-Caveat Lector-

 Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999
 Subj: "Civil Rights" in Kentucky


                 "Civil Rights" in Kentucky

 Last night, after seeing on the news about Clinton's dog-
 and-pony show in Hazard, Kent. yesterday, I sent an e-mail
 to a friend who lives in Hyden, Kent. (about 20 miles from
 Hazard) jokingly asking if Hyden had been overrun with
 unmarked cars containing men wearing dark sunglasses and
 business suits.

 This morning I got his answer (below) and I was NOT joking.
 I got my friend's permission to distribute his letter on the
 condition that I strip all personal identifications and the
 call letters of the TV and radio stations referred to.

 [My friend is a public employee and he does NOT want to lose
 his job.)

      Marvin Gardner
      Sons of Liberty

 My phone, -------------'s phone, was tapped for the last
 eight days. Don't know about the e-mail.   This morning I
 checked again and the taps were off.  A good friend in the
 security business suggested I place some of his equipment on
 our lines and it has paid off.

 Slick was less than 20 miles away, but I would not walk
 across the street to see him.   The liberal paper says that
 30,000 people came to see him.  I can say for a fact that
 only 4,000 were there.  The crowd looks big because the town
 is so small. Only 5,400 live in Hazard. You could not put
 30,000 people in all of this city.

 Yes, their cars and vans were everywhere, and this was on
 Saturday.  Every downtown business had an agent at the door.
 You were watched every minute and the business owners were
 very mad at these people for driving business away.

 On Monday I am told that if you went into a business you
 were not allowed to leave it.  You had to stay inside, just
 in case you hid a weapon there over the weekend.  Metal
 Detectors were everywhere and have a counter on them.  This
 is how I got the 4,000 person figure.

 There were three to five uniformed police per block, untold
 plain clothes state police and the secret service were
 everywhere.   Helicopters circled the city non stop, one
 mile to five miles from the area he was to be in.  It made a
 great circus.

 The only comments that were allowed on TV were the positive
 ones.  I have a friend that works for W--- TV News in
 Hazard, the edited film of the negative comments was "picked
 up".  W---, a patriot radio station was not allowed to set
 up and record the events of the day.

 Plenty was said about it on the station yesterday, and it
 was broadcast this morning that W--- has got a call from the
 FCC already this morning making an appointment to "review"
 the station license.  I am a big supporter of W--- and will
 help those boys any way I can.  This crap the government has
 spread all over America has come close to home, and it is
 getting deeper all the time.  The stink of this visit will
 not soon go away.


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