
Tuesday, 12 September, 2000, 14:36 GMT 15:36 UK
Humans 'face extinction'

By BBC News Online's Helen Briggs
Humans, like other large mammals, are showing signs of imminent extinction,
claims a UK palaeontologist.

Large animals are dying out at a much higher rate than models predict, said
Professor Michael Boulter.

He told the British Association's Festival of Science in London that he believed
the human race would "soon" follow.

The theory comes from a mathematical model developed by Professor Boulter's
research team at the University of East London.

They have used data from the fossil record to chart the evolution and extinction
of all animals and plants that have died out during the course of the planet's

Planet peril

Large mammals are becoming extinct at a very much higher rate than the curve
predicts even before humans started making their mark on the planet by burning
fossil fuels, said Professor Boulter.

"My theory is that the Earth and life on it needs, from time to time, culls," he
told the BBC. "The last and best known cull was of the dinosaurs 65 million
years ago. I reckon from the evidence that we have that there is reason to
believe that we humans are interfering with the environment so much that we are
making ourselves extinct."

Professor Boulter won't be drawn on precisely when he thinks the human race
might die out. He will only say "soon", which, in geological terms, could mean
millions of years.

"The good news is that life on Earth will continue peacefully and happily
without large mammals," added Professor Boulter. "Of course, it's poor news for

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