Per intuitive knowledge (please forgive me for being so unprecise) I know, that crystals are used in communications, like crystals were used in early radio-sets. And some of you may remember the american magazine PLAIN TRUTH, edited and distributed for free by this amazing american individual Herbert Armstrong. The magazine was fundamentally Christian, and Armstrong visited state leaders all over the planet to deliver the good message of the Lord, Christ, the Holy Ghost, etc.
As a gift he always delivered a very large and beautifull crystal. It was so spektakular, that it almost begged to be put at the mantelpiece. So there it stood, and performed its job as a secret communication device enabling aliens in spacecrafts to pick up sound and sight in the prime ministers office. I told this to Steward Swerdlow once, and he confirmed, this is the way it works.
Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

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