-Caveat Lector-


This is some of the funniest BULL CRAP I've read for days here, and who else
but "Ole love" from Densemark could post this utter mumbo jumbo tripe
peddled by moneygrubbers of the ilk of D'Icke.


"LE: David ... Where do you get most of your information, if you can tell

David: Many people within government and intelligence agencies, and the
military even  .... They are choosing to give it to me. They know that I'll
put it out ..."

THEY sure DO!!!!   BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Just absoltely side-splitting stuff!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Ole Gerstrøm
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 1:27 AM


An Exclusive American Interview With This Controversial Author
...Interviewed By Kenneth and Dee Burke

David Icke was a professional soccer player for Coventry City and later for
Hereford before rheumatoid arthritis forced him to quit at the age of 21. He
turned to journalism and then to television, becoming a sports correspondent
on BBC 2's "Newsnight" and contributing regularly to BBCI's "Grandstand." He
went on to become a national spokesman for Britains's Green Party before a
visit to a medium and healer set him on the journey of discovery which was
to change his life. Having written several books, including The Robot's
Rebellion, Truth Vibrations, and Heal the World David talks about a newer
book, ...and the truth shall set you free..., which reveals the esoteric
background to (what is called) the global conspiracy and offers an inspiring
spiritual solution in which David believes that every man, woman and child
can break free from daily programming and take back their power to decide
their own destiny. David refers to this latter book as, "the most explosive
book of the 20th century."

LE: David, tell us about ...and the truth shall set you free...

David: Yes. It's about 500 pages of documented information which fits
together many things that appear to be independent of each other...and shows
how the same few people actually pull the strings of all of them. And, at
the same time, it looks at the spiritual solutions because the very strong
point that I'm making is that the conspiratorial and the spiritual are not
isolated. They're not independent. They are a reflection of each other. I'm
a great believer in the idea that we create our own reality. I think we put
out a magnetic pulse, a magnetic vibration like a broadcast, which is unique
to us. It reflects exactly our sense of reality and our sense of self. I
feel that this magnetic broadcast then attracts to it other magnetic fields
(people, places, ways of life, experiences) which create, in effect an exact
physical replica of our subconscious mind in front of our eyes. I think that
all the people and experiences, the things we attract into our lives, are
actually reflecting back as part of us.

LE: We believe that also.

David: And, therefore...and it's increasingly probably true...a very few
people control the world....not everything that happens in the world, but
its direction toward more centralization of power and erosion of freedom.
Then, that must be a physical reflection of the collective human
consciousness and its state of being. I feel it works like this: you can't
control 6 billion people with taxes because there are too many people. But,
you can do it by coup d'etat of the mind, which is to persuade and pressure
people through fear to think the way you want them to think, or preferably,
not to think at all. You're like a farmer. You can control a whole vast herd
of sheep because most of the sheep will follow the one in front, and those
stragglers that don't immediately conform get the dose of fear from the
sheep dog. I have actually watched one sheep dog round up a whole herd of
sheep and I thought, "Crickey! This is how the human race is controlled!"

What happens is that, if you look at all dogmas, all cultures, all
societies, they've got what I call a "hassle-free zone." This is that area
within any culture, within each dogma, whether it's a religious dogma or
whatever, wherein you conform to the accepted thought and behavior of that
dogma of that society. You're in the comfort zone (the hassle-free zone). No
one's going to laugh at you or condemn you for being different, for
expressing your uniqueness, because you're locked into the herd mentality,
and you're conforming to what you're told you should be. When you step out
of the herd mentality and you say, "Hey, I'm me! I'm a unique aspect of all
that exists and, therefore, I'm not going to be frightened," then you
immediately face hassle or ridicule or condemnation, or, in my case, all of
them, in England.

LE: Most people are afraid to do this.

David: Yes. The fear of facing condemnation gets people to conform to what
they think is acceptable to others rather than expressing who they really
are. So, what we have in the world, I feel, as a result of this, is vast
numbers of people (the majority, particularly in what we call the West), who
are walking down the street every day and living their lives, not projecting
at the world their really unique selves, but putting on a mask which says,
"This is not really me, but this is what I think is acceptable so I can
continue to live my life free from hassle." Therefore, if we are going to
succumb to this fear of our own uniqueness, whoever (and it's a very few)
can actually set the limits in society of what is acceptable to say, do and
think...can control vast numbers of people.

This is how a few people, in my opinion, control the world. They set the
limits in society's dogmas of what is acceptable to be, think or say. And
because of a fear of being different and facing hassle, most people conform
to it.

I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective
schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought
behavior, but we are also the police force of it. The reason most people
don't express their individuality and actually deny it, is not fear of what
prime ministers think of us or the head of the Federal Reserve. It's what
their families and their friends down at the bar are going to think of them.

LE: That makes a lot of sense.

David: I personally feel that the cause and the means through which a few
people control our world is that we no longer respect our own right to be
unique, and we no longer respect anyone else's right.

