[CTRL] Bohemian Grove endorses Roberts; 10 yrs in Iraq

2005-07-29 Thread Total Information

San Francisco Examiner July 28, 2005
: A
parade of Lincoln Town Cars has been ferrying back and forth to Monte
Rio the last couple of weeks, bringing notables up to Bohemian Grove
for the summer encampment. This weekend, Colin Powell, a full-fledged
member of the Bay Area Power Elite now that he is a partner at Kleiner,
Perkins, Caufield  Byers, heads up to the grove to camp out with
the guys who run the world. … Last week, former CIA insider and retired
Admiral Bobby Inman told the Bohos that the U.S. will have to stay in
Iraq another 10 years before we can accomplish anything there. No one
liked hearing that. Sen. Bill Frist gave one of the Lakeside
Talks — a kind of keynote speech given soberly in midday. The lads were
unimpressed for the most part by Frist's ruminations on the state of it
all, but the Bohemians seemed downright unnerved by the close of his
speech. He went completely religious. Now many of the Grovesters are
God-fearing gents, but lakeside it doesn't do to wear your piety on
your polo shirt, which is what the gentleman from Tennessee did. Too
much. … Clarence Thomas was also much in evidence at the grove; he
didn't overly opine about the Supreme Court, except to advise that he
likes Judge John Roberts. That's nice. See also: 
Grove Co. Bechtel runs bombed London Tube AUDIO/transcript: Snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove
 VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: A visit to the Bohemian Club
 -- www.total411.infowww.total911.info

[CTRL] [ctrl] Bohemian Grove Protest: Sunday, July 18 (fwd)

2004-07-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 20:07:29 -0700
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ctrl] Bohemian Grove Protest: Sunday, July 18

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To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Date sent:  Sun, 11 Jul 2004 18:46:52 EDT
Subject:!b_a_Act: Bohemian Grove Protest: Sunday, July 18
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We're looking for parade participants, drummers and other musicians for the
parade!  And contact us if you're interested in tabling.  Please pass it on...


Annual Protest at the Summer Encampment
at the Bohemian Grove
This is where the boys
(Bush Sr., Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Bechtel, Cheney, and so many more),
who bring us war for profit, frolic and network!

Join Not In Our Name Sonoma County on
Sunday, July 18th, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

While the white, male members of the Bohemian Club
get drunk inside the Grove, let's celebrate
our community with:

Sherry Glaser,
creator and star of Oh, My Goddess

David Rovics, singer/songwriter of
Who Would Jesus Bomb

Dave Lippman as Shrub, the Singing CIA Agent

The Prince Myshkins, queer music revolutionaries

Moss Henry, singer/songwriter of Rich Man's World

Hope Fauna reading an Aurora Levins Morales
poem written for the protest

Aardvark, cool jazz

The protest begins at the Monte Rio Beach parking lot.  The parade/march will
proceed to the entrance to the Grove.  Dusty will perform the Resurrection of
Care ritual.  The protest will proceed to the Monte Rio amphitheater for the
performances listed above where there will be tabling and general muckraking
by peace and social justice groups.
Picnicking is encouraged. It's FREE - come join us.

Say No! to the incestuous relationship between
corporations and the government.

Say No! to the wars they foment for their own profit.

Money and help gratefully accepted.
For information, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 707-569-9922.
Contact us to table or to endorse the event.

--- End of forwarded message ---

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major and minor

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove Favor Schwarzenegger

2003-07-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

BEHIND THE COUNT: All eyes will be on the California secretary of state's office today for the big recall count -- but the real plays are going well behind the scenes. 

The biggest question, of course, is whether Arnold Schwarzenegger -- who just got back from a European promo tour -- will make this the biggest story of the year by jumping into the fray. 

And now that the clock is ticking, the time for playing cute is rapidly coming to an end. 

"Everything is set up to go if he says 'yes,' but it's do-it-or-get-off-the- pot time," admitted one source close to the Terminator. "My expectation is that he's talking it over with his wife right now." 

One of the keys in all this will be the final round of words between Schwarzenegger and former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan -- who is being urged to run by more liberal Republicans. 

"The bottom line," our source told us, "is if Arnold goes, Dick won't. If Arnold doesn't do it, then it's highly likely Dick will -- it's between the two of them to hash out." 

From what we've hear, the Republican hierarchy -- especially those close to former Gov. Pete Wilson -- would favor Schwarzenegger. At least that's the word that came out of the Bohemian Grove this past weekend, where a number of state and national GOPers, including presidential adviser Karl Rove, happened to have gathered at a club getaway. 

None of this would be good news for Gov. Gray Davis -- who hopes his opponents will be limited to conservatives like Bill Simon or San Diego-area Rep. Darrell Issa. 

"There's no question Riordan would be the biggest problem of them all," said one Davis operative. "He's the most liberal, he has a strong name ID in Southern California and you can't pin him as a right-winger -- which is the whole key to the Davis strategy." 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove

2002-12-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

(I flew over the Bohemian Grove last week. Most of the cabins are obsured by
the forrest. The helicopter to the north at the top of a hill and looks like
an owl. The area is spooky. A spooky elite-connected former associate claims
to have been there. Another calls it a faggot-place because they have a play
where the men dress as women and there are only men there execept for a few
in the kitchen. Typical. --SW)

Bohemian Grove: Hell-Fire in a Forest

  The Bohemian Club was established in 1872 in San
  Francisco as an exclusive club of political and
  intellectual figures who wished to spend a certain
  amount of time each year relaxing and interacting in a
  non-business environment. They began camping on
  the site of the present Bohemian Grove, located 3
  miles east of Monte Rio and 1 mile from the end of the
  Northwest Pacific Railroad Company, in 1891 but
  didn't officially acquire the land until 1901. The grove
  itself is a total of 2437 acres of uncut redwoods,
  including some that are 2000-3000 years old. The land
  is occupied by approximately 1500 men -- most of them
  political and business dignitaries -- for two weeks
  around Midsummer. The encampment is marked by
  rituals, talks and entertainment meant to revolve
  around the relaxation and friendship of the members,
  rather than their political and economic alliances.
  On the first Saturday of the camp, an elaborate ritual
  called the Cremation of Care is held just after dinner. It
  begins with the procession of a group of men, dressed
  in red pointed hoods and red robes, some of whom
  play a funeral dirge while others carry torches. These
  men also carry a rough, open coffin containing a body
  made of a black muslin-covered wooden skeleton.
  According to Domhoff [G. William Domhoff, author of
  The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats], 'this is the
  body of Care, symbolizing the concerns and woes that
  important men supposedly must bear in their daily
  lives. It is Dull Care which must be cremated.'

