-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China to use crew as 'hostages'?
Expert: Beijing maneuvering to force defecting PLA colonel's extradition



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

At least one China expert believes Beijing may be using 24 U.S. crewmen -- 
from a Navy EP-3 "Orion" surveillance plane it now holds -- as "hostages" to 
force Washington to extradite a former People's Liberation Army senior 
colonel back to the mainland. 

Yang Chih-heng, deputy director of the Strategic and International Studies 
under the private Taiwan Research Institute, a think tank, said the timing of 
an incident involving a Chinese F-8 fighter, which "bumped" the U.S. plane 
during a spy mission Saturday night, was "unusual." 

EP-3 "Orion" 

"Don't you feel the timing of the event was unusual, to intercept a 
surveillance plane on a routine mission?" Yang said, according to Agence 
France Presse on Monday. 

Yang said he believes Beijing may use the 24 crewmen aboard the plane - one 
Air Force, one Marine, and 22 Navy personnel, including three women - as 
"hostages" to push for the extradition of PLA Senior Colonel Xu Junping, who 
defected to the U.S. in December while visiting New York City with a Chinese 
military delegation. 

Reports have said Xu has provided invaluable military intelligence 
information to the Pentagon about Chinese military capabilities, the PLA and 
the entire mainland's military infrastructure. 

The reports, while unconfirmed thus far, say, "Xu had brought with him 
confidential information which allowed …the Bush administration to have a 
better picture of the PLA," said Agence France Presse. 

"Beijing may use the plane's … crew as hostages in seeking the return of Xu," 
Yang said. "The possibility must not be ruled out." 

So far, U.S. officials have been unable to speak with any crewmembers. China 
has blocked U.S. diplomats, who have traveled to Hainan Island where the 
plane is being held, from gaining access to them. 

The EP-3 was forced to declare a "mayday" and land at a Chinese air base on 
the Island Saturday night after being "bumped" in midair by the Chinese 
fighter, the Pentagon and the White House have said. 

A pair of F-8s had been sent airborne to "shadow," or intercept, the American 
Navy plane. 

Shenyang Chinese F-8 "Finback" fighter of the type sent to shadow the U.S. 
Navy’s EP-3 Orion on Saturday. 

China has said its fighter crashed after the incident, and that the pilot has 
yet to be recovered. Beijing has also blamed the incident on the U.S. plane. 

Yang said the incident could be an isolated case, but added, "Beijing may 
send a clear warning signal to Washington, through the aggressive attitude in 
intercepting the routine U.S. patrol mission." 

"They may try to tell Washington the PLA is now armed with capability to 
counter against any attack from the U.S.," he added. 

Other reports in the U.S. on Monday tend to substantiate Yang's observations. 

The Washington Times said senior U.S. intelligence and military officials 
have noted an increase in "aggressiveness" among China's forces in recent 
months, in response to otherwise routine surveillance and naval missions 
performed by U.S. forces. 

Saturday's aerial incident "occurred a week after another confrontation 
between a Chinese warship and a U.S. Navy surveillance ship in the Yellow Sea 
described by Navy officials as a 'threatening' Chinese action against the 
ship in international waters," the Times said. 

In addition, Pentagon officials told the paper that China has stepped up 
intercepts of EP-3 Orions, using F-8s sometimes armed with air-to-air 

"They've been flying within 20 feet of the EP-3s," one official told the 

Meanwhile, Fox News reported that ordinary Chinese, in street interviews, 
were outraged by the incident, and most vehemently criticized the U.S. 

Fox News quoted one young Chinese man, who was dressed in a Western-style 
business suit, as saying the Chinese government should take a hard-line 
approach against the U.S. 

"We can't not take action. If they want to fight a war, we'll give them a 
war," the man said. 

Yang said the incident and the added strain in U.S.-Sino relations could make 
it more difficult for the Bush administration to decide to sell Taiwan the 
advanced weapons it has asked for, including Aegis-equipped destroyers. 

"Washington may not sell the advanced weaponry Taipei desires in the coming 
arms talks," scheduled for mid-April, "but it may do so next year," Yang 

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