-Caveat Lector-

Did Jeb Bush fix the Florida election long before any
votes were cast? Did President Bush shut down the FBI,
CIA and other intelligence agencies’ investigations
into terror networks prior to 9-11, leaving America
wide open to the attacks?

In a conversation with GNN Executive Editor Anthony
Lappé, journalist Greg Palast breaks down two of the
biggest scoops you’ve never heard and explains how
they, and other groundbreaking stories, are ignored by
most mainstream news outlets.

Palast is no conspiracy nut. His special
investigations regularly lead the BBC’s Newsnight
program. His bi-weekly column for London’s Observer
newspaper has earned him numerous awards including the
Financial Times David Thomas Prize. Last year,
Salon.com selected his report on the U.S. elections as
politics story of the year.

Yet despite all the props, Palast, a Canadian, works
in exile in London - unable to find work in what he
calls the “gutless” North American media. Like the
best muckrakers, he is angry, opinionated and armed
with a tireless desire to expose the truth. His
stories about Bush’s election theft and intelligence
cover-up - both backed up with smoking gun documents,
inside sources and on-the-record interviews - will
shock even the most informed GuerrillaNews reader:


Above the Law
Bush’s Racial Coup D’Etat and Intell Shutdown

Lappé: Thanks Mr. Palast for talking with us today.

You have broken two major stories concerning President
Bush in the last year - both of which have gotten
little play here in the U.S. Let’s start out by
looking back at Florida: Last week, the final report
on the Florida recount funded by a consortium of
various media outlets was released. They found: Bush
would have won if you only recounted the counties the
Gore team had requested, Gore would have won if it was

But prior to all this, you reported a story that
looked into something that went down before the
election that in many ways makes these findings

What did you find?

Palast: Yeah, insignificant. No kidding. Maybe that’s
what The New York Times sub-heading should be “All the
news that’s insignificant we print.”

First of all, the story I broke was simple:

After looking at my evidence printed in Britain, the
Civil Rights Commission said the issue is not the
count of the votes in Florida – the issue is the
no-count. What the commission meant by the no-count is
that it looks like maybe 100,000 people, at least
80,000 people, most of them black, were not permitted
to vote who had a legal right to vote in Florida.

That story was simply not covered in the U.S. press.
And that is how the election was won.

I reported that story for the main paper of the
nation. Unfortunately, it was the wrong nation. I
reported that story for the Guardian newspapers of
Britain, and its related sister paper The Observer,
where I have a column on Sunday. I also reported it
for BBC television at the top of the nightly news, but
again, it was the nightly news of Britain where they
found out who really won that election, just not in
the U.S.

Here’s how they did it:

A few months before the election, Katherine Harris’
office used computer systems to make up a list of
people to purge from the voter rolls of people who
were supposedly felons – people who committed serious
crimes and therefore in Florida were not allowed to
vote. We now know those lists were as phony as a
three-dollar bill. That maybe approximately 90% of the
people on those lists, and there were 57,700 people on
that list, approximately 90% were not felons and had
the right to vote. Surprise, surprise. At least 54% of
the names on that list were black. We know that
because Florida is one of the few states under the
U.S. Civil Rights Act that actually has to track the
race of each voter.

They used this racial targeting system as a way to
target and purge black voters. This was a very
sophisticated Jim Crow operation done by computers,
completely hidden from the public eye. And when they
were asked about it they basically lied. The Governor,
the Secretary of State, and the head of the Florida
Department of Elections all lied under oath to the
U.S. Civil Rights Commission about how that was done.

Now that was completely covered in the British and
European press. That is one of the reasons why when
Bush came over to Europe he was seen as a usurper and
a pretender to the presidency - not elected, but a guy
who had conducted a sort of racial coup d’etat.

He was not seen as legitimate.

The U.S. press did little bits of the story and then
buried it. My sister paper the Washington Post, (the
Guardian papers co-publish with the Washington Post)
did run my story, buried, 7 months after the election.
I wrote the story within 3 weeks of the election and
they didn’t publish it until seven months later, when
it didn’t really mater. And they only published it
because the U.S. Civil Rights Commission said my
findings were correct. If I didn’t have that official
approval, I don’t think we would have seen that story
at all.

And now these newspapers, including the Washington
Post and The New York Times, spent easily a couple of
million dollars doing what they called a “recount.”
But in fact it was not a recount. There were 180,000
votes in Florida that were never counted on order of
Katherine Harris, the Republican Secretary of State.
These were 180,000 votes that were never counted
because they had some kind of technical error in them
– like a stray mark in it, or someone circled Al
Gore’s name instead of punching a hole, and it was not
counted as an Al Gore vote.

