[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations Predicts End of American Era

2002-11-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Council on Foreign Relations Predicts "End of American Era"

Council Fellow Charles Kupchan Predicts Waning of U.S. Primacy as Europe Rises and America Shuns Role of Global Guardian

New York, November 6, 2002 - At a time when American primacy appears to be stronger than ever, Charles Kupchan argues that the end of Pax Americana is near. What will replace American supremacy, and how American leaders should prepare for this new era, are the central questions of Kupchan's provocative new book, The End of the American Era: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century, published by Alfred A. Knopf...

In a work of remarkable scope, Kupchan, director of Europe Studies and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and professor of international relations at Georgetown, contends that the next challenge to America is fast emerging. It comes not from the Islamic world or an ascendant China, however, but from an integrating Europe, whose economy already rivals America's. As the European Union seeks influence commensurate with its economic status, it will inevitably rise as a counterweight to the United States. America and Europe are parting ways, and the discord will extend well beyond the realm of trade. Decades of strategic partnership are poised to give way to renewed geopolitical competition.

Kupchan argues that the unraveling of American primacy will be expedited by growing opposition at home to the country's burdensome role as global guardian. Although temporarily reawakened by terrorism, America's appetite for international engagement is on the wane; the country's historic aversion toward foreign entanglements is making a comeback. Returning as well is America's fondness for unilateral action, alienating the partners needed to tame an increasingly complex world. The impact of the digital age on U.S. society also promises to have profound effects on American politics and the scope and nature of the country's role in the world.

By deftly mining the lessons of the past to cast light on our future, Kupchan explains how the United States and the world should prepare for the unpredictable and unstable global system that awaits. Timely and compelling, this book will take its place among the most insightful works of geopolitics.

"The End of the American Era is an absorbing and thought-provoking book on what Charles Kupchan considers the central challenges to future U.S. preeminence and global stability."

"Kupchan elegantly explores the benefits and the dangers of U.S. primacy and the system of globalization that has come with it. His call for a rethinking of America's role in the world could not be more timely. And his use of history to puncture the conventional wisdom and warn off complacency about the future could not be more appropriate. This book is well worth reading."

"This original and informative work challenges our current conventional wisdom and offers useful strategic guidance. Agree with it or not, Kupchan will make you think and re-examine your assumptions as you enjoy the clarity of his writing and thought."
--ANTHONY LAKE, National Security Advisor in the first Clinton administration

"Who can now doubt that there is an American empire? But how long can it last? What should be the goals of U.S. power and purpose? In this dazzling work, steeped in history and politics, Charles Kupchan maps out an original and persuasive vision of where America and the world are headed. The time to read this book is now."
--JAMES CHACE, author of Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World

"A bracing challenge to the common view that American supremacy, the spread of democracy, and economic interdependence have put an end to rivalries among the great powers. Kupchan shows that terrorism is not the most important challenge the U.S. faces and that without careful management the decline of U.S. power will lead to a much more dangerous world."
--ROBERT JERVIS, author of Perception and Misperception in International Politics

"An important and provocative reassessment of American power and foreign policy. Charles Kupchan draws on the lessons of the past to present a bold picture of the challenges that lie ahead. This book will make you sit up and think."
--LEE H. HAMILTON, Director, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

"America rules the world, but not for long, Charles Kupchan argues in this compelling analysis, rich in the lessons of history, that will shatter comforting illusions of a perpetual Pax Americana. This book promises to be as controversial as it is insightful."
--RONALD STEEL, author of Walter Lippmann and the American Century

Charles A. Kupchan is a senior fellow and the director of Europe Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, and a 

[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) , The Rulers of the World?

2002-09-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) , The Rulers of the World?

Let’s start with the smoke and mirrors furnished by the CFR in several of their Annual Reports. Then we will provide the other-side-of-the-coin, as observed by quite a number of independent researchers, and writers.

The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states:

"The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.

The Council was founded in 1921 shortly after the end of World War I. Several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private American citizens to become familiar with the increasing international responsibilities, and obligations of the United States. This decision led to the creation of an organization dedicated to the continuous study of US foreign policy for the benefit of both its members, and a wider audience of interested Americans."

Now, the other side of the coin.

The New World Order, by Pat Robertson, Copyright 1991, by Word, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved, page 66-67, states:

"This august body of ‘wise men’ has effectively dominated the making of foreign policy by the United States government since before World War II. The CFR has included virtually every key national security, and foreign policy adviser of this nation for the past seventy years."
Page 96: "In government policy, the most visible expression of the Establishment is the Council on Foreign Relations, and its publication, Foreign Affairs. Out of some twenty-nine hundred members, at least five hundred are very powerful, another five hundred are from centers of influence, and the rest are influential in academia, the media, business, and finance, the military, or government. A few are token conservatives."

