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From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CIA Think Tank to Head Bush Religion Initiative
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2001 12:44 PM


CIA Think Tank to Head
Bush Religion Initiative
by Robert Lederman
(718) 743-3722
January 29, 2001

The NY Times article below describes the two men Bush is putting in charge of his 
religion plan, John J. DiIulio Jr. and Stephen Goldsmith. Both men are senior fellows 
of the CIA's Manhattan Institute and are colleagues of Charles Murray, author of the 
classic text of scientific racism, The Bell Curve. Most of Bush's advisors are also 
associated with the Bell Curve. As just one of many examples, Murray was a consultant 
on Tommy Thompsons' Wisconsin Welfare Reform program, which Bush will make the 
national model

Following the Times article you will find quotes from the NY Times and the Manhattan 
Institute's own website to substantiate the CIA origin of the Manhattan Institute, its 
influence on GW Bush and its very close decade-long association with Charles Murray, 
who wrote The Bell Curve while a research fellow at The Manhattan Institute.

Whether you are a fundamentalist Christian, an Orthodox Jew, a devout Muslim or an 
atheist you might question what part the CIA rightfully has in a multi-billion dollar 
"religion initiative" or in any domestic US policy decisions. The best known modern 
example of government sponsored religion-based initiatives is Nazi Germany.


NY Times January 29, 2001
New Bush Office Seeks
Closer Ties to Church Groups
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 — President Bush has selected a University of Pennsylvania 
professor of political science to head the first federal office intended to promote 
the integration of religious groups into federally financed social services, several 
Bush advisers said today.

The advisers said the opening of the office and the appointment of John J. DiIulio Jr. 
to fill it would almost certainly be announced at a White House event on Monday, and 
they acknowledged that it would draw heated opposition from organizations and 
religious groups that advocate a strict separation of church and state.

But the encouragement and government financing of faith-based programs was a signature 
campaign issue for Mr. Bush, who has said he reads the Bible every day. And the 
decision to entrust the new federal office in charge of that effort to Mr. DiIulio, a 
widely published expert on juvenile crime with impressive academic credentials, is an 
example of the political caution with which the Bush administration will proceed.

The choice of Mr. DiIulio, in fact, is only one of several ways in which Mr. Bush and 
his aides are trying to blunt any impression that what the president is doing amounts 
to an evangelical endeavor.

"John is a social scientist who believes in empirical evidence," said one Bush 
adviser, stressing Mr. DiIulio's focus on provable results from faith-based social 
programs that address problems like substance abuse, youth violence and teenage 
pregnancy. The adviser also emphasized that Mr. DiIulio does not see faith-based 
programs "as a panacea," but rather as one arrow in a quiver with plenty of others.

In addition to Mr. DiIulio, the other central figure in the effort is Stephen 
Goldsmith, the former mayor of Indianapolis who was the chief domestic policy adviser 
for Mr. Bush's presidential campaign.

Several Bush advisers said Mr. Goldsmith would be the chairman of a new national 
advisory board whose work will complement that of the new federal office. Mr. 
Goldsmith will also serve as an official adviser to Mr. Bush on the issue.

Mr. Bush and his aides do not want the proposals related to faith-based programs that 
they unveil to seem too driven by religion. Indeed, the president's goal is to find 
new ways for the federal government to encourage private charities — including but not 
limited to religious groups — to provide more social services.

To that end, the title of the new federal office will allude not just to faith-based 
programs but also to community initiatives, although several advisers said the order 
in which the words "faith" and "community" would be placed was under debate.

Additionally, Mr. Bush has invited not only leaders of faith-based groups but also the 
heads of other not-for-profit organizations to meet on Monday morning at the White 
House to kick off a week of events intended to describe and promote the president's 

The guest list, according to one of the people on it, includes the Rev. Stephen E. 
Burger, executive director of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions; Sara E. 
Meléndez, president and chief executive officer of Independent Sector, a coalition of 
nonprofit organizations and foundations; and Millard Fuller, founder and president of 
Habitat for Humanity International, the ecumenical house-building group.

