-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

China Points More Missiles at Taiwan
November 23, 1999

Communist China is tightening its military and psychological pressure on
Taiwan, aiming nearly 100 more deadly missiles at the little island across
the Formosa Strait.
To accommodate those additional rockets, the Chinese People's Liberation Army
is expanding its missile base at Yangang, only 275 miles from Taiwan, which
China is determined to bring back under its control.

United States spy satellites discovered the new construction work in progress
a month ago, according to the Washington Times, which said the expanded base
will house the latest Chinese missiles, capable of delivering small nuclear
warheads 300 miles.

Through espionage, China has obtained top-secret U.S. technology for building
just such a small nuclear warhead.

China's relatively short-range missiles were displayed for the first time
Oct. 1 in Beijing at a Communist Party celebration of the 50th anniversary of
the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Although these missiles can carry nuclear tips, Pentagon officials said they
will be armed with non-nuclear ordnance, including deep-penetrating warheads
for use against concrete bunkers, anti-personnel cluster bombs and
electromagnetic-pulse devices that disrupt electronic equipment, according to
the Times.

It is especially difficult to strike back at these missiles, for they are
mounted on trucks, enabling them to fire fast and relocate quickly.

The newspaper cited a recent Defense Intelligence Agency report that China is
rapidly upgrading its missiles aimed at Taiwan from a few hundred already in
place along the coast to as many as 650 within the next five years.

An earlier Pentagon report to Congress said China will produce "a large
arsenal of highly accurate and lethal theater missiles . . . a "revolutionary
departure" from its previous military deployments near Taiwan.

"The focus on Taiwan may reflect a view within the People's Liberation Army
that force eventually may have to be used," the report said.

The Times said the Clinton administration has tried to downplay, even ignore,
Beijing's missile buildup.

It cited State Department spokesman James Foley, who in February said:

"Reports that suggest that there has been a sudden new deployment are wrong.
As part of its military modernization, China has been deploying missiles for
some time."

And it quoted one U.S. government expert on the Chinese military:

"Both Beijing and the State Department are in agreement that Taiwan does not
deserve adequate missile defenses, while both are also in agreement that the
U.S. and Taiwan should ignore Beijing's blossoming ballistic missiles."

To read more about China's growing missile threat, see these recent
NewsMax.com stories:

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