   'Begone, dull care. Midsummer sets us free!' (chant
  from the Bohemian Grove) [1]

  [Bohemian Grove, the virtual-reality version]

  Pike [Albert Pike, 'patron saint' of the Scottish Rite]
  was known in his adopted state of Arkansas as a
  practitioner of Satanism.  His reported sexual
  proclivities included sitting astride a phallic throne in
  the woods, accompanied by a gang of prostitutes.  He
  would bring to his revels one or more wagon-loads of
  liquor, most of which he would consume over a period
  of perhaps 48 hours, until he passed into a stupor. [2]

  John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-Up,
  includes Paul Bonacci's testimony about a snuff film of
  a child being murdered on July 26, 1984 in California
  in 'an area that had big trees.' At a meeting in Santa
  Rosa, DeCamp told a group that he had edited out
  Bonacci's references to an enormous, moss-covered
  owl and men in hooded red robes because he not
  know then about the owl at the Grove and thought it
  'too far fetched for people to believe.' In the fall of
  1992, Paul Bonacci was shown a black and white
  photo of the moss-covered owl at the Grove and
  quickly identified it as the site of the July 1984 snuff
  film described in DeCamp's book. Although this
  testimony has been available to law enforcement
  officials since mid-October 1992, no official
  investigation has been made. [3]

  This isn't the typical Bohemian Grove expose which
  claims that the large summer gathering consists
  entirely of Establishment bigwigs, and that the
  Cremation of Care ceremony is an occult ritual.  My
  position is that it's the equivalent of the outermost
  circle of a high-level satanic cult, intended to sift
  through those invited to attend, and draw the most
  potentially useful toward the center of the cult.
One of the more prominent aspects of the gathering
  seems to be to puff up the egotism of the newcomers.
  The supposed exclusivity of the event is mentioned in
  almost every account I've read.  Besides being in itself
  an appeal to luciferic tendencies (egotism/selfishness),
  it also tends to make them feel as if they're part of the
  Establishment, and thus transfer their loyalty away
  from mankind in general to the Establishment.  The
  participation of high-profile lackeys and the speeches
  by others are apparently part of this strategy.  Based
  on what I've seen about the speeches, they're just
  another variety of disinformation.
The religious trappings of the Cremation of Care
  ritual have several purposes, although their main
  purpose seems to be to create the 

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove- A Lodge Gone Black

2002-07-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A lodge gone black 
When it comes to tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories, all roads lead to Sonoma County. Specifically, to Bohemian Grove, where a giant owl awaits the faithful. 
By R.V. Scheide 

“Deep in the woods there’s a funeral that’s swinging ...” 
--Nick Cave, back in his Birthday Party days 

For the past two weeks, some of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world have been holed up in the dusky redwoods 30 miles west of Santa Rosa, consuming copious amount of alcohol, dressing up in women’s clothing for amateur theatrical productions and generally making total idiots out of themselves during the 125th annual midsummer gathering of the San Francisco-based Bohemian Club. 

The club insists that the retreat, held on a 2,700-acre, privately held spread called the Bohemian Grove, which is situated on the south bank of the Russian River just outside the small town of Monte Rio, is simply a means for its 2,500 or so members, culled from the uppermost reaches of society, to blow off the vast quantities of steam that come with the territory. 

But others aren’t so certain. 

It’s an intensely secretive affair, and no media are allowed in. While no one outside the grove knows for sure who is attending this year’s affair, past participants have included both George Bushes, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger, James Baker, Dick Cheney, Malcolm Forbes, Stephen Bechtel and a host of prominent CEOs and business leaders, most of them conservative, many of them from California, 99 percent of them white men. 

The presence of so many powerful men meeting in secret has led some critics of the Bohos, as they are known, to speculate that more is going on here than a simple two-week romp in the woods. Some of the critics claim that important public-policy decisions are being made here in secret. Others point to the gathering’s bizarre opening ceremony, in which a mock human sacrifice occurs, as evidence of occult activity. Still others say that the two-week sojourn merely provides cover for the rich and powerful to change back into their original form, a shape-shifting reptilian species that came from another planet thousands of years ago. 

But while the charges of these various critics differ wildly, they have one thing in common. They all seem to agree that the men who meet here deep in the woods are involved in a vast conspiracy that has but one aim: global domination. 

Mary Moore, a longtime Sonoma County activist who founded the Bohemian Grove Action Network, which has helped organize demonstrations outside the grove since 1980, has been one of the Bohos’ more rational critics. The network’s Web site, at www.sonomacountyfreepress.com, contains a complete listing of all the public-policy speeches that have been given by major figures over the years, including Dick Cheney’s 1991 speech, “Defense Problems of the 21st Century.” Moore, a staunch leftist, is adamant that the annual retreat has to do with more than just fun and games. 

“When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful,” she states on the Web site. “The Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle class is steadily becoming poorer. This close-knit group determines whether prices rise or fall (by their control of the banking system, money supply, and markets), and they make money whichever way markets fluctuate.” 

True enough, although it’s a safe bet that more than a few attendees at this year’s gathering have watched their stock portfolios go down in flames during recent months. But what is interesting about Moore’s claims is how nicely they dovetail with those from the opposite end of the political spectrum. Which is where we find Austin, Texas-based talk radio host Alex Jones. 

Jones’ original claim to fame was spearheading the volunteer effort to rebuild the Branch Davidian compound in Waco. He has since become an ardent critic of black helicopters, the U.S. government and the New World Order, in much the same vein as Randy Weaver. Two summers ago, Jones and a British documentary filmmaker crashed the Bohemian’s party, sneaking in with a video camera and filming the infamous Cremation of Care ceremony that opens each year’s gathering. The video, Dark Secrets of the Bohemian Grove, can be purchased through Jones’ Web site, www.infowars.com. 

The video depicts a group of hooded figures gathered around a 40-foot-tall stone statue of an owl surrounded by water. Think of the orgy scene from Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut as it might be produced by McClatchy High School drama students, and you've got a pretty good picture. A small boat rows up to the hooded men and deposits a package, supposedly a human child in effigy, which the Bohos have dubbed "Dull Care." The effigy is place on the altar before the owl and set ablaze, thereby symbolically relieving the 

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove: A Lodge Gone Black

2002-07-29 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Time, once again, for the Global Elite to pay annual homage to Molech, the god of 
Child Sacrifice.  American and World Leaders are deeply involved in the Occult.

