-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bacteria could eliminate e-coli
By Clive Cookson in San Francisco
Published: February 18 2001 21:44GMT | Last Updated: February 18 2001 22:48GMT

A lethal form of food poisoning could be eliminated by feeding cattle with
"friendly bacteria" that eradicate harmful germs from the animals' gut, the
annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was
told on Sunday.

The approach could help prevent serious food poisoning from the dangerous
0157 strain of e-coli bacterium, which lives in cattle and is the main cause
of food poisoning from eating undercooked beef products.

An outbreak killed 21 people in Scotland in 1996. But the germs also cause
illness in people who are exposed to cattle manure on farms.

Experiments at the University of Georgia have shown success in removing the
0157 strain of e-coli bacterium - which causes 100,000 cases of serious
food-borne illness in the US each year - by giving cattle probiotic cultures
of other e-coli strains that are harmless to people and animals.

"In most animals, these friendly bacteria have killed all the 0157 bacteria
by germ warfare inside the gastrointestinal tract within two weeks," said
Michael Doyle, director of the university's Centre for Food Safety.

"People have to remember that animals often lie on their manure, which clings
to their hair and hides," said Professor Doyle. "A recent outbreak in
Pennsylvania where children were infected by e-coli was associated with a
farm visit."

The traditional method of vaccinating animals to prevent them carrying 0157
did not prevent the cattle shedding the bacteria in faeces, he said. "Our new
probiotic treatment shows great promise."

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