Page 97: "According to a man who had been a member for fifteen years, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former judge advocate general of the navy from 1956 to 1960.
‘This purpose of promoting disarmament, and submergence of US sovereignty, and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government is the only objective revealed to about 95 percent of 1,551 members [in 1975]. There are two other ulterior purposes the CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is improbable that they are known to more than 75 members, or that these purposes ever have even been identified in writing.’

The goals of the Establishment are somewhat strange, and we will discuss them in detail. At the central core is a belief in the superiority of their own skill to form a world system in which enlightened monopolistic capitalism can bring all of the diverse currencies, banking systems, credit, manufacturing, and raw materials into one government-supervised whole, policed of course by their own world army." (Could this be the army of the United Nations?)

CFR membership is made up of present, and past Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, Think Tank executives, lobbyist lawyers, NATO, and Pentagon military leaders, wealthy industrialist, media owners, and executives, university presidents, and key professors, select Senators, and Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, and wealthy entrepreneurs.

They hold regular secret meetings including members, and very select guests. Occasionally they will hold a public meeting, and invite the open press (including C-SPAN), in order to give the impression that they are a harmless group engaged only in social activities.

A number of people, when hearing about the CFR ask, "If you say that the CFR is such a secret organization, why is it that we can get a copy of their annual report, which contains a list of their members? Why should I believe you when you say that they are a secret organization?"

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, states that the definition of attribute is "To ascribe by way of cause, inherent quality, interpretation, authorship, or classification..." The literal translation is "You had better not tell the outsiders what we do, or say".
The answer then comes from their own document, the Council on Foreign Relation’s 1992 Annual Report, where they emphatically state, in 20 different places, and in varying terms, that members better not tell:

Page 21: "At all meetings, the Council’s rule of non-attribution applies. This assures participants that they may speak openly without others later attributing their statements to them in public media or forums, or knowingly transmitting them to persons who will."

Page 122: "Like the Council, the Committees encourage candid discourse by holding their meetings on a not-for-attribution basis".

Page 169: Article II of the by-laws states: "It is an express 

[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations Reading Materials

2002-07-07 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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Subject:  Council on Foreign Relations Reading Materials
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The Conflict in Kashmir http://m1e.net/c?2613772-FvIiKb9dvKixo%4038898-3HUUTUIXNHmmE
It is Kashmiris who may decide the future of the entire [Indian] subcontinent,” wrote 
Jonah Blank in Foreign Affairs two years ago. He discussed the various dimensions of 
the conflict
over Kashmir, from the risk of nuclear war to Kashmir’s place in the larger Islamist 
struggle in the
Arab world.
Tap into the best thinking from the past and present – search the Foreign Affairs 
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Re: [CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations Reading Materials

2002-07-07 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Kashmiri's are not Arabs.

on 7/7/02 5:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is Kashmiris who may decide the future of the entire [Indian]
 subcontinent,” wrote anthropologist
 Jonah Blank in Foreign Affairs two years ago. He discussed the various
 dimensions of the conflict
 over Kashmir, from the risk of nuclear war to Kashmir’s place in the larger
 Islamist struggle in the
 Arab world.

It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error.

 Justice Robert H. Jackson

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations

1999-11-03 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject:  Council on Foreign Relations

GroupWatch was compiled by the Interhemispheric Resource Center,
Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196. http://www.irc-online.org/

GroupWatch files are available at http://www.pir.org/gw/

Group: Council on Foreign Relations
File Name: cfr.txt
Last Updated: 9/89

Principals: Officers for the 1987-1988 year were: Peter G. Peterson,
chair; Peter Tarnoff, pres; Warren Christopher, vice chair; John
Temple Swing, exec vice pres; Lewis T. Preston, treas; Alton Frye,
vice pres, Washington; William H. Gleysteen, Jr, vice pres, studies;
John A. Millington, vice pres, planning and development; Margaret
Osmer-McQuade, vice pres, meetings.(1)