A Lodge Gone Black
By R.V. Scheide
July 25, 2002

“Deep in the woods there’s a funeral that’s swinging ...” --Nick Cave, back in his 
Birthday Party days

For the past two weeks, some of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world have 
been holed up in the dusky redwoods 30 miles west of Santa Rosa, consuming copious 
amount of alcohol, dressing up in women’s clothing for amateur theatrical productions 
and generally making total idiots out of themselves during the 125th annual midsummer 
gathering of the San Francisco-based Bohemian Club.

The club insists that the retreat, held on a 2,700-acre, privately held spread called 
the Bohemian Grove, which is situated on the south bank of the Russian River just 
outside the small town of Monte Rio, is simply a means for its 2,500 or so members, 
culled from the uppermost reaches of society, to blow off the vast quantities of steam 
that come with the territory.

But others aren’t so certain.

It’s an intensely secretive affair, and no media are allowed in. While no one outside 
the grove knows for sure who is attending this year’s affair, past participants have 
included both George Bushes, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger, James 
Baker, Dick Cheney, Malcolm Forbes, Stephen Bechtel and a host of prominent CEOs and 
business leaders, most of them conservative, many of them from California, 99 percent 
of them white men.

The presence of so many powerful men meeting in secret has led some critics of the 
Bohos, as they are known, to speculate that more is going on here than a simple 
two-week romp in the woods. Some of the critics claim that important public-policy 
decisions are being made here in secret. Others point to the gathering’s bizarre 
opening ceremony, in which a mock human sacrifice occurs, as evidence of occult 
activity. Still others say that the two-week sojourn merely provides cover for the 
rich and powerful to change back into their original form, a shape-shifting reptilian 
species that came from another planet thousands of years ago.

But while the charges of these various critics differ wildly, they have one thing in 
common. They all seem to agree that the men who meet here deep in the woods are 
involved in a vast conspiracy that has but one aim: global domination.

Mary Moore, a longtime Sonoma County activist who founded the Bohemian Grove Action 
Network, which has helped organize demonstrations outside the grove since 1980, has 
been one of the Bohos’ more rational critics. The network’s Web site, at 
www.sonomacountyfreepress.com, contains a complete listing of all the public-policy 
speeches that have been given by major figures over the years, including Dick Cheney’s 
1991 speech, “Defense Problems of the 21st Century.” Moore, a staunch leftist, is 
adamant that the annual retreat has to do with more than just fun and games.

“When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful,” she states on 
the Web site. “The Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle 
class is steadily becoming poorer. This close-knit group determines whether prices 
rise or fall (by their control of the banking system, money supply, and markets), and 
they make money whichever way markets fluctuate.”

True enough, although it’s a safe bet that more than a few attendees at this year’s 
gathering have watched their stock portfolios go down in flames during recent months. 
But what is interesting about Moore’s claims is how nicely they dovetail with those 
from the opposite end of the political spectrum. Which is where we find Austin, 
Texas-based talk radio host Alex Jones.

Jones’ original claim to fame was spearheading the volunteer effort to rebuild the 
Branch Davidian compound in Waco. He has since become an ardent critic of black 
helicopters, the U.S. government and the New World Order, in much the same vein as 
Randy Weaver. Two summers ago, Jones and a British documentary filmmaker crashed the 
Bohemian’s party, sneaking in with a video camera and filming the infamous Cremation 
of Care ceremony that opens each year’s gathering. The video, Dark Secrets of the 
Bohemian Grove, can be purchased through Jones’ Web site, www.infowars.com.

The video depicts a group of hooded figures gathered around a 40-foot-tall stone 
statue of an owl surrounded by water. Think of the orgy scene from Stanley Kubrick's 
Eyes Wide Shut as it might be produced by McClatchy High School drama students, and 
you've got a pretty good picture. A small boat rows up to the hooded men and deposits 
a package, supposedly a human child in effigy, which the Bohos have dubbed Dull 
Care. The effigy is place on the altar before the owl and set ablaze, thereby 
symbolically relieving the Bohos of all their cares and worries 

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove no idyll Rude awakening for the new robber barons

2002-07-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Geov Parrish 

Bohemian Grove no idyll
Rude awakening for the new robber barons

As Dick Cheney hunkered down with his power-brokering pals at the exclusively bizarre annual Bohemian Grove retreat in California this weekend, it seems fairly likely his friends were more concerned with dressing him down than dressing him up. (Though perhaps the ritual cross-dressing will help him avoid those subpoena-servers.) How is it, they must have hectored him, that, as full-time nanny to the most powerful man in the world, he could have let things come to such a state? The world of the powerful is very much one of what-have-you-done-for-me-lately, usually very lately, and lately has not been kind to the Bush Administration. Those 80+ percent approval ratings of a few months ago must seem like a dim, surreal memory—they were certainly surreal enough when they were happening—in the midst of an economic meltdown centered on the seemingly-imminent indictments of most, if not all, of the Fortune 500 CEOs, and probably half of their board members and two-thirds of their accountants. Maybe next year, they'll have to hold Bohemian Grove down the road in San Quentin. 

The U.S. stock market has lost 15 percent of its value in the last two weeks. Institutional investors and especially foreign investors are pulling their money out in droves, and individual investors (i.e., folks like you and me)—always slower on the uptake on such matters—are scurrying along behind them. A lot of people are watching the complete evaporation of their retirement funds or life savings, the accumulated wealth they so trustingly put in Wall Street after being beseiged for a decade with promises of fabulous wealth and can't-miss opportunities we'd all be fools to pass up on. 

Many listened and were, in fact, fooled. (How does privatizing Social Security sound now?) This is a maelstrom—"scandal" is not only far too tame a word, but it implies aberration where there is none—that is just beginning, and not just in the sense of empanelling grand juries and SEC probes. When people start to figure out—and it's starting to sink in as you read this—just how badly they've been hurt at the expense of the owning classes (which are conveniently represented by CEO Bush), the anger will be terrible to behold. It will dwarf the "it's the economy, stupid" downfall of Dubya's father to the same scale that Dubya's stupidity dwarfs that of his father—and Poppy was a much smarter man. 

