-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Air Force:

 Dog & Pony Shows Aren’t Just Navy Specialties

Ed.: And you thought you had seen it all…

By a concerned AF NonCom

Excellent article SFTT featured concerning "dog and pony shows".

My last assignment was at the Air Force Fire School at Goodfellow AFB in
Texas. Three - four times a week critical fire training is put on hold so
VIPs can suit up in firefighter gear and waste hundreds of gallons of fuel at
Goodfellows showcase burn pits.

For the gutsy VIPs, there is also ample opportunity to learn the art of
repelling. What a deal!!

Course directors at the schoolhouse are fed up with the shows and have
started tracking man-hours and lost training time for these "pony shows", but
senior leadership could care less with the stats.


 Very Few Really Want The Truth

Ed.: From the perspective of the grunt and in response to my piece on "Dog
and Pony" shows. Having been in the business for over 20 years, I can only
agree with the soldier. One more reason why many decide not to stay in.

By former Specialist Brian P.

With all due respect, as glorious and noble as your idea is, it will never

What politician wants to see real-life soldiers with their camped faces and
dirty uniforms after two weeks in the field?

While I agree with you that these staged meetings are B.S., reality states
that no one wants to witness the real "going-ons."

No one from the O-6 rank up wants to show the public the truth. They simply
want to display the end result. Not a soul cares how many weeks we spend in
the field away from our families training. They are wondrously happy inside
their ignorant shells.

This idea may seem a bit pessimistic, however, it is only the opinion of one
soldier after six years of serving his country.

Please understand, I do not dislike officers; I am simply a realist. After
serving in four duty stations with over 8 platoon leaders, and God-only-knows
how many battalion commanders, I have seen an unfortunate amount of politics
among the upper (from my point of view) echelons.

It was the primary reason I got out.

As moving as my father's stories were of life in the Army "back in the day" ,
they could not keep me in the institution I was raised to adore.


 Gulf War Veterans March in London

Ed.: Maybe we need some marches and commemorations in our country to remind
our politicians that we Gulf Vets are owed some answers. AP report from
02/24/01 that didn’t make the front pages.


LONDON (AP) - Several dozen Gulf War veterans and their families led a solemn
march through London Saturday to commemorate the British troops who died as a
result of the 1991 war - and to call for a government inquiry into
war-related illnesses.

About 80 marchers walked in silence from Westminster Abbey to lay wreaths on
London's war memorial, the Cenotaph, on the 10th anniversary of the beginning
of the ground campaign against Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces.

The march was led by 7-year-old Roxy Meens, whose father Stephen, a Gulf
veteran, died of a heart attack in 1999 at age 38.

The National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association, which organized the
commemoration, said close to 500 British military personnel have died as a
result of the conflict. Forty-nine British soldiers were killed during the
six-week war.

The dead include suicides and victims of so-called Gulf War Syndrome, the
collective name for a wide array of unexplained symptoms including headache,
depression, asthma and chronic fatigue.

According to veterans groups, about 3,000 British Gulf veterans claim to
suffer from the syndrome. Many blame the potent cocktail of vaccines they
were given to ward off potential Iraqi chemical and biological weapons

The Royal British Legion, the country's main veterans' organization, also has
called for an inquiry the illnesses.

``Our ultimate aim is to get proper care for victims of the Gulf War because
if this country wants to send people to fight for them it is their
responsibility to look after them when they return if they get ill,'' said
marcher Shaun Rusling.

About 40,000 British troops served in the campaign to liberate Kuwait
following the invasion by Iraq.


 GI HUMOR – PFC To Be Chairman of JCS

Ed.: If it weren’t a joke, I’d believe it…Forwarded from Aussie friend
Perry. Original author unknown, although I’d like to find out.

Rated NPC – Not Politically Correct

After eighteen months of relentless sexual and morality purges, Secretary of
Defense William Cohen announced that he will recommend Army PFC Ed Andrus to
be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

According to Cohen, "It was a damn tough choice, because every one of the
eight personnel remaining in America's fighting services was extremely well

Cohen went on to praise Andrus's record as a wheeled vehicle mechanic and his
fine performance as Charge of Quarters and Day Room Orderly in the 2nd
Battalion, 21st


"Ed is the best and he will do a great job for our country as we enter the
21st Century," said Cohen.

AP learned that Andrus' closest competitor was U.S. Navy Petty Officer Willie
Huckabee. But when investigators found out that Huckabee had kissed a girl,
who was not his wife, while attending the Lee Harvey Oswald Elementary
School, his name was dropped from the list. In a public statement, Huckabee
said, "I knew I was wrong when I did it, but damn she was pretty. I regret
any embarrassment that I have caused the Navy."

Cohen's previous choice, Marine Staff Sergeant Henley Dood, was found to have
smoked in the Boys' Room while attending junior high school in Mobile,
Alabama. Dood is now serving a life sentence at the United States'
Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

In his first public statement, Chairman-designate Andrus made the following
comments, "You know, growing up all alone in the jungle didn't give me much
of an opportunity to meet women. Heck, I couldn't even speak English until I
was fifteen years old, and even then, those darn priests told me they'd cut
my ___ off if they caught me with a girl. But, I really do believe that I
might like them, if I had the chance." Andrus continued, "The eight of us
that are left are real good folks. Ernie Weed's a Mennonite, and I'm told
that Seaman Godly used to be a nun before she joined up. Don't worry
America... you can count on us!"

Shortly after this interview, Chairman Designate Andrus was observed opening
a door for an elderly lady in a wheel chair. The recipient of this unwanted
male chauvinist attention filed sex, age and disabilities discrimination
charges against Andrus.

And the search goes on.

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