-Caveat Lector-

Not for Commercial Use

               MONDAY MAY 24, 1999

               PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO

               Army prepares
               for Y2K food crisis
               Undercover Special Forces
               in distribution center

               By David M. Bresnahan
               © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

               Army Special Forces are engaged in a
               secret operation to learn how to protect
               food distribution centers in the event of a
               Y2K emergency or other disaster,
               according to witnesses.

               Information which led to the discovery of
               the undercover operation came from a
               witness who worked in the presence of the
               soldiers who are posing as security guards
               and temporary workers at one of the
               largest food distribution centers in the

               Soldiers are taking part in the exercise to
               prepare for the possibility they could be
               called on to protect food distribution
               warehouses around the country if a Y2K
               disruption causes civil unrest. They
               appear to be normal security guards and
               workers to those who see them, so it was
               difficult to find corroboration of the claim,
               which was first reported to
               WorldNetDaily in April.

               The exercise began when the local
               Teamsters went on strike against the
               Galaxy Logistics food distribution
               warehouse at 1700 Elm Hill Pike,
               Nashville, Tenn. Temporary workers
               were called in to keep the very large
               distribution center functioning. Galaxy
               Logistics handles food distribution for
               Kroger Company.

               Galaxy Logistics Inc. is based in Toronto,
               Canada. It was formed in 1998 and
               operates under Tibbett & Britten Group
               North America. Galaxy acquired Kroger's
               warehouse and entered into an exclusive,
               multi-year contract with the large
               international grocery company. Galaxy
               took over the contracts of an estimated
               470 Teamster employees when it acquired
               the distribution center for an undisclosed
               amount in August 1998.

               When the Teamsters went on strike at the
               end of April, temporary workers were
               called in to maintain operations. The
               temporary workers were actually brought
               to work and received training at least four
               days prior to the start of the strike. Picket
               lines have been peaceful and consist of
               only a few workers with signs, often as
               few as two.

               AWF provides security for the large
               facility and put some soldiers into their
               company uniforms, enabling them to easily
               observe and learn at a time when they
               would not be easily detected, according to
               a reliable Special Forces source who has
               worked with WorldNetDaily on other
               investigative reports.

               "They need information and experience in
               order to devise a plan to protect these
               facilities. It's simply a fact-finding
               mission," the source explained after some
               prompting. He was hesitant because this
               operation is apparently not the only one
               taking place, although he would not give
               further details.

               "Ask me about something specific and I'll
               see what I can tell you," he stated when
               asked for locations of similar activities.

               The soldiers are responding to orders to
               be prepared to protect and support critical
               facilities in the event of Y2K-related
               disruptions. Undercover forces are in the
               process of gathering information about
               those facilities now in order to have a
               plan in place if it is needed. "You've got
               the picture," he confirmed.

               "Protection of food distribution centers
               will be critical if it gets really bad.
               People will be out of food within days,"
               he explained. Although the Red Cross and
               the Federal Emergency Management
               Agency have stated they are prepared to
               move people to shelters within three to
               five days of a Y2K disaster, the source
               said the military believes it will take
               much longer and many people will be out
               on the streets looting and causing unrest.

               A memorandum from Deputy Secretary of
               Defense John J. Hamre to all defense
               agencies spells out the need to be
               prepared to "respond to requests for
               assistance from civil authorities both
               domestically and overseas throughout the
               Y2K date transition period (defined as
               Sept. 1, 1999, through March 31, 2000)."

               That same document, obtained by
               WorldNetDaily, lists the priorities for the
               Department of Defense, both foreign and
               domestic. Included under "Maintenance of
               public health and safety" appears the
               priority for "food distribution." The
               document also lists concerns for local
               fire, ambulance, police, hospitals, air
               traffic control, rail support, ship
               navigation and public information

               Suspicion was first aroused when the
               company which provides fork lifts to
               Galaxy Logistics was hired to provide
               training for the temporary workers. One of
               the trainers has military experience and
               noticed that some of the people he was
               training just "didn't fit in."

