-Caveat Lector-

July 1999

                    Clinton Uses IRS To Punish Critics

                    by Larry Klayman Judicial Watch

                    Imagine you founded an organization
                    dedicated to the preservation of basic
                    principles upon which this country has
                    thrived. Issues like individual freedom,
                    personal responsibility, and ethics in
                    journalism. Not horrible terms, and not
                    even so much because you wanted to
                    antagonize those who didn’t share your
                    view; rather, because you firmly believed
                    in these principles as a means by which an
                    orderly society should function.

                    Imagine then if you lived under a
                    government which didn’t share your
                    principles, and because they didn’t, they
                    decided -- as arbitrarily as you would
                    choose a movie -- that they would send an
                    investigatory body like the IRS into your
                    offices to interrogate you without cause.
                    Try to envision a group of these detached
                    individuals camped in your office, rifling
                    through your personal papers, admitting to
                    you that it was a political inquiry, and then
                    making claims to be compiled into formal
                    charges against you. What you’ve just
                    heard is what the Western Journalism
                    Center went through with its own
                    government -- the Clinton Administration.

                    Perhaps one of the most startling and
                    disturbing accounts of the Nixon
                    Presidency, beyond Water-gate itself, was
                    Nixon, on tape, discussing with chilling
                    detachment, plans to use the IRS to
                    threaten political opponents. In 1974, this
                    was a landmark and most egregious breach
                    of the public trust. Today, despite the
                    Clintons’ systematic testing of Americans’
                    threshold of tolerance, the song does, and
                    must, remain the same.

                    The story of the Western Journalism center
                    started with a simple, if bulky, White
                    House document and ended in a $10
                    million lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch
                    against the IRS for abuse of power. Like
                    any good story, it takes the requisite twists
                    and turns, often leaving the viewer or
                    reader befuddled as to how people placed
                    in a position of trust can bring themselves
                    to act as they do.

                    The Communication Stream of Conspiracy
                    Commerce, a 331-page manifesto and
                    brainchild of Associate White House
                    Counsel Jane Sherburne and the DNC,
                    was circulated to select reporters in a
                    tortured effort to describe how the “right
                    wing” conveyed “fringe” stories into
                    mainstream American media. In essence,
                    this document was an effort to “alert”
                    friendly journalists that such a
                    “conspiracy” was being promulgated by
                    certain groups dissatisfied with the moral
                    lapses of the Clinton White House. In
                    short, it was an enemies list.

                    Joseph Farah, an award-winning journalist
                    and former editor of The Sacramento
                    Union, founded the Western Journalism
                    Center in 1991. A credentialed publisher of
                    numerous periodicals that specialize in
                    investigative reporting, WJC’s efforts have
                    been the focus of articles in The Wall
                    Street Journal, The Washington Post,
                    Investors Business Daily, and dozens of
                    other publications.

                    Armed with its breadth of prior success,
                    WJC began investigating the
                    circumstances surrounding Vince Foster’s
                    death -- circumstances widely reported to
                    be, at minimum, slightly unusual. Taking
                    out ads in The Washington Times, New
                    York Times, Washington Post and Los
                    Angeles Times, WJC raised major
                    questions and inconsistencies about
                    Foster’s death -- echoing the sentiments of
                    journalist Christopher Ruddy, whose
                    services WJC retained in furtherance of
                    their investigation.

                    These ads met with considerable success
                    and attention -- and set off what has
                    inexcusably become old saw to the Clinton
                    Administration -- paranoia followed by
                    brutal, systematic effort to silence its critics
                    through intimidation.

