Re: [CTRL] Broaddrick Backlash Begins

1999-02-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 26 Feb 99, , Mike wrote:

>S hadowGov first entered the media "limelight" a few weeks ago when they
> purchased $16,000 worth of O.J Simpson memorabilia at the auction designed
> to raise funds to pay for Simpson's civil lawsuit expenses. In front of
> the Los Angeles court house where the Simpson case was held, the group
> destroyed the articles they purchased calling for specific reforms of the
> justice system.
> According to James Craddock, a volunteer for ShadowGov, the group would
> like to eventually train 1,000 men to be "judges." Then, when there is an
> actual murder trial, or some other big trial taking place within the
> nation's courtrooms, ShadowGov's "judges" will also "decide" the case.

So what we have here is a bunch of loony vigilantes.
Boy, I tell you, these rightwing boys are really sore losers.

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[CTRL] Broaddrick Backlash Begins

1999-02-26 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Broaddrick Backlash Begins

Group organizes protest of Clinton's alleged crime
By Stephan Archer © 1999

A group called ShadowGov is planning to descend upon courthouses in 99
American cities and the White House today at noon, protesting the alleged
rape of Juanita Broaddrick by President Bill Clinton 21 years ago in an
Arkansas hotel room, and demanding the president's removal from office.

Only a week after the Wall Street Journal published a story of how Clinton
allegedly raped Broaddrick, members of ShadowGov have organized themselves
in such a way that 10 representatives of the group will be at designated
courthouses in cities across the nation. These cities include Anchorage,
Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Indianapolis, New York, Orlando, Sacramento and
Washington, DC.

Once in front of the courthouses, the various groups plan to be picketing
for about an hour and will be handing out press releases and leaflets.
Black banners six feet long that have the president's picture on it and the
word "rapist" will also be displayed during the picketing.

In an attempt to send a strong message to the country's judicial system,
the picketers will be wearing T-shirts that say "Judge Rightly is not some
guy's name" on the back. On the front of the shirts will be the group's
website --

Bob Enyart, a television and radio talk show host in Denver, Colo., and a
spokesperson for ShadowGov, said, "The Republicans have lost their moral
leadership. They need others to tell them what to do and show them how to
do it. ShadowGov is ready."

In an effort to get their protest kits out fast enough to the various
cities across the country, ShadowGov has been shipping them by overnight
deliveries, when possible. When overnight deliveries aren't possible,
members of ShadowGov have been driving across state borders and picking up
supplies at airports and then delivering the kits in person.

Enyart said that coinciding with the demand of Clinton's removal from
office will be a demand on Sen. Trent Lott, R-MS, and Sen. Robert Byrd,
D-WV, to request a new article of impeachment against the president.
According to members of ShadowGov, these two senators were singled out for
their influence on their respective political parties.

Enyart warns Congress and the White House that ShadowGov won't go away
quietly if their demands today are ignored.

"If seven days later, the 'rapist' is still in the White House, we will be
in 200 cities the following week," Enyart said.

ShadowGov first entered the media "limelight" a few weeks ago when they
purchased $16,000 worth of O.J Simpson memorabilia at the auction designed
to raise funds to pay for Simpson's civil lawsuit expenses. In front of the
Los Angeles court house where the Simpson case was held, the group
destroyed the articles they purchased calling for specific reforms of the
justice system.

According to James Craddock, a volunteer for ShadowGov, the group would
like to eventually train 1,000 men to be "judges." Then, when there is an
actual murder trial, or some other big trial taking place within the
nation's courtrooms, ShadowGov's "judges" will also "decide" the case.

"It will be like the Fantasy Football league," said Eric James, the site's
webmaster. However, this site wouldn't be about sports but about the
happenings inside U.S. courts.

Enyart explained it as a "fantasy government, or "parallel government,"
which would "shadow" the workings of the real government.

"We will shadow our government," Enyart said. "We will do what they do,
only better."

Enyart said that the "fantasy government" idea is meant to be used as an
educational tool and a venue for persuasion. The website, according to
Enyart, is meant to teach people that there are absolutes in the world --
that there is a difference between what's right and what's wrong.

Once "judges" for the site are trained and tested, an online "trial" will
take place every time a major court case occurs. It is ShadowGov's hope
that people will take advantage of the site and compare the "outcomes" of
the online trial with the actual trial's outcomes.

Summarizing the group's goals with the site, Craddock said, "We're trying
to get the word out that there is a difference between right and wrong."

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the
liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He
therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most
to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend,
will not suffer a man to be chosen onto any office of power and trust who
is not a wise and virtuous man."
-Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution
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