Directors for the 1987-1988 year were: Graham T. Allison, Jr.,
Harold Brown, James E. Burke, Richard B. Cheney, Warren Christopher,
Robert F. Erburu, Richard L. Gelb, Alan Greenspan, Karen Elliot
House, Stanley Hoffmann, B.R. Inman, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Juanita
Kreps, Charles M. Mathias, Jr., Donald F. McHenry, Ruben F. Mettler,
Peter G. Peterson, Lewis T. Preston, William D. Rogers, Robert A.
Scalapino, Brent Scowcroft, Stephen Stamas, Peter Tarnoff, Glenn E.
Watts, Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.(1)

Honorary Officers and Directors Emeritii were: Arthur Dean
(deceased), Douglas Dillon, George S. Franklin, Caryl P. Haskins,
Joseph E. Johnson, Grayson Kirk, John J. McCloy, James A. Perkins,
Philip D. Reed, David Rockefeller, Charles M. Spofford, Cyrus R.
Vance.(1) William G. Hyland is the editor of Foreign Affairs.(1)

The CFR numbers among its members many government officials from
past administrations as well as the Bush administration.(1) Its
membership has been noted to include individuals from the corporate
world who hold overlapping corporate directorships, and therefore
wield a wide base of influence in the world of commerce. The
current membership also includes strong representation from the
neoconservative labor community.(1)

Among the CFR members who are government officials or congresspeople
from past and present administrations are: Les Aspin, James E.
Baker, George W. Ball, Zbigniew Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, Frank
C. Carlucci, Hodding Carter III, Jimmy Carter, Richard B. Cheney,
William E. Colby, Sally Shelton-Colby, Christopher J. Dodd,
Lawrence Eagleburger, Thomas Ehrlich, Dante B. Fascell, Thomas S.
Foley, Gerald R. Ford, Alexander M. Haig Jr., Richard Helms, Fred
C. Ikle, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Henry A. Kissinger, Winston Lord,
Edward N. Luttwak, Daniel P. Moynihan, Edmund S. Muskie, Paul H.
Nitze, Claiborne Pell, Richard N. Perle, Richard E. Pipes, Elliot
L. Richardson, John Richardson, Eugene V. Rostow, Brent Scowcroft,
William E. Simon, Russell E. Train, Cyrus R. Vance, Paul A. Volcker,
William Webster, Caspar W. Weinberger, and Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr.(1)

Other notable members include: Anne Armstrong, chair of the board
of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS);
conservative columnist William F. Buckley, Jr.; neoconservative
labor leaders Sol "Chick" Chaikin, Jay Lovestone, Jay Mazur, and
Leo Cherne; San Antonio mayor Henry Cisneros; former CIA deputy
director and current CSIS senior adviser--Ray S. Cline; editor-in-chief
of the Washington Times Arnaud de Borchgrave; exec dir of the
Committee for the Free World Midge Decter; secretary of the AFL-CIO
William C. Doherty, Jr.; former vice pres candidate Geraldine A.
Ferraro; political scientistand former National Security Council
member Samuel P. Huntington; former arms control negotiator Max M.
Kampleman; CSIS dir of African studies Helen Kitchen; and prominent
conservative political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset.(1)

Category: Political

Background: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was established
in 1921. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
with a current membership of 2,450. Membership is by invitation
only through nomination by the membership committee and approval
by the board of directors.(1) The Council takes no institutional
position on foreign policy issues and no one is authorized to speak
on behalf of the Council.(1) The Council has 38 independent branches
around the U.S., and provides the majority of speakers for their

The Council's library is open to "qualified" members of the public;
its quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs is available to the public.(1)

There was a struggle for power in the Council over who was to
succeed David Rockefeller who retired in 1985. It appears that
struggle was between the forces of former Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.(5,6) Peter G.
Peterson who emerged as chairman is a close associate of Henry
Kissinger.(5,6) Peter Tarnoff, the Vance candidate for the chair,
became the Council's president.(6) It was suggested by one Council
source that a Peterson victory could turn the CFR into "a 

[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations and Weapons of War

1999-04-17 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: roundtable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 1:16 PM
Subject: The CFR and Weapons of War

The Council on Foreign Relations and Weapons of War

On Tuesday April 13, 1999 Council on Foreign Relations member President BJ
Clinton announced his intention to nominate Council on Foreign Relations
member Robert J. Einhorn to be Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation at
the Department of State.

If the purpose of an Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation is to
increase weapons proliferation  then Einhorn is a good choice. America's
Council on Foreign Relations, Britain's Royal Institute of International
Affairs, and their branch organizations in other nations including the
Bilderberg Group, have done more to cause the proliferation of weapons of
war then any other organization in history.

