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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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Subject: BATF/SWAT to attack Baptist Church on April 10-19 WACOstyle?????????
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 3:57 AM

(sent to USCMike1's 35,839+ readers - please repost to your own mailing lists
and newsgroups - IF WE DON'T RESIST on this one you can KISS America GOODBYE!)

     Thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for forwarding this post about the exposure
of trouble brewing heard on the Alex Jones radio show.

    Will this be the incident that finally draws all the Constitutionally
provided for Unorganized Civilian Militias to work together in harmony and

    To all USCMike1's readers:  Please contact all the civilian militias
members that you know to inform them of what is beginning to shape up re: the
feds violating our U.S. Constitution.  Can all the militias converge on
Indianapolis to protect this church and show the feds that WE the PEOPLE MEAN

Thanks for "listening," USCMike1

Subj:    [ThePentagonGuru] Fwd:Another Church That Is Not "ATF
 Date:  2/23/00 10:51:17 PM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sentinel4)
 Reply-to:  <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">thepentagonguru@egrou

 Source: Alex Jones radio show

 A Confrontation is shaping up in Indianapolis as Temple Baptist Church of
 Indianapolis prepares to defy a court order to vacate. The 7th Circuit
 Court has order the church to vacate and allow the government to confiscate
 the church on April 10, as a result of failure to pay/withhold taxes. The
 church is not a 501c3 and has not registered as a church or school, but has
 continued to operate as a free and independent church and school.

 Upon receiving the court order, the Indiana militia began to look into the
 matter. Last night, it was announced that the Kentucky and Ohio militia
 will join with Indiana to defend the church. Today, on the Alex Jones radio
 show, there were suggestions that the Tennessee and Michigan militias would
 also join the effort.

 The Baptist Temple Church, 19 Judicial District 2711 SE, Indianapolis, has
 a Sunday attendance of about 1000. The former pastor of 50 years, Pastor
 Greg Dixon, was on the Alex Jones show today to discuss the matter. His son
 is currently the pastor of the church. Pastor Dixon said that this is a
 free country, with free speech and freedom of religion. He said the people
 of the congregation do not plan to leave their church. He also said that
 Janet Reno is actually Johnny Reno, that anyone can see that she is a man.

 Most likely, it's such remarks that have failed to endear the Pastor to the
 feds who have obviously targeted this church for an April, 2000
 confrontation - yes, it's April once again.

 I don't have any additional information on this matter. If you want more
 information, you can call the church at 317-783-6753.
 "..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
 tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
                 ~~~~Samuel Adams~~~~
 ********************************************** >>

The latest rumor going around on the talk radio shows in the Los Angeles area
(KIEV AM 870) is the answer to the question as to why Chelsea Clinton is so
ugly . . . that's cuz Janet Reno is her father.

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