-Caveat Lector-

> Hello, Nicola
> This is Norio Hayakawa.
> Here is an item that I am certain that you will be interest in.  Please share
> this with everyone.
> (it has to do with Project Blue Beam):
> Be sure to watch the world premiere of a 2-hour special documentary, THE ROAD
> TO RAPTURE, which will be televised in the U.S. on A & E  this Thursday,
> September 9, 1999 (9 p.m. Eastern Time, 6 p.m. Pacific Time and also repeated
> at 1 a.m. Eastern Time, 10 p.m. Pacific Time).
> A & E,  presenting interesting and educational programs, is offered on most
> cable systems in the U.S.
> Here is what A & E  says about this fascinating and timely SPECIAL
>  <A HREF="http://www.aetv.com/viewers/premieres/9909rapture.html">A&E: ESCAPE
> http://www.aetv.com/viewers/premieres/9909rapture.html
> (quote)
> The End Time.
> For thousands of years mankind has feared it - and searched for clues to its
> coming.
> This 2-hour A & E   SPECIAL PRESENTATION : THE ROAD TO RAPTURE reports that
> today, several books on the New York Times best seller list depict doomsday
> scenarios, that 80,000 people daily visit a website which posts the upcoming
> date of the Rapture.
> The Dream Project documents exact duplicates of nightmares about its advent,
> reported by strangers thousands of miles apart.
> When will the Rapture arrive?
> It is believed by some that in an instant millions of people will disappear
> from the face of the earth, shedding their clothing, shoes, eyeglasses and
> jewelry.
> They will have "Raptured" - that ecstatic moment when true believers are
> rewarded by being uplifted into heaven.
> Those left behind will have little time to contemplate the miracle.
> They will face bitter years of war and social chaos - the period of the
> Apocalypse and Armageddon that precedes the Second Coming of Christ, as
> predicted in the biblical Book of Revelation. (*this also depends on whether
> one believes in Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post Trib Pre-Millennial Rapture)
> American cults are known to be stockpiling arms for the imminent battle
> between good and evil.
> Thousands have bought one-way tickets to Jerusalem on New Year's Eve 1999 to
> be there when the Rapture happens.
> Fascination with the Rapture has crossed over from Christian fundamentalist
> cults to mainstream popular media.
> phenomenon from its biblical underpinnings to current popular trends,
> creating a fascinating portrait of mankind approaching the third millennium.
> PREMIERE:  September 9 at 9 p.m./1 a.m. Eastern Time
>                     (6 p.m./10 p.m. Pacific Time)
> LENGTH:  2 hours
> PRODUCED BY:  FilmRoos, Inc. for A & E  Network
> (unquote)
> *Comments by Norio Hayakawa
> *From the standpoint of PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) "Mind-Control", the
> timing of the world premiere of this program cannot be better.
> There are many questions that remain:
> Will there be a real Rapture?  (Count me in as a firm believer in it).
> At the same time, however, will there also be a "fake" Rapture that could be
> "staged" by the powers-that-be?
> (In the early 90s I had corresponded with Serge Monast of Canada who had
> first proposed his Project Blue Beam conspiracy scenario).
> Will there be a HOLOGRAPHIC "staging" of End-Time events to come?
> Are End-Time religious "CULTS" manipulated by global elitists to bring about
> a hidden agenda?
> Will some of the leading-edge technologies (such as the ones being developed
> at Groom Lake/AREA 51 in Nevada) play a role in such near-future scenarios?
> (for examples):
>  <A
> HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/groomwatch/myhomepage/profile.html">Military
> Use of Electrochromatic Panels</A>
> http://www.hometown.aol.com/groomwatch/myhomepage/profile.html
> and
>  <A HREF="http://www.pufori.org/articles/pentagon_psyop.htm">Pentagon's new
> information War + PsyOps' Holographic Technology</A>
> http://www.pufori.org/articles/pentagon_psyop.htm
> -Sincerely
> from Norio

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