-Caveat Lector-

>New York Times
>September 19, 2000
>Book Maps a Nation's Spurts of Clean Living
>     In the fall of 1977 the American Cancer Society organized the
>     first national "Great American Smokeout," urging smokers to quit
>     for a day. Within five years, Jerry Falwell founded the Moral
>     Majority and Jane Fonda sold millions of aerobics videos. Dr. Ruth
>     Clifford Engs, a professor of applied health science at Indiana
>     University in Bloomington sees a connection.
>     In her new book "Clean Living Movements: American Cycles of Health
>     Reform" (Praeger), Dr. Engs shows how Americans' fervor for
>     self-improvement occurs in spurts. And interest in health and
>     religion usually occurs at the same time. Her book traces the
>     nation's obsessions with food, diet and religion and describes a
>     country of extremists, who embrace preventive health and rigid
>     moral codes one generation only to rail against them the next.
>     So far, Dr. Engs say, Americans have experienced three so-called
>     clean-living movements. Each one involved campaigns against
>     tobacco, alcohol and premarital sex. Dr. Engs tracks the cultural
>     forces that prompt each movement and those that set off each
>     rebellion against health, and the story is told in an appealing way
>     for mass audiences. But it is being marketed for scholars and is
>     listed at $69.50.
>     In a telephone interview, Dr. Engs described her findings: "Our
>     country was founded in an era of ferment. We were founded in an
>     awakening, and we usually have them about every 80 years. They
>     usually start with a conservative religious awakening that goes
>     into health concerns, with alcohol as one thread, another thread is
>     fitness, and another is some aspect of sexuality. There is also a
>     concern about producing the perfect baby."
>     The question, she added, is why the fervor fades. Sometimes, Dr.
>     Engs said, one generation believes healthy living will solve all
>     society's woes, but when problems continue, the next generation
>     loses faith. And eventually, new reformers start the cycle again.
>     Though specifics vary, Dr. Engs shows similarities among the
>     movements. Health zealots through the ages have urged Americans to
>     exercise and avoid greasy food, meat, alcohol and tobacco. Many of
>     these movements, she says, are prompted more by morality than new
>     medical knowledge. In the 1830's, for instance, health reformers
>     pleaded with Americans to quit smoking not so much because it was a
>     health hazard but because it was considered "morally depraved."
>     Whether a reader goes along with her theory, the book is chock full
>     of amusing anecdotes and brief biographies of those she calls
>     health fanatics. Mr. Falwell and Ms. Fonda continue a long American
>     tradition of believers, preaching their gospel of moral or physical
>     fitness.
>     In the first "Clean Living Movement," which the author says
>     occurred from about 1830 to 1860, the Mormons and Seventh-day
>     Adventists preached salvation through healthy living. Charles
>     Grandison Finney, a Presbyterian preacher and lawyer-turned-
>     evangelist crusaded against alcohol, coffee, tea and meat. At the
>     same time, the American Temperance Society and the American
>     Anti-Tobacco Society were founded.
>     These were the days of Sylvester Graham, who started "Grahamism,"
>     which advocated hard beds, cold baths, vegetarian diets, wheat
>     bread and gave rise to the Graham cracker. He persuaded followers
>     to avoid fried foods, butter, pastries and salt pork and to drink
>     pure water only.
>     Health advocates also condemned women's fashion of tight corsets
>     and long dresses. They believed the outfits damaged internal organs
>     and debilitated women so much that they would give birth to weak
>     offspring. Amelia Jenks Bloomer, a women's rights advocate,
>     designed a new outfit the "bloomer" suitable for outdoor exercise
>     and physical activity. The Fowlers Orson; his brother, Lorenzo; and
>     Lorenzo's wife, Dr. Lydia Folger Fowler wrote and published books
>     and newsletters instructing couples on how to make better babies.
>     They warned against marrying women with indigestion, liver
>     complaints, melancholia or heartburn. Those kind of folk, they
>     said, should not have children. Truly "superior offspring," they
>     added, could only be obtained when lovers engaged in a "spiritual
>     banquet of love." In other words, the woman had to have an orgasm.
>     The First Clean Living Movement lost momentum to the Civil War.
>     The second movement, from 1880 to 1920, included the founding of
>     the Y.M.C.A., the New Thought Movement, which encouraged believers
>     to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and a new slew of
>     fitness fanatics. Bernarr Macfadden was the exercise guru of the
>     1890's. He invented muscle- building machines, opened his own gym
>     in New York City and in 1899 started a popular magazine, "Physical
>     Culture." "Macfadden," writes Dr. Engs, "popularized exercise and
>     diet much the same way Sylvester Graham did in the first and
>     Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda in the third Clean Living
>     Movements."
>     The third movement got a foothold in the 1960's but emerged full
>     force in the 70's with aerobic exercising, anti-smoking crusades
>     and a resurgence of religious fundmentalism, Dr. Engs writes. She
>     notes the recent rise of the Christian right, the fascination with
>     alternative medicine, the growth of the health club industry, and
>     new laws against smoking in public and tougher penalties for
>     drunken driving. She believes that, like the "clean living
>     movements" of the past, this one is doomed to die, too.
>     Her prediction: the nation will lose interest in preventive health
>     by 2005. And no matter what public health messages bombard today's
>     children and despite an onslaught of new medical findings, health
>     enthusiasm, like other trends, comes and goes. In other words,
>     today's baby boomers may be training for triathlons but their
>     children will grow to prefer martinis and cigarettes.

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