Remember the tax cuts for the rich, that were supposed to stimulate corporate spending but haven't, pushed through Congress on the wings of a $300 loan used to bribe the middle class? Remember the $127,000,000,000.00 federal budget surplus of only a year ago, transformed today into an estimated—and these are the estimates of the notoriously math-deficient Bush Administration—$165,000,000,000.00 federal deficit? It'll get worse, much worse, before it gets better, but much of the $292 billion already lost represents either post-9/11 blank checks to the military contractor lobby or those tax cuts to the wealthy—in both cases, evidence that the current meltdown is going to hurt ordinary people far more than the criminal classes whose paper losses we'll already hearing about. 

The present meltdown has the potential to be much more dramatic in its political impact than past recessions, or Wall Street downticks like the 1987 crash, for two related reasons. First, the economy is far more dependent, fifteen years later, on paper transactions, the service economy, and what is now gingerly called "consumer confidence." The latter is a polite way of saying that for years now people have been encouraged to go into debt and spend, as a way to pump the economy, and consequently many people have little or no savings—or even available credit to help survive bad news. Dot-coms aren't the only outfits whose downfall will be their lack of actual products; a grand proportion of the American economy no longer makes things. That's something other, "lesser" countries do now. As free trade increases and the globe shrinks, the same sort of profiteering on other countries' misery that has fattened America in the past can now happen in reverse. Global corporations are far more fickle in their national loyalties today, too. And, as U.S. economic influence lessens, its ability to carve exceptions to free trade that help keep big chunks of our economy afloat (e.g., agriculture or steel) will be further endangered. And there's more: in short, the U.S. economy has a whole hell of a lot farther to fall. 

That vulnerability, and the American economy's dependence on confidence, makes particularly potent the most unique aspect of its current crisis. Much more so than past episodes of greed unmasked, as with the 1987 SL crisis, taxpayers are still paying 

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove: Hell-Fire in a Forest

2001-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Bohemian Grove:
Hell-Fire in a Forest
The Bohemian Club was established in 1872 in San Francisco as an exclusive
club of political and intellectual figures who wished to spend a certain
amount of time each year relaxing and interacting in a non-business
environment. They began camping on the site of the present Bohemian Grove,
located 3 miles east of Monte Rio and 1 mile from the end of the Northwest
Pacific Railroad Company, in 1891 but didn't officially acquire the land
until 1901. The grove itself is a total of 2437 acres of uncut redwoods,
including some that are 2000-3000 years old. The land is occupied by
approximately 1500 men -- most of them political and business dignitaries --
for two weeks around Midsummer. The encampment is marked by rituals, talks
and entertainment meant to revolve around the relaxation and friendship of
the members, rather than their political and economic alliances.
On the first Saturday of the camp, an elaborate ritual called the Cremation
of Care is held just after dinner. It begins with the procession of a group
of men, dressed in red pointed hoods and red robes, some of whom play a
funeral dirge while others carry torches. These men also carry a rough, open
coffin containing a body made of a black muslin-covered wooden skeleton.
According to Domhoff [G. William Domhoff, author of The Bohemian Grove and
Other Retreats], 'this is the body of Care, symbolizing the concerns and woes
that important men supposedly must bear in their daily lives. It is Dull Care
which must be cremated.'
 'Begone, dull care. Midsummer sets us free!' (chant from the Bohemian
Grove) [1]
[Bohemian Grove, the virtual-reality version]
Pike [Albert Pike, 'patron saint' of the Scottish Rite] was known in his
adopted state of Arkansas as a practitioner of Satanism.  His reported sexual
proclivities included sitting astride a phallic throne in the woods,
accompanied by a gang of prostitutes.  He would bring to his revels one or
more wagon-loads of liquor, most of which he would consume over a period of
perhaps 48 hours, until he passed into a stupor. [2]

John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-Up, includes Paul Bonacci's testimony
about a snuff film of a child being murdered on July 26, 1984 in California
in 'an area that had big trees.' At a meeting in Santa Rosa, DeCamp told a
group that he had edited out Bonacci's references to an enormous,
moss-covered owl and men in hooded red robes because he not know then about
the owl at the Grove and thought it 'too far fetched for people to believe.'
In the fall of 1992, Paul Bonacci was shown a black and white photo of the
moss-covered owl at the Grove and quickly identified it as the site of the
July 1984 snuff film described in DeCamp's book. Although this testimony has
been available to law enforcement officials since mid-October 1992, no
official investigation has been made. [3]

This isn't the typical Bohemian Grove expose which claims that the large
summer gathering consists entirely of Establishment bigwigs, and that the
Cremation of Care ceremony is an occult ritual.  My position is that it's the
equivalent of the outermost circle of a high-level satanic cult, intended to
sift through those invited to attend, and draw the most potentially useful
toward the center of the cult.
  One of the more prominent aspects of the gathering seems to be to puff up
the egotism of the newcomers.  The supposed exclusivity of the event is
mentioned in almost every account I've read.  Besides being in itself an
appeal to luciferic tendencies (egotism/selfishness), it also tends to make
them feel as if they're part of the Establishment, and thus transfer their
loyalty away from mankind in general to the Establishment.  The participation
of high-profile lackeys and the speeches by others are apparently part of
this strategy.  Based on what I've seen about the speeches, they're just
another variety of disinformation.
  The religious trappings of the Cremation of Care ritual have several
purposes, although their main purpose seems to be to create the authorization
for the participants to abandon themselves to their lower nature.
  The rest of the two weeks is then a matter of experimenting with various
sensual delights, and progressively discarding one's inhibitions against
debauchery and even depravity.  The only women allowed are prostitutes, which
tends to debase their attitude toward sex and undermine their marriages.
It's classic Hell-Fire Club strategy.
Who Goes There, Really?