Now you have to know I did not support Al Gore, I am
not here carrying his flag. I don’t care if he was
elected either way. That is not my interest. I am
concerned about democracy.

The thing that those ballots showed was something very
simple: by a notable majority the people in Florida
voted for, and believed they voted for, and assumed
their ballots would be counted for, Al Gore.

Now how in the heck after spending more than a million
dollars and going through each of those ballots that
these so-called news organizations decided that Bush
would have won it anyway? What they said was under
state of Florida rulings we exclude what people wanted
to do, we exclude what we see on the ballots, and we
go by the Florida rulings on what ballots should be
excluded for technical reasons – and Bush wins. Well,
we knew that. We knew that because Katherine Harris
already said that Bush won on technical grounds. So we
didn’t need to spend a million dollars.

We have to remember that these news organizations had
this information for months and withheld it. And then
in the middle of a war they release information and
futsed with it so it looked like Bush would have won
anyway, or it’s hard to see, or Bush would have won
one way and Gore would have won another way. That’s
nonsense. In a democracy the intent of the voter is
all that counts. In fact, the U.S. took that position
in two other elections in 2000: when Slobodan
Milosevic disqualified ballots and therefore won the
presidency of Yugoslavia we refused to recognize his
government. And when Alberto Fujimori of Peru knocked
out counting of rural ballots for technical reasons,
once again the U.S. refused to recognize his
presidency. The U.S. said you cannot win a presidency
on a technicality. We said that for Milosevic and for
Fujimori but somehow we didn’t say that to Mr. Bush.

It’s the votes that count in a democracy. If the votes
don’t count then it’s not a democracy.

If you go to my web site, www.gregpalast.com, you can
read my reports and watch the BBC reports for
yourself. I also have a book coming out called “The
Best Democracy Money Can Buy” (Pluto Press) which will
be out in a couple of months in which I detail as I
did on BBC television, which you never saw in the
U.S., how they had planned to knock out the black
voters well in advance and paid a Republican firm $4
million to come up with a computer program to come up
with a computer program that would zoom in like a
cruise missile and knock out these black voters.

They were so good knocking out black voters they
should hire this firm to knock out bin Laden. They
were so good at ferreting out democratic voters and
purging them from the voter rolls, we should have
turned them on Al-Qaeda and maybe that would have made
a difference.

Lappé: Speaking of which, let’s jump to the present
and to another bombshell you recently reported: that
Bush has hindered the FBI’s investigation into various
terrorist organizations. What did you find?

Palast: We obtained documents from inside the FBI
showing that investigations had been shut down on the
bin Laden family, the royal family of Saudi Arabia -
and that is big because there are 20,000 princes in
the royal family - and their connections to the
financing of terrorism.

Now there is one exception. The FBI, the CIA and all
the rest of the agencies are allowed to investigate
Osama, the so-called black sheep of the family. But
what we were finding was that there was an awful lot
of gray sheeps in this family – which is a family of
billionaires which is tied in with the Saudi royal
household which appears to be involved in the funding
of terrorist organizations or organizations linked to
terrorism. If you go the BBC site you will see me
holding up documents from the FBI talking about
Abdullah bin Laden, Omar bin Laden and an organization
called the World Assembly of Muslim Youth which may or
may not be a conduit for funds to terrorists. Now the
problem was the investigations were shut down. There
were problems that go back to Father Bush - when he
was head of the CIA, he tried to stop investigations
of the Saudis, continued on under Reagan, Daddy Bush’s
president, and it continued under Clinton too, but not
as severely. What I was told by agents was that under
Clinton agents were constrained but not prohibited
from taking on these investigations into the Saudis.

Lappé: Now what would be behind all of this?

Palast: Let me get to this one final point. While we
did say FBI [in the article], I have to add it was
also CIA and all the other international agencies. You
should know we were attacked by friends of Bush for
just mentioning the FBI. I have been trying to protect
my sources. But I can say that the sources are not
just FBI trying to get even with the other agencies,
but in fact other agencies. The information was that
they were absolutely prohibited, until Sept. 11, at
looking at the Saudi funding of the Al-Qaeda network
and other terrorist organizations.

There is no question we had what looked like the
biggest failure of the intelligence community since
Pearl Harbor but what we are learning now is it wasn’t
a failure, it was a directive. Now I am not part of
the conspiracy nut crowd that believes George Bush
came up with a plan for an attack on the United States
to save his popularity. There is no evidence of that.
That is completely outside of any evidence I have
seen. But what we find is something that, in a way,
where the effect is just the same – and it’s chilling.
Which is that they blinded the intelligence agencies
and said you cannot look at the Saudis. Now the
question is why . . .

