-Caveat Lector-

Thousands sought over child porn  - 12/24/07 - German prosecutors  are 
investigating 12,000 suspected members of a child sex abuse network on the  
- the biggest in the country's history. A senior public prosecutor said  the 
suspects were accused of downloading or possessing illegal images of  
children. The investigation, which has been going on for several months, also  
to suspects in about 70 other countries. 
Iatrogenic DID-An Evaluation of the Scientific Evidence: D. Brown, E.  
Frischholz & A. Scheflin" from The fall-winter 1999 issue of "The Journal of  
Psychiatry & Law - "Conclusions...At present the scientific evidence is  
insufficient and inadequate to support plaintiffs' complaints that suggestive  
allegedly operative in psychotherapy can create a major psychiatric  disorder 
like MPD per se...there is virtually no support for the unique  contribution 
of hypnosis to the alleged iatrogenic creation of MPD in  appropriately 
controlled research.....alter shaping is not to be confused with  alter 
p. 624
ETHICS & BEHAVIOR, 8(2). 141-160 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.  Consider 
This, Skeptics of Recovered Memory - Ross E. Cheit - Department of  Political 
Science - Brown University - Some self-proclaimed skeptics of  recovered 
memory claim that traumatic childhood events simply cannot be  forgotten at the 
time only to be remembered later in life. This claim has been  made repeatedly 
the Advisory Board members of a prominent advocacy group for  parents accused 
of sexual abuse, the so-called False Memory Syndrome Foundation.  The 
research project described in this article identifies and documents the  
number of cases that have been ignored or distorted by such skeptics. To  date, 
this project has documented 35 cases in which recovered memories of  traumatic 
childhood events were corroborated by clear and convincing evidence.  This 
article concludes with some observations about the politics of the false  
movement, particularly the tendency to conceal or omit evidence of  
corroboration. Several instances of this vanishing facts syndrome are 
documented  and 
analyzed. Abstract is at 
Article can be purchased at 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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