               Over a period of several days of
               observation and making friendly
               conversation with the men who "didn't fit
               in," the trainer observed them reviewing
               aerial photographs of the location, hiding
               military clothing in a large closet or
               storage area, talking with each other using
               rank designations, and one man
               accidentally saluted another and was
               severely reprimanded for his action. Two
               were also seen to have concealed
               weapons under their coats.

               When the trainer expressed his suspicions,
               five of six men he spoke with admitted
               they were from Fort Bragg Special
               Forces. One man who said he was a
               colonel and served in Vietnam, then asked
               the trainer many questions about his own
               military background since he too had
               served in Vietnam. That made the trainer
               very nervous.

               The next day his concerns grew when the
               same colonel denied any military
               connections. He is known to
               WorldNetDaily, and the company he
               works for confirmed that training was
               provided to the workers at Galaxy
               Logistics. The trainer believes he may be
               in some danger if his name were made

               "When I went into a back office to use the
               phone, there was a stack of flak jackets,"
               he described. He said that his company
               was responsible for training hundreds of
               temporary workers how to use the forklifts
               at the facility. He was unable to estimate
               how many of the workers were military,
               but he did say many had a military
               appearance that gave them away.

               The security guards and temporary
               workers were overheard to converse with
               each other about common military
               interests. Some were heard to comment on
               which base they were from. The trainer
               said they told him they just wanted to
               blend in with the other temporary

               The trainer also observed large
               12-passenger vans used to transport many
               of the workers. They were fleet vehicles
               with government plates and military base
               stickers. He said the windows were
               blacked out. The stickers read,
               "Department of Defense, Ft. Bragg." Some
               also showed Fort Campbell or Fort Knox.

               The vans were used to transport the
               workers and had an escort vehicle in front
               and in back. Drivers were in radio
               communication with each other and a
               command center using military
               designations and language.

               The trainer was transported in one of the
               vans with the temporary workers.

               "After being briefed on the way over on
               what to do if an emergency was called, I
               saw guards around the perimeter
               (dressed) in black. When I asked, the
               driver said they were the Tactical
               Response Team. When we got around the
               building, a shorter man came out of the
               rear door. He saluted and was
               immediately called to the side and
               severely scolded for saluting," the trainer

               When he was taken inside the large
               facility he saw many temporary workers
               who had a strong military appearance. He
               said he was able to count at least 50.

               The Galaxy Logistics food distribution
               center is normally protected by a private
               security firm, AWF. Workers contacted at
               the warehouse said the guards normally
               change on a frequent basis, so the
               appearance of new faces among the guards
               would not cause concern. The change in
               the security personnel would also not be
               noticed with so many temporary workers
               filling in, according to one of the sources
               who also witnessed a military presence.

               "They're just here to learn. I don't see
               what's the big deal," said a woman
               employee contacted at the warehouse at
               random by phone. Identification that the
               request was from WorldNetDaily was
               given at the start of the call. She was
               asked why there were members of Special
               Forces working at the warehouse. After
               her response she wanted to know "who
               are you again?" The information was
               repeated and she said, "Oh, you're the
               press. I can't talk to you." She hung up.

               Another call was placed and a different
               woman said, "Galaxy Logistics, Cortinay
               speaking." When asked if military people
               were present at her facility she responded,
               "Let me refer you to someone who could
               really answer that question for you." She
               then handed the phone to someone else.

               "Good afternoon. Command post. This is
               Jim. How can I help you," came the voice.
               After giving identification and the purpose
               of the call, he said, "Um, I'm not at liberty
               to answer any of those questions." He said
               he would have someone call who could

               Galaxy Logistics public relations
               spokesman Bill Scher did call and said
               the claims were "absolutely untrue." He
               confirmed that AWF handles security, and
               he said they are not armed.

               Over the weekend, WorldNetDaily
               informed Scher of additional information
               that indicated the military placed security
               guards and temporary workers in the
               facility without informing Galaxy
               Logistics of their presence. Scher did not
               dispute the possibility, but he said he did
               not know anything about it.

               AWF has not responded to requests for
               information. Kroger has also not returned
               calls from WorldNetDaily. Teamster local
               president Jimmy White has not returned
               calls made to his office.

                  © 1999 Western Journalism Center

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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