Now the answer kept coming back with two words: One is
Arbusto. The other was Carlyle. Now Arbusto is Arbusto
Oil. Arbusto means shrub in Spanish. Arbusto was the
company that made young George W. his first million.
Now he had millions inherited from daddy and grandpa,
but this was his first million. He had established
this basically worthless company that kept digging dry
holes in Texas and suddenly it got financing from the
Gulf region and Saudi Arabian-connected financiers and
it was taken over by a company called Harken Oil,
which then received a very surprise contract to drill
in the Gulf. Suddenly, Arbusto Oil shares became worth
quite a bit.

The second company is Carlyle. While people know
companies like Boeing Aircraft and Lockheed, Carlyle
is just about the biggest defense contractor in the
U.S. because behind a lot of these companies like
United Technology is the Carlyle investment group.
Carlyle is headed by Frank Carlucci who was Secretary
of Defense under Daddy Bush and it includes on its
payroll James Baker, the Secretary of State under
Daddy Bush, who was very pro-Arab and pro-Saudi when
he was in power. They have on their payroll Daddy
Bush, who is an advisor to their Asian panel, and he
also represented the company to the Saudi royal
household in a couple of trips he made there. In
addition, our president George W. was collecting money
from the company by being on the Board of Directors of
one of its subsidiaries, where I am sure he added a
lot of his business acumen to their operations. He
picked up $15,000-plus a year for showing up to a
couple of board meetings. What is also interesting in
this company is that you have investment in the
company by the bin Laden family.

Now, let’s be careful I am not a conspiracy nutter. I
don’t think completely ill of the Bush family, and I
don’t think what happened here is that the bin Laden
family and the Saudis bought themselves two presidents
of the United States, a simple purchase: “We give you
money and you call off the dogs and don’t let the CIA
look at us.”

That is not what is going on.

What is going on is the Bush family is an oil family.
They have a natural business and political inclination
to support the royal household and their retainers
like the bin Laden family. These relationships are
cemented by joint business ventures, by the Saudis
making your son, who becomes president, rich. It is
not a pay-off. But let’s put it this way: would you
think that the people who just made your family
wealthier than it already is, made you a couple of a
million bucks, would you immediately think these
people are also happen to be funding people who are
blowing up buildings in New York? You tend to say to
your agencies which you control: “Those are really
good guys, leave them alone” – especially because if
we annoy them they will cut off our oil.

There seems to be this great fear that the Saudi royal
family will, I don’t know, fold their tents, get in
their Leer jets and go off to Monaco and let the
fanatics take over Saudi Arabia . . .

Lappé: Or if this comes out this will weaken the rest
of the American government’s resolve to support them
which will further weaken their ability to control the
more radical forces within the country . . .

Palast: Yeah, one of the problems is exactly what is
their relationship to the terror networks. One thing
you should know is that the Saudis say that they have
removed Osama bin Laden’s citizenship in Saudi Arabia.
Of course, there are no citizens of Saudi Arabia,
there are only subjects. So he is not allowed to be a
subject of the king of Saudi Arabia. What a loss. And
they have frozen his assets, supposedly. But the
information I am getting from other sources is that
they have given tens of millions of dollars to his
networks. This is being done as much as a protection
racket as anything else.

Lappé: Some of this was reported, or at least alluded
to, in the recent Frontline report.

Palast: There was a little bit of whispering in the
Frontline by my buddy Lowell Bergman. He could go
further. At least you got a little bit of it on PBS.
What is interesting is Bergman, who is also a reporter
for The New York Times, did not have this in The New
York Times.

Lappé: That is interesting, I actually noticed that

Palast: Now here is a guy who has an agreement that
whatever he puts on Frontline by contract can be put
in The New York Times exclusively. And here The New
York Times skips the report. Now we went further on
BBC Newsnight, we had some of the same sources, and we
have been digging further. We are allowed to dig

We also had another source explaining a meeting that
was held, and I can’t give the details because I would
be scooping myself. But I got particulars of a meeting
in which Saudi billionaires up who would be
responsible to paying what to Osama. And apparently
around the time of the meeting is when Osama blew up
the Kohbar Towers in Saudi Arabia killing 19 American
servicemen. It was seen by the group as not so much a
political or emotional point, but as a reminder “to
make your darn payment.”

Osama is often compared to Hitler but he should be
seen as John Gotti times one hundred. He is running a
massive international protection racket: Pay me or I
will blow you up. The fact these payments are made is
one of the things the Bush administration is trying
very hard to cover-up.