LE: Can you mention a few details of the information you share in your
lectures about these things?

David: What I do in my talks is I connect and link the conspiracy idea with
the spiritual. I talk about, first of all, how we're giving our minds away
and the means through which we are conditioned to do that. And I name an
enormous number of names and organizations that are very famous, of people
who are in the controlling hierarchy, including the President of the United
States. I think it is important to do this. As I say in the book, I'm not
doing this out of condemnation, because the people involved, although
they're expressing their own state of being at the time, are also reflecting
back to us the collective human mind itself.

LE: You're not condemning anyone for being part of a conspiracy.

David: Right. I'm not into condemning people. But I am into pointing out
what's going on. One of the things I point out with very much back-up
evidence, is how the same people, on apparently different sides of politics,
are actually connected to the same organizations. These organizations have a
proven agenda of a world government, a world central bank, a world army,
microchip population, and so forth. I show how these apparent opposites in
politics are there to persuade us we have freedom so we don't realize we're
in jail. These persons are not opposites at all but are a part of a
one-party state. The book shows very powerfully the connections between the
last two U.S. Presidents, who were apparently opposites and on different
sides....Bill Clinton and George Bush. They were both involved with the same

LE: Can you speak more about this?

David: The media and politicians have a cozy unwritten agreement that
projects a myth to people, which is that prime ministers, presidents and top
politicians are the top of the pyramid in terms of decision-making in the
world. The president and prime ministers then walk around the world stage
and act as if they are the final arbiters of power, and the media goes along
with this, which means that the echelons ABOVE the Clintons, who actually
pull the strings, never get researched and investigated because they are
invisible to the public. These are the people who decide who becomes
President because they own the money and the media. The average person may
think the President is the most powerful man in the world. No, he's not.
He's only the most famous front-man in the world!

LE: Can you give a specific example of how the media is used to influence
public opinion?

David: I mention in the book a mass mind-controlling technique which is used
all the time, which I call the "problem-reaction-solution." A problem is
covertly created and you (whoever is doing it) make certain that someone is
blamed for the problem. This might be a war. It might be a run on the
currency, or a government collapse. It can be anything. You then use the
media to stimulate public opinion in relation to your created problem, so
that the public cries out: "Something must be done!" At that point, the
public will accept anything....as long as something is done!

LE: Okay. What next?

David: At that point, those who have created the problem got exactly the
public reaction they wanted. They then openly, in the public arena, offer
the solution to the problem that THEY created, and get the solution that
they wanted all along.

LE: Can you give an example of this?

David: Okay. Take the world army scenario, a favorite theme of this group.
The last thing that the "problem-reaction-solution" required in Bosnia
(editor: in 1996) was an effective U.N. peacekeeping operation. If it was
effective it could be effective in Rwanda and Somalia. If it was effective,
there would be no problem to solve. So, as a result of the U.N. peacekeeping
operation NOT working, there continued to be a problem (and I document this
in my book). The U.N. peacekeeping operation WAS DESIGNED not to work! The
more horrific pictures that came out of Bosnia, the louder came the cry,
"Something must be done!" And, this was understandable from the public's
point of view. The solution put forward was, and is, effectively a WORLD
ARMY...a 60,000 man force, the biggest multinational force assembled since
the 2nd World War. I could go on and on, but a common theme among all the
people who have been the major peace negotiators in Bosnia, is membership in
the same organizations that have as an agenda the creation of a world army.

LE: Let's relate the spiritual approach to this type of scenario, if you

David: Well, I always operate on two apparently different levels. One is the
here-and-now, the conspiratorial research level. And the other side, of
course, is the spiritual, which is actually showing that, if you give your
mind away, there are physical consequences. If we take our power back and
start to express our individuality, then the ability of a few to control our
world disappears.

LE: You would think, hypothetically, that some of the people within the
Rockefeller or Rothschild hierarchy might consider how much more money they
might make if people were freely allowed to explore their own talents and
creativity in a relaxed, fun, fulfilled way. These people who own the
world's money might actually make more money if people were happier
expressing their uniqueness and individuality in their lives.

David: From the spiritual perspective that's absolutely correct. But from
the perspective of the Rothschild/Rockefeller mind set, which is at the head
of this hierarchy in general, they don't think that way. While the esoteric
knowledge of consciousness, energy fields and that sort of thing, is often
laughed at and condemned as either mad or off the wall, or dangerous...the
people at the top, who control the world, work with this knowledge and know
this knowledge is true. This knowledge has been passed on across the
generations since the Mystery Schools, through the upper levels of the
initiations in the secret society network. What they wish to do is keep this
knowledge out of the public arena because it can be used against people.

LE: That certainly makes sense.

David: Once people realize they can control their own lives, that their own
power exists within them rather than outside of themselves, then the game is

LE: You mentioned that you have at least some information about how the
Rothschild/Rockefeller people use energy and esoteric knowledge to influence
people. Can you speak about that?

