-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Currently the Drudge headline.

“It is better to fight now than [in the] future — the earlier,
the better.”

[P'raps better rephrased: "It is better to fight now than when
Clinton is out of office"?]




3/3/00 - By J. Michael Waller

The People’s Republic of China is actively planning a military
invasion of Taiwan and is preparing to wage war against the
United States — including firing its small arsenal of strategic
nuclear missiles on the territory of the United States — if
Washington attempts to defend the island. In an internal document
from the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Military Commission to
all its regional commanders, Beijing says it hopes to absorb
Taiwan through nonviolent means but warns of an “increased
possibility for a military solution,” arguing: “It is better to
fight now than [in the] future — the earlier, the better.”

In the document, (see "China Prepares for War") Beijing envisions
a blitzkrieg-like attack on Taiwan, launching a “first fatal
strike” so that “the Taiwan forces have no way to organize
effective resistance.” Under this plan, “we will be able to
control Taiwan before the U.S. intervention and then concentrate
our forces to fight the U.S.”

The paper, distributed to commanders in August 1999, urges
military leaders to “be well prepared for war” with Taiwan and,
if necessary, the United States, following Taiwan President Lee
Teng-hui’s “two-country theory,” in which the Republic of China
on Taiwan would seek independent statehood. The Communist Chinese
leadership views Lee’s position as a threat to the territorial
integrity of the People’s Republic and argues that if allowed to
stand would promote mainland China’s disintegration by
encouraging independence for Tibet and other occupied areas. The
paper says that large-scale coastal and inland military exercises
planned for Sept. 1999 were intended not only to intimidate
Taiwan but “to adapt our armed forces to cross-the-Straits

Beijing anticipates the passive support of Russia in a Taiwan
invasion. A summit between Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Russian
President Boris Yeltsin and others in Kazakhstan that same month
was intended on Beijing’s part to help reduce “the traditional
pressure along our northeast and northwest borders, and increase
the proportion of forces which can be moved to the southeast
coastal regions,” as well as to keep open “land routes during the
war … in case we are forced to fight a full-scale war against the

Insight has obtained a copy of this startling document, which has
been translated into English. (Click here to read the full
document.) The purpose of the document is to make “high-ranking
commanders in non-combat as well as combat positions … well aware
of the following issues so as to better understand the strategic
decisions made by the Party’s Central Committee and be
well-prepared for the war in their units based on the
rapidly-changing relationships with Taiwan.”

The document tells commanders to understand the party’s thinking
behind its preparations and “a wave of politically-oriented
military exercises” intended “to raise the political
consciousness of all commanders and soldiers up to a level
required by war.”

Peaceful reunification with Taiwan, according to the Central
Military Commission paper, “is still the best option” for
Beijing’s long-term interests, as military options would be
disruptive of the Party’s economic development goals. The
document says it is very unlikely that European countries would
aid in Taiwan’s defense, but anticipates that the U.S. would
attempt to defend against an attack. Therefore, prior to an
invasion of Taiwan, “we must take into account the above
[diplomatic] factors and use diplomatic leverage to minimize
international resistance.”

Beijing’s crackdown on the Falun Gong spiritual group, the
document says, was aimed at crushing separatist sentiment. “To
outlaw ‘Falun Gong’ was a preemptive measure aimed at the
ultimate resolution of [the] Taiwan issue,” according to the
document, “not only eliminating domestic trouble, but paving the
way for reunification as well.” The Party leaders seem pleased
with the weakness of international protests: “Negative
international reaction has proven to be limited, and the protest
from the U.S. was particularly pale and powerless, fully
demonstrating that our Party has the ability and courage to gain
advantage in complicated domestic and international struggles.”

Senior Chinese military officials, the document says, disclosed
“some information on strategic weaponry so that the U.S. will
exercise some caution in decision-making and be aware that it
would have to pay a price if it decided to intervene in a
military conflict. The purpose is to prevent the U.S. from being
deeply involved even if a war becomes unavoidable so that the
losses on both sides of the Taiwan straits will be minimized
throughout the war. The main point is deterrence, which is the
test for a peaceful solution. The test is within the strategic
scope of taking initiative and promoting good timing.”

Beijing is convinced that, even in its much weaker military
state, it can prevail in a war against the United States. “Taking
into account of possible intervention by the U.S. and based on
the development strategy of our country, it is better to fight
now than [in the] future — the earlier, the better,” the military
document says. “The reason being that, if worst comes to worst,
we will gain control of Taiwan before full deployment of U.S.
troops. In this case, the only thing the U.S. can do is fighting
a war with the purpose of retaliation, which will be similar to
the Gulf War against Iraq or the recent bombing of Yugoslavia as
far as its operational objective is considered.… If the above
scenario cannot be avoided, an early war will delay the success
of our reform whereas a later war will jeopardize the full
achievement of the reform.”

The document says China has experience in “fighting the U.S.
forces under modern warfare conditions. In that war, the Chinese
forces were mainly responsible for air defense [of North Vietnam]
and accumulated a whole set of experience in this regard.”

Beijing anticipates that the United States will not be able to
maintain its forces in combat against China for an extended
period. The document reasons that the conflict will not escalate
into a nuclear missile exchange, because the U.S. will lose its
will to fight and withdraw after suffering serious casualties,
while the Chinese side will be able to absorb heavy casualties
and prevail.

“Our principle is ‘willing to sustain major losses of our armed
forces to defend even just one square inch of land,’” the
document says. “If the U.S. forces lose thousands or hundreds of
men under our powerful strikes, the anti-war sentiment within
their country will force the U.S. government to take the same
path as they did in Vietnam.”

Even so, Beijing is prepared to use its small strategic nuclear
force against the overwhelmingly superior United States: “In
terms of deterrence, there is not any difference in practical
value. So far we have built up the capability for the second and
the third nuclear strikes and are fairly confident in fighting a
nuclear war. The PCC has decided to pass through formal channels
this message to the top leaders of the U.S. This is one of the
concrete measures that we will take to prevent the escalation of
war in the spirit of being responsible.

“However, conceptually we are fully prepared for a prolonged
warfare.… Prolonged warfare will work to our advantage and enable
us to defeat the enemy, which will be one of our strategic
options to win the war under extreme circumstances.”

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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