-Caveat Lector-

Here are the details as to why Sen. Ashcroft opposed Ronnie White's nomination to
Federal Bench.  The entire discussion and background appear below.
This is a transcript of a broadcast by Sean Hannity on Thursday, Jan 18, 2001.

White was rejected largely because of his dissent in the case of the state of
Missouri vs a guy by the name of James Johnson, when White voted in '98 to overturn
- he was the only one out of 7 justices - he was the only dissenting voice to
overturn the death penalty convictions of this 4 time murderer who killed in cold
blood 3 law enforcement officers and the wife of one of these sheriffs.

Here - let me give you the facts. Here are the facts. The deputy of the local
sheriff's departmnent went to James Johnson's house to investigate some domestic
dispute, that he and his daughter were involved in, after the Sheriff talked
briefly with members of the family he was going back to his car, Johnson shot this
guy, this Sheriff, twice, including in the back of the head - when Johnson heard
that this Sheriff was moaning, well then he shot him in the forehead, killing him

 Johnson then loaded his car with guns and ammunition, and drove to Sheriff Kenny
Jones's house, where the Jones family, by the way, was celebrating Christmas.  What
did he do?  He fired a semi-automatic rifle through the window, he hit Jones's wife
5 times including the face, the neck and the back of the head - she died in front
of her family on Christmas day.

 Next, Johnson arrived at the home of another Sheriff, by the name of Russell
Bortz, and he shot Bortz multiple times through the window, hitting him in the
chest, and in the face, as Bortz was on the telephone. Bortz survived.

 Then he went to the Sheriff's office. As Cooper County Sheriff Charles Smith was
leaving his office, Johnson then shot him 4 times including in the face and the
head - he killed him.

 And as Miller County Deputy Sandra Wilson arrived later at the Sheriff's office
Johnson shot her through the heart, as she was climbing out of the car - she died
on the pavement.

 So eventually, he's apprehended, convicted of 4 counts of 1st degree murder,
incontrovertible evidence was in the case, sentenced to death, his primary defense
wasn't that he didn't do it - but that he suffered from post traumatic stress
disorder resulting from his service in Vietnam.  He then appealed to the Missouri
Supreme Court, claiming a myriad of constitutional violations, on and on and on,
--  oh, by the way, one particular persuasive point, as the other 6 justices
pointed out, Mr. Johnson confessed to the crimes - never said he didn't do it - he
just said that Vietnam caused the post traumatic stress disorder.

 He made a confession, in which he recalled every single detail - and it was
because Judge White was willing to remand this back to the courts - it calls into
question a confession - incontrovertible evidence and testimony of the people
involved, it calls into question NOT HIS RACE, but his JUDGMENT - and his sense of
whether or not because of his lack of judgment in this case if he deserves a
LIFETIME appointment to the court.

 That's what this case was and is about - we ought to be thanking Senator Ashcroft
for what he did.  He was showing great judgment, and yet the mainstream media has
refuse to focus in on what this case has actually been about. It's just amazing.
It shouldn't surprise us.


 Here's the entire discussion.

I don't know how many of you had an opportunity to watch Ronnie White this morning,
Judge Ronnie White, as he testified before the Senate Judiciary committee.  This is
the judge that the left has been focusing in on, these left-wing groups, since they
announced their opposition to the nomination of ex-Senator John Ashcroft for
Attorney General.  And they claim it was Ashcroft's opposition to Ronnie White, who
is a Missouri supreme court justice, nominated to the federal bench by Bill
Clinton, that his opposition was based on the fact that Ronnie White was an African
American, despite the fact that they ignored the entire record of Senator Ashcroft,
which was that he supported 26 of the 27 African Americans that were appointed to
the federal bench.  26 of 27 he confirmed the judicial nominees that were brought
before him. Of the approximately 1686 Clinton presidential nominees, both
judicial and non-judicial, voted on by the Senate when Senator Ashcroft was there,
he voted to confirm all but 15. That fact not brought out by Senator Ted Kennedy,
nor was it brought out that he himself, while the Governor of the great state of
Missouri signed Missouri's first hate-crime statute.  It wasn't pointed out that by
executive order that he made Missouri one of the first states to recognize Martin
Luther King day, that he led the fight to save Lincoln University, the Missouri
university founded by African American
civil war veterans.  Those facts were ignored by those pompous, pretentious,
self-righteous, hypocritical members of the judiciary committee and by Senator Ted
Kennedy.  Has anyone mentioned Mary Jo Kopechne recently?
Anyway, just a thought.  What really really is beginning to get to me is, just
about every democratic senator, I was watching Chuckie Schumer in NY this morning,
Chuckie Schumer is out there, first thing he said is "I don't think he's a racist,
but, (there's always that but), but then they go on with their  insinuations that
he IS a racist.  But they just don't have the courage to say it, nor do they think
it would be politically viable enough for them to do that, they find the political
risk too great than to say what they really want to say. Then Senator Schumer went
on to say "other judges far more liberal on crime (he said he opposed you because
you weren't that tough on crime) we know that other judges far more liberal on
crime were not opposed by senator ashcroft and they happen to be whites."  And then
they go into, they use this term "racial sensitivity", and they talk about Judge
White.  They want to create the impression that he is a racist, this is the card
that they played during the election when the NAACP, never repudiated by Al Gore or
the Democratic party or any Democratic Senator that we know of, when they linked
George W. Bush to the dragging death, the tragedy of James Byrd with that ad with
the chains and the truck and then George Bush opposing the hate crimes bill.  And
the same thing in Missouri in 1998 the Democratic party with their ads "if
republicans are elected, MORE black churches will burn."
 So it's not unusual that they play the race card, they smear, besmirch the
reputation, they do it through innuendo and the distortion of the record, or just a
flagrant disregard for the ENTIRE record and selective presentation of PART of the

