     No. Hey, honest mistake! Bush has now agreed to an
official investigation to help him find out who was
pulling his leg about those alleged weapons. It wasn't
his idea. He only works here. He was just following his
advisors. Anyway, we've brought democracy to Iraq. Isn't
that the important thing?

     But Bush can't afford to blame, and ax, CIA chief
George Tenet, the Man Who Knows Too Much. Maybe we'll
soon hear that Tenet too was only following his

     Now even the most skeptical opponent of the Iraq war
must deal with the fact that Bush, Blair, and their cabal
were lying even more brazenly than anyone, except maybe
Noam Chomsky, dared suggest. We assumed that they must
know something we didn't, or why would they risk a raw
deception that would blow up in their faces if those
weapons weren't found?

     Now we know there were no weapons to find. Saddam
Hussein didn't have enough materiel to deter, or even
impede, an American invasion. The sad sack dictator may
be shocked to learn how harmless he actually was. But
that's why he's the one who will be tried for crimes
against humanity.

     And what about little Ali Abbas, the boy who lost
his entire family and both arms when an American missile
hit his Baghdad home [see the column of May 29, 2003]?
Well, he'll have the consolation of living in a
democracy. When he's a little older, he'll be able to
vote, if he can hold a pencil in his teeth.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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