-Caveat Lector-

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Army alert as virus hits Dartmoor


TROOPS were on standby last night to help to round up thousands of farm
animals on Dartmoor after the first confirmed foot-and-mouth case in the area
broke out at one of the Prince of Wales’s Duchy of Cornwall farms.

Farmers in the South West are worried about the latest development and
believed the mass slaughter of thousands of cattle, sheep and even ponies
could be inevitable. There was particular alarm because the Government
admitted that so far there was no link with any previous cases and the virus
could have been carried by the wind. A senior National Farmers’ Union source
described "a mood of near hysteria and panic" in the region.

The Ministry of Agriculture was awaiting details about the Dartmoor farm
before triggering emergency contingency plans as the epidemic rose to 69
confirmed cases in mainland Britain and Northern Ireland and seven in

Richard Cawthorne, the Government’s deputy chief veterinary officer, said he
believed animals on Dunna Bridge Farm, near Two Bridges on Dartmoor, had not
been grazing on common land and posed no threat to the 46,000 breeding flock
on the moor. Although so far there was no link with a previous case he
believed they could still find one by checking the movement of animals,
people and vehicles.

Regional vets were assessing the situation with John Hodge, the NFU
representative for Dartmoor. The Times has learnt that farmers are refusing
to collect their livestock from the moor and any collection of animals would
be done by troops based at Okehampton. Vets would check every animal before
the cattle were shot by military marksmen.

A spokesman for the NFU in the South West said the latest development was
"farming’s worst nightmare" given Devon’s place as the biggest livestock
centre in the country. It is known that a number of sheep from the Dartmoor
farm have jumped fences on at least one neighbouring farm in the past days
and there was a bleak mood in the farming community about the threat.

Baroness Hayman, junior Agriculture Minister, emphasised that there was no
intention of prevaricating any decision about Dartmoor but they needed to
know the full facts.

The Prince of Wales was being kept informed of the situation at the farm of
his tenant, Roger Winsor. A St James’s Palace spokesman said: "He is very
concerned about the plight of the farmer." Five farms next to the Duchy farm
are to be investigated as a matter of urgency by Ministry of Agriculture vets
today. They are believed to have had contact with Mr Winsor’s farm.

John Hodge, chairman of the Commoners Council of Dartmoor, said: "We are
hoping that so far the virus has been kept off the moor but another five
farms need investigating. If there is a problem, we will divide the moor into
quarters and troops from Okehampton will round up the livestock."

The disease is otherwise being contained in the way the ministry has forecast
and there was some comfort that the new cases were in already-infected areas.
Compared with 1967, the scale of the present outbreak is smaller and the
spread slower, suggesting that efforts to restrict the epidemic may be

The new cases yesterday were broken down as three in Devon, one in Cornwall,
three on Tyne and Wear and three in Scotland. A total of 53,700 animals have
been slaughtered or condemned and another 9,965 will be destroyed as
dangerous contacts.

Lady Hayman said the Government was pleased that there were so far no
confirmed cases on the Continent. The Government has not even been informed
of a new suspect case in Denmark.

The first animals slaughtered for food under the new licensed controls were
in Scotland last night. A pig abattoir at Malton in the North East was also
reported ready to receive pigs to boost supplies of bacon and ham. A total of
89 licences have been granted to abattoirs to start slaughtering livestock
and another 150 have applied for the licence.

There were serious concerns that farmers were being offered lower prices for
their livestock by abattoirs than before the outbreak, even though consumer
prices are likely to go up by 20 per cent. West Devon Beef was offered £1.60
a kilo by meat firms in Somerset and the Midlands. The price before the
outbreak was £1.75. Lady Hayman promised that ministers would be keeping a
close eye on prices.

Richard Haddock, a Devon farmer and partner in West Devon Beef, said: "We are
refusing to sell for less than £1.75 per kilo. It is more evidence that
farmers’ arms are being pushed behind their backs. If prices are jumping 25
per cent at Smithfield Market and 20 per cent on imports, who is profiteering

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