The typical expose of the Bohemian group claims that it consists entirely of
high-rollers, but only a handful out of the approximately 1500 attendees are
ever identified.   In contrast, early sources indicate that it was created by
members of what would become the media, for people with a potential to
influence public opinion:
FIRST EDITION. Signed and inscribed by artist members of the 

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove Films

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.org/bohos/films.html;
Bohemian Grove Films/A

Bohemian Grove
by Mary Moore
July 2000
Two very different films about Bohemian Grove were made in the past year.
The FIRST film, shown on British T.V. was a documentary produced by Jon
Ronson of World of Wonder Ltd. with headquarters in London and Los Angeles.
It featured national talk show host Alex Jones who infiltrated the Grove in
the summer of 2000 and filmed the entire Cremation of Care ceremony using a
tie tack video camera. Unfortunately Mr. Jones' interpretation of events drew
several bizarre conclusions including allegations of Satanic worship and
human sacrifice. Although these rumors have been around for years it has
never been the position of Bohemian Grove Action Network that there is any
credibility to them. Our position is that we are concerned about the harm
these men are doing in the OUTSIDE world and we are quite disappointed in the
tone and conclusions of this documentary. For more information about this
film you can email wow@worldof wonder.net or call 323 603 6300.
The SECOND film called TEDDY BEAR'S PICNIC was produced by VISIONBOX pictures
in conjunction with satirist Harry Shearer and features such well known
actors as Morgan Fairchild, Howard Hesseman, Alan Thicke and George Wendt. It
is a spoof on Bohemian Grove thinly disguised as Zambesi Glen. The following
statements are taken from the films production notes.
A comic junket behind the scenes of the world's most exclusive power broker
retreat. The true story: the richest, most powerful white men in America
gather each summer in Northern California for a super secret retreat that
takes them back to their sophomore year in college. For fifty one weeks a
year they run the free world. For one week they run amok. They're there to
unwind but they get really unwound when that secrecy is threatened.
Based on the exclusive men's retreat Bohemian Grove, where the likes of
Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Malcolm Forbes and William F. Buckley, have
been known to play, TEDDY BEARS'S PICNIC is a wicked little satire about
power, class and to a small degree, sex.
For more information about this film call John Manulis at 310 204 4686 or
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Their website is:
P.O. BOX 296, OCCIDENTAL, CA.95465
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone: 707 874 2248
www.sonomacountyfreepress.org click on Bohemian

Bohemian Grove
by Mary Moore
by Mary Moore June 20, 2001
July 2000
Contrary to public opinion we serious protesters DO have a good sense of
humor so let me state up front that I loved the film TEDDY BEARS PICNIC in
spite of its rather simplistic portrayal of all the folks yelling at the
Bohemian/Zambezians as they made their way to and from the Grove/Glen.
As a twenty year organizer of the protests at Bohemian Grove in Northern
California I even recognized myself in the character of the shrill white lady
at the beginning of the film except I would have had a hell of a better sound
bite than she did. After all, one learns quickly that you have to make your
point in a matter of seconds and even then the whole thing is seldom heard.
With that minor criticism aside I am very grateful for the time, energy and
sheer brilliance that went into making this film. For those unfamiliar with
the culture of this retreat for the ruling elite, there were alot of inside
jokes that might be unappreciated. The EXTINGUISHING OF TIME ritual instead
of the CREMATION OF CARE ritual was brilliant as was the Pelican instead of
the Owl. The concept of CARE was there in another context however and even
stayed true to what we assume was the original meaning of this rather
questionable practice. We have often wondered why it was necessary to
cremate something that many of us question these men have in the first
While I would have liked to see more offhand dialogue about world affairs
between these guys there were enough references to make the point that it
does go on in spite of their motto to the contrary. The Lakeside Talks have
long been a way to float policy ideas without public scrutiny and I
appreciate that being shown. The film really captured the shallowness,
silliness and out of touchness that we wish we didn't know about our
countries corporate culture and its leaders. Scary stuff when you think
about it!!
I loved the almost obligatory peeing on the redwood scene and the rather
excessive drinking (aka drug use) was true to form. And the line about the
fire threatening vineyards as well as marijuana gardens says it all about the
diversity of cultures that exist in this place we call home. We will continue
to wonder why one is legal and the other is not.
This film captured these guys in a way that a 

Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Pull up information on old Hells Fire Club  comprised of the
Illuminati of the Day who preferred Italian Rituals to English and the
numbr 22 had special meaningalso known as the Monks.often wore
the robes.

Like the Assassins of old, who would take their soon to be killers to
paradise, under drugs, where there was beauty and drugs and women - to
return, one had to take the oath and by that ime it is said the
initiates would do anything, to return...to update this, let us call
this paradise a house of prostitution.

Think this Bohemian Club is a lot like that.   Lots of people like well
Jekyll Island, these pepole buy Islands..anything goes?

Bohemian Club - I think they have the heart of Paul the Aged (code name
from bible used by Paul Whitehead, who in the late 1700 period left his
heart to the "club:"  - Bohemian Club makes nice playground but also
very special meemting place.

When Meyer Lansky's doctor friends thrived in this area, this one
Bohemian Club type reservation owned by a super super rich family.a
preacher working as night time security was murdered out there on
grounds, his little Church of Berea and its slogan "and they searched
their scriptures daily".it is my believe this Lansky element
murdered this preacher as a warningand Lansky got his son into West
Point and now the tail wags the dog, for organized crime which is just
CIA/KGB/Mossad in one big package - they destroy the character and
reputation of our CIA?So where have all people gone who were once
loyal to America?   Lansky was Jewish Mafia, Russian...and remember
Cuba - for the Bay of Pigs was a Lansky War after Castro kicked out the
mob and murder of JFK was another revenge, as was Bobby.

American was dirty after that and we sink further into their mud and

So these killers were attached to Jewish Mafiaand the Wasps
seemingly are taking a beating, are they not - like the Kennedy brothers
murdered in conspiracy set up by Lansky and Marcellos (Jim Garrison and
Marcellos were bosom buddies - figure that one?  Lead us to wrong side
of horse did he)

So what is happening?   Illegal laundered drug money is taking over this
country.honest business men who built this country are losing out to
the enemy now operating from within.

Look at the Oval Office and see the evil thereinsee Albright sending
bombs to Balkans when these people, the Serbs, saved her from the
Nazis.see Henry Kissiner at Republican Convention, his eyes and face
full of hatred.he sits now outside this circle and is that guy still
alive?   Where he goes, disaster - Henry Kissinger, Code Name Bor, of
KGBbut he owes his allegiance to the Mossad without a doubtfor
you think our CIA could trust that bastard with secrets?

Remember Agent Welch brought home in a coffin;  Welsh and Welch old
family name - and the Welsh race of course, are a very close knit
family, they say.but thanks to Henry Kissingr who let secret
overseas CIA list out, Welch brought home in coffin draped with AMERICAN
flag -

Not like our solders recenty brught home in coffins draped in UN

Better take a good look at what is happening and how the enemy now with
operates not by elective office, but by use of power delegated by a
President who destroys us from within, spiritually, mentally, and
physically - by promoting drugs and homosexuality and/or sodomy - and he
aims for the kids.

