-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 18:05:14 -0400
From: Ed Gillespie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: William Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Brace Yourselves

September 8, 2004

To: Bush-Cheney '04 Grassroots Team
From: Ed Gillespie, Republican National Committee Chairman
Subject: Brace Yourselves

In response to President Bush's Agenda for America's Future and a critique of his 
policies and Senate record, Senator Kerry's campaign is implementing a strategy of 
vicious personal attacks against the President and Vice President.

The campaign is bringing in a bevy of former Clinton henchmen, including CNN 
commentators James Carville and Paul Begala. In August alone, Begala called President 
Bush a "gutless wonder," said he has a "lack of intelligence," and called Vice 
President Cheney a "dirt bag." Carville said the President is "ignorant big time" and 
said "George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are a couple of nobodies."

It's not like Bob Shrum needed encouragement to engage in personal attacks. At a Kerry 
rally Friday morning in Ohio, campaign surrogate John Glenn compared the Republican 
Convention to a Nazi rally, and Kerry called the President unfit to lead our nation 
and once again sought to divide the country by who served and how 35 years ago.

Of course, the President was called a "cheap thug," a "killer" and a "liar" at a 
Kerry-Edwards campaign event in New York, Mrs. Kerry has called the President's 
policies "unpatriotic" and "immoral" and DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe falsely accused 
the President of being AWOL.

Democratic strategist Susan Estrich outlined the strategy last Wednesday in a column 
warning Republicans to "watch out." "I'm not promising pretty," she wrote before going 
on to call President Bush and Vice President Cheney alcoholics, then ask "is any 
alcoholic ever really cured?" ("I can see the ad now.") She deems the President's 
service as a National Guard fighter pilot "draft dodging," and says, "a forthcoming 
book by Kitty Kelly raises questions about whether the President has practiced what he 
preaches on the issue of abortion." (Interestingly, the New York Daily News reported 
back in February that the Kerry campaign intended to spread such a rumor in pro-life 
chat rooms late in the campaign.)

So the former Dukakis campaign manager has an advance copy of Democrat donor Kitty 
Kelly's book, which promises to throw unsubstantiated gossip at President Bush in the 
same way she falsely maligned the late President Reagan as a date rapist who paid for 
a girlfriend's abortion and wrongly castigated Nancy Reagan as an adulterer who had an 
affair with Frank Sinatra. A recent story says Kelly's book alleges President Bush 
used cocaine at Camp David while his father was President, which is as credible as her 
story that then Governor and Nancy Reagan smoked marijuana with Jack Benny and George 
and Gracie Burns.

And tonight on CBS, longtime Democratic operative Ben Barnes-a friend of, major 
contributor to and Nantucket neighbor of Senator Kerry's and vice chair of the Kerry 
Campaign--will repudiate his statement under oath that he had no contact with the Bush 
family concerning the President's National Guard service. (Anyone surprised that 
Barnes would contradict a statement he made under oath probably doesn't know his long 
history of political scandal and financial misdealings.)

So brace yourselves. Any mention of John Kerry's votes for higher taxes and against 
vital weapons programs will be met with the worst kind of personal attacks. Such 
desperation is unbecoming of American Presidential politics, and Senator Kerry will 
pay a price for it at the polls as we stay focused on policies to continue growing our 
economy and winning the War on Terror.

Take Action

Volunteer Now!
Be a key member of the President's grassroots team!

Donate to GELAC!
Make your donation of $100, $500, or even $1000 today!


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