"It is about faith-based institutions, but it's also about more than that," said 
another Bush adviser, referring to Mr. Bush's plan to encourage private groups to 
administer more of the kinds of local programs often provided by government.

A more thorough integration of faith-based and other not-for-profit groups into 
federally financed social services is a cornerstone of compassionate conservatism, a 
political philosophy with which Mr. Bush has strongly identified himself.

Compassionate conservatism holds that while the government should limit the scope of 
the social services it provides, it should take an active role as a catalyst and 
source of financing for work done by neighborhood and religious groups.

Mr. Bush has said some of the groups with the best results for rehabilitating 
prisoners or fighting drug abuse are ones that take religious and spiritual 
approaches. He has also said the government should not hesitate to give money to these 
groups, as long as secular groups that provide similar services are also available.

There are signs that these initiatives may elicit bipartisan support. This morning, on 
the ABC News program "This Week," Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, the 
House minority leader, signaled interest in Mr. Bush's approach.

The Bush administration will roll out these initiatives with the utmost care, under 
the guidance of Mr. DiIulio, who is Catholic, and Mr. Goldsmith, who is Jewish.

Although both are well liked by religious conservatives, neither is an ideological 
lightning rod like Marvin Olasky, another proponent of faith- based programs and 
compassionate conservatism. Mr. Olasky was with Mr. Goldsmith and Mr. DiIulio at a 
long meeting with Mr. Bush in Austin, Tex., nearly two years ago.

"It's not just that we're paying attention to the politics of it," one of the Bush 
advisers said. "We're paying attention to the pragmatics of it. I think we're doing it 
right, and I think we're going to be careful about it."

Mr. DiIulio's résumé makes him seem like a personification of Mr. Bush's attempts to 
retain the support of religious conservatives while also courting moderates and 
building a broad base of support.

He is a fellow at both the Manhattan Institute, which is a conservative think tank, 
and the Brookings Institute, which is not. In a two-month period in the summer of 
1999, he wrote major articles for The Weekly Standard, a conservative publication, and 
for The New Democrat, a moderate one. He identifies himself as a new Democrat.

Mr. DiIulio has also done extensive work with black pastors in urban areas, and one of 
the Bush administration's hopes is that its advocacy of faith-based programs will be a 
bridge to black ministers and win some support with the Congressional Black Caucus.

Mr. Bush garnered the support of about 9 percent of black voters in the presidential 
election and has been reaching out aggressively to African- Americans ever since. This 
morning, he, his wife, Laura, and his parents attended a Methodist church here with a 
predominantly black congregation.

For years, Mr. DiIulio, who taught at Princeton before the University of Pennsylvania, 
was known more for his work on criminal justice issues than on his interest in 
faith-based programs. He was among the voices loudly advocating increased prison 
construction in the early 1990's and wrote a 1996 book about the war against crime, 
"Body Count," with John P. Walters and William J. Bennett, the former education 
secretary and drug czar.

Mr. Goldsmith, a former prosecutor, was a two-term mayor in Indianapolis who 
privatized everything from golf course construction to sewage treatment and showed an 
interest in revitalizing long-neglected inner-city neighborhoods. Late in his second 
term, he started the Front Porch Alliance, a group that acted as a liaison between 
religious congregations — mostly urban African-American churches — and government.

For his work with churches, Mr. Goldsmith, a Republican, was lauded by many 
evangelical Christian leaders. But some Jewish leaders said they were nervous about an 
approach that redirects tax dollars to churches.

"There's a lot of respect for Stephen Goldsmith," said Rabbi David Saperstein, 
director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. "Many in the Jewish 
community know him and respect him, but any time you have a formal government 
endorsement of religion that this faith-based office conveys, that takes us down a 
path that too often in our history has turned out to be disastrous for religious 
freedom and religious tolerance."


NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997
Turning Intellect Into Influence
Promoting Its Ideas,
the Manhattan Institute Has
Nudged New York Rightward
"Currently housed in an unprepossessing warren on the second floor of a building near 
Grand Central Terminal, the institute was founded as a free-market education and 
research organization by William Casey, who then went off to head the Central 
Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."


NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997
Manhattan Institute Has
Nudged New York Rightward
"...the institute was founded as a free-market education and research organization by 
William Casey, who then went off to head the Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan 


NY Times June 12, 2000
Bush Culls Campaign Theme
>From Conservative Thinkers
"Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been shaped by the work of 
Myron Magnet of the Manhattan Institute."


>From the Manhattan Institute website:
Books That Influenced Gov. George W. Bush: Myron Magnet's The Dream and the Nightmare: 
"Referring to this book, Gov. Bush has said, other than the Bible, that it was the 
most important book he had read..."


Education and Welfare: Meeting the Challenge
A Message from CCI Chairman, Mayor Stephen Goldsmith
[CCI is a division of Manhattan Institute]

America is in the midst of an urban renaissance...CCI's April conference "Next Steps 
in Welfare Reform" highlighted just how far we've come. The conference brought 
together public officials like Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson and scholars like Dr. 
Charles Murray to discuss how governments and private groups have reduced dependency 
and increased self-sufficiency...Fifteen years after the Manhattan Institute published 
Charles Murray's landmark study of American welfare policy, Losing Ground, the 
presentations showed that ideas once seen as radical now form the mainstream of the 
welfare debate."
[Among the panelists alongside Murray and Goldsmith was Jason Turner, former head of 
Wisconsin's welfare program. Turner later became infamous as head of NYC's abusive 
workfare system after quoting the motto over the gates of Auschwitz - "Arbeit Macht 
Frei - work shall make you free" [ see: NY Times 6/27/98].


"Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting 
citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they 
call it." -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 1


"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious 
instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built 
on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . 
. . we need believing people."
[Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the 
Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933]


"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service 
backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach 
to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we 
want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can 
straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
-From Margaret Sanger's 12/19/39 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, Milton, Massachusetts. 
Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. 
Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of 
Birth Control in America, Grossman Publishers, 1976. Also see Sanger's Birth Control 
Review (Click Here)


>From an announcement on the Manhattan Institute website (Click Here) Center for Civic 
>Innovation Welfare Conference Held at the Manhattan Institute Topic: "Next Steps in 
>Welfare Reform." Participants: [a partial list] Charles Murray (Author of Losing 
>Ground; American Enterprise Institute), Jason Turner (Commissioner, NYC Human 
>Resources Administration) April 14, 1999 New York, New York


Village Voice 8/8/2000
Uncle Shrub's Cabin
"Absent in the sticky Philadelphia heat was the drumbeat of the fire-breathing, 
nay-saying Christian Right. In its place, singing the praises of the Jesus-influenced 
candidate and following a script laid out by the Manhattan Institute...the social 
scientists from the Manhattan Institute rolled out their charts and reported that kids 
who go to church in poor neighborhoods do fewer drugs and thus, churches, mosques, and 
synagogues "should be supported as uniquely qualified agencies of social control that 
matter a great deal in the lives of adolescents in America's most disorganized and 
impoverished communities."

Manhattan Institute: http://www.manhattan-institute.org/

Bell Curve pages:

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Robert Lederman is an artist, a regular columnist for the Greenwich Village Gazette 
[See: http://www.gvny.com/ for an extensive archive of Lederman columns] The Shadow, 
The African Sun Times, The Vigo-Examiner [see: 
http://www.vigo-examiner.com/archive.htm] and Street News, and is the author of 
hundreds of published essays concerning Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Lederman has been 
falsely arrested 41 times to date for his anti-Giuliani activities and has never been 
convicted of any of the charges. He is best known for creating hundreds of paintings 
of Mayor Giuliani as a Hitler like dictator.

Robert Lederman,
President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics)
(718) 743-3722


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