-Caveat Lector-

February 1, 2001

Court Battle for Presidency Rages On in Legal Circles



After the seemingly interminable election battle, most people have gone on
with their lives.
But not in the legal world. Among lawyers, judges, law students and law
professors, it is almost as if the frenzy of rulings and appeals has not ended.
On the Internet, in legal conferences, scholarly journals, trade
newspapers, law school classes and pretty much anywhere lawyers get
together, the election battle is still Topic A.
"There's a beehive of activity in the legal world" related to the election,
said Howard A. Gillman, an associate professor of political science at the
University of Southern California who is writing a book about the election
and its aftermath. "I haven't seen anything quite like it," Mr. Gillman said.
Immediately after the colossal legal fight, lawyers and scholars seemed as
worn out as everyone else. But they are getting a hurricane- force second
wind of second-guessing, re-examinations and attacks.
Liberal and conservative legal experts are beginning a vituperative
exchange of manifestos and articles. Bar associations and law schools are
holding forums to sort through the issues.
In record time, three law professors  from Columbia, Stanford and New York
Universities  produced a textbook on the legal war over the election, "When
Elections Go Bad: The Law of Democracy and the Presidential Election of
2000." It was ready even before President Bush was inaugurated, and its
publisher, Foundation Press, said the book was already in use at law
schools at Harvard, Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Georgetown and other universities.
And for true fans of the 2000 election, lawyers around the country recently
received an offer from a Washington legal printing company to "own a piece
of history!" For $385, they could buy their very own copy ("in an
attractive foil-stamped display case") of the legal briefs in the cases
that decided the election.
At the country's law schools, some professors say, the ferment has the
flavor of the teach-ins of the Vietnam War era, when professors spurred
their students to political action.
More than 660 law professors signed a statement comparing the majority of
the Supreme Court justices to propagandists who suppressed the facts and
acted as "political proponents for candidate Bush, not as judges."
The law professors' statement was published as an advertisement in The New
York Times on Jan. 13. Margaret Jane Radin, a Stanford law professor who
helped organize the group, said the professors hoped to keep reminding the
public of what they saw as flaws in President Bush's path to the White House.
"I know the administration can behave as if it is legitimate," Professor
Radin said, "but that doesn't make it so."
Interviews with conservative law professors showed that such sentiments
were not unanimous.
Charles Fried, a Harvard law professor who was solicitor general in the
Reagan administration, said the law professors' statement was a
"preposterous" declaration by people "in the grip of partisan excitement."
"The only thing that is beyond the pale," Professor Fried said, "is this
kind of ridiculous rhetoric about the court disgracing itself."
Scholarly journals are getting into the fray, too. This spring's issue of
the Supreme Court Review, a journal about the court's rulings, will include
an article that has already been circulated at some law schools by a
conservative federal appeals judge, Richard A. Posner.
His article said the justices in the Supreme
Court minority who dissented from the ruling that led to Mr. Bush's
becoming president were guilty of "what is called fouling one's own nest."
By accusing the majority of undermining confidence in the courts, Judge
Posner wrote, the minority undermined confidence themselves. The dissenting
justices engaged in "self-fulfilling prophecy," he wrote.
Liberal legal scholars are not shy about expressing tart sentiments
either.  This month, The American Prospect is publishing an article by a
liberal Yale law professor, Bruce Ackerman.
Professor Ackerman said the Supreme Court majority "betrayed the nation's
trust," and he argued that the Senate should refuse to approve any Supreme
Court nominees by President Bush even if that meant leaving seats vacant
throughout the Bush presidency.
The Internet has been similarly alive. This week the buzz centered on a
proposal for a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College.
The draft, by Bryan H. Wildenthal, an associate professor at Thomas
Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, and posted in an electronic
discussion group for constitutional law professors, attracted special
attention because it included unusual suggestions, including moving
Election Day to the summer.
"The weather would be better," Professor Wildenthal explained.
One of Mr. Wildenthal's electronic correspondents, Gregory C. Sisk, said
proposals like Mr. Wildenthal's and comments about the election from law
professors around the country were intellectually stimulating to consider.
But Professor Sisk, who teaches constitutional law at Drake University in
Des Moines, said some of the proposals coming out of the discussion may not
be practical.
"The proposal to abolish the Electoral College," he said, "is just a
nonstarter. It has no chance."
For some law students who find themselves in courses that focus on the
election battle, law school has never been so much fun. In more typical
classes they study "a lot of those old cases" that sometimes are not
riveting, said Timothy C. Tozer, a third-year student at Georgetown
University Law Center in Washington.
But, Mr. Tozer said, in Professor Roy A. Schotland's seminar on election
law this semester, the class discussions about Florida have been
entertainingly heated.
Mr. Tozer, a Democrat, said much of the energy in the class came from
Democrats who were "still upset and livid about this case."
"The people who are more openly Republican," Mr. Tozer said, "are quieter."

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