Now whether these payments were paid because they want
to or it was coercion the Bush administration does not
want to make a point of it. I have to tell you the
Clinton administration was not exactly wonderful on
this either. One of the points I made on the BBC was
there was a Saudi diplomat who defected. He had 14,000
documents in his possession showing Saudi royal
involvement in everything from assassinations to
terror funding. He offered the 14,000 documents to the
FBI but they would not accept them. The low-level
agents wanted this stuff because they were tremendous
leads. But the upper-level people would not permit
this, did not want to touch this material. That is
quite extraordinary. We don’t even want to look. We
don’t want to know. Because obviously going through
14,000 documents from the Saudi government files would
anger the Saudis. And it seems to be policy number one
is we don’t get these boys angry. Unfortunately, we
see the results. We are blowing up Afghanistan when 15
of the 19 bombers were from Saudi Arabia.

Not that I am friends of the Taliban, who are vicious,
brutal maniacs, but 15 of the 19 were Saudis and we
seem to be giving these guys a full and complete pass.

Lappé: Now let’s take these two stories, the Florida
election theft and the Saudi cover-up, together as a
backdrop. Paint me a picture of the Bush crew and how
they operate. Are they above the law?

Palast: Well, they are our law. Remember they are two
presidents of the United States, they go back
generations to the Mayflower. The Bush family is the
one of the true royal families of America. They have a
long-term idea of what is good for us. Other countries
think it is quite spooky that we have a guy who came
out of the CIA to head of the nation. Just like
Americans have a lot of doubts about Putin because he
was the head of the KGB. These people are used to
secrecy and not letting America know what would be
frightening and troubling to us in our sweet

The problem is Sept. 11 took away our innocence. The
question is will it take away our blinders?

The U.S. press does not seem capable of wanting to

Lappé: Now why is that? From an outsider looking in,
you have the BBC, a news organization owned by the
government, and you have the American media, which has
this great tradition of Woodward and Bernstein and
Watergate. They are independent organizations that are
not answerable to any government organization. Why is
there this chasm between investigative reporting in
the U.K. and in America?

Palast: Well, first of all you hit a good one.
Woodward and Bernstein, which everyone comes back to,
was three decades ago! What has happened in thirty
years? When have we had a story in thirty years that
has come close to that? I gave a talk with Seymour
Hersh, who is one of the guys who broke the My Lai
story. That was thirty years ago. He cannot work for
an American newspaper. He writes for the New Yorker
magazine. Think about that. One of our best
investigative reporters in America, he has won at
least two Pulitzer prizes, can’t even work for an
American newspaper. What is going on?

Investigative reporting is so rare in America we had
to make a movie out of it. I was on a panel at
Columbia University School of Journalism and there was
a reporter who worked on both continents who said that
the odd thing he found was the worst thing you could
be called in an American newsroom is a “muckraker.”
Someone who looks like they are going after someone,
someone who looks like they are getting too
enthusiastic about going after someone. No one likes
that guy.

Look what happened to Lowell Bergman. As soon as he
said, ‘gee we really have to push a story that will
make corporate America a bit unhappy.’ They killed it.
After all 60 Minutes for the most part does mostly
small potatoes stories. Small-time operators are the
ones basically in their sights. But when they took on
a big operation like tobacco they killed the story. I
can tell you other stories with 60 Minutes that are
just insane that have gone by the boards. I did a
story about George Bush’s connections to a brutal gold
mining company out of Canada. And 60 Minutes said, “Oh
we want to do a big story.” And I said, “Oh, no you
don’t.” And three days later they said, “Oh, we can’t
do that story.”

Lappé: Why?

Palast: They’re gutless. No one has ever advanced
their career in the last thirty years by coming up
with a great investigative piece. That is a way to get
unemployed. Anyone who thinks it’s all Murphy Brown
and “All the President’s Men” out there is wrong.
That’s the fantasy. That’s all television and the
movies. It’s not in the newsrooms. If you say what I
want to do is expensive and difficult and involves
getting inside documents, and upsetting the
established order, you are not going to get anywhere.
Businessmen are the hardest ones to go after. You can
go after a crooked politician but go after a
corporation . . .

Lappé: And their lawyers will bury you . . .

Palast: Well, we have the First Amendment, which by
the way there is no First Amendment in Britain. There
is no freedom of speech or the press. Very difficult
here legally, even though culturally it’s easier to
report the news here in Britain, even though you don’t
have the protection. But there is a great fear in the
U.S. of corporate power, which I think has a lot to do
with losing advertisers. There is a legal question
because they can’t win lawsuits but they can cost you
a lot of money. You are looked at like some kind of
left-wing, muckraker, conspiracy nut if you decide to
go past an official denial and say, “I don’t accept
that. I want to see a document.”