This is dirty money taking over our government and as a result we need
big broom and bulldozer to clean that bunch out.for this whole
thing, UN and NWO is a little less than the old Murder Inc., but at
least with them you knew what you saw was what you got -

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

This Bohemian Club is new styled Hells Fire Club which is comprised of
not only the intelligensia but the bankers and the big business

What bothers me is this - the old Club were pretty honest in their
dealings and today we have a criminal element taking over using dirty
money laundered by fronts.I think Ted Turner is one of these fronts.

Who profits in a war?  Can people today tell a lie from the truth?   Do
they really care anymore for look how many people do not vote, more than
do vote and here is the secret of their success.

You can be sure political parties who have workers on government
payrolls, these pepole will vote and many are protected by Hatch Act and
yet now the union controlled by CFR (AFSCME) gets into the act,  they
will contribute your money whether you like it or not, to CFR.

One thing I always remembered, story of how these people operate using
Mollie McGuires who took on owners of coal mines.

The Mollies went to the gallows with red roses pinned on their
lapelsand it was said:

"All Mollies were Hibernians, but not all Hibernians were
Mollies"...rings and rings, and at the bottom of ladder - well
let us say need to know basis and at the top is where the elite, meet?

Today we have a criminal element in control of our government - this
thing called Mafia deposes the elite and we are left with murder inc
running the country.

If this sounds far fetched count body bags from JFK to Arkansas to
Clintonfor, where there is  a testament, there must by necessity
be the death of the testators"  (from Hebrews from whence Clinton
and Gore took their "new covenant")...

So by there fruits you should know them and you know the first crime was
when Adam and Eve stole them apples.and got caught.

So maybe I write a story on Return to Eden.think the snake is back.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-05 Thread Ben Stone

This Bohemian Club is new styled Hells Fire Club which is comprised of
not only the intelligensia but the bankers and the big business

It's called a country club. Like a masonic lodge you will be shocked to find that 
community leaders, judges, university bigwigs, policemen, businessmen are all members. 
I really don't know why you find thir existence astonishing. If you want something 
akin to the hellfire clubs, try going to a sex-club or bondage club like that one in 
Boston. In fact (I don't have the link but Im sure you can find it) the Boston Dungeon 
Society has a most interesting webpage on the subject.

What bothers me is this - the old Club were pretty honest in their
dealings and today we have a criminal element taking over using dirty
money laundered by fronts.I think Ted Turner is one of these fronts.

If you think the old ones were 'pretty honest' I think you should read up on them a 
bit more. The crookedness of modern fraternal clubs is no new modern invention. If 
anything they are far less crooked nowadays. And are you suggesting that money 
launderers are using private clubs for...what? Having lunch. Money laundering is done 
through banks, either directly or indirectly.

Who profits in a war?  Can people today tell a lie from the truth?   Do they really 
care anymore for look how many people do not vote, more than do vote and here is the 
secret of their success.

Who do you think? The arms dealers profit. A lot of this stuff is as plain as day, 
anyone that doesn't realise these things as self evident is in cloud-cuckoo land.

You can be sure political parties who have workers on government
payrolls, these pepole will vote and many are protected by Hatch Act and yet now the 
union controlled by CFR (AFSCME) gets into the act,  they will contribute your money 
whether you like it or not, to CFR.

Are you suggesting that unions put money into politics? Golly gosh. There's a good 
book you should read, called The Bosses (I forget the author). It's about the US 
political bosses of this century and how they operated. As far as the CFR goes, I 
would be surprised if they are a big budget outfit. If anything they probably put 
money into this union, all the members are supposed to be so rich.

One thing I always remembered, story of how these people operate using
Mollie McGuires who took on owners of coal mines.
The Mollies went to the gallows with red roses pinned on their
lapelsand it was said:
"All Mollies were Hibernians, but not all Hibernians were
Mollies"...rings and rings, and at the bottom of ladder - well
let us say need to know basis and at the top is where the elite, meet?

So you're suggesing the Pennsylvania miners et. al were being manipulated by who? The 
illuminati? Bolsheviks? If so, they did a pretty poor job. I think the Molly McGuires 
were an essentially grassroots labor response to the terrible working conditions. 
Similar things happened in Ballarat (Australia) during the Eureka Stockade rebellion, 
in Ireland at various times, in India, anywhere workers were exploited as badly. The 
point is that both these groups of miners lost militarily, and essentially 

Today we have a criminal element in control of our government - this
thing called Mafia deposes the elite and we are left with murder inc
running the country.

It's just a shift change. As someone mentioned, the two most crooked organised-crime 
linked US presidents this century were Reagan and Nixon. Sure, JFK cut deals with the 
Mob but Reagan was supposed to be on the board. The Mafia you think of is run at top 
levels by the FBI. When JFK was shot, it is impossible to discount totally the theory 
that the Texas Governor was the real target, just as when Chicago mayor Anton Cernak 
was shot dead by an assassin in the company of the President, many people make the 
mistake of thinking that FDR was the target when in fact it was another gangster hit.

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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-05 Thread Oscar

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 11:34:47 +1000 Ben Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I just have to say something about this. The pictures that go with this story at 
infowar and the conclusions some people seem to draw from them are astoundingly 

wholeheartedly agreed...

Those blurry photographs apparently show a group of hooded figures doing some sort of 
KKK type ritual.

as off base as some other claims, however...

From this they conclude that the leaders of the free world et all are worshipping 
some sort of owl god.

this is not what it is based on but what you are looking at is THEATER...

regardless of what under-the-covers financial and political decisions are made there 
[the event is conducive to real and large scale conspiracies] and regardless of why 
the men that attend like such performances, it is still a performance...

the bohemian club was one of san francisco's most prestiged theater groups long before 
any heads of state even heard of it...

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[CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-04 Thread William Shannon

November/December 1991

Inside Bohemian Grove:
The Story People Magazine
Won't Let You Read

When Dirk Mathison, San Francisco bureau chief for People magazine,
infiltrated the exclusive Bohemian Grove retreat this summer, he got a view
into the U.S. elite that very few reporters have glimpsed. Unfortunately,
that elite includes the management of Time Warner, the owner of People, which
prevented Mathison from telling his story.