Ever hear of the Psychological Strategy Board? I learned of it when
researching Council on Foreign Relations member Henry Kissinger. The
architect of the Psychological Strategy Board was a Council on Foreign
Relations member Gordon Gray.Gray's consultant was Henry Kissinger, paid
political consultant to the Rockefeller family. Gray was heir to the R. J.
Reynolds tobacco fortune, a lawyer, a politician, a veteran of World War
Two, a publishing executive, a broadcasting executive, an advertising
executive, President of the University of North Carolina, and an intimate
part of the intelligence community during the terms of Truman, Eisenhower,
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford.

"Gray board" became a common phrase in Washington. The Psychological
Strategy Board, established by Harry S. Truman on 20 June 1951, was the
first "Gray Board. " Another "Gray Board" was the  Psychological Warfare
Board. Their purpose was to gear psychological dimensions into foreign
policy considerations. The Psychological Strategy and Warfare boards
coordinated carefully planned psycho-political operations to control public
opinion at home and abroad. The aim was to obtain the cooperation of
Congress and the public to achieve Council on Foreign Relations foreign
policy goals. Council on Foreign Relations policy goals were designed to
achieve the largest military industrial complex in history.

Often the foreign policy goals were not in the best interest of the
American people. In 1954, a "Gray Board" recommended nuclear scientist Dr.
J. Robert Oppenheimer be denied reinstatement as a government consultant on
atomic energy. Oppenheimer, the "father of the atom bomb", was an opponent
of the routine operation of nuclear generating plants and dared to point
out that such plants produce a much more deadly pollution than either heat
or air pollution.

The Council on Foreign Relations wanted a world in which "conventional"
technology was nuclear technology. By spreading "peaceful" uses of atomic
energy across the globe, most nations would possess the wherewithal to
manufacture nuclear weapons. Foreign Policy would be framed within a
tension filled environment of Mutually Assured Destruction resulting in a
state of perpetual warfare. Maintaining a state of perpetual warfare would
allow Council on Foreign Relations medicine, munitions, media, energy,
banking and food industries to maximize their profits.

The board held, by a vote of 2 to 1, with Mr. Gray in the majority, that
reinstatement of Oppenheimer's clearance would not be in the interest of
national security. Revoking Oppenheimer's clearance damaged his credibility
as a nuclear expert and effectively robbed Americans of an alternative view
of the dangers of nuclear proliferation and nuclear power. Revoking
Oppenheimer's clearance sent a warning to other anti-nuclear scientists
that the same thing could happen to them. Silencing men like Robert
Oppenheimer gave the Russians time to develop a nuclear capability creating
the tension filled environment the Council on Foreign Relations hoped to

J. Robert Oppenheimer had directed the Institute for Advanced Study for 7
years when the "Gray Board" stripped him of his security clearance. The
"Gray Board" wanted Oppenheimer fired from the Institute. The Institute
trustees and faculty refused to do this. Oppenheimer would continue on as
director for the next 12 years. Oppenheimer was a big drinker. After his
public humiliation the drinking got worse and much of Oppenheimer's time
from then on was spent in an alcoholic daze.

The Institute for Advanced Study is a fish-bowl where virtually all the
great figures of twentieth-century physics and mathematics are housed,
observed, and influenced by Council on Foreign Relations members.The
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton is a small part of a power
structure established between America's Council on Foreign Relations and
Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs.

In 1928 Council on Foreign Relations member Abraham Flexner organized The
Institute for Advanced Study using money put up by 

[CTRL] Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg 1998 Member List

1999-03-31 Thread Don Allen

 -Caveat Lector-

 fwd from misc.activism.militia 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Newsgroups: misc.activism.militia
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Subject: Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg 1998
Member List
Lines: 836
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 99 5:05:02 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:00:24 EDT

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Robert Sterling
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Subj:   Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg 1998
Member List
From: Timothy Aho

FYI - This is the 1998 CFR/TC/B Membership List. All the names are here but
I have not completed the companies/positions of members. Useful for doing quick

Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, US Supreme Court (CFR)
Steven G. Breyer, Assoc. Justice, US Supreme Court (CFR)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court (CFR)
Laurence H. Silberman, US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit (CFR)
Jose Alberto Cabranes, 2nd Federal Circuit, NY (CFR)
William W. Schwarzer, US District Court, CA (CFR)
Dudley Baldwin Bonsai, US District Court, NY (CFR)


Steven Myron Schwebel, Judge Arbitor (CFR)
Richard Clark Allison, Judge Iran-US Claims Tribunal (CFR)
Charles Nelson Brower, Counsel  Advocate (CFR)
John Reese Stevenson, Judge emer., Permanent Court of Arbit. (CFR)