David: I feel there is some kind of consciousness which is working on a
vibration that can lock into people. I find it interesting and I've had some
experience with it...through coincidences leading me into the right place at
the right time, of some of the knowledge of the higher levels of the secret
society network. What I feel happens is quite obvious when you see some of
the things they do. There is an energy field created which allows some kind
of vibrational compatibility between the initiate's consciousness and the
consciousness that can lock into them. I think, in a sense, that it almost
bypasses the person's higher self, in a way, and becomes their guide.

LE: That's an amazing observation.

David: I see this malevolent energy, which I don't see as evil, as possibly
being the shadow side of the collective human mind. The more we fear and the
more we get aggressive and the more we seek to impose and dominate, the more
we are generating the vibration which is adding to the power of that shadow.
On the other side, the more we love, and I have experienced this too, the
more we are balancing out that negative polarity and using the positive
aspects of the negative energy rather than having it dominate us.

LE: In your experience, by loving the negative energy or shadow side, we
help bring it into balance.

David: Yes. I feel the balance between positive and negative, male/female,
and yin/yang, whatever people call it, at that balance point you can find
wisdom and you find you are taking positive aspects from both energies. The
more you get out of balance to either extreme, the more you go into the land
of ignorance because you are denying yourself the knowledge and
understanding that the other polarity (that you are denying) has to offer.
So, if you go to the negative polarity and you are denying and keeping out
positive energy, then we get this malevolence, this wish to dominate, this
conflict-creating fear which feeds itself with more and more negative
energy. If you go so far to the other extreme, of the positive energy, you
get what I call "feet-off-the-ground" kind of energy in which you're in some
kind of spiritual mist.

LE: And you're not seeing reality as it is...

David: You're not bringing your spiritual values and grounding them here on
this Earth plane. The negative polarity, if used as a balance rather than a
dominating thing, will ground that positive energy in this Earth vibration
so that we can express it physically rather than being on some plane that
doesn't actually lock into this physical level. When I meet people who are
investigating the conspiracy but are not into the spiritual, I find people
full of paranoia, full of fear, who are giving this conspiracy and the
people behind it enormous power, and they can't see a solution to it because
they can't see the spiritual solutions. I also find the mind set, which
understands so much about how the conspiracy works and what its goals are,
and they actually want to meet the energy that has caused the conspiracy
with another version of that same negative energy.

LE: Yes. That's easy to see, the way you explain it.

David: So, basically, they're also adding to the very energy that is
creating the mind set that is creating the conspiracy. When I meet so many
people in the New Age area, while I share all the metaphysical ideas as a
basis, I often find people who, so often, think that if you address the
negative, then that's really bad. They feel that you must only address the

LE: We know a lot of people like that.

David: But, if you don't address the negative, either the negative gets more
negative or stays as it is. What you don't do is change it.

LE: You can integrate it.

David: Integrate it, exactly. I feel there is a kind of consciousness that
has now moved beyond the New Age, that has taken the metaphysical basis,
that has left behind the jargon, the irrelevant ceremony...although not all
ceremonies are irrelevant, of course.

LE: You mean, to leave behind the airy-fairy stuff...

David: Yes, the bull, you know. And this consciousness is taking the
spiritual values and the spiritual understanding in the world that we live
in, this dense physical vibration...and changing the nature of the so-called
negative physical world, rather than denying that it exists!

LE: Beautiful!

David: I feel that this consciousness is at the front of the snow plow of
the transformation of our planet, and it's saying, "Yes. There is a
conspiracy going on, and this is its goal and these are its methods. But,
hold on a minute! We've created this!

LE: Exactly. We're a part of it...

David: Yes. We're a part of it. So, let's stop condemning and let's stop
saying, "It's someone else's fault," and say, instead, "If we're giving away
our power and giving away our responsibility...that has allowed the
conspiracy to happen. So, let's take back our power and take back our
responsibility." Then...we remove the means through which the conspiracy
takes place. What my book says is, "Yes. This is happening. But, look, this
is a solution to it, and you don't need a gun. You don't need another
political party. You don't need another smoke-filled room." All you need is
to celebrate your uniqueness, to de-link from the herd mentality, and to
respect everyone else's right to do the same. Suddenly, we've removed the
(energy) vehicle through which a conspiracy can operate, which is our
collective herd mentality!

LE: David, you've certainly shared a lot of food for thought. Where do you
get most of your information, if you can tell us?

David: Many people within government and intelligence agencies, and the
military even, have known what is going on and have not known what to do
with the information. They are choosing to give it to me. They know that
I'll put it out. I keep saying to people that the worst thing that can
happen to me is that my consciousness moves to another time/space reality.
And that's the worst thing!

LE: Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, David.

David: Yes. I feel that America is where it's at in terms of changing
consciousness because of its' effect on the world consciousness as a whole.
If consciousness can be changed in America, then the world, in my opinion,
will follow, no doubt about it!


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