Blair-faced Liars: Blair, Clinton and the New World Order


"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
readeth it." — Habakkuk 2:2

Professor Arthur Noble

A very perceptive article by Steve Pierce entitled "My peace I give you",
published in the January, 1998, edition of Workers of Iniquity, exposes the
fact that it is really the Roman Catholic Church that is behind the façade
of Tony Blair and New Labour. It could also be shown that the same is true
of Bill Clinton and his universal 'peace' missions. The already proven
sympathy of both men with the Romanist faith and system, as well as their
active dedication to promoting the policies of the Papacy world-wide, is a
reflection of the real men behind the masks.

On page 8 Pierce writes:

"Until he attended the 1993 meeting [of European Heads of State] in Athens,
Tony Blair was merely the Shadow Home Secretary. Following this meeting,
however, he was carefully groomed and 'raised up' to fulfil the requirements
of the 'coming New Order' which he briefly mentioned in a political speech
on March 18, 1997, though few noticed or understood the implications of what
he said. Since then he has been carefully steered and has regularly received
much guidance and counselling from Bill Clinton, who not only accompanied
him to the Amsterdam Summit, but afterwards instructed our Parliament,
though the voters who put Blair into office were not allowed to know what
was discussed; and what is an American President doing instructing our
Parliament in the first place? If it was something beneficial or acceptable
to the United Kingdom's populace we would have been told, so obviously
whatever was discussed was either alarming or unacceptable. […] It looks
like we are going to find out the hard way."

What is this 'New Order' being promoted behind the pressed suits and
contrived body language of Blair and the hypocritical moralising of the
arch-immoralist Clinton?

What Tony Blair is really doing, says Pierce, is ushering in the
[resurrection of the] 'Holy' Roman Empire. This is entirely consistent with
our analysis that the real aim of the European Union is a United Roman
Catholic States of Europe, which was the ideal pursued by Pius XII through
his Concordat with Adolf Hitler. In a remarkable speech given in French in
1975, Pope Paul VI said that it was "the [Roman] Catholic faith that made
Europe" and added: "No other human force in Europe can render the service
that is confided to us, promoters of the faith, to awaken the Christian soul
of Europe, where its unity is rooted." [Reported in The Reformer,
January/February, 1976. Note that it is a "human" force, not one of God.]

It is the Papacy that is behind the drive for European unity. The English
philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) once remarked: "The Papacy is no other
than the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave
thereof." [Leviathan, Part 4, Chapter 47 (1651).] The Microsoft Encarta
Encyclopaedia 99 article on the Roman Empire states:

"It was the [Roman Catholic] Church, more than anything, that was the real
heir of the Empire, and which was able to provide a measure of continuity
after the collapse of temporal power and civil administration. The Papacy
continued to be based in Rome and to exert enormous authority over most of
Europe, keeping alive not only many of the ideas of the Roman world but also
a sense of a wider community which looked to the ancient city for support
and leadership."

The dream of re-establishing that Empire has never been abandoned. Napoléon
and Hitler failed in their attempts. The late Enoch Powell alluded in the
Evening Standard (December 2, 1987) to a "profound rearrangement now taking
place" involving the "dissolution of the North Atlantic Alliance versus
Warsaw Pact confrontation" and resulting in an arrangement which would
"reappear like some submerged landscape revealed when the floodwaters fall,
an older pattern, which previous generations would have no difficulty in
recognising. [...] Its old name is Holy Roman Empire." The comparison is
strongly reminiscent of the Biblical prophecy in Revelation 17:8 of a beast
ascending out of a bottomless pit.

At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from north-western Europe to the
Middle East and encompassed all the lands of the Mediterranean. The ancient
Rome of the Caesars lived on in the so-called Holy Roman Empire of the
German Nation, which lasted from the coronation of Charlemagne in 800 until
the Protestant Reformation liberated half of Europe from the Vatican
stranglehold – though in actual fact the structure of the Holy Roman Empire
survived loosely until it disintegrated in 1806.

Significantly, the recent peregrinations of the present Pope have
concentrated on the countries of the Middle East whose territory would be
needed to re-establish the former Roman Empire which extended east and south
of the Mediterranean, called by the Romans mare nostrum ('our sea'). Already
in 1988, when the Pope addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the
question of why a spiritual leader was concerned with advocating political
unity was analysed by the Sunday Telegraph [July 1, 1991]:

"He is calmly preparing to assume the mantle which he solemnly believes to
be his Diving Right – that of new Holy Roman Emperor, reigning from the
Urals to the Atlantic."