Chester A. Crocker, Chairman (CFR)
Max M. Kampelman, Vice Chairman (CFR)
Richard H. Solomon, President (CFR)
Harriet Hentges, Exec. VP (CFR)
David Little, Senior Scholar, Religion, Ethics  Human Rights (CFR)
W. Scott Thompson, Dir. (CFR)
Christopher Phillips, Dir. (CFR)
Theodore M. Hesburgh, Dir. (CFR)
Seymour Martin Lipset, Dir. (CFR)



James D. Wolfensohn, Chmn. (B)
John M. Page, Jr., Ch. Econ. Mid East, No Africa (B)
Jessica Einhorn, Vice Pres.  Treasurer (CFR/TC)
Robert Strange McNamara, former President (CFR/TC/B)
Raymond Vernon, former visiting prof. (CFR)


Andre W.B. Newburg, General Counsel, Euro. (CFR)


George W. Coombe, former Exec. VP (CFR)
Rudolph A. Peterson, Chmn., Exec. Comm. San Diego (CFR)
Nicholas B. Binkley, Chmn.  CEO, San Diego (CFR)
Melville P. McPherson, Grp. Exec. VP, San Diego (CFR)
Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. (CFR)
Ignacia E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. (CFR)
Walter E. Massey, Dir. (CFR)
Julia Chang Bloch, Grp. Exec. VP San Fransicso (CFR)


John Carter Bacot, Chmn.  CEO (CFR)
Ralph E. Gomory, Dir. (CFR)
Martha T. Muse, Dir. (CFR)


George J. Vojta, Vice Chmn. (CFR)
Jon M. Huntsman, Dir. (CFR)
Vernon E. Jordan, Dir. (CFR/TC/B)


Alexander Tonio Ercklentz, Partner (CFR)
Frnak W. Hoch, Partner (CFR)


Walter Vincent Shipley, Chmn  CEO (CFR/TC)
Thomas G. Labrecque, Pres.  CEO (CFR)
Robert Royal Douglass, former Vice Chmn. (CFR)
David Rockefeller, Chmn. Intl Adv. Comm. (CFR/TC/B)
Marshall N. Carter, Sr., VP, Chase Manhattan Corp. (CFR)
Henry B. Schacht, Dir. (CFR)


Thomas G. Labrecque, Chmn  CEO (CFR/TC)
John Roy Price, Jr., Director, Gov. Affairs (CFR)
Charles W. Duncan, Dir. (CFR)
Helene L. Kaplan, Dir. (CFR)
J. Bruce Llewellyn, Dir. (CFR)
Marina vN. Whitman, Dir. (CFR)


William Reginald Rhodes, Vice Chmn. (CFR)
Rozanne L. Ridgway, Dir. (CFR/TC)
Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. (CFR)


Jack Sheinkman, Chmn. Amalgamated Bank (CFR/B)
Richard L. Carrion, Chmn, CEO, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico  (CFR)
Odeh Felix Aburdene, Mng. Ptr., Capital Trust, Boston (CFR)
Mitchell W. Hedstrom, VP, Citibank, NYC (CFR)
Richard Leslie Huber, Vice Chmn., Continental Bank Corp. (CFR)
Jackson B. Gilbert, 2nd Chmn., Espirito Santo Bank, FL (CFR)
Eli Shapiro, former Chmn., Fed. Home Loan Bank, Boston (CFR)
John Robert Petty, Chmn, Fed. Nat'l Payables (CFR)
Maynard J. Toll, Jr., Managing Dir., First Boston Corp., NYC (CFR)
Richard C. Holbrooke, V. Chmn, CS First Boston (CFR/B)
David C. Mulford, Vice Chmn., CS first Boston, Inc., London (CFR)
John M. Hennessy, Pres.  CEO, CS First Boston (CFR)
Alfred R. Abboud, former Chmn.  CEO, First City Bankcorp Houston (CFR)
Anthony P. Terracciano, Ch., Pr., 1st Fidelity, Bankcorp, NJ  (CFR)
Joseph A. Rice, frmr. Chmn  CEO, Irving Bank Corp. (CFR)
Dennis Weatherstone, Chmn.  CEO J.P. Morgan  Co. (CFR)
Thomas S. Johnson, Chmn. CEO, Greenpoint Fin. Corp (CFR)
Robert G. Wilmers, Pres.  CEO, MFR  Trdrs Trust (CFR)
Henry Furlong Baldwin,