 There's absolutely a witch hunt we've been watching unfold here. You know, Bob
Bork, Robert Bork, I actually spoke to him yesterday, he wrote in the Wall Streeet
Journal this week, "the truth is liberals these days are the primary exponents of
character assassination and the politics of personal destruction."  And he then
points out what I've often said is that you've got to go on offense when they start
this, and expose it.  This time, the lies should be thrown back in the left's
face.  A resolute, aggressive defense can confirm Mr. Ashcroft" and he points out,
politically gain momentum for Mr. Bush.  I'm thinking of the parallels between my
experience in the confirmation process and today's battle - I realize I have one
asset the Attorney General designate can never earn - suitability as a verb -
nobody will ever say "let's Ashcroft him."  You know who coined that term - I
believe it was Pat Ireland of now - "we're gonna BORK him."  So we had her on tv
the other night and I said "well what does it mean to 'Bork' somebody?"  It's
obvious what it means to "Bork" somebody - it means to demonize them, destroy them,
derail them, ruin their reputation, hurt them, any way possible because you
disagree.  Now how many of you know that Janet Reno opposed the death penalty?
There weren't these questions raised when she was confirmed in the senate, "well,
you have spoken out about the death penalty," Larry Elder(?) pointed it out in his
column today, - Attorney General Janet Reno spoke out against the death penalty,
dismissing it as an instrument for vengeance - she had a radical, extreme idea that
was out of touch with the mainstream of America, yet as Attorney General Reno
enforced the government's pro-death penalty position. Apparently only liberals
possess enough integrity to enforce laws with which they disagree. Great point! So
anyway, Ronnie White is out there today and then you have Senator Durban today "I'm
sorry for what Senator Ashcroft did to you," Senator Durban said. Well first of
all, Senator Ashcroft is NOT apologizing for opposing the nomination of Ronnie
White, and when you look at the decision it was sound - Mark Lavin wrote the
definitive piece on it - it appeared on the New Republic online, some time back.
And he points out what this case was about, White was rejected largely because of
his dissent in the case of the state of Missouri vs a guy by the name of James
Johnson, when White voted in '98 to overturn - he was the only one out of 7
justices - he was the only dissenting voice to overturn the death penalty
convictions of this 4 time murderer who killed in cold blood 3 law enforcement
officers and the wife of one of these sheriffs.
Here - let me give you the facts. Here are the facts. The deputy of the local
sheriff's departmnent went to James Johnson's house to investigate some domestic
dispute, that he and his daughter were involved in, after the sheriff talked
briefly with members of the family he was going back to his car, Johnson shot this
guy, this sheriff, twice, including in the back of the head when Johnson heard that
this sheriff was moaning, well then he shot him in the forhead, killing him
instantly.  Johnson then loaded his car with guns and ammunition, and drove to
sheriff Kenny Jones's house, where the Jones family, by the way, was celebrating
Christmas.  What did he do? He fired a semi-automatic rifle through the window, he
hit Jones's wife 5 times including the face, the neck and the back of the head -
she died in front of her family on Christmas day.
Next, Johnson arrived at the home of another sheriff, by the name of Russell Bortz,
and he shot Bortz multiple times through the window, hitting him in the chest, and
in the face, as Bortz was on the telephone. Bortz survived.
Then he went to the sheriff's office. As Cooper County Sheriff Charles Smith was
leaving his office, Johnson then shot him 4 times including in the face and the
head - he killed him.  And as Miller county Deputy Sandra Wilson arrived later at
the sheriff's office Johnson shot her through the heart, as she was climbing out of
the car - she died on the pavement.  So eventually, he's apprehended, convicted of
4 counts of 1st degree murder, incontrovertible evidence was in the case, sentenced
to death, his primary defense wasn't that he didn't do it - but that he suffered
from post traumatic stress disorder resulting from his service in Vietnam.  He then
appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court, claiming a myriad of constitutional
violations, on and on and on, --  oh, by the way, one particular persuasive point,
as the other 6 justices pointed out, Mr. Johnson confessed to the crimes - never
said he didn't do it - he just said that Vietnam caused the post traumatic stress
disorder.  He made a confession, in which he recalled every single detail - and it
was because Judge White was willing to remand this back to the courts - it calls
into question a confession - incontrovertible evidence and testimony of the people
involved, it calls into question NOT HIS RACE, but his JUDGMENT - and his sense of
whether or not because of his lack of judgment in this case if he deserves a
LIFETIME appointment to the court.

 That's what this case was and is about - we ought to be thanking Senator Ashcroft
for what he did.  He was showing great judgment, and yet the mainstream media has
refuse to focus in on what this case has actually been about. It's just amazing.
It shouldn't surprise us.

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