The Pope's plan to recover the Vatican's European losses necessary for
reconstructing the Empire is being graciously facilitated by Tony Blair, who
is on record for his 'closeness' to Romanism and is handing the United
Kingdom to the Vatican on a plate, whitewashing Irish terrorism, destroying
British national identity and sending our troops to fight against our Serb
allies of World War II. At the same time, Clinton, who has been photographed
taking the Papist mass, is conditioning Americans for the Vatican's planned
subsequent move – to rule the world by Romanising America.

Returning to the article by Pierce, we find him mentioning two further
significant things which Blair and Clinton have in common apart from their
association with the shady Church of Rome. One is that they are both
Bilderbergers – members of that exclusive club of the most influential and
fanatical New Order promoters steered by the Illuminati, a secret fraternal
society with origins in 16th-century Spanish Roman Catholic mysticism. The
Illuminati (Italian for 'enlightened ones') – in Spanish Alumbrados – were
so called because they claimed to have seen the light, to have had a vision
of the divine and to be in direct communication with the Holy Spirit.
Interestingly, the Encyclopaedia Britannica states that they "came primarily
from among the reformed Franciscans and the Jesuits". As we know, Clinton
was educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

The Bilderberg Conference is an annual three-day conference attended by more
than one hundred of Europe's and North America's most influential bankers,
economists, politicians, and government officials. The magazine Freedom
Today [Vol. 22, No. 2] reports that Bilderberg membership is selected from
the power élite of Europe and North America, and that Bilderbergers are
conspiring to establish a 'new world order' with world government. Held in a
different Western country every year and conducted in an atmosphere of rigid
secrecy, the conference provides a private, informal environment in which
those who influence national policies and international affairs can get to
know each other and discuss their common problems. After each conference a
private report of the meeting is circulated only to past and present
participants, and in the report speakers are identified only by their

Scrutiny of Bilderberg Conference membership reveals that it is infested
with Jesuits and Nazi sympathisers. The conferences were initiated by the
Roman Catholic Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and took their name from
the hotel in the Dutch town of Oosterbeek, where the first conference was
held in 1954. Significantly, Prince Bernhard himself was an officer in
Heinrich Himmler's SS (the Schutzstaffel) in Nazi Germany. The London Times,
in its Diary of May 24, 1995 [p. 16], reported that Tony Blair, with concern
about sleaze in mind, belatedly listed in the updated Register of Members'
Interests a visit which he made in 1993 to the Bilderberg Conference in
Athens as Shadow Home Secretary.1 Blair, despite his initial feigned
hesitancy on the single currency, has in reality always been an ardent
advocate of it. It is no accident that the Portman Papers [Vol. 1. No 6]
described the single currency as "Bilderberg treason" and warned that it
"means the end for Britain".

The Bilderbergers are widely reported to have been involved in the overthrow
of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (now Lady Thatcher) after she returned
from an EMU discussion in Rome proclaiming: "I refuse to hand over this
sovereign nation to thirteen unelected bankers!"

"Ordinary people," say the Portman Papers [ibid.], "do not know Bilderberg
exists, and hence are powerless to scrutinise the highly questionable
activity of this treasonous, corporatist oligarchy of influence."

The second trait common to Blair and Clinton, according to Pierce, is that
both are "congenital liars". The Unionist people of Northern Ireland can
certainly testify to that, citing the infamous written and subsequently
broken promises of the referendum campaign, while Americans and the world at
large will remember their present President historically as one of the most
notorious and scandalous twisters of all time. Could it not be said with
ample justification that both Blair and Clinton have demonstrated the Jesuit
qualities described by Constantine Labarum in his book Pageantry, Popery,
Pillage [London, no date, p. 219.]: "unscrupulous duplicity […], vicious
doctrines of probabilism, mental reservation, amphibologia, justification of
the means by the end, and many other maxims subversive of honesty and
morality"? No wonder a witty commentator once called them "Blair-faced

Today the propaganda machine of the promoters of the 'New Order' is duping
the world in the same way that the Nazi propaganda machine of the
nineteen-thirties succeeded in creating the illusion that what was going on
was all about stability and peace. In reality it was a clandestine method of
consolidating the forces of evil for the purpose of launching the greatest
conflict in history.


1 Proof of Mr. Blair's attendance at Bildersberg (at first undeclared and
then admitted following a complaint) is provided in paragraphs 1, 5 and 7 of
the Appendix to the Third Report of the Select Committee on Standards and
Privileges, published in Hansard, to which we provide the following link:

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