-Caveat Lector-

The silence in our press is truly deafening.  I have searched most of the
mainstream press--no coverage at all.
From: "Al Giordano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 2:01 PM
Subject: [narconews] Bolivia Mass Revolt vs. US Drug War Explodes

Today's Press Briefing
October 1, 2000

Mass Bolivian Revolt Against US-Imposed Drug War

Regime Shoots at Civilians: Banzer Could Fall at any Hour

US Media's Silence: Deafening

International Communiqué from Narco News


PRIMERO: The events in Bolivia, as we report today, become more grave
by the hour. At blame is the US-imposed war on drugs and the refusal
of the regime of Hugo Banzer to deviate from US policy of total
eradication of the coca crop, including for non-harmful chewing of
coca leaf by Bolivian indigenous and popular sectors.

SEGUNDO: The US-backed Banzer regime has taken to violence against
civilians to try to quell the protests that have paralyzed this
nation for two weeks.

TERCERO: The mass protests only grow stronger and the Banzer regime,
if it does not back off its hardline, could fall within weeks, days,
even hours.

CUARTO: The Narco News Bulletin condemns the near-total blackout of
news from Bolivia by English-language press agencies. The only wire
service to cover yesterday's shooting of civilians by Bolivian
military troops was Reuters, for which we congratulate the agency and
hope to see more coverage. Associated Press, on the other hand, is
keeping its newspapers and readers in the dark, and in a just world
AP would fall with the Banzer regime.

QUINTO: The Narco News Bulletin hereby names the journalists and
photographers of the daily newspaper Los Tiempos of Cochabamba,
Bolivia as Heroes of the Month for September, 2000. If a fraction of
the United States media were as conscious, courageous and independent
as this major daily, there would not be a hypocritical drug war.

Today, we translate more of their reports.


salud y abrazo,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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