I got to tell you, I have seen this over and over
again: my story on the Florida elections - one of the
things I found out was that Jeb Bush had deliberately
excluded at least 50,000 voters, 94% of them
democrats, because they had been convicted of a crime
in another state. Now Florida under the U.S.
constitution and its own constitution they cannot do
that – punish someone for a crime in another state by
taking away their right to vote in Florida. You can’t
do that. They know that. When we spoke to Jeb Bush’s
functionaries they said we know we can’t do that, and
then quietly they said, but we do it anyway under
instructions from our superiors. The papers I was
working for said, “Well, Jeb Bush denied it.” And flat
out denial from an official was enough to stop all
these investigations. Dead cold. I was with Salon.com.
They killed the story. And it was only later when the
U.S. Civil Rights Commission said I was correct, and
then the state of Florida admitted what they did, and
then I was vindicated.

The New York Times did a story about how gold mining
companies out of Nevada have tremendous influence over
the Bush administration. Nowhere in the story did they
mention that George Bush Sr. was on the board of the
biggest gold mining company in Nevada. They didn’t
mention the name of the company. Here they are doing a
story on gold mining in Nevada and they don’t mention
the name of overwhelmingly the biggest company in
Nevada, which by the way is called Barrick. And it had
on its advisory George Bush Sr.. It left out the name
of the company and the fact it had on its board a
former president.

How did that happen? I can tell you because that
company sued my paper when I ran a story, and I have
the same lawyer as The New York Times. You can bet
that The New York Times figured out it was going to
cost them money or create controversy. God forbid you
create controversy, that would be considered
disastrous in a newsroom. When you get a letter from a
lawyer who says we disagree, the story gets blocked.
The Globe and Mail, which is the number one paper in
Canada, was going to run the story. I was told that
the top people in the Globe and Mail killed the story.
So you have absolute direct corporate influence
killing stories.

Most reporters understand that it is not a
career-maker to have these letters coming in. In other
words, you never want to have your killed. Because if
your story is killed by corporate big shots, from then
on you are marked as a troublemaker and a problem, and
your career is in deep trouble. When a guy like
Seymour Hersh can’t get a job with an American
newspaper. When Lowell Bergman has to work in the PBS
ghetto. When Greg Palast has to work in exile, there
is a pretty evil pattern here.

What you see is institutionalized gutlessness. I’m
pissed off about it because I want to come home and
work. My kids have British accents. I wanna get home

Lappé: On that note, we’ll wrap up. It seems that with
this new war all of these trends you have talked about
are getting worse. Do you have any hope for the future
of journalism?

Palast: My only hope for the future of journalism is
one word: the Internet.

The big boys are trying to grab it and seize it and
control it and own it and stop it and freeze it and
fill it up with corporate, commercialized crap and
junk. But it is still the conduit of the real
information of the real information, the real news.
You are always being warned about things you read on
the Internet. But be warned what you read in The New
York Times. At least when you read the Internet you
know you are getting all kinds of voices, some nuts,
some real, and you evaluate it. The problem with
something like The New York Times is it is coming to
you as the stone-cold truth. It isn’t true that Bush
would have won Florida anyway. When the people voted
they voted for Al Gore. He should have been
inaugurated as president, not because I like him, but
because he got the vote nationwide and in Florida, and
they knew it and they didn’t tell you that.

I can tell you right now the information I broadcasted
on the BBC about the chilling of the investigation of
the FBI and the CIA of the bin Laden family and the
Saudi royal family, and I have more coming up, I can
tell you that information was given to The New York
Times. They didn’t use it. It was given to 60 Minutes.
Not that they aren’t going to use it. It’s like my
story about the elections. They run it seven months
later in the back of the paper. Or it’s just like the
Florida vote count. If you go to The New York Times
web site you can get all the information that shows
that Gore won, but they either don’t run it, or
eviscerate it, or they give it to you chopped up and
spin it so the order of things are not disturbed.

I can’t tell you all the reasons why that happens. I’m
not sure myself. I think a lot of it is these guys
hang out together. They go to the same clubs and they
go to each others’ daughters weddings.

It makes me ill.

It makes me want to throw up when I watch Tom Brokaw,
that fake fucking hairdo, go to dinner with Jiang
Zemin at the White House. He’s a reporter. What the
fuck is he doing eating spring rolls with a dictator?
He should be reporting the story not breaking bread
with the powers-that-be. These guys can’t seem to find
the distinction between being in with the power and
reporting on it.

So there you go.

Lappé: Thanks so much.

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