Bohemian Grove, a secluded campground in California's Sonoma County, is the
site of an annual two-week gathering of a highly select, all-male club, whose
members have included every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge.
Current participants include George Bush, Henry Kissinger, James Baker and
David Rockefeller -- a virtual who's who of the most powerful men in business
and government.

Few journalists have gotten into the Grove and been allowed to tell the tale
(one exception is Philip Weiss, whose November 1989 Spy piece provides the
most detailed inside account), and members maintain that the goings-on there
are not newsworthy events, merely private fun. In fact, official business is
conducted there: Policy speeches are regularly made by members and guests,
and the club privately boasts that the Manhattan Project was conceived on its

Given the veil of secrecy that surrounds the Bohemian "encampment," a
reporter needs to enter the grounds covertly in order to get a full portrait.
Mathison entered the grounds three times July 1991, aided by activists from
the Bohemian Grove Action Network.

He witnessed a speech -- "Smart Weapons" -- by former Navy Secretary John
Lehman, who stated that the Pentagon estimates that 200,000 Iraqis were
killed by the U.S. and its allies during the Gulf War. Other featured
speakers included Defense Secretary Richard Cheney on "Major Defense Problems
of the 21st Century", former Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph
Califano on "America's Health Revolution -- Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Pays",
and former Attorney General Elliott Richardson on "Defining the New World

Mathison's entree into the secret world of the Grove was cut short on July
20, however, when he was recognized by two of the participants in the
festivities -- executives from Time Warner, People's publisher. More loyal to
the Grove than to journalistic endeavor, they had the reporter removed from
the premises (San Francisco Weekly, 8/7/91).

Mathison already had plenty of material, however, and turned in an article to
his editors, which was scheduled to appear in the Aug. 5, 1991 issue. They
were pleased with the piece, according to Mathison: "They liked it enough to
expand it a bit," he told Extra!.

But then the story was suddenly killed. Landon Jones, managing editor of
People, told Extra! that the decision had nothing to do with the Time Warner
executives. "It was cut partially because he hadn't been there long enough to
get a complete story. Secondly, we felt very uncertain about reporting what
we did have, because, and this is my fault and I take responsibility for
this, I simply didn't realize it was technically trespassing."

For his part, Mathison said he did not know why the story was killed, and
implied it would be nearly impossible to find the real reason. "It's easier
to penetrate the Bohemian Grove than the Time-Life Building," he told Extra!.

But the story raises questions about the ability of a media entity to report
critically on an elite when its executives are enthusiastic members of that
elite. Indeed, the Time organization was noted for sending a corporate plane
to the Bohemian gathering every year, according to long-time Grove-watcher
Kerry Richardson.

Time Warner is not the only media corporation with Bohemian connections. The
list of Fourth Estate bigwigs who have been members or guests is extensive:
Franklin Murphy, the former CEO of the Times Mirror corporation; William
Randolph Hearst, Jr.; Jack Howard and Charles Scripps of the Scripps-Howard
newspaper chain; Tom Johnson, president of CNN and former publisher of the
Los Angeles Times.

When Associated Press president Louis Boccardi spoke at one of the Grove's
"Lakeside Talks" about kidnapped reporter Terry Anderson (Spy, 11/89), he
referred to his audience as men of "power and rank" and "gave them more
details than he said he was willing to give his readers."

Walter Cronkite, now on the CBS board, hangs out at the same lodge at
Bohemian Grove as George Bush and the former chairs of Procter  Gamble and
Bank of America; Cronkite's voice has served as the voice of the Owl of
Bohemia, a fixture in the club's mock-druidic rituals.

The media figures attending the retreat all agree not to report on what goes
on inside. The prohibition seems to apply to reporters who are not guests or
members as well: In 1982, NPR got a recording of Henry Kissinger's speech at
the Grove -- but declined to air it (Spy, 11/89). Also in 1982, a Time
reporter went undercover as a waiter in 

Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove 1991

2000-08-04 Thread Ben Stone

I just have to say something about this. The pictures that go with this story at 
infowar and the conclusions some people seem to draw from them are astoundingly 
stupid. Those blurry photographs apparently show a group of hooded figures doing some 
sort of KKK type ritual. From this they conclude that the leaders of the free world et 
all are worshipping some sort of owl god. There is absoloutly no evidence, the 
pictures are so bad that even if they weren't hooded you couldn't tell if they were 

It reminds me of a photograph published some years ago, showing a shifty looking man 
in sunglasses standing at the back of a lorry. The heading was 'Conclusive proof of 
Prince Charles' Nazi Connections'. The book was put out by The Goodies BTW.

Judge for yourselves, the pics are at

BTW if you weren't referring to these pics, I apologise. i wouldn't be surprised if 
this is some agitprop to make the whole thing look ludicrous and stifle real 

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[CTRL] Bohemian Grove - Playground of the Powerful?

2000-07-25 Thread Oscar

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 17:13:47 -0500
From: "n0b13 l0n9" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bohemian activist has made her point

Bohemian activist has made her point

No protests at encampment
July 15, 2000


Press Democrat Staff Writer

For years the grandest, most elaborate summer party in Sonoma County -- perhaps in all 
the world -- was the one where protestors shouted "Shame! Shame! Shame!" to guests 
arriving at the front gate.

The two-week bash, the Bohemian Grove Encampment, is getting under way this weekend in 
a splendid and private redwood retreat in Monte Rio. But the demonstrators are staying 

Mary Moore, the woman from nearby Camp Meeker who organized yearly protests outside 
the grove, says she believes as firmly as ever that the present and past presidents 
and cabinet secretaries, industrialists and other powerful men who come to the 
male-only encampment bear responsibility for many of the ills of the world.

"More and more power is in fewer and fewer hands," said Moore. Over the past 20 years, 
she and other activists have gathered outside the Bohemian Grove in July to chide the 
arriving revelers for promoting or profiting from Central American wars, environmental 
degradation, apartheid, the plundering and bullying of the Third World, nuclear 
weapons proliferation, homelessness and myriad forms of social injustice.

But Moore turned 65 Friday, the same day that dozens of private jets whisked Bohemian 
Grove guests into the Sonoma County Airport. She said it's too much to continue 
organizing the mid-summer protest against what she sees as capitalist exploitation 
that benefits a wealthy few and victimizes many.

Besides, she said, "I personally feel the points have been made."

