WED SEPT 13, 2000 14:21:29 ET XXXXX



Media outlets in Washington scrambled on Wednesday to match
details of a stalled NEW YORK TIMES report that alleges First
Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign contributors have been
rewarded, in recent weeks, with overnight stays at the White
House and Camp David!

The White House on Wednesday refused to answer specific questions
involving Camp David guests said to be campaign contributors. The
Hillary campaign strongly denied the accusations, with one senior
source suggesting any overnight stays at Camp David and the White
House involved only "friends" of Hillary Clinton.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart blasted the DRUDGE REPORT
during his daily briefing for first revealing the development.


12:16 P.M. EDT 09/13/00

Q There is a report suggesting that Mrs. Clinton had contributors
stay overnight at the White House and at Camp David. Her campaign
is referring all questions about this to the White House. What do
you know about it?

MR. LOCKHART: I don't comment on reports that come from that
source. If you have some independent reporting and questions, go
ahead and ask them. But don't bring that gentleman's reporting
into this room.

Q Can you say that there were no such overnights?

MR. LOCKHART: What? Define the question.

Q Have any contributors to Mrs. Clinton's campaign stayed
overnight at the White House or Camp David?

MR. LOCKHART: Sure. I don't know about Camp David, but the
President and the First Lady, over the last seven and a half
years, have always welcomed their friends and supporters and
political officials from around the country, prominent members of
the arts community to stay at the White House.

Within that group, there certainly have been people who, as their
friends, have supported them financially.

Q So you're saying this is not necessarily a big deal?

MR. LOCKHART: I'm answering your question.

Q Then you're saying it's true?

MR. LOCKHART: Saying what is true?

Q That some contributors may have been wooed into staying

MR. LOCKHART: Repeat the question again? Some of the contributors
may have been what?

Q Stayed overnight.

MR. LOCKHART: If the straightforward question is, have there been
people who have stayed as the guests who have also been friends
and supporters and contributors, sure; but you all knew that.

Q I am saying was it a payoff?


Q Joe, has this been done in other administrations too?

MR. LOCKHART: Yes. Go ask them. friends and supporters and
contributors, sure. But you all knew that. But let me just say
for the record that -- and I'll wait until Bill stops talking so
you can hear this -- that it is truly a sorry day when you all
walk in here and ask me questions based on a rumormonger's
Internet web site.

Q Sometimes he's right.

MR. LOCKHART: Yes, well, you know what? Sometimes is a standard
that you should strive to reach better than sometimes.


White House eyewitnesses were first to raise concerns that major
contributors were once again being given special access and
overnight privileges to the executive mansion.

TIMES reporter John Broder has been working the story for at
least a week, sources revealed to the DRUDGE REPORT, with
publication delayed and delayed and delayed.

"It was set to run on Sunday," says a source familiar with what
is described as an "emotional" internal newsroom debate that has
developed around the story. "[The] accusations are so explosive,
everyone is taking a deep breath."

[A newsroom source strongly denied the report on the first lady
was held back to avoid an appearance of trying to manipulating
tonight’s senate debate between Clinton and Rep. Lazio.]

With the TIMES riding the brakes, other media outlets have moved
in. FOX NEWS, ABC NEWS and others are said to be preparing
reports for Wednesday evening cycles.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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