-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, Mar. 3, 2001 11:25 a.m. EST
Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton

Former New York City mayor and lifelong Democrat Ed Koch said Saturday
he hopes ex-President Clinton will be prosecuted if investigators turn
up evidence showing he committed crimes in Pardongate.

"How low the mighty have fallen. And he brought it on all on his own,"
Koch told Bloomberg News Radio's Wes Smith.

"What he did with the commutations and the pardons is so shocking. And
if they find a money trail, and it wouldn't shock me if they did, I hope
they can get him criminally."

Mr. Clinton along with his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, are currently the
subjects of a Pardongate criminal probe by U.S. Attorney for New York's
Southern District Mary Jo White.
Koch defended Clinton throughout impeachment and was one of the earliest
advocates of congressional censure as an alternative punishment.

But he has also been among the most critical of the Clintons since the
pardons-for-cash scandal erupted. Two weeks ago the former mayor said
that he hoped investigators would "leave no stone unturned" as they
probe the ex-president's pardon of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich.

The feisty Democrat, who's making a rapid recovery from a recent heart
attack, also had some surprisingly kind words for President George Bush
after his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

"It was a home run; he was magnificent," Koch told Bloomberg News. "And
what was interesting was that the Republicans and Democrats stood and
applauded him. He had an enormous number of applause lines."

While he thinks Reagan and Clinton were better speakers, Koch said,
"There is a genuineness to [Bush] that is very, very affecting in a very
positive way."

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Clinton Scandals
Sen. Hillary Clinton
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