The grand camp-out, sponsored by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, dates back to 
1878. The people who put it on say protesters and the press exaggerate when they 
portray the Encampment as an opportunity for the rich and powerful to hatch plots and 

"You come here to relax and enjoy the camaraderie of friends in a beautiful setting," 
said Stephen DePetro, manager of the sponsoring Bohemian Club of San Francisco. "You 
don't come here to do business."

The motto of the Bohemian Grove -- "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" -- officially 
discourages talk of business or politics. DePetro said the approximately 2,000 men who 
travel to Monte Rio from across the nation and overseas come to unwind and take 
advantage of programs that focus on nature, drama, literature and art.

The Bohemian Club was created by four newspapermen for the purpose of engendering the 
arts in San Francisco, which in the late 19th century was, compared to New York, an 
uncultured outpost. Club officials say that ever since the first Encampment was held 
122 years ago as a farewell party for a departing member, its function as a social and 
cultural retreat has not changed.

Major attractions each year include elaborate stage plays, lakeside talks, musical 
performances, drink and golf.

On Friday, several dozen men from the Grove appeared at the Northwoods Golf Course on 
River Road, just inland from Monte Rio.

"Probably about 40 guys play each day," said the course's PGA pro, Don Kite.

"We know them now," he said. "It's pretty much the same guys who keep coming back 
every year."

Kite said the players include some celebrities, rock stars and big-name political or 
business leaders. "We never know which dignitary is going to be in which group," he 

Over the years, the more prominent guests at the Bohemian Grove have included nearly 
every Republican president and some Democrats. George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford 
and Richard Nixon all have attended.

Other big names in recent years have included Clint Eastwood, former Cabinet members 
Henry Kissinger, George Schultz and Caspar Weinberger, and industrialists Stephen 
David Bechtel, Leonard Firestone and David Rockefeller.

The Bohemian Club never publicizes the names of guests, many of whom arrive at the 
Sonoma County Airport aboard private jets and twin-propeller planes.

Airport tower chief Dayle Buschkotter said Friday several dozen corporate aircraft -- 
Citations, Learjets, Falcon, Beechjets, Gulfstreams -- delivered Bohemian Grove guests 

"It's been steady," she said of the arrivals and departures of sleek, privately owned 
and high-priced aircraft. "It provides eye candy for all of us watching from the 

In some previous years, demonstrators greeted new arrivals at the airport, holding up 
signs and shouting. Typically the demonstrators gathered at the Grove's gate, 
sometimes under the supervision of sheriff's deputies.

It's been several years since the last Bohemian Grove protest. Moore said from home 
Friday she feels that she and the others who demonstrated have done their work, 
alerting the public about the dangers of allowing too much 

Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove

2000-07-20 Thread Oscar

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Date: 19 Jul 2000 22:12:20 -
From: "Oscar " [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Originating-IP: []
Subject: Re: Bohemian Grove [Guerneville, California]

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:57:06 EDT Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 7/19/00 11:52:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i used to live near bohemian grove and what REALLY goes on there is something
that needs to be exposed and you do immense disservice to that effort by
creating this farcical smoke-screen...

i have known people that work that yearly gig...

the more shit like this that comes out the less anyone doing real
journalism there is going to be heard...

infowar indeed!

Pray tell . . .

firstly, the web page whose url is provided is incredibly misleading...i am not 
familiar with the author's works so all i can see is a zoom of a "demon" with photos 
of ritualistic processions...

at first glance the claim appears to be that bohemian grove is a venue for demonic 

in fact, if the author of the web page is interested in the promulgation of accurate 
information, he will make it clear that the web page is NOT stating that...

secondly, i must admit i was shocked that YOU would have posted such an item but i 
make an allowance for the possibility that you did not see how easily this web page 
could be misconstrued...

thirdly, yes, i used to live within about five miles of bohemian grove and i can tell 
you that the entire area is chock full of theatrical performers...many of them work 
at the north california rennaissance faire...

i can tell you that these people are actors [and most likely that those in the photos 
are exactly that]why the attendees at bohemian grove require their performers to 
enact such plays i cannot comment on [as in i don't know]...

the entertainment, however, that these "dignitaries" receive is impertinent to the 
fact that many crucial foreign policy decisions are hammered out here in a vastly 
unnaccountable way...

also, no women allowed at these events...

if one hunts around sonoma and marin counties [in california] it is not that 
difficult to find books put out by the Bohemian Club [hence the pics of the napkins 
that have a large B and a C]...

though i have not had the chance to delve deeply into these, i suspect they are 

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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove [Guerneville, California]

2000-07-19 Thread Oscar

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000 12:03:33 EDT Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is a scan of the cover, with the skeleton circled and an arrow pointing
to the demon.

oh my god...get real will you?

i used to live near bohemian grove and what REALLY goes on there is something that 
needs to be exposed and you do immense disservice to that effort by creating this 
farcical smoke-screen...

i have known people that work that yearly gig...

the more shit like this that comes out the less anyone doing real investigative 
journalism there is going to be heard...

infowar indeed!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Bohemian Grove [Guerneville, California]

2000-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 7/19/00 11:52:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i used to live near bohemian grove and what REALLY goes on there is something
that needs to be exposed and you do immense disservice to that effort by
creating this farcical smoke-screen...

i have known people that work that yearly gig...

the more shit like this that comes out the less anyone doing real
journalism there is going to be heard...

infowar indeed!

Pray tell . . .


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Anybody have this book? Is it any good?

BOHEMIAN GROVE  OTHER RETREATS: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness.
Domhoff, G.
Condition: G+/G+ 1st Edition Hardbound loose binding, foxing at sides,
DJ scuffed, slightly soiled, ruffling at top/bottom, spine discolored
"In this fascinating and wryly funny book, the author shows the extent
of the interlocking power and the further intricate connections between
the very rich."
Format: Hardcover / First Edition / Dust Jacket
Associated Dealer: Sunset Bookstore  San Francisco, Ca

Bohemian Grove, The and Other Retreats. A Study in Ruling-Class
Condition: Almost fine copy in an almost fine dust jacket. Small stain
on the upper portion of the rear cover of the book. Imagine an annual
gathering of rich, white, mostly elderly men, the wealthiest and most
influential in the country. One, set in 2700 acre
Format: Hardcover / First Edition / Dust Jacket

Copyright, Disclaimer, and Community Standards
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 barnesandnoble.com llc
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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