                    In December 1994, Associate White House
                    Counsel Sherburne prepared a
                    memorandum that outlined strategies to
                    use against individuals and organizations
                    perceived to be adversaries of the Clinton
                    Administration. The memo also assigned
                    staff members to carry out these strategies
                    -- and specifically identified the Western
                    Journalism Center for having investigated
                    Foster’s death. WJC was the only news
                    organization targeted for action.
                    In July 1996, after absorbing months of
                    swirling rumors of a pending audit, Joe
                    Farah answered a knock on his door at the
                    Western Journalism Center. Thomas
                    Cedarquist, an IRS official and one of his
                    chief defendants in Judicial Watch’s
                    lawsuit on behalf of WJC, strode in and
                    announced that, having seen the WJC’s
                    work on 60 Minutes, he had arbitrarily
                    decided (as this Administration does) that
                    WJC was a political (not a non-profit)
                    organization. Cedarquist confirmed he and
                    others in Washington were going to
                    challenge WJC’s tax-exempt status and
                    audit their 1995 tax returns.

                    Farah was asked about his affiliation with
                    Christopher Ruddy, a thorn in the side of
                    the administration, and why WJC chose to
                    work with him. Nearly every query posed
                    to Farah was related to a story or
                    developing story concerning the White
                    House -- an IRS search completely devoid
                    of concern for money. Rightfully
                    exasperated, Farah questioned the tactics
                    of the agency and received the following
                    rejoinder from Cedarquist: “Look, this is a
                    political case, and the decision will be
                    made at the national level.”

                    Over the course of the investigation of
                    WJC, nearly 20 conservative organizations
                    -- including the Heritage Foundation, NRA
                    and Citizens Against Government Waste --
                    felt the close, touch of the Clinton audit

                    Even more oddly, the media who knew of
                    the Communication Stream of Conspiracy
                    Commerce never saw any pattern
                    developing that would signify an
                    orchestrated White House effort -- much
                    less actually troubled themselves to report
                    it. Meanwhile, the WJC’s offices were
                    being broken into, with, mysteriously,
                    nothing stolen. Their phone messages were
                    apparently being monitored, and some of
                    these developments happened to coincide
                    with WJC breakthroughs in Clinton

                    The scrutiny of the WJC by the IRS lasted
                    nine months. WJC employees lost their
                    jobs and livelihoods. Finally, in October
                    1996, Farah exposed these corrupt
                    practices in a piece in The Wall Street
                    Journal, and the tide began to turn.

                    Margaret Milner-Richardson, IRS
                    commissioner and close friend of first lady
                    Hillary Rodham Clinton, abruptly
                    resigned. The New York Post attributed her
                    departure to political audits of conservative
                    organizations. Some began to probe these
                    rampant abuses, and the audit of the
                    Western Journalism Center was
                    “concluded” -- a verdict of “no
                    wrongdoing” rendered in May 1997.

                    Under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights enacted
                    by Congress, Farah requested his case file
                    from the IRS so he could review its
                    contents. In keeping with the Clinton
                    Administration standard practice, these
                    rights were trampled in a terse refusal to
                    turn over the documents -- the IRS
                    frivolously citing “government privilege”
                    as a means of keeping Mr. Farah from
                    seeing justification for what had nearly
                    bankrupted his organization.

                    But Farah would not be deterred. On
                    behalf of WJC, Judicial Watch, a public
                    interest watchdog group, filed a $10 million
                    lawsuit against Ms. Richardson, Mr.
                    Cedarquist, numerous unidentified agents
                    involved in this case and the IRS itself. We
                    are determined to ensure that Mr. Farah
                    sees justice in this case, and that every
                    American is free to express his or her First
                    Amendment-protected views without
                    vicious, detached harassment from its own

                    For all the baying we hear from the left of
                    the travesties of Richard Nixon, they and
                    this White House have elevated abuse of
                    power to a new art form that, if unchecked,
                    will perpetuate itself to unfathomable lows
                    in the future. Nixon was an amateur
                    compared with the criminal enterprise that
                    continues to be run out of this White
                    House. By this standard, citizens who
                    elected their government will have no
                    protection from those assigned to protect
                    them. That is the blasphemy we must
                    examine, and do our level best to stop.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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